using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace DSDecmp.Formats.Nitro { /// /// Compressor and decompressor for the Huffman format used in many of the games for the /// newer Nintendo consoles and handhelds. /// public class Huffman : NitroCFormat { public enum BlockSize : byte { FOURBIT = 0x24, EIGHTBIT = 0x28 } public Huffman() : base(0) { } public override bool Supports(System.IO.Stream stream, long inLength) { base.magicByte = (byte)BlockSize.FOURBIT; if (base.Supports(stream, inLength)) return true; base.magicByte = (byte)BlockSize.EIGHTBIT; return base.Supports(stream, inLength); } public override void Decompress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream) { #region GBATEK format specification /* Data Header (32bit) Bit0-3 Data size in bit units (normally 4 or 8) Bit4-7 Compressed type (must be 2 for Huffman) Bit8-31 24bit size of decompressed data in bytes Tree Size (8bit) Bit0-7 Size of Tree Table/2-1 (ie. Offset to Compressed Bitstream) Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node) Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are: Bit0-5 Offset to next child node, Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2 Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1 Bit6 Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data) Bit7 Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data) Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node): Bit0-7 Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8) Compressed Bitstream (stored in units of 32bits) Bit0-31 Node Bits (Bit31=First Bit) (0=Node0, 1=Node1) */ #endregion long readBytes = 0; byte type = (byte)instream.ReadByte(); BlockSize blockSize = BlockSize.FOURBIT; if (type != (byte)blockSize) blockSize = BlockSize.EIGHTBIT; if (type != (byte)blockSize) throw new InvalidDataException("The provided stream is not a valid Huffman " + "compressed stream (invalid type 0x" + type.ToString("X") + "); unknown block size."); byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[3]; instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 3); int decompressedSize = base.Bytes2Size(sizeBytes); readBytes += 4; if (decompressedSize == 0) { sizeBytes = new byte[4]; instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 4); decompressedSize = base.Bytes2Size(sizeBytes); readBytes += 4; } #region Read the Huff-tree if (readBytes >= inLength) throw new NotEnoughDataException(0, decompressedSize); int treeSize = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++; if (treeSize < 0) throw new InvalidDataException("The stream is too short to contain a Huffman tree."); treeSize = (treeSize + 1) * 2; if (readBytes + treeSize >= inLength) throw new InvalidDataException("The Huffman tree is too large for the given input stream."); long treeEnd = (instream.Position - 1) + treeSize; // the relative offset may be 4 more (when the initial decompressed size is 0), but // since it's relative that doesn't matter, especially when it only matters if // the given value is odd or even. HuffTreeNode rootNode = new HuffTreeNode(instream, false, 5, treeEnd); readBytes += treeSize; // re-position the stream after the tree (the stream is currently positioned after the root // node, which is located at the start of the tree definition) instream.Position = treeEnd; #endregion // the current u32 we are reading bits from. uint data = 0; // the amount of bits left to read from byte bitsLeft = 0; // a cache used for writing when the block size is four bits int cachedByte = -1; // the current output size int currentSize = 0; HuffTreeNode currentNode = rootNode; byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; while (currentSize < decompressedSize) { #region find the next reference to a data node while (!currentNode.IsData) { // if there are no bits left to read in the data, get a new byte from the input if (bitsLeft == 0) { if (readBytes >= inLength) throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentSize, decompressedSize); int nRead = instream.Read(buffer, 0, 4); if (nRead < 4) throw new StreamTooShortException(); readBytes += nRead; data = IOUtils.ToNDSu32(buffer, 0); bitsLeft = 32; } // get the next bit bitsLeft--; bool nextIsOne = (data & (1 << bitsLeft)) > 0; // go to the next node, the direction of the child depending on the value of the current/next bit currentNode = nextIsOne ? currentNode.Child1 : currentNode.Child0; } #endregion #region write the data in the current node (when possible) switch (blockSize) { case BlockSize.EIGHTBIT: { // just copy the data if the block size is a full byte outstream.WriteByte(currentNode.Data); currentSize++; break; } case BlockSize.FOURBIT: { // cache the first half of the data if the block size is a half byte if (cachedByte < 0) { cachedByte = currentNode.Data << 4; } else { // if we already cached a half-byte, combine the two halves and write the full byte. cachedByte |= currentNode.Data; outstream.WriteByte((byte)cachedByte); currentSize++; // be sure to forget the two written half-bytes cachedByte = -1; } break; } default: throw new Exception("Unknown block size " + blockSize.ToString()); } #endregion // make sure to start over next round currentNode = rootNode; } // the data is 4-byte aligned. Although very unlikely in this case (compressed bit blocks // are always 4 bytes long, and the tree size is generally 4-byte aligned as well), // skip any padding due to alignment. if (readBytes % 4 != 0) readBytes += 4 - (readBytes % 4); if (readBytes < inLength) throw new TooMuchInputException(readBytes, inLength); } public override int Compress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /// /// A single node in a Huffman tree. /// public class HuffTreeNode { /// /// The data contained in this node. May not mean anything when isData == false /// private byte data; /// /// A flag indicating if this node has been filled. /// private bool isFilled; /// /// The data contained in this node. May not mean anything when isData == false. /// Throws a NullReferenceException when this node has not been defined (ie: reference was outside the /// bounds of the tree definition) /// public byte Data { get { if (!this.isFilled) throw new NullReferenceException("Reference to an undefined node in the huffman tree."); return; } } /// /// A flag indicating if this node contains data. If not, this is not a leaf node. /// private bool isData; /// /// Returns true if this node represents data. /// public bool IsData { get { return this.isData; } } /// /// The child of this node at side 0 /// private HuffTreeNode child0; /// /// The child of this node at side 0 /// public HuffTreeNode Child0 { get { return this.child0; } } /// /// The child of this node at side 1 /// private HuffTreeNode child1; /// /// The child of this node at side 1 /// public HuffTreeNode Child1 { get { return this.child1; } } /// /// Creates a new node in the Huffman tree. /// /// The stream to read from. It is assumed that there is (at least) /// one more byte available to read. /// If this node is a data-node. /// The offset of this node in the source data, relative to the start /// of the compressed file. /// The indicated end of the huffman tree. If the stream is past /// this position, the tree is invalid. public HuffTreeNode(Stream stream, bool isData, long relOffset, long maxStreamPos) { /* Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node) Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are: Bit0-5 Offset to next child node, Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2 Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1 Bit6 Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data) Bit7 Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data) Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node): Bit0-7 Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8) */ if (stream.Position >= maxStreamPos) { // this happens when part of the tree is unused. this.isFilled = false; return; } this.isFilled = true; int readData = stream.ReadByte(); if (readData < 0) throw new StreamTooShortException(); = (byte)readData; this.isData = isData; if (!this.isData) { int offset = & 0x3F; bool zeroIsData = ( & 0x80) > 0; bool oneIsData = ( & 0x40) > 0; // off AND NOT 1 == off XOR (off AND 1) long zeroRelOffset = (relOffset ^ (relOffset & 1)) + offset * 2 + 2; long currStreamPos = stream.Position; // position the stream right before the 0-node stream.Position += (zeroRelOffset - relOffset) - 1; // read the 0-node this.child0 = new HuffTreeNode(stream, zeroIsData, zeroRelOffset, maxStreamPos); // the 1-node is directly behind the 0-node this.child1 = new HuffTreeNode(stream, oneIsData, zeroRelOffset + 1, maxStreamPos); // reset the stream position to right behind this node's data stream.Position = currStreamPos; } } public override string ToString() { if (this.isData) { return "<" +"X2") + ">"; } else { return "[" + this.child0.ToString() + "," + this.child1.ToString() + "]"; } } } } }