/**************************************************************************** * FCE Ultra * Nintendo Wii/Gamecube Port * * Tantric 2008-2009 * * cheatmgr.cpp * * Cheat handling ***************************************************************************/ #include <malloc.h> #include <gctypes.h> #include "fceugx.h" #include "fceusupport.h" #include "fileop.h" #include "filebrowser.h" #include "menu.h" #include "fceultra/cheat.h" int numcheats = 0; /**************************************************************************** * LoadCheats * * Loads cheat file from save buffer * Custom version of FCEU_LoadGameCheats() ***************************************************************************/ static int LoadCheats (int length) { unsigned int addr; unsigned int val; unsigned int status; unsigned int type; unsigned int compare; int x; char *namebuf; int tc=0; char * linebreak = strtok((char *)savebuffer, "\n"); int line_num = 0; while(linebreak != NULL && line_num < 500) { line_num++; char *tbuf=linebreak; int doc=0; addr=val=compare=status=type=0; if(tbuf[0]=='S') { tbuf++; type=1; } else type=0; if(tbuf[0]=='C') { tbuf++; doc=1; } if(tbuf[0]==':') { tbuf++; status=0; } else status=1; if(doc) { char *neo=&tbuf[4+2+2+1+1+1]; if(sscanf(tbuf,"%04x%*[:]%02x%*[:]%02x",&addr,&val,&compare)!=3) continue; namebuf=(char *)malloc(strlen(neo)+1); strcpy(namebuf,neo); } else { char *neo=&tbuf[4+2+1+1]; if(sscanf(tbuf,"%04x%*[:]%02x",&addr,&val)!=2) continue; namebuf=(char *)malloc(strlen(neo)+1); strcpy(namebuf,neo); } for(x=0;x<(int)strlen(namebuf);x++) { if(namebuf[x]==10 || namebuf[x]==13) { namebuf[x]=0; break; } else if(namebuf[x]<0x20) namebuf[x]=' '; } AddCheatEntry(namebuf,addr,val,doc?compare:-1,status,type); FCEUI_ToggleCheat(tc); // turn cheat off tc++; // find next line break linebreak = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } RebuildSubCheats(); return tc; } /**************************************************************************** * SetupCheats * * Erases any prexisting cheats, loads cheats from a cheat file * Called when a ROM is first loaded ***************************************************************************/ void SetupCheats() { FCEU_PowerCheats(); numcheats = 0; if(GameInfo->type == GIT_NSF) return; char filepath[1024]; size_t offset = 0; int device = GCSettings.SaveMethod; if(device == DEVICE_AUTO) device = autoSaveMethod(SILENT); if(device == DEVICE_AUTO) return; if(!MakeFilePath(filepath, FILE_CHEAT)) return; AllocSaveBuffer(); offset = LoadFile(filepath, SILENT); // load cheat file if present if(offset > 0) numcheats = LoadCheats(offset); FreeSaveBuffer (); } bool FindGameGenie() { if (GENIEROM) return true; if(GCSettings.LoadMethod == DEVICE_AUTO) GCSettings.LoadMethod = autoLoadMethod(); if(GCSettings.LoadMethod == DEVICE_AUTO) return false; AllocSaveBuffer(); size_t romSize = 0; char filepath[1024]; sprintf (filepath, "%s%s/gg.rom", pathPrefix[GCSettings.LoadMethod], APPFOLDER); romSize = LoadFile(filepath, SILENT); if(romSize == 0 && strlen(appPath) > 0) { sprintf (filepath, "%s/gg.rom", appPath); romSize = LoadFile(filepath, SILENT); } if (romSize > 0) { GENIEROM=(uint8 *)malloc(4096+1024); if(savebuffer[0]==0x4E) /* iNES ROM image */ { memcpy(GENIEROM,savebuffer+16,4096); memcpy(GENIEROM+4096,savebuffer+16400,256); } else { memcpy(GENIEROM,savebuffer,4352); } /* Workaround for the FCE Ultra CHR page size only being 1KB */ for(int x=0; x<4; x++) memcpy(GENIEROM+4096+(x<<8),GENIEROM+4096,256); } FreeSaveBuffer (); if(romSize > 0) return true; return false; } void OpenGameGenie() { if(!GCSettings.gamegenie) geniestage=0; else if (FindGameGenie()) geniestage=1; }