diff --git a/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.cpp b/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.cpp
index f96f28e..125476b 100644
--- a/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.cpp
+++ b/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ static FT_Library ftLibrary; /**< FreeType FT_Library instance. */
static FT_Face ftFace; /**< FreeType reusable FT_Face typographic object. */
static FT_GlyphSlot ftSlot; /**< FreeType reusable FT_GlyphSlot glyph container object. */
-FreeTypeGX *fontSystem[50];
+FreeTypeGX *fontSystem[MAX_FONT_SIZE+1];
void InitFreeType(uint8_t* fontBuffer, FT_Long bufferSize)
diff --git a/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.h b/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.h
index 6afdc44..4487a04 100644
--- a/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.h
+++ b/source/ngc/FreeTypeGX.h
@@ -1,283 +1,285 @@
- * FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled
- * FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development.
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Armin Tamzarian
- * Modified by Tantric, 2009
- *
- * This file is part of FreeTypeGX.
- *
- * FreeTypeGX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * FreeTypeGX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with FreeTypeGX. If not, see .
- */
-/** \mainpage FreeTypeGX
- *
- * \section sec_intro Introduction
- *
- * FreeTypeGX is a wrapper class for libFreeType which renders a compiled FreeType parsable font into a GX texture for Wii homebrew development.
- *
- * FreeTypeGX is written in C++ and makes use of a selectable pre-buffered or buffer-on-demand methodology to allow fast and efficient printing of text to the EFB.
- *
- * This library was developed in-full by Armin Tamzarian with the support of developers in \#wiibrew on EFnet.
- *
- * \section sec_installation_source Installation (Source Code)
- *
- * -# Ensure that you have the libFreeType Wii library installed in your development environment with the library added to your Makefile where appropriate.
- * -# Ensure that you have the Metaphrasis library installed in your development environment with the library added to your Makefile where appropriate.
- * -# Extract the FreeTypeGX archive.
- * -# Copy the contents of the src directory into your project's development path.
- * -# Include the FreeTypeGX header file in your code using syntax such as the following:
- * \code
- * #include "FreeTypeGX.h"
- * \endcode
- *
- * \section sec_installation_library Installation (Library)
- *
- * -# Ensure that you have the libFreeType Wii library installed in your development environment with the library added to your Makefile where appropriate.
- * -# Ensure that you have the Metaphrasis library installed in your development environment with the library added to your Makefile where appropriate.
- * -# Extract the FreeTypeGX archive.
- * -# Copy the contents of the lib directory into your devKitPro/libogc directory.
- * -# Include the FreeTypeGX header file in your code using syntax such as the following:
- * \code
- * #include "FreeTypeGX.h"
- * \endcode
- *
- * \section sec_freetypegx_prerequisites FreeTypeGX Prerequisites
- *
- * Before you begin using FreeTypeGX in your project you must ensure that the desired font in compiled into your project. For this example I will assume you are building your project with a Makefile using devKitPro evironment and are attempting to include a font whose filename is rursus_compact_mono.ttf.
- *
- * -# Copy the font into a directory which will be processed by the project's Makefile. If you are unsure about where you should place your font just copy the it into your project's source directory.
- * \n\n
- * -# Modify the Makefile to convert the font into an object file:
- * \code
- * %.ttf.o : %.ttf
- * @echo $(notdir $<)
- * $(bin2o)
- * \endcode
- * \n
- * -# Include the font object's generated header file in your source code:
- * \code
- * #include "rursus_compact_mono_ttf.h"
- * \endcode
- * This header file defines the two variables that you will need for use within your project:
- * \code
- * extern const u8 rursus_compact_mono_ttf[]; A pointer to the font buffer within the compiled project.
- * extern const u32 rursus_compact_mono_ttf_size; The size of the font's buffer in bytes.
- * \endcode
- *
- * \section sec_freetypegx_usage FreeTypeGX Usage
- *
- * -# Within the file you included the FreeTypeGX.h header create an instance object of the FreeTypeGX class:
- * \code
- * FreeTypeGX *freeTypeGX = new FreeTypeGX();
- * \endcode
- * Alternately you can specify a texture format to which you would like to render the font characters. Note that the default value for this parameter is GX_TF_RGBA8.
- * \code
- * FreeTypeGX *freeTypeGX = new FreeTypeGX(GX_TF_RGB565);
- * \endcode
- * Furthermore, you can also specify a vertex format index to avoid conflicts with concurrent libraries or other systems. Note that the default value for this parameter is GX_VTXFMT1.
- * \code
- * FreeTypeGX *freeTypeGX = new FreeTypeGX(GX_TF_RGB565, GX_VTXFMT1);
- * \endcode
- * \n
- * Currently supported textures are:
- * \li GX_TF_I4
- * \li GX_TF_I8
- * \li GX_TF_IA4
- * \li GX_TF_IA8
- * \li GX_TF_RGB565
- * \li GX_TF_RGB5A3
- * \li GX_TF_RGBA8
- *
- * \n
- * -# Using the allocated FreeTypeGX instance object call the loadFont function to load the font from the compiled buffer and specify the desired point size. Note that this function can be called multiple times to load a new:
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->loadFont(rursus_compact_mono_ttf, rursus_compact_mono_ttf_size, 64);
- * \endcode
- * Alternately you can specify a flag which will load and cache all available font glyphs immidiately. Note that on large font sets enabling this feature could take a significant amount of time.
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->loadFont(rursus_compact_mono_ttf, rursus_compact_mono_ttf_size, 64, true);
- * \endcode
- * \n
- * -# If necessary you can enable compatibility modes with concurrent libraries or systems. For more information on this feature see the documentation for setCompatibilityMode:
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->setCompatibilityMode(FTGX_COMPATIBILITY_GRRLIB);
- * \endcode
- * -# Using the allocated FreeTypeGX instance object call the drawText function to print a string at the specified screen X and Y coordinates to the current EFB:
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->drawText(10, 25, _TEXT("FreeTypeGX Rocks!"));
- * \endcode
- * Alternately you can specify a GXColor object you would like to apply to the printed characters:
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->drawText(10, 25, _TEXT("FreeTypeGX Rocks!"),
- * (GXColor){0xff, 0xee, 0xaa, 0xff});
- * \endcode
- * Furthermore you can also specify a group of styling parameters which will modify the positioning or style of the text:
- * \code
- * freeTypeGX->drawText(10, 25, _TEXT("FreeTypeGX Rocks!"),
- * (GXColor){0xff, 0xee, 0xaa, 0xff},
- * \endcode
- * \n
- * Currently style parameters are:
- *
- * \section sec_license License
- *
- * FreeTypeGX is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
- *
- * \section sec_contact Contact
- *
- * If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments regarding this library feel free to e-mail me at tamzarian1989 [at] gmail [dawt] com.
- */
-#ifndef FREETYPEGX_H_
-#define FREETYPEGX_H_
-#include FT_FREETYPE_H
-#include FT_BITMAP_H