/**************************************************************************** * Intro and Credits * * Just own up to who did what ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "../../iplfont/iplfont.h" #define MARGIN 0 //#define PSOSDLOADID 0x7c6000a6 #define JOY_UP 0x10 #define JOY_DOWN 0x20 static int currpal = 0; static int timing = 0; static int FSDisable = 1; static int slimit = 1; extern int scrollerx; extern void FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation( int a ); extern void FCEUD_SetPalette(unsigned char index, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b); extern void FCEU_ResetPalette(void); extern void WaitPrompt( char *text ); //extern void MCManage( int mode ); extern void ManageState(int mode, int slot, int device); extern void StartGX(); extern signed int CARDSLOT; extern int PADCAL; extern int PADTUR; extern void scroller(int y, unsigned char text[][512], int nlines); extern void FCEUI_DisableFourScore(int a); extern int line; extern char backdrop[640 * 480 * 2]; extern int UseSDCARD; extern unsigned char DecodeJoy( unsigned short pp ); extern unsigned char GetAnalog(int Joy); #define MAXPAL 12 #define SCROLLY 395 #define SOFTRESET_ADR ((volatile u32*)0xCC003024) /* color palettes */ struct { char *name, *desc; unsigned int data[64]; } palettes[] = { /* The default NES palette must be the first entry in the array */ { "loopy", "Loopy's NES palette", { 0x757575, 0x271b8f, 0x0000ab, 0x47009f, 0x8f0077, 0xab0013, 0xa70000, 0x7f0b00, 0x432f00, 0x004700, 0x005100, 0x003f17, 0x1b3f5f, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xbcbcbc, 0x0073ef, 0x233bef, 0x8300f3, 0xbf00bf, 0xe7005b, 0xdb2b00, 0xcb4f0f, 0x8b7300, 0x009700, 0x00ab00, 0x00933b, 0x00838b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0x3fbfff, 0x5f97ff, 0xa78bfd, 0xf77bff, 0xff77b7, 0xff7763, 0xff9b3b, 0xf3bf3f, 0x83d313, 0x4fdf4b, 0x58f898, 0x00ebdb, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xabe7ff, 0xc7d7ff, 0xd7cbff, 0xffc7ff, 0xffc7db, 0xffbfb3, 0xffdbab, 0xffe7a3, 0xe3ffa3, 0xabf3bf, 0xb3ffcf, 0x9ffff3, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "quor", "Quor's palette from Nestra 0.63", { 0x3f3f3f, 0x001f3f, 0x00003f, 0x1f003f, 0x3f003f, 0x3f0020, 0x3f0000, 0x3f2000, 0x3f3f00, 0x203f00, 0x003f00, 0x003f20, 0x003f3f, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x7f7f7f, 0x405f7f, 0x40407f, 0x5f407f, 0x7f407f, 0x7f4060, 0x7f4040, 0x7f6040, 0x7f7f40, 0x607f40, 0x407f40, 0x407f60, 0x407f7f, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xbfbfbf, 0x809fbf, 0x8080bf, 0x9f80bf, 0xbf80bf, 0xbf80a0, 0xbf8080, 0xbfa080, 0xbfbf80, 0xa0bf80, 0x80bf80, 0x80bfa0, 0x80bfbf, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xc0dfff, 0xc0c0ff, 0xdfc0ff, 0xffc0ff, 0xffc0e0, 0xffc0c0, 0xffe0c0, 0xffffc0, 0xe0ffc0, 0xc0ffc0, 0xc0ffe0, 0xc0ffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "chris", "Chris Covell's NES palette", { 0x808080, 0x003DA6, 0x0012B0, 0x440096, 0xA1005E, 0xC70028, 0xBA0600, 0x8C1700, 0x5C2F00, 0x104500, 0x054A00, 0x00472E, 0x004166, 0x000000, 0x050505, 0x050505, 0xC7C7C7, 0x0077FF, 0x2155FF, 0x8237FA, 0xEB2FB5, 0xFF2950, 0xFF2200, 0xD63200, 0xC46200, 0x358000, 0x058F00, 0x008A55, 0x0099CC, 0x212121, 0x090909, 0x090909, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0FD7FF, 0x69A2FF, 0xD480FF, 0xFF45F3, 0xFF618B, 0xFF8833, 