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2474 lines
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/* FCE Ultra - NES/Famicom Emulator
* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 1998 BERO
* Copyright (C) 2003 Xodnizel
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "types.h"
#include "x6502.h"
#include "fceu.h"
#include "ppu.h"
#include "nsf.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "utils/endian.h"
#include "utils/memory.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "driver.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#define VBlankON (PPU[0] & 0x80) //Generate VBlank NMI
#define Sprite16 (PPU[0] & 0x20) //Sprites 8x16/8x8
#define BGAdrHI (PPU[0] & 0x10) //BG pattern adr $0000/$1000
#define SpAdrHI (PPU[0] & 0x08) //Sprite pattern adr $0000/$1000
#define INC32 (PPU[0] & 0x04) //auto increment 1/32
#define SpriteON (PPU[1] & 0x10) //Show Sprite
#define ScreenON (PPU[1] & 0x08) //Show screen
#define PPUON (PPU[1] & 0x18) //PPU should operate
#define GRAYSCALE (PPU[1] & 0x01) //Grayscale (AND palette entries with 0x30)
#define SpriteLeft8 (PPU[1] & 0x04)
#define BGLeft8 (PPU[1] & 0x02)
#define PPU_status (PPU[2])
#define READPAL(ofs) (PALRAM[(ofs)] & (GRAYSCALE ? 0x30 : 0xFF))
#define READUPAL(ofs) (UPALRAM[(ofs)] & (GRAYSCALE ? 0x30 : 0xFF))
static void FetchSpriteData(void);
static void RefreshLine(int lastpixel);
static void RefreshSprites(void);
static void CopySprites(uint8 *target);
static void Fixit1(void);
static uint32 ppulut1[256];
static uint32 ppulut2[256];
static uint32 ppulut3[128];
static bool new_ppu_reset = false;
int test = 0;
template<typename T, int BITS>
struct BITREVLUT {
T* lut;
int bits = BITS;
int n = 1 << BITS;
lut = new T[n];
int m = 1;
int a = n >> 1;
int j = 2;
lut[0] = 0;
lut[1] = a;
while (--bits) {
m <<= 1;
a >>= 1;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
lut[j++] = lut[i] + a;
T operator[](int index) {
return lut[index];
BITREVLUT<uint8, 8> bitrevlut;
struct PPUSTATUS {
int32 sl;
int32 cycle, end_cycle;
struct SPRITE_READ {
int32 num;
int32 count;
int32 fetch;
int32 found;
int32 found_pos[8];
int32 ret;
int32 last;
int32 mode;
void reset() {
num = count = fetch = found = ret = last = mode = 0;
found_pos[0] = found_pos[1] = found_pos[2] = found_pos[3] = 0;
found_pos[4] = found_pos[5] = found_pos[6] = found_pos[7] = 0;
void start_scanline() {
num = 1;
found = 0;
fetch = 1;
count = 0;
last = 64;
mode = 0;
found_pos[0] = found_pos[1] = found_pos[2] = found_pos[3] = 0;
found_pos[4] = found_pos[5] = found_pos[6] = found_pos[7] = 0;
//doesn't need to be savestated as it is just a reflection of the current position in the ppu loop
PPUPHASE ppuphase;
//this needs to be savestated since a game may be trying to read from this across vblanks
SPRITE_READ spr_read;
//definitely needs to be savestated
uint8 idleSynch = 1;
//uses the internal counters concept at http://nesdev.icequake.net/PPU%20addressing.txt
struct PPUREGS {
//normal clocked regs. as the game can interfere with these at any time, they need to be savestated
uint32 fv; //3
uint32 v; //1
uint32 h; //1
uint32 vt; //5
uint32 ht; //5
//temp unlatched regs (need savestating, can be written to at any time)
uint32 _fv, _v, _h, _vt, _ht;
//other regs that need savestating
uint32 fh; //3 (horz scroll)
uint32 s; //1 ($2000 bit 4: "Background pattern table address (0: $0000; 1: $1000)")
//other regs that don't need saving
uint32 par; //8 (sort of a hack, just stored in here, but not managed by this system)
//cached state data. these are always reset at the beginning of a frame and don't need saving
//but just to be safe, we're gonna save it
void reset() {
fv = v = h = vt = ht = 0;
fh = par = s = 0;
_fv = _v = _h = _vt = _ht = 0;
status.cycle = 0;
status.end_cycle = 341;
status.sl = 241;
void install_latches() {
fv = _fv;
v = _v;
h = _h;
vt = _vt;
ht = _ht;
void install_h_latches() {
ht = _ht;
h = _h;
void clear_latches() {
_fv = _v = _h = _vt = _ht = 0;
fh = 0;
void increment_hsc() {
//The first one, the horizontal scroll counter, consists of 6 bits, and is
//made up by daisy-chaining the HT counter to the H counter. The HT counter is
//then clocked every 8 pixel dot clocks (or every 8/3 CPU clock cycles).
