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/* Extended string routines
* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jason Oster (Parasyte)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/// \file
/// \brief various string manipulation utilities
#include "xstring.h"
#include <string>
///Upper case routine. Returns number of characters modified
int str_ucase(char *str) {
unsigned int i=0,j=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
while (i < strlen(str)) {
if ((str[i] >= 'a') && (str[i] <= 'z')) {
str[i] &= ~0x20;
return j;
///Lower case routine. Returns number of characters modified
int str_lcase(char *str) {
unsigned int i=0,j=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
while (i < strlen(str)) {
if ((str[i] >= 'A') && (str[i] <= 'Z')) {
str[i] |= 0x20;
return j;
///White space-trimming routine
///Removes whitespace from left side of string, depending on the flags set (See STRIP_x definitions in xstring.h)
///Returns number of characters removed
int str_ltrim(char *str, int flags) {
unsigned int i=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
while (str[0]) {
if ((str[0] != ' ') || (str[0] != '\t') || (str[0] != '\r') || (str[0] != '\n')) break;
if ((flags & STRIP_SP) && (str[0] == ' ')) {
if ((flags & STRIP_TAB) && (str[0] == '\t')) {
if ((flags & STRIP_CR) && (str[0] == '\r')) {
if ((flags & STRIP_LF) && (str[0] == '\n')) {
return i;
///White space-trimming routine
///Removes whitespace from right side of string, depending on the flags set (See STRIP_x definitions in xstring.h)
///Returns number of characters removed
int str_rtrim(char *str, int flags) {
unsigned int i=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
while (strlen(str)) {
if ((str[strlen(str)-1] != ' ') ||
(str[strlen(str)-1] != '\t') ||
(str[strlen(str)-1] != '\r') ||
(str[strlen(str)-1] != '\n')) break;
if ((flags & STRIP_SP) && (str[0] == ' ')) {
str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_TAB) && (str[0] == '\t')) {
str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_CR) && (str[0] == '\r')) {
str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_LF) && (str[0] == '\n')) {
str[strlen(str)-1] = 0;
return i;
///White space-stripping routine
///Removes whitespace depending on the flags set (See STRIP_x definitions in xstring.h)
///Returns number of characters removed, or -1 on error
int str_strip(char *str, int flags) {
unsigned int i=0,j=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
char *astr,chr;
if (!strlen(str)) return -1;
if (!(flags & (STRIP_SP|STRIP_TAB|STRIP_CR|STRIP_LF))) return -1;
if (!(astr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1))) return -1;
while (i < strlen(str)) {
chr = str[i++];
if ((flags & STRIP_SP) && (chr == ' ')) chr = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_TAB) && (chr == '\t')) chr = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_CR) && (chr == '\r')) chr = 0;
if ((flags & STRIP_LF) && (chr == '\n')) chr = 0;
if (chr) astr[j++] = chr;
astr[j] = 0;
return j;
///Character replacement routine
///Replaces all instances of 'search' with 'replace'
///Returns number of characters modified
int chr_replace(char *str, char search, char replace) {
unsigned int i=0,j=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
while (i < strlen(str)) {
if (str[i] == search) {
str[i] = replace;
return j;
///Sub-String replacement routine
///Replaces all instances of 'search' with 'replace'
///Returns number of sub-strings modified, or -1 on error
int str_replace(char *str, char *search, char *replace) {
unsigned int i=0,j=0; //mbg merge 7/17/06 changed to unsigned int
int searchlen,replacelen;
char *astr;
searchlen = strlen(search);
replacelen = strlen(replace);
if ((!strlen(str)) || (!searchlen)) return -1; //note: allow *replace to have a length of zero!
