/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Fabio Olimpieri * Copyright 2003-2009 (C) Raster Software Vigo (Sergio Costas) * This file is part of FBZX Wii * * FBZX Wii is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FBZX Wii is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "z80free/Z80free.h" #include "computer.h" #include "emulator.h" #include "cargador.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "characters.h" #include "menus.h" #include "tape.h" #include // shows the settings menu void print_copy(unsigned char *fbuffer,int ancho) { print_string(fbuffer,"(C) 2003-2011 Raster Software Vigo",-1,455,13,0,ancho); } int launch_menu(unsigned int key_pressed) { int retval=0; switch(key_pressed) { case SDLK_F2: snapshots_menu (); // manage snapshot files retval=1; break; case SDLK_F3: taps_menu (); // manage TAP files retval=1; break; case SDLK_F4: // settings settings_menu (); retval=1; break; case SDLK_F7: microdrive_menu (); // shows the microdrive menu retval=1; break; case SDLK_F8: tools_menu(); retval=1; break; } return (retval); } void settings_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; unsigned char texto[41]; int ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; fin=1; texto[0]=0; do { clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"Current settings",-1,20,15,0,ancho); switch(ordenador.mode128k) { case 0: if(ordenador.issue==2) sprintf(texto,"Mode: 48K issue2"); else sprintf(texto,"Mode: 48K issue3"); break; case 1: sprintf(texto,"Mode: Sinclair 128K"); break; case 2: sprintf(texto,"Mode: Amstrad +2"); break; case 3: sprintf(texto,"Mode: Amstrad +2A/+3"); break; case 4: sprintf(texto,"Mode: Spanish 128K"); break; } print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,45,14,0,ancho); switch(ordenador.joystick[0]) { case 0: sprintf(texto,"Joystick emulation: Cursor"); break; case 1: sprintf(texto,"Joystick emulation: Kempston"); break; case 2: sprintf(texto,"Joystick emulation: Sinclair (1)"); break; case 3: sprintf(texto,"Joystick emulation: Sinclair (2)"); break; } print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,65,13,0,ancho); if(ordenador.ay_emul) sprintf(texto,"AY-3-8912 Emulation: enabled"); else sprintf(texto,"AY-3-8912 Emulation: disabled"); print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,85,11,0,ancho); if(ordenador.mdr_active) sprintf(texto,"Interface I Emulation: enabled"); else sprintf(texto,"Interface I Emulation: disabled"); print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,105,15,0,ancho); if(ordenador.dblscan) sprintf(texto,"Double scan: enabled"); else sprintf(texto,"Double scan: disabled"); print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,125,12,0,ancho); if(ordenador.turbo) sprintf(texto,"TURBO auto mode: enabled"); else sprintf(texto,"TURBO auto mode: disabled"); print_string(fbuffer,texto,-1,145,14,0,ancho); if (ordenador.bw) { print_string(fbuffer,"TV Set: \001\011B\001\012&\001\014W",-1,165,15,0,ancho); } else { print_string(fbuffer,"TV Set: \001\012C\001\014o\001\015l\001\016o\001\013r",-1,165,15,0,ancho); } print_string(fbuffer,"1:",30,190,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"48K issue2",78,190,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"2:",350,190,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"48K issue3",398,190,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"3:",30,220,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Sinclair 128K",78,220,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"4:",350,220,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Amstrad +2",398,220,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"5:",30,250,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Amstrad +2A/+3",78,250,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"6:",350,250,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Spanish 128K",398,250,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"7:",30,280,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Cursor",78,280,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"8:",350,280,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Kempston",398,280,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"9:",30,310,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Sinclair (1)",78,310,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"0:",350,310,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Sinclair (2)",398,310,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"I:",30,340,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Interface I",78,340,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"D:",350,340,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Double Scan",398,340,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"A:",350,370,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"AY emulation",398,370,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"T:",30,370,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"TURBO mode",78,370,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"V:",30,400,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"TV Set