/**************************************************************************** * FCE Ultra * Nintendo Wii/Gamecube Port * * Tantric December 2008 * * networkop.cpp * * Network and SMB support routines ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HW_DOL bool ConnectShare (bool silent) { return false; } #else #include <network.h> #include <smb.h> #include <mxml.h> #include <malloc.h> #include "fceugx.h" #include "menu.h" #include "fileop.h" #include "filebrowser.h" #include "utils/http.h" #include "utils/unzip/unzip.h" #include "utils/unzip/miniunz.h" bool inNetworkInit = false; static bool networkInit = false; static bool autoNetworkInit = true; static bool networkShareInit = false; static bool updateChecked = false; // true if checked for app update static char updateURL[128]; // URL of app update bool updateFound = false; // true if an app update was found /**************************************************************************** * UpdateCheck * Checks for an update for the application ***************************************************************************/ void UpdateCheck() { // we can only check for the update if we have internet + SD if(!updateChecked && networkInit && (isMounted[DEVICE_SD] || isMounted[DEVICE_USB])) { static char url[128]; int retval; updateChecked = true; snprintf(url, 128, "http://fceugc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/update.xml"); u8 * tmpbuffer = (u8 *)memalign(32,32768); memset(tmpbuffer, 0, 32768); retval = http_request(url, NULL, tmpbuffer, 32768); memset(url, 0, 128); if (retval) { mxml_node_t *xml; mxml_node_t *item; xml = mxmlLoadString(NULL, (char *)tmpbuffer, MXML_TEXT_CALLBACK); if(xml) { // check settings version item = mxmlFindElement(xml, xml, "app", "version", NULL, MXML_DESCEND); if(item) // a version entry exists { const char * version = mxmlElementGetAttr(item, "version"); if(version && strlen(version) == 5) { int verMajor = version[0] - '0'; int verMinor = version[2] - '0'; int verPoint = version[4] - '0'; int curMajor = APPVERSION[0] - '0'; int curMinor = APPVERSION[2] - '0'; int curPoint = APPVERSION[4] - '0'; // check that the versioning is valid and is a newer version if((verMajor >= 0 && verMajor <= 9 && verMinor >= 0 && verMinor <= 9 && verPoint >= 0 && verPoint <= 9) && (verMajor > curMajor || (verMajor == curMajor && verMinor > curMinor) || (verMajor == curMajor && verMinor == curMinor && verPoint > curPoint))) { item = mxmlFindElement(xml, xml, "file", NULL, NULL, MXML_DESCEND); if(item) { const char * tmp = mxmlElementGetAttr(item, "url"); if(tmp) { snprintf(updateURL, 128, "%s", tmp); updateFound = true; } } } } } mxmlDelete(xml); } } free(tmpbuffer); } } static bool unzipArchive(char * zipfilepath, char * unzipfolderpath) { unzFile uf = unzOpen(zipfilepath); if (uf==NULL) return false; if(chdir(unzipfolderpath)) // can't access dir { makedir(unzipfolderpath); // attempt to make dir if(chdir(unzipfolderpath)) // still can't access dir return false; } extractZip(uf,0,1,0); unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); return true; } bool DownloadUpdate() { bool result = false; if(strlen(updateURL) == 0 || strlen(appPath) == 0) goto done; if(!ChangeInterface(appPath, NOTSILENT)) goto done; // stop checking if devices were removed/inserted // since we're saving a file HaltDeviceThread(); int device; FindDevice(appPath, &device); FILE * hfile; char updateFile[50]; sprintf(updateFile, "%s%s Update.zip", pathPrefix[device], APPNAME); hfile = fopen (updateFile, "wb"); if (hfile > 0) { int retval; retval = http_request(updateURL, hfile, NULL, (1024*1024*10)); fclose (hfile); } result = unzipArchive(updateFile, (char *)pathPrefix[device]); remove(updateFile); // delete update file // go back to checking if devices were inserted/removed ResumeDeviceThread(); done: if(result) InfoPrompt("Update successful!"); else ErrorPrompt("Update failed!"); updateFound = false; // updating is finished (successful or not!) return result; } /**************************************************************************** * InitializeNetwork * Initializes the Wii/GameCube network interface ***************************************************************************/ void InitializeNetwork(bool silent) { // stop if we're already initialized, or if auto-init has failed before // in which case, manual initialization is required if(networkInit || (silent && !autoNetworkInit)) return; int retry = 1; char ip[16]; s32 initResult; if(!silent) ShowAction ("Initializing network..."); while(inNetworkInit) // a network init is already in progress! usleep(50); if(!networkInit) // check again if the network was inited { inNetworkInit = true; while(retry) { if(!silent) ShowAction ("Initializing network..."); initResult = if_config(ip, NULL, NULL, true); if(initResult == 0) networkInit = true; if(networkInit || silent) break; retry = ErrorPromptRetry("Unable to initialize network!"); } // do not automatically attempt a reconnection autoNetworkInit = false; inNetworkInit = false; } if(!silent) CancelAction(); } void CloseShare() { if(networkShareInit) smbClose("smb"); networkShareInit = false; isMounted[DEVICE_SMB] = false; } /**************************************************************************** * Mount SMB Share ****************************************************************************/ bool ConnectShare (bool silent) { // Crashes or stalls system in GameCube mode - so disable #ifndef HW_RVL return false; #endif int retry = 1; int chkS = (strlen(GCSettings.smbshare) > 0) ? 0:1; int chkI = (strlen(GCSettings.smbip) > 0) ? 0:1; // check that all parameters have been set if(chkS + chkI > 0) { if(!silent) { char msg[50]; char msg2[100]; if(chkS + chkI > 1) // more than one thing is wrong sprintf(msg, "Check settings.xml."); else if(chkS) sprintf(msg, "Share name is blank."); else if(chkI) sprintf(msg, "Share IP is blank."); sprintf(msg2, "Invalid network settings - %s", msg); ErrorPrompt(msg2); } return false; } if(!networkInit) InitializeNetwork(silent); if(!networkInit) return false; while(retry) { if(!silent) ShowAction ("Connecting to network share..."); if(smbInit(GCSettings.smbuser, GCSettings.smbpwd, GCSettings.smbshare, GCSettings.smbip)) networkShareInit = true; if(networkShareInit || silent) break; retry = ErrorPromptRetry("Failed to connect to network share."); } if(!silent) CancelAction(); return networkShareInit; } #endif