ABOUT THE TZX SUPPORT Currently, the support for TZX files is incomplete, in the sense it only supports the most common tape blocks. The current implementation should allow to load the 99% of the games, including a lot with specific load routines (like Turbo). I didn't add that blocks because I was able to find only a limited number of TZX with estrange load protections, so I preferred to add only blocks that I can test myself. If you try to load a TZX file that contains an unsuported block, FBZX will show you a message "Unsuported TZX. Contact FBZX autor". In that case, please, send me by e-mail that TZX file in order to implement that new block kind in the TZX loader. PROBLEMS WITH SPEEDLOCK-2? The old Z80 emulator had problems to load SpeedLock programs (turbo protection). I haven't been unable to test the new emulator in this case, so I can't say if it finally works or not. All comments are welcome. Other kind of TURBO protections (like Alkatraz, the one used in Fairlight) have been tested and work fine.