mode",78,400,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC:",168,450,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"return emulator",232,450,15,0,ancho); switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: case SDLK_RETURN: fin=0; break; case SDLK_1: ordenador.issue=2; ordenador.mode128k=0; ordenador.ay_emul=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_2: ordenador.issue=3; ordenador.mode128k=0; ordenador.ay_emul=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_3: ordenador.issue=3; ordenador.mode128k=1; ordenador.ay_emul=1; ordenador.videosystem=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_4: ordenador.issue=3; ordenador.mode128k=2; ordenador.ay_emul=1; ordenador.videosystem=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_5: ordenador.issue=3; ordenador.mode128k=3; ordenador.ay_emul=1; ordenador.videosystem=0; ordenador.mdr_active=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_6: ordenador.issue=3; ordenador.mode128k=4; ordenador.ay_emul=1; ordenador.videosystem=0; ResetComputer(); break; case SDLK_7: ordenador.joystick[0]=0; break; case SDLK_8: ordenador.joystick[0]=1; break; case SDLK_9: ordenador.joystick[0]=2; break; case SDLK_0: ordenador.joystick[0]=3; break; case SDLK_i: if(ordenador.mode128k!=3) { ordenador.mdr_active=1-ordenador.mdr_active; ResetComputer(); } break; case SDLK_d: ordenador.dblscan=1-ordenador.dblscan; update_npixels(); break; case SDLK_a: ordenador.ay_emul=1-ordenador.ay_emul; break; case SDLK_v: ordenador.bw=1-ordenador.bw; computer_set_palete(); break; case SDLK_t: curr_frames=0; update_frequency(0); //set deafult machine frequency jump_frames=0; ordenador.turbo_state = 0; if(ordenador.turbo){ ordenador.turbo = 0; } else { ordenador.turbo = 1; //Auto mode } break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows the help menu void help_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; int ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"FBZX Wii (1.0)",-1,20,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Available keys",-1,50,14,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Shift:Caps Shift Ctrl:Symbol Shift",-1,95,11,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F1:",14,160,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"this help",62,160,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F2:",336,160,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"manage snapshots",382,160,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F3:",14,200,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"manage TAP/TZX",62,200,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F4:",336,200,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"change settings",382,200,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F5:",14,240,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"stop TAPE",62,240,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F6:",336,240,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"play TAPE",382,240,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F7:",14,280,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"manage MICRODRIVE",62,280,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F8:",336,280,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"tools",382,280,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F9:",14,320,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"load",62,320,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F10:",336,320,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"reset spectrum",398,320,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F11/O:",14,360,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"volume low",110,360,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"F12/P:",336,360,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"volume up",430,360,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC:",184,400,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"exit emulator",248,400,15,0,ancho); //print_copy(fbuffer,ancho); fin=1; do { unsigned int key = wait_key(); switch(key) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; default: if (launch_menu(key)) { fin=0; } break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows the POKE menu void do_poke() { unsigned char *videomem,string[80]; int ancho,retorno,address,old_value,new_value; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); while(1) { print_string(videomem,"Type address to POKE",-1,32,15,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(ESC to exit)",-1,52,12,0,ancho); retorno=ask_value(&address,84,65535); clean_screen(); if (retorno==2) { return; } if ((address<16384) && ((ordenador.mode128k != 3) || (1 != (ordenador.mport2 & 0x01)))) { print_string(videomem,"That address is ROM memory.",-1,13,15,0,ancho); continue; } switch (address & 0x0C000) { case 0x0000: old_value= (*(ordenador.block0 + address)); break; case 0x4000: old_value= (*(ordenador.block1 + address)); break; case 0x8000: old_value= (*(ordenador.block2 + address)); break; case 0xC000: old_value= (*(ordenador.block3 + address)); break; default: old_value=0; break; } print_string(videomem,"Type