0xFF9C12, 0xFABC20, 0x9FE30E, 0x2BF035, 0x0CF0A4, 0x05FBFF, 0x5E5E5E, 0x0D0D0D, 0x0D0D0D, 0xFFFFFF, 0xA6FCFF, 0xB3ECFF, 0xDAABEB, 0xFFA8F9, 0xFFABB3, 0xFFD2B0, 0xFFEFA6, 0xFFF79C, 0xD7E895, 0xA6EDAF, 0xA2F2DA, 0x99FFFC, 0xDDDDDD, 0x111111, 0x111111 } }, { "matt", "Matthew Conte's NES palette", { 0x808080, 0x0000bb, 0x3700bf, 0x8400a6, 0xbb006a, 0xb7001e, 0xb30000, 0x912600, 0x7b2b00, 0x003e00, 0x00480d, 0x003c22, 0x002f66, 0x000000, 0x050505, 0x050505, 0xc8c8c8, 0x0059ff, 0x443cff, 0xb733cc, 0xff33aa, 0xff375e, 0xff371a, 0xd54b00, 0xc46200, 0x3c7b00, 0x1e8415, 0x009566, 0x0084c4, 0x111111, 0x090909, 0x090909, 0xffffff, 0x0095ff, 0x6f84ff, 0xd56fff, 0xff77cc, 0xff6f99, 0xff7b59, 0xff915f, 0xffa233, 0xa6bf00, 0x51d96a, 0x4dd5ae, 0x00d9ff, 0x666666, 0x0d0d0d, 0x0d0d0d, 0xffffff, 0x84bfff, 0xbbbbff, 0xd0bbff, 0xffbfea, 0xffbfcc, 0xffc4b7, 0xffccae, 0xffd9a2, 0xcce199, 0xaeeeb7, 0xaaf7ee, 0xb3eeff, 0xdddddd, 0x111111, 0x111111 } }, { "pasofami", "Palette from PasoFami/99", { 0x7f7f7f, 0x0000ff, 0x0000bf, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0xab0023, 0xab1300, 0x8b1700, 0x533000, 0x007800, 0x006b00, 0x005b00, 0x004358, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xbfbfbf, 0x0078f8, 0x0058f8, 0x6b47ff, 0xdb00cd, 0xe7005b, 0xf83800, 0xe75f13, 0xaf7f00, 0x00b800, 0x00ab00, 0x00ab47, 0x008b8b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xf8f8f8, 0x3fbfff, 0x6b88ff, 0x9878f8, 0xf878f8, 0xf85898, 0xf87858, 0xffa347, 0xf8b800, 0xb8f818, 0x5bdb57, 0x58f898, 0x00ebdb, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0xb8b8f8, 0xd8b8f8, 0xf8b8f8, 0xfba7c3, 0xf0d0b0, 0xffe3ab, 0xfbdb7b, 0xd8f878, 0xb8f8b8, 0xb8f8d8, 0x00ffff, 0xf8d8f8, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "crashman", "CrashMan's NES palette", { 0x585858, 0x001173, 0x000062, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0x910009, 0x6f1100, 0x4c1008, 0x371e00, 0x002f00, 0x005500, 0x004d15, 0x002840, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xa0a0a0, 0x004499, 0x2c2cc8, 0x590daa, 0xae006a, 0xb00040, 0xb83418, 0x983010, 0x704000, 0x308000, 0x207808, 0x007b33, 0x1c6888, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xf8f8f8, 0x267be1, 0x5870f0, 0x9878f8, 0xff73c8, 0xf060a8, 0xd07b37, 0xe09040, 0xf8b300, 0x8cbc00, 0x40a858, 0x58f898, 0x00b7bf, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0xb8b8f8, 0xd8b8f8, 0xe6a6ff, 0xf29dc4, 0xf0c0b0, 0xfce4b0, 0xe0e01e, 0xd8f878, 0xc0e890, 0x95f7c8, 0x98e0e8, 0xf8d8f8, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "mess", "palette from the MESS NES driver", { 0x747474, 0x24188c, 0x0000a8, 0x44009c, 0x8c0074, 0xa80010, 0xa40000, 0x7c0800, 0x402c00, 0x004400, 0x005000, 0x003c14, 0x183c5c, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xbcbcbc, 0x0070ec, 0x2038ec, 0x8000f0, 0xbc00bc, 0xe40058, 0xd82800, 0xc84c0c, 0x887000, 0x009400, 0x00a800, 0x009038, 0x008088, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xfcfcfc, 0x3cbcfc, 0x5c94fc, 0x4088fc, 0xf478fc, 0xfc74b4, 0xfc7460, 0xfc9838, 0xf0bc3c, 0x80d010, 0x4cdc48, 0x58f898, 0x00e8d8, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xfcfcfc, 0xa8e4fc, 0xc4d4fc, 0xd4c8fc, 0xfcc4fc, 0xfcc4d8, 0xfcbcb0, 0xfcd8a8, 0xfce4a0, 0xe0fca0, 0xa8f0bc, 0xb0fccc, 0x9cfcf0, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "zaphod-cv", "Zaphod's VS Castlevania palette", { 0x7f7f7f, 0xffa347, 