if (!(astr = (char*)malloc(strlen(str)+1))) return -1;
while (i < strlen(str)) {
if (!strncmp(str+i,search,searchlen)) {
if (replacelen) memcpy(astr+j,replace,replacelen);
i += searchlen;
j += replacelen;
else astr[j++] = str[i++];
astr[j] = 0;
return j;
static const struct Base64Table
size_t a=0;
for(a=0; a<256; ++a) data[a] = 0xFF; // mark everything as invalid by default
// create value->ascii mapping
for(unsigned char c='A'; c<='Z'; ++c) data[a++] = c; // 0..25
for(unsigned char c='a'; c<='z'; ++c) data[a++] = c; // 26..51
for(unsigned char c='0'; c<='9'; ++c) data[a++] = c; // 52..61
data[62] = '+'; // 62
data[63] = '/'; // 63
// create ascii->value mapping (but due to overlap, write it to highbit region)
for(a=0; a<64; ++a) data[data[a]^0x80] = a; //
data[((unsigned char)'=') ^ 0x80] = 0;
unsigned char operator[] (size_t pos) const { return data[pos]; }
unsigned char data[256];
} Base64Table;
///Converts the provided data to a string in a standard, user-friendly, round-trippable format
std::string BytesToString(const void* data, int len)
char temp[16];
if(len==1) {
sprintf(temp,"%d",*(const unsigned char*)data);
return temp;
} else if(len==2) {
sprintf(temp,"%d",*(const unsigned short*)data);
return temp;
} else if(len==4) {
sprintf(temp,"%d",*(const unsigned int*)data);
return temp;
std::string ret;
if(1) // use base64
const unsigned char* src = (const unsigned char*)data;
ret = "base64:";
for(int n; len > 0; len -= n)
unsigned char input[3] = {0,0,0};
for(n=0; n<3 && n<len; ++n)
input[n] = *src++;
unsigned char output[4] =
Base64Table[ input[0] >> 2 ],
Base64Table[ ((input[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (input[1] >> 4) ],
n<2 ? '=' : Base64Table[ ((input[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | (input[2] >> 6) ],
n<3 ? '=' : Base64Table[ input[2] & 0x3F ]
ret.append(output, output+4);
else // use hex
ret[0] = '0';
ret[1] = 'x';
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
int a = (((const unsigned char*)data)[i]>>4);
int b = (((const unsigned char*)data)[i])&15;
if(a>9) a += 'A'-10;
else a += '0';
if(b>9) b += 'A'-10;
else b += '0';
ret[2+i*2] = a;
ret[2+i*2+1] = b;
return ret;
///returns -1 if this is not a hex string
int HexStringToBytesLength(const std::string& str)
if(str.size()>2 && str[0] == '0' && toupper(str[1]) == 'X')
return str.size()/2-1;
else return -1;
int Base64StringToBytesLength(const std::string& str)
if(str.size() < 7 || (str.size()-7) % 4 || str.substr(0,7) != "base64:") return -1;
size_t c = ((str.size() - 7) / 4) * 3;
if(str[str.size()-1] == '=') { --c;
if(str[str.size()-2] == '=') --c; }
return c;
///parses a string in the same format as BytesToString
///returns true if success.
bool StringToBytes(const std::string& str, void* data, int len)
if(str.substr(0,7) == "base64:")
// base64
unsigned char* tgt = (unsigned char*)data;
for(size_t pos = 7; pos < str.size() && len > 0; )
unsigned char input[4], converted[4];
for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
if(pos >= str.size() && i > 0) return false; // invalid data
input[i] = str[pos++];
if(input[i] & 0x80) return false; // illegal character
converted[i] = Base64Table[input[i]^0x80];
if(converted[i] & 0x80) return false; // illegal character
unsigned char outpacket[3] =
(converted[0] << 2) | (converted[1] >> 4),
(converted[1] << 4) | (converted[2] >> 2),
(converted[2] << 6) | (converted[3])
int outlen = (input[2] == '=') ? 1 : (input[3] == '=' ? 2 : 3);
if(outlen > len) outlen = len;
memcpy(tgt, outpacket, outlen);
tgt += outlen;
len -= outlen;
return true;
if(str.size()>2 && str[0] == '0' && toupper(str[1]) == 'X')
// hex
int amt = len;
int bytesAvailable = str.size()/2;
if(bytesAvailable < amt)
amt = bytesAvailable;
const char* cstr = str.c_str()+2;
for(int i=0;i<amt;i++) {
char a = toupper(cstr[i*2]);
char b = toupper(cstr[i*2+1]);
if(a>='A') a=a-'A'+10;
else a-='0';
if(b>='A') b=b-'A'+10;
else b-='0';
unsigned char val = ((unsigned char)a<<4)|(unsigned char)b;
((unsigned char*)data)[i] = val;
return true;
if(len==1) {
int x = atoi(str.c_str());
*(unsigned char*)data = x;
return true;
} else if(len==2) {
int x = atoi(str.c_str());
*(unsigned short*)data = x;
return true;
} else if(len==4) {
int x = atoi(str.c_str());
*(unsigned int*)data = x;
return true;
//we can't handle it
return false;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/// \brief convert input string into vector of string tokens
/// \note consecutive delimiters will be treated as single delimiter
/// \note delimiters are _not_ included in return data
/// \param input string to be parsed
/// \param delims list of delimiters.
std::vector<std::string> tokenize_str(const std::string & str,
const std::string & delims=", \t")
using namespace std;
// Skip delims at beginning, find start of first token
string::size_type lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delims, 0);
// Find next delimiter @ end of token
string::size_type pos = str.find_first_of(delims, lastPos);
// output vector
vector<string> tokens;
while (string::npos != pos || string::npos != lastPos)
// Found a token, add it to the vector.
