Jonathan Neuschäfer 775993a09b Move most of OS_FIND_EXPORT{,_EX} into a function
This brought the file size of os_functions.o (compiled at -O2, not stripped)
from 15K to 9.7K. Section sizes changed in the following ways:

        .text  .rela.text  .data  .rodata.str1.4  .syntab  .strtab  .shstrtab
before   5660        2928    276            3111     1264     1255         89
after    2860        2376    276            1175     1296     1294         89

The most obvious win is due to not including two strings per imported function
("OSFoo" and "Function OSFoo is NULL") in the .rodata section anymore, but
outlining the error-handling code also reduced the size of .text significantly.
2017-04-24 05:41:13 +02:00

196 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015
* by Dimok
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
* damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
* purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
* redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
* must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
* this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
* documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
* must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
* distribution.
#ifndef __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#define __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_
#include <gctypes.h>
#include "common/os_defs.h"
#include "os_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BUS_SPEED 248625000
#define SECS_TO_TICKS(sec) (((unsigned long long)(sec)) * (BUS_SPEED/4))
#define MILLISECS_TO_TICKS(msec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(msec) / 1000)
#define MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(usec) / 1000000)
#define usleep(usecs) OSSleepTicks(MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usecs))
#define sleep(secs) OSSleepTicks(SECS_TO_TICKS(secs))
#define FLUSH_DATA_BLOCK(addr) asm volatile("dcbf 0, %0; sync" : : "r"(((addr) & ~31)))
#define INVAL_DATA_BLOCK(addr) asm volatile("dcbi 0, %0; sync" : : "r"(((addr) & ~31)))
#define EXPORT_DECL(res, func, ...) res (* func)(__VA_ARGS__) __attribute__((section(".data"))) = 0;
#define EXPORT_VAR(type, var) type var __attribute__((section(".data")));
#define EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func, val) *(u32*)(((u32)&func) + 0) = (u32)val
#define OS_FIND_EXPORT(handle, func) _os_find_export(handle, # func, &funcPointer); \
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func, funcPointer);
#define OS_FIND_EXPORT_EX(handle, func, func_p) \
_os_find_export(handle, # func, &funcPointer); \
EXPORT_FUNC_WRITE(func_p, funcPointer);
#define OS_MUTEX_SIZE 44
/* Handle for coreinit */
extern u32 coreinit_handle;
extern void _os_find_export(u32 handle, const char *funcName, void *funcPointer);
extern void InitAcquireOS(void);
extern void InitOSFunctionPointers(void);
//! Lib handle functions
extern s32 (* OSDynLoad_Acquire)(const char* rpl, u32 *handle);
extern s32 (* OSDynLoad_FindExport)(u32 handle, s32 isdata, const char *symbol, void *address);
//! Security functions
extern s32 (* OSGetSecurityLevel)(void);
//! Thread functions
extern s32 (* OSCreateThread)(void *thread, s32 (*callback)(s32, void*), s32 argc, void *args, u32 stack, u32 stack_size, s32 priority, u32 attr);
extern s32 (* OSResumeThread)(void *thread);
extern s32 (* OSSuspendThread)(void *thread);
extern s32 (* OSIsThreadTerminated)(void *thread);
extern s32 (* OSIsThreadSuspended)(void *thread);
extern s32 (* OSJoinThread)(void * thread, s32 * ret_val);
extern s32 (* OSSetThreadPriority)(void * thread, s32 priority);