0x0000bf, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0xf85898, 0xab1300, 0xf8b8f8, 0xbf0000, 0x007800, 0x006b00, 0x005b00, 0xffffff, 0x9878f8, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xbfbfbf, 0x0078f8, 0xab1300, 0x6b47ff, 0x00ae00, 0xe7005b, 0xf83800, 0x7777ff, 0xaf7f00, 0x00b800, 0x00ab00, 0x00ab47, 0x008b8b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x472bbf, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffe3ab, 0xf87858, 0x9878f8, 0x0078f8, 0xf85898, 0xbfbfbf, 0xffa347, 0xc800c8, 0xb8f818, 0x7f7f7f, 0x007800, 0x00ebdb, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0x5bdb57, 0xe75f13, 0x004358, 0x0000ff, 0xe7005b, 0x00b800, 0xfbdb7b, 0xd8f878, 0x8b1700, 0xffe3ab, 0x00ffff, 0xab0023, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "zaphod-smb", "Zaphod's VS SMB palette", { 0x626a00, 0x0000ff, 0x006a77, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0xab0023, 0xab1300, 0xb74800, 0xa2a2a2, 0x007800, 0x006b00, 0x005b00, 0xffd599, 0xffff00, 0x009900, 0x000000, 0xff66ff, 0x0078f8, 0x0058f8, 0x6b47ff, 0x000000, 0xe7005b, 0xf83800, 0xe75f13, 0xaf7f00, 0x00b800, 0x5173ff, 0x00ab47, 0x008b8b, 0x000000, 0x91ff88, 0x000088, 0xf8f8f8, 0x3fbfff, 0x6b0000, 0x4855f8, 0xf878f8, 0xf85898, 0x595958, 0xff009d, 0x002f2f, 0xb8f818, 0x5bdb57, 0x58f898, 0x00ebdb, 0x787878, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0x590400, 0xbb0000, 0xf8b8f8, 0xfba7c3, 0xffffff, 0x00e3e1, 0xfbdb7b, 0xffae00, 0xb8f8b8, 0xb8f8d8, 0x00ff00, 0xf8d8f8, 0xffaaaa, 0x004000 } }, { "vs-drmar", "VS Dr. Mario palette", { 0x5f97ff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x47009f, 0x00ab00, 0xffffff, 0xabe7ff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xe7005b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x5f97ff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x8b7300, 0xcb4f0f, 0x000000, 0xbcbcbc, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x00ebdb, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xff9b3b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x83d313, 0x000000, 0x3fbfff, 0x000000, 0x0073ef, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x00ebdb, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xf3bf3f, 0x000000, 0x005100, 0x000000, 0xc7d7ff, 0xffdbab, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000 } }, { "vs-cv", "VS Castlevania palette", { 0xaf7f00, 0xffa347, 0x008b8b, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0xf85898, 0xab1300, 0xf8b8f8, 0xf83800, 0x007800, 0x006b00, 0x005b00, 0xffffff, 0x9878f8, 0x00ab00, 0x000000, 0xbfbfbf, 0x0078f8, 0xab1300, 0x6b47ff, 0x000000, 0xe7005b, 0xf83800, 0x6b88ff, 0xaf7f00, 0x00b800, 0x6b88ff, 0x00ab47, 0x008b8b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x472bbf, 0xf8f8f8, 0xffe3ab, 0xf87858, 0x9878f8, 0x0078f8, 0xf85898, 0xbfbfbf, 0xffa347, 0x004358, 0xb8f818, 0x7f7f7f, 0x007800, 0x00ebdb, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0x5bdb57, 0x6b88ff, 0x004358, 0x0000ff, 0xe7005b, 0x00b800, 0xfbdb7b, 0xffa347, 0x8b1700, 0xffe3ab, 0xb8f818, 0xab0023, 0x000000, 0x007800 } }, /* The default VS palette must be the last entry in the array */ { "vs-smb", "VS SMB/VS Ice Climber palette", { 0xaf7f00, 0x0000ff, 0x008b8b, 0x472bbf, 0x970087, 0xab0023, 0x0000ff, 0xe75f13, 0xbfbfbf, 0x007800, 0x5bdb57, 0x005b00, 0xf0d0b0, 0xffe3ab, 0x00ab00, 0x000000, 0xbfbfbf, 0x0078f8, 