
325 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2012 Fabio Olimpieri
* Copyright 2003-2009 (C) Raster Software Vigo (Sergio Costas)
* This file is part of FBZX Wii
* FBZX Wii is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* FBZX Wii is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef computer_h
#define computer_h
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_thread.h>
// #define MUT
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 256
#define N_SAMPLES 8
extern char salir;
2013-05-03 20:24:52 +00:00
enum taptypes {TAP_TAP, TAP_TZX};
enum block_type {NOBLOCK, PROG, VAR, DATA};
2013-03-16 07:58:25 +00:00
extern int countdown_buffer;
2017-04-30 23:10:59 +02:00
extern unsigned char joybutton_matrix[6][322];
struct computer {
unsigned char precision; //If set 1 emulate with more precision
unsigned char precision_old;
unsigned char npixels; //1, 2 or 4 depending on dblscan and zaurus_mini
2012-08-12 15:28:08 +00:00
unsigned char progressive; //interlace or progressive 576
unsigned int temporal_io;
// screen private global variables
SDL_Surface *screen;
unsigned char *screenbuffer;
unsigned int screen_width;
unsigned int translate[6144],translate2[6144];
unsigned char zaurus_mini;
unsigned char text_mini;
unsigned char dblscan;
unsigned char bw;
int contador_flash;
unsigned int *p_translt,*p_translt2;
unsigned char *pixel; // current address
char border,flash, border_sampled;
int currline,currpix;
int tstados_counter; // counts tstates leaved to the next call
int resx,resy,bpp; // screen resolutions
int init_line; // cuantity to add to the base address to start to paint
int next_line; // cuantity to add when we reach the end of line to go to next line
int next_scanline; // cuantity to add to pass to the next scanline
int first_line; // first line to start to paint
int last_line; // last line to paint
int first_line_kb; // first line to start to paint the keyboard
int last_line_kb; // last line to paint the keyboard
int first_pixel; // first pixel of a line to paint
int last_pixel; // last pixel of a line to paint
int next_pixel; // next pixel
int pixancho,pixalto; // maximum pixel value for width and height
int jump_pixel;
int upper_border_line; //63 or 62 for 48k or 128k
int lower_border_line; //upper_border_line + 192
int start_screen; //Pixel at which the interrupt is generated
int cpufreq; //frequency CPU
int tstatodos_frame; //number of tstados per frame
int pixels_octect; //2 bits in the octect
int pixels_word; //2 bits in the word
int start_contention; //start tstados for contention
//int end_contention; //end tstados for contention
//unsigned char screen_snow; // 0-> no emulate snow; 1-> emulate snow
unsigned char fetch_state;
unsigned char contended_zone; // 0-> no contention; 1-> contention possible
int cicles_counter; // counts how many pixel clock cicles passed since las interrupt
char ulaplus; // 0 = inactive; 1 = active
unsigned char ulaplus_reg; // contains the last selected register in the ULAPlus
unsigned char ulaplus_palete[64]; // contains the current palete
// keyboard private global variables
unsigned char s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15;
unsigned char k8,k9,k10,k11,k12,k13,k14,k15;
unsigned char readed;
//unsigned char tab_extended;
unsigned char esc_again;
// kempston joystick private global variables
unsigned char js,jk;
// Linux joystick private global variables
2013-01-05 06:43:46 +00:00
//unsigned char use_js;
//unsigned char updown,leftright;
// sound global variables
int tst_sample; // number of tstates per sample
int freq; // frequency for reproduction
int format; // 0: 8 bits, 1: 16 bits LSB, 2: 16 bits MSB
signed char sign; // 0: unsigned; -128: signed
int channels; // number of channels
int buffer_len; // sound buffer length (in samples)