new value to POKE",-1,32,15,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(ESC to cancel)",-1,52,12,0,ancho); sprintf(string,"Address: %d; old value: %d\n",address,old_value); print_string(videomem,string,-1,130,14,0,ancho); retorno=ask_value(&new_value,84,255); clean_screen(); if (retorno==2) { continue; } switch (address & 0x0C000) { case 0x0000: (*(ordenador.block0 + address))=new_value; break; case 0x4000: (*(ordenador.block1 + address))=new_value; break; case 0x8000: (*(ordenador.block2 + address))=new_value; break; case 0xC000: (*(ordenador.block3 + address))=new_value; break; default: break; } sprintf(string,"Set address %d from %d to %d\n",address,old_value,new_value); print_string(videomem,string,-1,130,14,0,ancho); } } // shows the tools menu void tools_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; int ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; fin=1; do { clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"Tools",-1,20,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"1:",14,60,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"show keyboard template",62,60,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"2:",14,100,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"insert POKEs",62,100,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC:",14,250,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"return emulator",78,250,15,0,ancho); //print_copy(fbuffer,ancho); switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; case SDLK_1: fin=0; keyboard_menu(); break; case SDLK_2: fin=0; do_poke(); break; default: break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows the SNAPSHOTS menu void snapshots_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; int ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"SNAPSHOTS",-1,30,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"1:",14,100,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"load a Z80/SNA snapshot",62,100,15,0,ancho); if(ordenador.mode128k!=3) { // not in +3 mode print_string(fbuffer,"2:",14,160,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"make a Z80 snapshot",62,160,15,0,ancho); } else { print_string(fbuffer,"Can't make snapshots in +3 mode",14,160,15,0,ancho); } print_string(fbuffer,"3: \001\017load a SCR snapshot",14,220,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"4: \001\017save a SCR snapshot",14,280,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC: \001\017return to emulator",-1,400,12,0,ancho); //print_copy(fbuffer,ancho); fin=1; do { switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; case SDLK_1: fin=0; load_z80file(); break; case SDLK_2: fin=0; if(ordenador.mode128k!=3) // not in +3 mode save_z80file(); break; case SDLK_3: fin=0; load_scrfile(); break; case SDLK_4: fin=0; create_scrfile(); break; default: break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows the TAPs menu void taps_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; int ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; fin=1; do { clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"TAP/TZX files",-1,20,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"1:",14,60,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"select a TAP/TZX file",62,60,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"2:",14,100,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"rewind TAP/TZX file",62,100,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"3:",14,140,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"instant/normal load",62,140,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"4:",14,180,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"write protection",62,180,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"5:",14,220,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"create TAP file",62,220,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC:",14,260,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"return emulator",78,260,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Current TAP/TZX file is:",-1,310,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,ordenador.current_tap,-1,330,12,0,ancho); //print_copy(fbuffer,ancho); if(ordenador.tape_fast_load) print_string(fbuffer,"Fast load enabled ",10,420,14,0,ancho); else print_string(fbuffer,"Fast load disabled ",10,420,14,0,ancho); if(ordenador.tape_write) print_string(fbuffer,"Write enabled",390,420,14,0,ancho); else print_string(fbuffer,"Write disabled",390,420,14,0,ancho); switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; case SDLK_1: //select tape ordenador.tape_stop=1; ordenador.tape_stop_fast = 1; ordenador.tape_start_countdwn=0; select_tapfile(); break; case SDLK_2: //rewind tape fin=0; ordenador.tape_stop=1; ordenador.tape_stop_fast = 1; ordenador.tape_start_countdwn=0; if(ordenador.tap_file!=NULL) { ordenador.tape_current_mode=TAP_TRASH; rewind_tape(ordenador.tap_file,1); } sprintf(ordenador.osd_text,"Tape rewound"); ordenador.osd_time=50; break; case SDLK_3: //Instant load settings ordenador.tape_stop=1; ordenador.tape_stop_fast = 1; ordenador.tape_start_countdwn=0; ordenador.tape_fast_load=1-ordenador.tape_fast_load; if(ordenador.tap_file!