0x0058f8, 0x6b47ff, 0x000000, 0xe7005b, 0xf83800, 0xf87858, 0xaf7f00, 0x00b800, 0x6b88ff, 0x00ab47, 0x008b8b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x3fbfff, 0xf8f8f8, 0x006b00, 0x8b1700, 0x9878f8, 0x6b47ff, 0xf85898, 0x7f7f7f, 0xe7005b, 0x004358, 0xb8f818, 0x0078f8, 0x58f898, 0x00ebdb, 0xfbdb7b, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xa7e7ff, 0xb8b8f8, 0xf83800, 0xf8b8f8, 0xfba7c3, 0xffffff, 0x00ffff, 0xfbdb7b, 0xffa347, 0xb8f8b8, 0xb8f8d8, 0xb8f818, 0xf8d8f8, 0x000000, 0x007800 } } }; extern int whichfb; extern unsigned int *xfb[2]; extern GXRModeObj *vmode; extern int font_size[256]; extern int font_height; extern int screenscaler; /*extern long blit_lookup[4]; extern long blit_lookup_inv[4];*/ /**************************************************************************** * SetScreen ****************************************************************************/ void SetScreen() { VIDEO_SetNextFramebuffer( xfb[whichfb] ); VIDEO_Flush(); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } void ClearScreen() { whichfb ^= 1; /*VIDEO_ClearFrameBuffer(vmode, xfb[whichfb], 0x258e2573);*/ memcpy (xfb[whichfb], &backdrop, 1280 * 480); } /*************************************************************************** * Configuration Menu * * Called when the user presses the Z Trigger on Pad 0 * * Options * * 1. Emulator Options * 1.1 Select Screen Size * 1.2 Select Palette * 1.3 Timing * 1.4 Reset NES * * 2. Save Game Manager * 1.1 Save Current State * 1.2 Load Existing State * 1.3 Delete Save Game * * 3. Game Information * 3.1 Show Game Info * * 4. Load ROM * 4.1 Load ROM from DVD-R ***************************************************************************/ void DrawMenu(char items[][30], int maxitems, int select) { int i,w,p,h; ClearScreen(); /*** Draw Title Centred ***/ p = (480 - (maxitems * font_height)) / 2 + 10; for( i = 0; i < maxitems; i++ ) { w = CentreTextPosition(items[i]); h = GetTextWidth(items[i]); /* if ( i == select ) writex( w, p, h, font_height, items[i], blit_lookup_inv ); else writex( w, p, h, font_height, items[i], blit_lookup );*/ writex( w, p, h, font_height, items[i], i == select ); p += font_height; } SetScreen(); } /**************************************************************************** * PADMap * * Remap a pad to the correct key ****************************************************************************/ extern unsigned short gcpadmap[12]; char PADMap( int padvalue, int padnum ) { char padkey; switch( padvalue ) { case 0: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_BUTTON_A; padkey = 'A'; break; case 1: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_BUTTON_B; padkey = 'B'; break; case 2: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_BUTTON_X; padkey = 'X'; break; case 3: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_BUTTON_Y; padkey = 'Y'; break; case 4: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_BUTTON_START; padkey = 'S'; break; case 5: gcpadmap[padnum] = PAD_TRIGGER_Z; padkey = 'Z'; break; } return padkey; } /**************************************************************************** * PAD Configuration * * This screen simply let's the user swap A/B/X/Y around. ****************************************************************************/ int configpadcount = 10; char padmenu[10][30] = { { "NES BUTTON A - A" }, { " BUTTON B - B" }, { " START - S" }, { " SELECT - Z" }, { " TURBO A - X" }, { " TURBO B - Y" }, { " FOUR SCORE - OFF" }, { " ANALOG CLIP - 40"}, { " TURBO SPEED - 30.00 pps" }, { "Return to previous" } }; unsigned char text[][512] = { //PAD Configuration { "Configure Your Gamepad" }, { "Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start" } }; char mpads[2]; int PADCON = 0; void ConfigPAD() { int menu = 0; int quit = 0; short j; int redraw = 1; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { mpads[i] = padmenu[i][15] == 'A' ? 0 : padmenu[i][15] == 'B' ? 1 : padmenu[i][15] == 'X' ? 2 : padmenu[i][15] == 'Y' ? 3 : padmenu[i][15] == 'S' ? 4 : padmenu[i][15] == 'Z' ? 5 : 0; } line = 0; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; while ( quit == 0 ) { if ( redraw ) DrawMenu(&padmenu[0], configpadcount, menu); redraw = 0; j = PAD_ButtonsDown(0); if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) { menu++; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_UP ) { menu--; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_A ) { redraw = 1; switch( menu ) { case 0: i = 0; break; case 1: i = 1; break; case 2: i = 2; break; case 3: i = 3; break; case 4: i = 4; break; case 5: i = 5; break; case 6: i = -1; FSDisable ^= 1; if ( FSDisable ) strcpy(padmenu[6], " FOUR SCORE - OFF"); else strcpy(padmenu[6], " FOUR SCORE - ON "); FCEUI_DisableFourScore(FSDisable); break; case 7: i = -1; PADCAL += 5; if ( PADCAL > 90 ) PADCAL = 40; sprintf(padmenu[7]," ANALOG CLIP - %d", PADCAL); break; case 8: i = -1; PADTUR += 1; if ( PADTUR > 10 ) PADTUR += 4; if ( PADTUR > 30 ) PADTUR = 2; sprintf(padmenu[8]," TURBO SPEED - %.2f pps", (float)60/PADTUR); break; case 9: quit=1; return; break; default: break; } if ( i >= 0 ) { mpads[i]++; if ( mpads[i] == 6 ) mpads[i] = 0; padmenu[i][15] = PADMap( mpads[i], i ); } } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_B ) { quit=1; return; } if ( menu < 0 ) menu = configpadcount - 1; if ( menu == configpadcount ) menu = 0; scroller(SCROLLY, &text[0], 2); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } return; } /**************************************************************************** * Save Game Manager ****************************************************************************/ int mccount = 5; char mcmenu[5][30] = { { "Use: SLOT A" }, { "Device: MCARD" }, { "Save Game State" }, { "Load Game State" }, { "Return to Main Menu" } }; unsigned char sgmtext[][512] = { //Save game { "From where do you wish to load/save your game?" }, { "Hard time making up your mind?" } }; int slot = 0; int device = 0; int StateManager() { int menu = 0; int quit = 0; short j; int redraw = 1; //int i; line = 0; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; while ( quit == 0 ) { if ( redraw ){ sprintf(mcmenu[0], (slot == 0) ? "Use: SLOT A" : "Use: SLOT B"); sprintf(mcmenu[1], (device == 0) ? "Device: MCARD" : "Device: SDCARD"); DrawMenu(&mcmenu[0], mccount, menu); } redraw = 0; j = PAD_ButtonsDown(0); if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) { menu++; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_UP ) { menu--; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_A ) { redraw = 1; switch( menu ) { case 0 : slot ^= 1; break; case 1 : device ^= 1; break; case 2 : ManageState(0, slot, device); //Save break; case 3 : ManageState(1, slot, device); //Load break; case 4 : quit = 1;//return 0 ; break; default: break; } } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_B ) quit = 1; if ( menu < 0 ) menu = mccount - 1; if ( menu == mccount ) menu = 0; scroller(SCROLLY, &sgmtext[0], 2); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * Video Enhancement Screen ****************************************************************************/ int vecount = 5; char vemenu[5][30] = { { "Screen Scaler - GX" }, { "Palette - Default" }, { "8 Sprite Limit - ON " },{ "Timing - NTSC" }, { "Return to Main Menu" } }; unsigned char vestext[][512] = { //Screen Configurator { "Wow, these colors and shapes sure are beautiful, brings back the memories." }, { "Be sure not to mess these settings up, You don't want to ruin the experience! :D" } }; int VideoEnhancements() { int menu = 0; int quit = 0; short j; int redraw = 1; int i; unsigned char r,g,b; line = 0; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; while ( quit == 0) { if ( redraw ) DrawMenu(&vemenu[0], vecount, menu ); redraw = 0; j = PAD_ButtonsDown(0); if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) { menu++; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_UP ) { menu--; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_A ) { redraw = 1; switch ( menu ) { case 0: /*** Scaler ***/ screenscaler++; screenscaler = ( screenscaler > 2 ) ? 0 : screenscaler; switch ( screenscaler ) { case 2: strcpy(vemenu[0], "Screen Scaler - GX"); break; case 1: strcpy(vemenu[0], "Screen Scaler - Cheesy"); break; case 0: strcpy(vemenu[0], "Screen Scaler - 2x"); break; } break; case 1: /*** Palette ***/ currpal++; if ( currpal > MAXPAL ) currpal = 0; if ( currpal == 0 ) { strcpy(vemenu[1],"Palette - Default"); /*** Do palette reset ***/ FCEU_ResetPalette(); } else { strcpy(vemenu[1],"Palette - "); strcat(vemenu[1], palettes[currpal-1].name); /*** Now setup this palette ***/ for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { r = palettes[currpal-1].data[i] >> 16; g = ( palettes[currpal-1].data[i] & 0xff00 ) >> 8; b = ( palettes[currpal-1].data[i] & 0xff ); FCEUD_SetPalette( i, r, g, b); FCEUD_SetPalette( i+64, r, g, b); FCEUD_SetPalette( i+128, r, g, b); FCEUD_SetPalette( i+192, r, g, b); } } break; case 2: slimit ^=1; if ( slimit ) strcpy(vemenu[2], "8 Sprite Limit - ON "); else strcpy(vemenu[2], "8 Sprite Limit - OFF"); FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation( slimit ); break; case 3: timing ^= 1; if ( timing ) strcpy(vemenu[3], "Timing - PAL "); else strcpy(vemenu[3], "Timing - NTSC"); FCEUI_SetVidSystem( timing ); break; case 4: quit = 1; break; default: break; } } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_B ) quit = 1; if ( menu < 0 ) menu = vecount - 1; if ( menu == vecount ) menu = 0; scroller(SCROLLY, &vestext[0], 2); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * ROM Information ****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { char ID[4]; /*NES^Z*/ u8 ROM_size; u8 VROM_size; u8 ROM_type; u8 ROM_type2; u8 reserve[8]; } iNES_HEADER; extern int MapperNo; extern iNES_HEADER head; extern u32 ROM_size; extern u32 VROM_size; extern u32 iNESGameCRC32; extern u8 iNESMirroring; void ShowROMInfo() { int i,p; char *title = "ROM Information"; char info[128]; ClearScreen(); p = (480 - (7 * font_height)) / 2 + 5; write_font( CentreTextPosition( title ), p, title ); p += ( font_height << 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { switch (i) { case 0: sprintf(info, "ROM Size : %d", head.ROM_size ); break; case 1: sprintf(info, "VROM Size : %d", head.VROM_size ); break; case 2: sprintf(info, "iNES CRC : %08x", iNESGameCRC32 ); break; case 3: sprintf(info, "Mapper : %d", MapperNo ); break; case 4: sprintf(info, "Mirroring : %d", iNESMirroring );break; } write_font( CentreTextPosition( info ), p, info ); p+=font_height; } SetScreen(); while ( !(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & (PAD_BUTTON_A | PAD_BUTTON_B)) ) { VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } } /**************************************************************************** * Media Select Screen ****************************************************************************/ int mediacount = 4; char mediamenu[4][30] = { { "Load from DVD" }, { "Load from SDCARD"}, { "SD Gecko: Slot A" }, { "Return to previous" } }; unsigned char msstext[][512] = { //Screen Configurator { "What are You waiting for? Load some games!" }, { "Still here?" }, { "How can You wait this long?! The games are waiting for You!!" } }; int choosenSDSlot = 0; int MediaSelect() { int menu = 0; int quit = 0; short j; int redraw = 1; line = 0; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; while ( quit == 0 ) { if ( redraw ) DrawMenu(&mediamenu[0], mediacount, menu ); redraw = 0; j = PAD_ButtonsDown(0); if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) { menu++; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_UP ) { menu--; redraw = 1; } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_A ) { redraw = 1; switch ( menu ) { case 0: UseSDCARD = 0; //DVD OpenDVD(); return 1; break; case 1: UseSDCARD = 1; //SDCard OpenSD(); return 1; break; case 2: choosenSDSlot ^= 1; //Pick Slot sprintf(mediamenu[2], "SD Gecko: %s", (!choosenSDSlot) ? "Slot A" : "Slot B"); break; case 3: quit = 1; //Previous break; default: break ; } } if ( j & PAD_BUTTON_B ) quit = 1; if ( menu == mediacount ) menu = 0; if ( menu < 0 ) menu = mediacount - 1; scroller(SCROLLY, &msstext[0], 3); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** * Credits screen *****************************************************************************/ char credits[12][512] = { //{ "Technical" }, { "Gamecube port by softdev" }, { "Original FCE by BERO" }, { "FCE Ultra by Xodnizel" }, { "DevkitPPC/libogc by wntrmute and shagkur" }, { "IPLFont by Qoob" }, { "DVD Codes Courtesy of Ninjamod" }, { "Zlib by Jean-loup Gailly" }, { "Misc. addons by KruLLo" }, { "Extras features Askot" }, { "Thank you to" }, { "brakken, mithos, luciddream, HonkeyKong," }, { "dsbomb for bringing it to the Wii" }, }; void ShowCredits(){ int i,p; char *title = "Credits"; char info[128]; ClearScreen(); //p = (480 - (7 * font_height)) / 2 + 5; //150 p = 105; write_font( CentreTextPosition( title ), p, title ); //p += ( font_height << 1 ); p = 133; for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { sprintf(info, credits[i]); write_font( CentreTextPosition( info ), p, info ); p+=24; //p+=font_height; } SetScreen(); while ( !