tokens.push_back(str.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos));
// Skip delims. Note the "not_of". this is beginning of token
lastPos = str.find_first_not_of(delims, pos);
// Find next delimiter at end of token.
pos = str.find_first_of(delims, lastPos);
return tokens;
//this code was taken from WINE (LGPL)
void splitpath(const char* path, char* drv, char* dir, char* name, char* ext)
const char* end; /* end of processed string */
const char* p; /* search pointer */
const char* s; /* copy pointer */
/* extract drive name */
if (path[0] && path[1]==':') {
if (drv) {
*drv++ = *path++;
*drv++ = *path++;
*drv = '\0';
} else path+=2;
} else if (drv)
*drv = '\0';
/* search for end of string or stream separator */
for(end=path; *end && *end!=':'; )
/* search for begin of file extension */
for(p=end; p>path && *--p!='\\' && *p!='/'; )
if (*p == '.') {
end = p;
if (ext)
for(s=end; (*ext=*s++); )
for(s=end; *s++; ) {}
/* search for end of directory name */
for(p=end; p>path; )
if (*--p=='\\' || *p=='/') {
if (name) {
for(s=p; s<end; )
*name++ = *s++;
*name = '\0';
} else
for(s=p; s<end; )
if (dir) {
for(s=path; s<p; )
*dir++ = *s++;
*dir = '\0';
//mbg 5/12/08
//for the curious, I tested U16ToHexStr and it was 10x faster than printf.
//so the author of these dedicated functions is not insane, and I will leave them.
static char TempArray[11];
uint16 FastStrToU16(char* s, bool& valid)
int i;
uint16 v=0;
for(i=0; i < 4; i++)
if(s[i] == 0) return v;
if(s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9')
else if(s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'f')
else if(s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'F')
valid = false;
return 0xFFFF;
valid = true;
return v;
char *U8ToDecStr(uint8 a)
TempArray[0] = '0' + a/100;
TempArray[1] = '0' + (a%100)/10;
TempArray[2] = '0' + (a%10);
TempArray[3] = 0;
return TempArray;
char *U16ToDecStr(uint16 a)
TempArray[0] = '0' + a/10000;
TempArray[1] = '0' + (a%10000)/1000;
TempArray[2] = '0' + (a%1000)/100;
TempArray[3] = '0' + (a%100)/10;
TempArray[4] = '0' + (a%10);
TempArray[5] = 0;
return TempArray;
char *U32ToDecStr(char* buf, uint32 a)
buf[0] = '0' + a/1000000000;
buf[1] = '0' + (a%1000000000)/100000000;
buf[2] = '0' + (a%100000000)/10000000;
buf[3] = '0' + (a%10000000)/1000000;
buf[4] = '0' + (a%1000000)/100000;
buf[5] = '0' + (a%100000)/10000;
buf[6] = '0' + (a%10000)/1000;
buf[7] = '0' + (a%1000)/100;
buf[8] = '0' + (a%100)/10;
buf[9] = '0' + (a%10);
buf[10] = 0;
return buf;
char *U32ToDecStr(uint32 a)
return U32ToDecStr(TempArray,a);
char *U16ToHexStr(uint16 a)
TempArray[0] = a/4096 > 9?'A'+a/4096-10:'0' + a/4096;
TempArray[1] = (a%4096)/256 > 9?'A'+(a%4096)/256 - 10:'0' + (a%4096)/256;
TempArray[2] = (a%256)/16 > 9?'A'+(a%256)/16 - 10:'0' + (a%256)/16;
TempArray[3] = a%16 > 9?'A'+(a%16) - 10:'0' + (a%16);
TempArray[4] = 0;
return TempArray;
char *U8ToHexStr(uint8 a)
TempArray[0] = a/16 > 9?'A'+a/16 - 10:'0' + a/16;
TempArray[1] = a%16 > 9?'A'+(a%16) - 10:'0' + (a%16);
TempArray[2] = 0;
return TempArray;
std::string stditoa(int n)
char tempbuf[16];
sprintf(tempbuf, "%d", n);
return tempbuf;
std::string readNullTerminatedAscii(std::istream* is)
std::string ret;
int c = is->get();
if(c == 0) break;
else ret += (char)c;
return ret;
// replace all instances of victim with replacement
std::string mass_replace(const std::string &source, const std::string &victim, const std::string &replacement)
std::string answer = source;
std::string::size_type j = 0;
while ((j = answer.find(victim, j)) != std::string::npos )
answer.replace(j, victim.length(), replacement);
return answer;
#ifdef WIN32 // this code tends to crash on SDL.