=NULL) { ordenador.tape_current_mode=TAP_TRASH; rewind_tape(ordenador.tap_file,1); } break; case SDLK_4: ordenador.tape_write=1-ordenador.tape_write; break; case SDLK_5: create_tapfile(); break; default: break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows a menu to allow user to choose a tape file void select_tapfile() { unsigned char *videomem,*filename; int ancho,retorno,retval; unsigned char char_id[11]; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose the TAPE file to load",-1,32,13,0,ancho); filename=select_file(load_path_taps,FILETYPE_TAP_TZX); if(filename==NULL) { // Aborted clean_screen(); return; } ordenador.tape_current_bit=0; ordenador.tape_current_mode=TAP_TRASH; ordenador.next_block= NOBLOCK; if(ordenador.tap_file!=NULL) { fclose(ordenador.tap_file); } if (!strncmp(filename,"smb:",4)) ordenador.tap_file=fopen(filename,"r"); //tinysmb does not work with r+ else ordenador.tap_file=fopen(filename,"r+"); // read and write ordenador.tape_write = 0; // by default, can't record if(ordenador.tap_file==NULL) retorno=-1; else retorno=0; clean_screen(); strcpy(ordenador.current_tap,filename); free(filename); switch(retorno) { case 0: // all right break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"Error: Can't load that file",-1,232,10,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Press any key",-1,248,10,0,ancho); ordenador.current_tap[0]=0; wait_key(); break; } retval=fread(char_id,10,1,ordenador.tap_file); // read the (maybe) TZX header if((!strncmp(char_id,"ZXTape!",7)) && (char_id[7]==0x1A)&&(char_id[8]==1)) { ordenador.tape_file_type = TAP_TZX; rewind_tape(ordenador.tap_file,1); } else { ordenador.tape_file_type = TAP_TAP; rewind_tape(ordenador.tap_file,1); } clean_screen(); } void create_tapfile() { unsigned char *videomem; int ancho,retorno; unsigned char nombre2[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose a name for the TAP file",-1,32,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(up to 30 characters)",-1,52,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"TAP file will be saved in:",-1,132,12,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,path_taps,0,152,12,0,ancho); retorno=ask_filename(nombre2,84,"tap",path_taps,NULL); clean_screen(); if(retorno==2) // abort return; if(ordenador.tap_file!=NULL) fclose(ordenador.tap_file); ordenador.tap_file=fopen(nombre2,"r"); // test if it exists if(ordenador.tap_file==NULL) retorno=0; else retorno=-1; if(!retorno) { ordenador.tap_file=fopen(nombre2,"a+"); // create for read and write if(ordenador.tap_file==NULL) retorno=-2; else retorno=0; } ordenador.tape_write=1; // allow to write strcpy(ordenador.current_tap,nombre2); ordenador.tape_file_type = TAP_TAP; switch(retorno) { case 0: break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"File already exists",-1,80,10,0,ancho); ordenador.current_tap[0]=0; wait_key(); break; case -2: print_string(videomem,"Can't create file",-1,80,10,0,ancho); ordenador.current_tap[0]=0; wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } // shows the microdrive menu void microdrive_menu() { unsigned char *fbuffer,fin; int retval,ancho=screen->w; fbuffer=screen->pixels; fin=1; do { clean_screen(); print_string(fbuffer,"MICRODRIVE files",-1,20,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"1:",14,60,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"select a MDR file",62,60,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"2:",14,100,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"create a MDR file",62,100,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"3:",14,140,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"write protection",62,140,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"ESC:",14,180,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"return emulator",78,180,15,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,"Current MDR file is:",-1,300,12,0,ancho); print_string(fbuffer,ordenador.mdr_current_mdr,-1,320,12,0,ancho); //print_copy(fbuffer,ancho); if(!ordenador.mdr_cartridge[137922]) print_string(fbuffer,"Write enabled",-1,420,14,0,ancho); else print_string(fbuffer,"Write disabled",-1,420,14,0,ancho); switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; case SDLK_1: select_mdrfile(); break; case SDLK_2: create_mdrfile(); break; case SDLK_3: if(ordenador.mdr_cartridge[137922]) ordenador.mdr_cartridge[137922]=0; else ordenador.mdr_cartridge[137922]=1; ordenador.mdr_file=fopen(ordenador.mdr_current_mdr,"wb"); // create for write if(ordenador.mdr_file!