extern void (* OSDetachThread)(void * thread);
extern void (* OSSleepTicks)(u64 ticks);
extern u64 (* OSGetTick)(void);
extern u64 (* OSGetTime)(void);
extern void (*OSTicksToCalendarTime)(u64 time, OSCalendarTime *calendarTime);
//! Mutex functions
extern void (* OSInitMutex)(void* mutex);
extern void (* OSLockMutex)(void* mutex);
extern void (* OSUnlockMutex)(void* mutex);
extern s32 (* OSTryLockMutex)(void* mutex);
//! System functions
extern u64 (* OSGetTitleID)(void);
extern void (* OSGetArgcArgv)(s32* argc, char*** argv);
extern void (* __Exit)(void);
extern void (* OSFatal)(const char* msg);
extern void (* DCFlushRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void (* ICInvalidateRange)(const void *addr, u32 length);
extern void* (* OSEffectiveToPhysical)(const void*);
extern s32 (* __os_snprintf)(char* s, s32 n, const char * format, ...);
extern s32 * (* __gh_errno_ptr)(void);
extern void (*OSScreenInit)(void);
extern u32 (*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(u32 bufferNum);
extern s32 (*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(u32 bufferNum, void * addr);
extern s32 (*OSScreenClearBufferEx)(u32 bufferNum, u32 temp);
extern s32 (*OSScreenFlipBuffersEx)(u32 bufferNum);
extern s32 (*OSScreenPutFontEx)(u32 bufferNum, u32 posX, u32 posY, const char * buffer);
extern s32 (*OSScreenEnableEx)(u32 bufferNum, s32 enable);
typedef unsigned char (*exception_callback)(void * interruptedContext);
extern void (* OSSetExceptionCallback)(u8 exceptionType, exception_callback newCallback);
//! Memory functions
extern u32 *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx;
extern u32 *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeap;
extern u32 *pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap;
extern s32 (* MEMGetBaseHeapHandle)(s32 mem_arena);
extern u32 (* MEMGetAllocatableSizeForFrmHeapEx)(s32 heap, s32 align);
extern void* (* MEMAllocFromFrmHeapEx)(s32 heap, u32 size, s32 align);
extern void (* MEMFreeToFrmHeap)(s32 heap, s32 mode);
extern void *(* MEMAllocFromExpHeapEx)(s32 heap, u32 size, s32 align);
extern s32 (* MEMCreateExpHeapEx)(void* address, u32 size, unsigned short flags);
extern void *(* MEMDestroyExpHeap)(s32 heap);
extern void (* MEMFreeToExpHeap)(s32 heap, void* ptr);
//! MCP functions
extern s32 (* MCP_Open)(void);
extern s32 (* MCP_Close)(s32 handle);
extern s32 (* MCP_GetOwnTitleInfo)(s32 handle, void * data);
//! LOADER functions
extern s32 (* LiWaitIopComplete)(s32 unknown_syscall_arg_r3, s32 * remaining_bytes);
extern s32 (* LiWaitIopCompleteWithInterrupts)(s32 unknown_syscall_arg_r3, s32 * remaining_bytes);
extern void (* addr_LiWaitOneChunk)(void);
extern void (* addr_sgIsLoadingBuffer)(void);
extern void (* addr_gDynloadInitialized)(void);
//! Kernel function addresses
extern void (* addr_PrepareTitle_hook)(void);
//! Other function addresses
extern void (*DCInvalidateRange)(void *buffer, uint32_t length);
//! Energy Saver functions
////Burn-in Reduction
extern s32 (*IMEnableDim)(void);
extern s32 (*IMDisableDim)(void);
extern s32 (*IMIsDimEnabled)(s32 * result);
//Auto power down
extern s32 (*IMEnableAPD)(void);
extern s32 (*IMDisableAPD)(void);
extern s32 (*IMIsAPDEnabled)(s32 * result);
extern s32 (*IMIsAPDEnabledBySysSettings)(s32 * result);
extern s32 (*OSSendAppSwitchRequest)(s32 param,void* unknown1,void* unknown2);
//! IOS functions
extern s32 (*IOS_Ioctl)(s32 fd, u32 request, void *input_buffer,u32 input_buffer_len, void *output_buffer, u32 output_buffer_len);
extern s32 (*IOS_Open)(char *path, u32 mode);
extern s32 (*IOS_Close)(s32 fd);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __OS_FUNCTIONS_H_