Crayon2000 67cfaa568d Add OSScreenPutPixelEx function
OSScreenPutPixelEx will draw a pixel of a certain color to the specified coordinates. This just writes the input u32 to the target location in the framebuffer, nothing is done with the data already stored in the framebuffer.
2017-04-30 14:40:53 -04:00

132 lines
7.3 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#include "fs_functions.h"
#include "os_functions.h"
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSInit, void);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSShutdown, void);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSAddClientEx, void *pClient, s32 unk_zero_param, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSDelClient, void *pClient);
EXPORT_DECL(void, FSInitCmdBlock, void *pCmd);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetMountSource, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 type, void *source, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSMount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *source, char *target, u32 bytes, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSUnmount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *target, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetStat, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, FSStat *stats, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetStatAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, void *stats, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRename, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRenameAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRemove, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRemoveAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSFlushQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char* path, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSFlushQuotaAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetFreeSpaceSize, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetFreeSpaceSizeAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, uint64_t *returnedFreeSize, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRollbackQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRollbackQuotaAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSOpenDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 *dh, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSOpenDirAsync, void *pClient, void* pCmd, const char *path, s32 *handle, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSReadDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 dh, FSDirEntry *dir_entry, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSRewindDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 dh, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSCloseDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 dh, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSChangeDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSChangeDirAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSMakeDir, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSMakeDirAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, s32 error, void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSOpenFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, s32 *fd, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSOpenFileAsync, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path, const char *mode, s32 *handle, s32 error, const void *asyncParams);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSReadFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, void *buffer, s32 size, s32 count, s32 fd, s32 flag, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSCloseFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 fd, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSFlushFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 fd, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSTruncateFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 fd, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSGetStatFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 fd, void *buffer, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSSetPosFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, s32 fd, s32 pos, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSWriteFile, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const void *source, s32 block_size, s32 block_count, s32 fd, s32 flag, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSBindMount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *source, char *target, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSBindUnmount, void *pClient, void *pCmd, char *target, s32 error);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSMakeQuota, void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, s32 errHandling);
EXPORT_DECL(s32, FSMakeQuotaAsync ,void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *path,u32 mode, u64 size, s32 errHandling,const void *asyncParams);
void InitFSFunctionPointers(void)
u32 *funcPointer = 0;
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSInit);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSShutdown);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSAddClientEx);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSDelClient);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSInitCmdBlock);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetMountSource);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSUnmount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStat);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStatAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRename);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRenameAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRemove);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRemoveAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushQuotaAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetFreeSpaceSize);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetFreeSpaceSizeAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRollbackQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRollbackQuotaAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSReadDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSRewindDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSCloseDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSChangeDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSChangeDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeDir);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeDirAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSOpenFileAsync);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSReadFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSCloseFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSFlushFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSTruncateFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSGetStatFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSSetPosFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSWriteFile);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSBindMount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSBindUnmount);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeQuota);
OS_FIND_EXPORT(coreinit_handle, FSMakeQuotaAsync);