#include "ConvertUTF.h"
namespace UtfConverter
std::wstring FromUtf8(const std::string& utf8string)
size_t widesize = utf8string.length();
if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
wchar_t* widestringnative = new wchar_t[widesize+1];
const UTF8* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF8*>(utf8string.c_str());
const UTF8* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
UTF16* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF16*>(widestringnative);
UTF16* targetend = targetstart + widesize+1;
ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF8toUTF16(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
if (res != conversionOK)
delete [] widestringnative;
throw std::exception();
*targetstart = 0;
std::wstring resultstring(widestringnative);
delete [] widestringnative;
return resultstring;
else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) // somewhat pointless as it's always 2 on WIN32, but whatever.
wchar_t* widestringnative = new wchar_t[widesize];
const UTF8* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF8*>(utf8string.c_str());
const UTF8* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
UTF32* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF32*>(widestringnative);
UTF32* targetend = targetstart + widesize;
ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF8toUTF32(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
if (res != conversionOK)
delete [] widestringnative;
throw std::exception();
*targetstart = 0;
std::wstring resultstring(widestringnative);
delete [] widestringnative;
return resultstring;
throw std::exception();
return L"";
std::string ToUtf8(const std::wstring& widestring)
size_t widesize = widestring.length();
if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
size_t utf8size = 3 * widesize + 1;
char* utf8stringnative = new char[utf8size];
const UTF16* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(widestring.c_str());
const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(utf8stringnative);
UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
if (res != conversionOK)
delete [] utf8stringnative;
throw std::exception();
*targetstart = 0;
std::string resultstring(utf8stringnative);
delete [] utf8stringnative;
return resultstring;
else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4) // again, sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 in win32
size_t utf8size = 4 * widesize + 1;
char* utf8stringnative = new char[utf8size];
const UTF32* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(widestring.c_str());
const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(utf8stringnative);
UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
if (res != conversionOK)
delete [] utf8stringnative;
throw std::exception();
*targetstart = 0;
std::string resultstring(utf8stringnative);
delete [] utf8stringnative;
return resultstring;
throw std::exception();
return "";
namespace UtfConverter
void SeqValue(std::string& result, unsigned n)
if(n < 0x80) // <=7 bits
result += (char)n;
if(n < 0x800) // <=11 bits
result += (char)(0xC0 + (n>>6));
if(n < 0x10000) // <=16 bits
result += (char)(0xE0 + (n>>12));
else // <=21 bits
result += (char)(0xF0 + (n>>18));
result += (char)(0x80 + ((n>>12)&63));
result += (char)(0x80 + ((n>>6)&63));
result += (char)(0x80 + (n&63));
unsigned DecData(const std::string& input, size_t& pos)
unsigned char headbyte = input[pos];
static const char sizes[16] = { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0,2,2,3,4 };
static const unsigned minimums[4] = { 0, 0x80, 0x800, 0x10000 };
static const char masks[4] = { 0x7F, 0x1F, 0x0F, 0x07 };
unsigned len = sizes[headbyte >> 4];
if(len < 1 || pos+len > input.size()) { ++pos; return '?'; }
unsigned result=0, shl=0;
for(unsigned n = len; --n > 0; shl += 6)
unsigned char byte = input[pos+n];
if((byte & 0xC0) != 0x80) { ++pos; return '?'; }
result |= (byte & 0x3F) << shl;
result |= (headbyte & masks[len-1]) << shl;
if(result < minimums[len-1]) { ++pos; return '?'; }
pos += len;
return result;
#ifndef GEKKO
std::wstring FromUtf8(std::string& input) // string -> wstring
std::wstring result;
for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < input.size(); )
result += DecData(input, pos);
return result;
std::string ToUtf8(std::wstring& input) // wstring -> string
std::string result;
for(std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < input.size(); ++pos)
SeqValue(result, input[pos]);
return result;
#ifndef GEKKO
//convert a std::string to std::wstring
std::wstring mbstowcs(std::string str) // UTF8->UTF32
try {
return UtfConverter::FromUtf8(str);
} catch(std::exception) {
return L"(failed UTF-8 conversion)";
//convert a std::wstring to std::string
std::string wcstombs(std::wstring str) // UTF32->UTF8
return UtfConverter::ToUtf8(str);
//TODO - dont we already have another function that can do this
std::string getExtension(const char* input) {
char buf[1024];
char* dot=strrchr(buf,'.');
return "";
char ext [512];
strcpy(ext, dot+1);
int k, extlen=strlen(ext);
return ext;