(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & (PAD_BUTTON_A | PAD_BUTTON_B)) ) { VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } } /**************************************************************************** * Configuration Screen ****************************************************************************/ int configmenucount = 11; char configmenu[11][30] = { { "Play Game" }, { "Reset NES" }, { "Load New Game" }, { "State Manager" }, { "ROM Information" }, { "Configure Joypads" }, { "Video Options" }, { "Stop DVD Motor" }, { "PSO/SD Reload" } , { "Reboot Gamecube" }, { "Credits" } }; unsigned char cstext[][512] = { //ConfigScreen { "FCE Ultra GameCube Edition - Version 1.0.9 \"SUPER-DELUXE\" ;)" }, { "Press L + R anytime to return to this menu!" }, { "Press START + B + X anytime for PSO/SD-reload" }, { "* * *" }, { "FCE Ultra GC is a modified port of the FCE Ultra 0.98.12 Nintendo Entertainment system for x86 (Windows/Linux) PC's. In English you can play NES games on your GameCube using either a softmod and/or modchip from a DVD or via a networked connection to your PC." }, { "Disclaimer - Use at your own RISK!" }, { "Official Homepage: http://www.tehskeen.net" } }; int ConfigScreen() { int menu = 0; int quit = 0; short j; int redraw = 1; //int *psoid = (int *) 0x80001800; void (*PSOReload) () = (void (*)()) 0x80001800; /*** Stop any running Audio ***/ AUDIO_StopDMA(); line = 0; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; while ( quit == 0 ) { if ( redraw ) /*DrawMenu("FCEU GC Configuration", &configmenu[0], configmenucount, menu );*/ DrawMenu(&configmenu[0], configmenucount, menu ); redraw = 0; //while (menu == 9 && !(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_UP) && !(PAD_ButtonsDown(0) & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN)) // { scroller(SCROLLY, &credits[0], 12);VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } /*if (menu == 9) { scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; line = 0; }*/ j = PAD_ButtonsDown(0); if (j & PAD_BUTTON_DOWN) { menu++; redraw = 1; /*if (menu == 9) { scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; line = 0; }*/ } if (j & PAD_BUTTON_UP) { menu--; redraw = 1; if (menu < 0) { scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; line = 0; } } if (j & PAD_BUTTON_A ) { redraw = 1; switch ( menu ) { case 0: // Play Game quit = 1; break; case 1: // Reset NES ResetNES(); return 1; break; case 2: // Load new Game if (MediaSelect()) { if (GCMemROM() >= 0) return 1;/* Fix by Garglub. Thanks! */ } scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; break; case 3: // State Manager if (StateManager()) return 2; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; break; case 4: // Game Information ShowROMInfo(); break; case 5: // COnfigure Joypads ConfigPAD(); scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; break; case 6: // Video Options if (VideoEnhancements()) return 2; scrollerx = 320 - MARGIN; break; case 7: // Stop DVD Motor ShowAction("Stopping Motor"); dvd_motor_off(); WaitPrompt("DVD Motor Stopped"); break; case 8: // PSO/SD Reload PSOReload (); break; case 9: // Reboot *SOFTRESET_ADR = 0x00000000; break; case 10: // Credits ShowCredits(); break; default: break ; } } if ( menu == configmenucount ) menu = 0; if ( menu < 0 ) menu = configmenucount - 1; scroller(SCROLLY, &cstext[0], 7); VIDEO_WaitVSync(); } /*** Remove any still held buttons ***/ while(PAD_ButtonsHeld(0)) VIDEO_WaitVSync(); /*** Stop the DVD from causing clicks while playing ***/ uselessinquiry (); return 0; }