=NULL) { retval=fwrite(ordenador.mdr_cartridge,137923,1,ordenador.mdr_file); // save cartridge fclose(ordenador.mdr_file); ordenador.mdr_file=NULL; ordenador.mdr_modified=0; } break; default: break; } } while(fin); clean_screen(); } // shows a menu to allow user to choose a microdrive file void select_mdrfile() { unsigned char *videomem,*filename; int ancho,retorno,retval; // unsigned char char_id[11]; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose the MICRODRIVE file to load",-1,32,13,0,ancho); filename=select_file(path_mdrs,FILETYPE_MDR); // MDR files if(filename==NULL) { // Aborted clean_screen(); return; } ordenador.mdr_file=fopen(filename,"rb"); // read if(ordenador.mdr_file==NULL) retorno=-1; else { retorno=0; retval=fread(ordenador.mdr_cartridge,137923,1,ordenador.mdr_file); // read the cartridge in memory ordenador.mdr_modified=0; // not modified fclose(ordenador.mdr_file); ordenador.mdr_tapehead=0; } clean_screen(); strcpy(ordenador.mdr_current_mdr,filename); free(filename); switch(retorno) { case 0: // all right break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"Error: Can't load that file",-1,232,10,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Press any key",-1,248,10,0,ancho); ordenador.mdr_current_mdr[0]=0; wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } void create_mdrfile() { unsigned char *videomem; int ancho,retorno,bucle,retval; unsigned char nombre2[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose a name for the MDR file",-1,32,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(up to 30 characters)",-1,52,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"MDR file will be saved in:",-1,132,12,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,path_mdrs,0,152,12,0,ancho); retorno=ask_filename(nombre2,84,"mdr",path_mdrs, NULL); clean_screen(); if(retorno==2) // abort return; ordenador.mdr_file=fopen(nombre2,"r"); // test if it exists if(ordenador.mdr_file==NULL) retorno=0; else retorno=-1; if(!retorno) { ordenador.mdr_file=fopen(nombre2,"wb"); // create for write if(ordenador.mdr_file==NULL) retorno=-2; else { for(bucle=0;bucle<137921;bucle++) ordenador.mdr_cartridge[bucle]=0xFF; // erase cartridge ordenador.mdr_cartridge[137922]=0; retval=fwrite(ordenador.mdr_cartridge,137923,1,ordenador.mdr_file); // save cartridge fclose(ordenador.mdr_file); ordenador.mdr_file=NULL; ordenador.mdr_modified=0; retorno=0; } } strcpy(ordenador.mdr_current_mdr,nombre2); switch(retorno) { case 0: break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"File already exists",-1,80,10,0,ancho); ordenador.mdr_current_mdr[0]=0; wait_key(); break; case -2: print_string(videomem,"Can't create file",-1,80,10,0,ancho); ordenador.mdr_current_mdr[0]=0; wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } void create_scrfile() { unsigned char *videomem; int ancho,retorno,retval; unsigned char nombre2[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; FILE *fichero; char *name; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose a name for the SCR file",-1,32,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(up to 30 characters)",-1,52,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"SCR file will be saved in:",-1,132,12,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,path_scr1,0,152,12,0,ancho); if (strlen(ordenador.current_tap)) { name=strrchr(ordenador.current_tap,'/'); if (name) name++; else name = ordenador.current_tap; } else name=NULL; retorno=ask_filename(nombre2,84,"scr",path_scr1, name); clean_screen(); if(retorno==2) // abort return; fichero=fopen(nombre2,"r"); // test if it exists if(fichero==NULL) retorno=0; else { fclose(fichero); retorno=-1; } if(!retorno) { fichero=fopen(nombre2,"wb"); // create for write if(fichero==NULL) retorno=-2; else { retval=fwrite(ordenador.block1+0x04000,6912,1,fichero); // save screen if (ordenador.ulaplus!=0) { retval=fwrite(ordenador.ulaplus_palete,64,1,fichero); // save ULAPlus palete } fclose(fichero); retorno=0; } } switch(retorno) { case -1: print_string(videomem,"File already exists",-1,80,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; case -2: print_string(videomem,"Can't create file",-1,80,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; default: break; } clean_screen(); } int ask_filename(char *nombre_final,int y_coord,char *extension, char *path, char *name) { int longitud,retorno; unsigned char nombre[37],nombre2[38]; char *ptr; unsigned char *videomem; int ancho; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; retorno=0; if (!name||(strlen(name)>36)) { nombre[0]=127; nombre[1]=0; } else { strcpy(nombre,name); ptr = strrchr (nombre, '.'); if (ptr) //remove the extension { *ptr = 127; *(ptr+1) = 0; } else nombre[strlen(nombre)-1]=127; nombre[strlen(nombre)]=0; } longitud=strlen(nombre)-1; do { sprintf (nombre2, " %s.%s ", nombre,extension); print_string (videomem, nombre2, -1, y_coord, 15, 0, ancho); switch (wait_key ()) { case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if (longitud > 0) { nombre[longitud]=0; longitud--; nombre[longitud]=127; } break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: retorno=2; break; case SDLK_RETURN: retorno=1; break; case