int increment; // quantity to add to jump to the next sample
unsigned char volume; // volume
unsigned char sample1[4]; // buffer with precalculated sample 1 (for buzzer) -currently not used
unsigned char sample1b[4]; // buffer with prec. sample 1 (for AY-3-8912) -currently not used
//unsigned char sample0[4]; // buffer with precalculated sample 0
unsigned char sound_bit;
unsigned char sound_bit_mic;
unsigned int tstados_counter_sound;
unsigned int *current_buffer;
//unsigned char num_buff;
unsigned int sound_cuantity; // counter for the buffer
unsigned char ay_registers[16]; // registers for the AY emulation
unsigned int aych_a,aych_b,aych_c,aych_n,aych_envel; // counters for AY emulation
unsigned char ayval_a,ayval_b,ayval_c,ayval_n;
unsigned char ay_emul; // 0: no AY emulation; 1: AY emulation
2014-05-02 10:38:17 +00:00
unsigned char fuller_box_sound; // 0: no AY emulation; 1: AY emulation
unsigned char audio_mode; //mono, ABC, ACB, BAC
2014-12-25 10:14:47 +00:00
unsigned int gui_volume;
unsigned int currah_volume; // microspeech volume
unsigned int vol_a,vol_b,vol_c;
unsigned int tst_ay;
unsigned int ay_latch;
signed char ay_envel_value;
unsigned char ay_envel_way;
//unsigned char sound_current_value;
//Z80 instruction variables
unsigned int wr;
unsigned int r_fetch;
unsigned int io;
unsigned int contention;
// bus global variables
unsigned char bus_counter;
unsigned char bus_value;
unsigned char issue; // 2= 48K issue 2, 3= 48K issue 3
unsigned char mode128k; // 0=48K, 1=128K, 2=+2, 3=+3 4=sp
unsigned char videosystem; //0=PAL, 1=NTSC
unsigned char se_basic; //0=0ff; 1=0n
2017-04-30 23:10:59 +02:00
unsigned char joystick[6]; // 0=cursor, 1=kempston, 2=sinclair1, 3=sinclair2, 4=Fuller, 5=QAOP
unsigned char port254;
// tape global variables
enum tapmodes tape_current_mode;
enum block_type next_block;
2013-03-06 22:37:42 +00:00
unsigned char tape_stop; // 1=tape stop
2013-03-09 10:00:42 +00:00
unsigned char tape_stop_fast; // 1=tape stop
unsigned char stop_tape_start_countdown; // 1=tape stop start countdown
enum taptypes tape_file_type;
unsigned int tape_counter0;
unsigned int tape_counter1;
unsigned int tape_counter_rep;
unsigned char tape_byte;
unsigned char tape_bit;
unsigned char tape_readed;
unsigned int tape_byte_counter;
unsigned int tape_pause_at_end;
2013-03-16 07:58:25 +00:00
unsigned int tape_position;
FILE *tap_file;
unsigned char tape_fast_load; // 0 normal load; 1 fast load
unsigned char rewind_on_reset;
unsigned char pause_instant_load;
unsigned char current_tap[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
unsigned char last_selected_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
unsigned char last_selected_poke_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
unsigned char tape_current_bit;
unsigned int tape_block_level;
unsigned int tape_sync_level0;
unsigned int tape_sync_level1;
unsigned int tape_bit0_level;
unsigned int tape_bit1_level;
unsigned char tape_bits_at_end;
unsigned int tape_loop_counter;
unsigned int tape_start_countdwn;
unsigned int pause_fastload_countdwn;
long tape_loop_pos;
unsigned char tape_write; // 0 can't write; 1 can write
2015-02-25 09:46:20 +00:00
2015-03-28 07:49:44 +00:00
//RZX variables
2015-02-25 09:46:20 +00:00
unsigned char recording_rzx;
unsigned char playing_rzx;
unsigned short int maxicount;
unsigned short int icount;
unsigned int total_frames_rzx;
unsigned int frames_count_rzx;
2015-03-17 14:52:53 +00:00
unsigned char extract_screen_rzx;
// Microdrive global variables
FILE *mdr_file; // Current microdrive file
unsigned char mdr_current_mdr[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // current path and name for microdrive file
unsigned char mdr_active; // 0: not installed; 1: installed
unsigned char mdr_paged; // 0: not pagined; 1: pagined