SDLK_a: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='a'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_b: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='b'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_c: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='c'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_d: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='d'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_e: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='e'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_f: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='f'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_g: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='g'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_h: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='h'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_i: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='i'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_j: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='j'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_k: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='k'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_l: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='l'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_m: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='m'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_n: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='n'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_o: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='o'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_p: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='p'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_q: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='q'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_r: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='r'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_s: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='s'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_t: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='t'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_u: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='u'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_v: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='v'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_w: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='w'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_x: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='x'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_y: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='y'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_z: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='z'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_0: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='0'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_1: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='1'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_2: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='2'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_3: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='3'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_4: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='4'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_5: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='5'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_6: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='6'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_7: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='7'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_8: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='8'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_9: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='9'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; case SDLK_MINUS: if (longitud < 30) { nombre[longitud++]='-'; nombre[longitud]=127; nombre[longitud + 1]=0; } break; } } while (!retorno); nombre[longitud]=0; // erase cursor longitud=strlen(path); if((path[longitud-1]!='/')&&(longitud>1)) sprintf(nombre_final,"%s/%s.%s",path,nombre,extension); // name else sprintf(nombre_final,"%s%s.%s",path,nombre,extension); return (retorno); } int ask_value(int *final_value,int y_coord,int max_value) { unsigned char nombre2[50]; unsigned char *videomem; int ancho,value,tmp,retorno; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; retorno=0; value=0; do { sprintf (nombre2, " %d\177 ", value); print_string (videomem, nombre2, -1, y_coord, 15, 0, ancho); switch (wait_key ()) { case SDLK_BACKSPACE: value/=10; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: retorno=2; break; case SDLK_RETURN: retorno=1; break; case SDLK_0: tmp=value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_1: tmp=1+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_2: tmp=2+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_3: tmp=3+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_4: tmp=4+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_5: tmp=5+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_6: tmp=6+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_7: tmp=7+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_8: tmp=8+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; case SDLK_9: tmp=9+value * 10; if (tmp <= max_value) { value=tmp; } break; } } while (!retorno); *final_value=value; return (retorno); } // shows a menu to allow user to save a snapshot file void save_z80file() { unsigned char *videomem; int ancho,retorno; unsigned char nombre2[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char *name; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose a name for the Z80 snapshot",-1,32,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"(up to 30 characters)",-1,52,14,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Snapshot will be saved in:",-1,132,12,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,path_snaps,0,152,12,0,ancho); if (strlen(ordenador.current_tap)) { name=strrchr(ordenador.current_tap,'/'); if (name) name++; else name = ordenador.current_tap; } else name=NULL; retorno=ask_filename(nombre2,84,"z80", path_snaps, name); clean_screen(); if(retorno==2) // abort return; retorno=save_z80(nombre2,0); switch(retorno) { case 0: break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"File already exists",-1,80,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; case -2: print_string(videomem,"Can't create file",-1,80,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } // shows a menu to allow user to load a snapshot file void load_z80file() { unsigned char *videomem,*filename; int ancho,retorno; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose the Z80 snapshot file to load",-1,32,13,0,ancho); filename=select_file(load_path_snaps,FILETYPE_Z80); if(filename==NULL) { // Aborted clean_screen(); return; } retorno=load_z80(filename); free(filename); clean_screen(); switch(retorno) { case 0: // all right break; case -1: print_string(videomem,"Error: Can't load that file",-1,232,10,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Press any key",-1,248,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; case -2: case -3: print_string(videomem,"Error: unsupported snap file",-1,232,10,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Press any key",-1,248,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } void load_scrfile() { unsigned char *videomem,*filename,value; int ancho,retorno,loop; FILE *fichero; unsigned char paleta_tmp[64]; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; clean_screen(); print_string(videomem,"Choose the SCR snapshot file to load",-1,32,13,0,ancho); filename=select_file(load_path_scr1,FILETYPE_SCR); if(filename==NULL) { // Aborted clean_screen(); return; } ordenador.osd_text[0]=0; fichero=fopen(filename,"rb"); retorno=0; if (!fichero) { retorno=-1; } else { for(loop=0;loop<6912;loop++) { if (1==fread(&value,1,1,fichero)) { *(ordenador.block1 + 0x04000 + loop) = value; } else { retorno=-1; break; } } if (1==fread(paleta_tmp,64,1,fichero)) { memcpy(ordenador.ulaplus_palete,paleta_tmp,64); ordenador.ulaplus=1; } else { ordenador.ulaplus=0; } fclose(fichero); } free(filename); clean_screen(); switch(retorno) { case 0: // all right break; default: print_string(videomem,"Error: Can't load that file",-1,232,10,0,ancho); print_string(videomem,"Press any key",-1,248,10,0,ancho); wait_key(); break; } clean_screen(); } /* fills a FICHERO chained list with all the files and directories contained in PATH. If KIND is 0, it returns only Snapshots, if is 1, it returns only TAPE files, and if is 2, it returns only MDR files */ struct fichero *read_directory(char *cpath,enum LOAD_FILE_TYPES kind) { struct fichero *listhead,*listend; struct dirent *entry; DIR *directory; struct stat estado; unsigned char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH],fichero[MAX_PATH_LENGTH],extension[5],found; int bucle,length; strcpy(path,cpath); if('/'!=path[strlen(path)-1]) strcat(path,"/"); // add the final / to the path listhead=malloc(sizeof(struct fichero)); strcpy(listhead->nombre,".."); listhead->tipo=2; listhead->next=NULL; listend=listhead; directory=opendir(path); if(directory==NULL) return(listhead); // can't access the directory do { entry=readdir(directory); if((NULL!=entry)&&(strcmp(entry->d_name,"."))&&(strcmp(entry->d_name,".."))) { strcpy(fichero,path); strcat(fichero,entry->d_name); stat(fichero,&estado); found=0; // by default is not a valid file... length=strlen(entry->d_name); if(length>3) { extension[4]=0; for(bucle=0;bucle<4;bucle++) extension[bucle]=entry->d_name[length-4+bucle]; // copy the 4 last chars of the file (the extension) switch(kind) { case FILETYPE_Z80: if((!strcasecmp(extension,".z80"))||(!strcasecmp(extension,".sna"))) found=1; // is a .z80 or SNA file break; case FILETYPE_TAP_TZX: if((!strcasecmp(extension,".tap"))||(!strcasecmp(extension,".tzx"))) found=1; // is a .tap file break; case FILETYPE_MDR: if(!strcasecmp(extension,".mdr")) found=1; // is a .mdr file break; case FILETYPE_SCR: if(!strcasecmp(extension,".scr")) found=1; // is a .mdr file break; default: break; } } else found=0; if(((found)||(S_ISDIR(estado.st_mode)))&&('.'!=entry->d_name[0])) { // is a directory. We must add it listend->next=malloc(sizeof(struct fichero)); listend=listend->next; listend->next=NULL; strcpy(listend->nombrepath,fichero); strcpy(listend->nombre,entry->d_name); if(S_ISDIR(estado.st_mode)) listend->tipo=1; // a directory else listend->tipo=0; // a file } } } while(entry!=NULL); closedir(directory); return(listhead); } // deletes a filelist tree, freeing the memory used by it void delete_filelist(struct fichero *filelist) { struct fichero *fl1,*fl2; fl1=fl2=filelist; while(fl1!=NULL) { fl2=fl1->next; free(fl1); fl1=fl2; } } /* allows user to choose a file from PATH. If KIND=0, only snapshots. If KIND=1, only TAPE files */ char *select_file(char *path,enum LOAD_FILE_TYPES kind) { struct fichero *filelist,*fl2; unsigned char fin,read,*salida; int bucle,ancho,numitems,selected,from,longitud; salida=(unsigned char *)malloc(2049); salida[0]=0; ancho=screen->w; fin=1; read=1; selected=0; from=0; numitems=0; filelist=NULL; do { if(read) { filelist=read_directory(path,kind); read=0; fl2=filelist; numitems=0; while(fl2!=NULL) { // counts the number of items fl2=fl2->next; numitems++; } selected=0; from=0; } print_files(filelist,from,selected); switch(wait_key()) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: // to exit the help fin=0; break; case SDLK_UP: if(selected>0) { selected--; if(selected(from+23)) // 23 is the total of items that can be displayed from++; } break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: for(bucle=0;bucle<15;bucle++) if(selected>0) { selected--; if(selected(from+23)) // 23 is the total of items that can be displayed from++; } break; case SDLK_RETURN: fl2=filelist; if(selected!=0) for(bucle=0;buclenext; switch(fl2->tipo) { case 0: // select file strcpy(salida,fl2->nombrepath); delete_filelist(filelist); return(salida); // ends returning the filename break; case 1: // change directory strcpy(path,fl2->nombrepath); // new path_taps is namepath delete_filelist(filelist); // frees the memory read=1; // and redisplay all the files break; case 2: // upper directory longitud=strlen(path); if(longitud<2) // there's no upper directory break; if('/'==path[longitud-1]) { // is the char ended in '/' ? path[longitud-1]=0; // eliminated longitud--; } while('/'!=path[longitud-1]) { longitud--; path[longitud]=0; } if(longitud>2) { // it's not the upper directory longitud--; path[longitud]=0; // delete the final '/' } read=1; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } while(fin); delete_filelist(filelist); return(NULL); } void keyboard_menu() { FILE *fichero; int bucle1,bucle2,retval; unsigned char *buffer,*buffer2,valor; buffer=screen->pixels; clean_screen(); fichero=myfopen("fbzx/keymap.bmp","r"); if (fichero==NULL) { strcpy(ordenador.osd_text,"Keymap picture not found"); ordenador.osd_time=100; return; } if (ordenador.zaurus_mini==0) { for (bucle1=0;bucle1<344;bucle1++) for(bucle2=0;bucle2<640;bucle2++) { retval=fscanf(fichero,"%c",&valor); paint_one_pixel((unsigned char *)(colors+valor),buffer); buffer+=ordenador.bpp; } } else { buffer+=(479*ordenador.bpp); for(bucle1=0;bucle1<344;bucle1++) { buffer2=buffer; for(bucle2=0;bucle2<640;bucle2++) { retval=fscanf(fichero,"%c",&valor); paint_one_pixel((unsigned char *)(colors+valor),buffer); buffer+=(480*ordenador.bpp); } buffer=buffer2-ordenador.bpp; } } //print_copy(screen->pixels,screen->w); wait_key(); clean_screen(); } void clean_screen() { int bucle; unsigned char *buffer; buffer=screen->pixels; for(bucle=0;bucle<((screen->h)*(screen->w)*(ordenador.bpp));bucle++) *(buffer++)=0; } // waits for a keystroke and returns its value unsigned int wait_key() { char fin; unsigned int temporal_io=0; SDL_Event evento; fin=1; do { SDL_Flip(ordenador.screen); if(!SDL_WaitEvent(&evento)) continue; if(evento.type!=SDL_KEYUP) continue; fin=0; temporal_io=(unsigned int)evento.key.keysym.sym; } while(fin); return (temporal_io); } // shows the files from the number FROM, and marks the file number MARK void print_files(struct fichero *filelist,int from,int mark) { struct fichero *fl2; int bucle,numitems,ancho,pos; char ink1,ink2; unsigned char spaces[39]=" "; unsigned char namefile[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; unsigned char *videomem; videomem=screen->pixels; ancho=screen->w; fl2=filelist; numitems=0; while(fl2!=NULL) { // counts the number of items fl2=fl2->next; numitems++; } ink1=ink2=0; fl2=filelist; pos=72; for(bucle=0;bucle=from) { strcpy(namefile,fl2->nombre); strcat(namefile,spaces); namefile[36]=0; // we print up to 36 chars switch(fl2->tipo) { case 0: // file ink1=15; ink2=0; break; case 1: // directory ink1=12; ink2=4; break; case 2: // parent directory ink1=10; ink2=2; break; } if(bucle==mark) print_string(videomem,namefile,-1,pos,ink2,15,ancho); else print_string(videomem,namefile,-1,pos,ink1,0,ancho); pos+=16; } if((pos+16)>460) break; // reached bottom part of the rectangle fl2=fl2->next; } while((pos+16<460)) { print_string(videomem,spaces,-1,pos,0,0,ancho); pos+=16; } } void update_frequency (int freq) { if (freq == 0) switch (ordenador.mode128k) { case 0: // 48K if (ordenador.videosystem==0) ordenador.cpufreq = 3500000; else ordenador.cpufreq = 3527500; break; case 1: // 128K case 2: // +2 case 3: // +2A/+3 case 4: // spanish 128K ordenador.cpufreq = 3546900; break; default: ordenador.cpufreq = 3500000; break; } else ordenador.cpufreq = freq; ordenador.tst_sample=(ordenador.cpufreq + ordenador.freq/2)/ordenador.freq; }