unsigned int mdr_tapehead; // current position in the tape
unsigned int mdr_bytes; // number of bytes read or written in this transfer
unsigned int mdr_maxbytes; // maximum number of bytes to read or write in this transfer
unsigned int mdr_gap; // TSTATEs remaining for GAP end
unsigned int mdr_nogap; // TSTATEs remaining for next GAP
unsigned char mdr_cartridge[137923]; // current cartridge
unsigned char mdr_drive; // current drive
byte mdr_old_STATUS; // to detect an edge in COM CLK
unsigned char mdr_modified; // if a sector is stored, this change to know that it must be stored in the file
// Currah microspeech variables
unsigned char currah_rom_unavailable;
unsigned char currah_active; // 0: not installed; 1: installed
unsigned char currah_paged; // 0: not pagined; 1: pagined
unsigned char currah_status; // 0: free; 1: busy
unsigned char current_allophone; // allophone to be played
unsigned char intonation_allophone;
int allophone_sound_cuantity; //pointer to allophone sample to be played
// OSD global variables
unsigned char osd_text[200];
unsigned int osd_time;
// pagination global variables
unsigned char mport1,mport2; // ports for memory management (128K and +3)
unsigned int video_offset; // 0 for page 5, and 32768 for page 7
unsigned char *block0,*block1,*block2,*block3; // pointers for memory access (one for each 16K block).
// public
unsigned char memoria[196608]; // memory (12 pages of 16K each one). 4 for ROM, and 8 for RAM
unsigned char shadowrom[8192]; // space for Interface I's ROMs
unsigned char currahrom[2048]; // space for Currah microspeech's ROMs
unsigned char interr;
unsigned char readkeyboard;
unsigned char mustlock;
//unsigned char other_ret; // 0=no change; 1=memory returns RET (201)
unsigned char turbo;
unsigned char turbo_state;
unsigned int keyboard_buffer[2][KB_BUFFER_LENGHT];
unsigned int kbd_buffer_pointer;
unsigned char *key;
unsigned char joystick_number;
2017-04-30 23:10:59 +02:00
SDL_Joystick *joystick_sdl[6];
unsigned char joy_axis_x_state[6];
unsigned char joy_axis_y_state[6];
unsigned int joybuttonkey[6][23];
unsigned char joypad_as_joystick[6];
unsigned char rumble[6];
2013-01-05 06:43:46 +00:00
unsigned char vk_auto;
unsigned char vk_rumble;
unsigned char vk_is_active;
unsigned char autoconf;
unsigned char ignore_z80_joy_conf;
2015-02-08 13:42:52 +00:00
unsigned char show_preview;
//Port variables
2012-08-27 09:49:49 +00:00
unsigned char port; //SD, USB, SMB or FTP
unsigned char smb_enable;
unsigned char SmbUser[32];
unsigned char SmbPwd[32];
unsigned char SmbShare[32];
unsigned char SmbIp[32];
2012-08-27 09:49:49 +00:00
unsigned char ftp_enable;
unsigned char FTPUser[32];
unsigned char FTPPwd[32];
unsigned char FTPPath[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
unsigned char FTPIp[64];
2012-08-27 09:49:49 +00:00
unsigned char FTPPassive;
unsigned short FTPPort;
void computer_init();
void register_screen(SDL_Surface *);
2017-01-07 10:57:20 +01:00
void show_screen(int);
void show_screen_precision(int);
void paint_pixels(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char draw);
void paint_pixels_precision(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char,unsigned char draw);
void read_keyboard();
void fill_audio(void *udata,Uint8 *,int);
void set_volume(unsigned char);
2017-01-07 10:57:20 +01:00
void play_sound(unsigned int);
void emulate_screen(int);
void emulate(int);
void ResetComputer();
2017-01-07 10:57:20 +01:00
byte bus_empty();
void set_memory_pointers();
2017-01-07 10:57:20 +01:00
void play_ay();
void paint_one_pixel(unsigned char *colour,unsigned char *address);
void computer_set_palete();
void set_palete_entry(unsigned char entry, byte Value);
void restart_video();
void update_npixels();
2015-02-25 21:02:32 +00:00
void end_of_frame();