h += (ht >> 5);
ht &= 31;
h &= 1;
void increment_vs() {
int fv_overflow = (fv >> 3);
vt += fv_overflow;
vt &= 31; //fixed tecmo super bowl
if (vt == 30 && fv_overflow == 1) { //caution here (only do it at the exact instant of overflow) fixes p'radikus conflict
vt = 0;
fv &= 7;
v &= 1;
uint32 get_ntread() {
return 0x2000 | (v << 0xB) | (h << 0xA) | (vt << 5) | ht;
uint32 get_2007access() {
return ((fv & 3) << 0xC) | (v << 0xB) | (h << 0xA) | (vt << 5) | ht;
//The PPU has an internal 4-position, 2-bit shifter, which it uses for
//obtaining the 2-bit palette select data during an attribute table byte
//fetch. To represent how this data is shifted in the diagram, letters a..c
//are used in the diagram to represent the right-shift position amount to
//apply to the data read from the attribute data (a is always 0). This is why
//you only see bits 0 and 1 used off the read attribute data in the diagram.
uint32 get_atread() {
return 0x2000 | (v << 0xB) | (h << 0xA) | 0x3C0 | ((vt & 0x1C) << 1) | ((ht & 0x1C) >> 2);
//address line 3 relates to the pattern table fetch occuring (the PPU always makes them in pairs).
uint32 get_ptread() {
return (s << 0xC) | (par << 0x4) | fv;
void increment2007(bool rendering, bool by32) {
if (rendering)
//don't do this:
//if (by32) increment_vs();
//else increment_hsc();
//do this instead:
increment_vs(); //yes, even if we're moving by 32
//If the VRAM address increment bit (2000.2) is clear (inc. amt. = 1), all the
//scroll counters are daisy-chained (in the order of HT, VT, H, V, FV) so that
//the carry out of each counter controls the next counter's clock rate. The
//result is that all 5 counters function as a single 15-bit one. Any access to
//2007 clocks the HT counter here.
//If the VRAM address increment bit is set (inc. amt. = 32), the only
//difference is that the HT counter is no longer being clocked, and the VT
//counter is now being clocked by access to 2007.
if (by32) {
} else {
vt += (ht >> 5) & 1;
h += (vt >> 5);
v += (h >> 1);
fv += (v >> 1);
ht &= 31;
vt &= 31;
h &= 1;
v &= 1;
fv &= 7;
void debug_log()
FCEU_printf("ppur: fv(%d), v(%d), h(%d), vt(%d), ht(%d)\n",fv,v,h,vt,ht);
FCEU_printf(" _fv(%d), _v(%d), _h(%d), _vt(%d), _ht(%d)\n",_fv,_v,_h,_vt,_ht);
FCEU_printf(" fh(%d), s(%d), par(%d)\n",fh,s,par);
FCEU_printf(" .status cycle(%d), end_cycle(%d), sl(%d)\n",status.cycle,status.end_cycle,status.sl);
} ppur;
int newppu_get_scanline() { return ppur.status.sl; }
int newppu_get_dot() { return ppur.status.cycle; }
void newppu_hacky_emergency_reset()
if(ppur.status.end_cycle == 0)
static void makeppulut(void) {
int x;
int y;
int cc, xo, pixel;
for (x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
ppulut1[x] = 0;
for (y = 0; y < 8; y++)
ppulut1[x] |= ((x >> (7 - y)) & 1) << (y * 4);
ppulut2[x] = ppulut1[x] << 1;
for (cc = 0; cc < 16; cc++) {
for (xo = 0; xo < 8; xo++) {
ppulut3[xo | (cc << 3)] = 0;
for (pixel = 0; pixel < 8; pixel++) {
int shiftr;
shiftr = (pixel + xo) / 8;
shiftr *= 2;
ppulut3[xo | (cc << 3)] |= ((cc >> shiftr) & 3) << (2 + pixel * 4);
static int ppudead = 1;
static int kook = 0;
int fceuindbg = 0;
//mbg 6/23/08
//make the no-bg fill color configurable
//0xFF shall indicate to use palette[0]
uint8 gNoBGFillColor = 0xFF;
int MMC5Hack = 0, PEC586Hack = 0;;
uint32 MMC5HackVROMMask = 0;
uint8 *MMC5HackExNTARAMPtr = 0;
uint8 *MMC5HackVROMPTR = 0;
uint8 MMC5HackCHRMode = 0;
uint8 MMC5HackSPMode = 0;
uint8 MMC50x5130 = 0;
uint8 MMC5HackSPScroll = 0;
uint8 MMC5HackSPPage = 0;
uint8 VRAMBuffer = 0, PPUGenLatch = 0;
uint8 *vnapage[4];
uint8 PPUNTARAM = 0;
uint8 PPUCHRRAM = 0;
//Color deemphasis emulation. Joy...
static uint8 deemp = 0;
static int deempcnt[8];
void (*GameHBIRQHook)(void), (*GameHBIRQHook2)(void);
void (*PPU_hook)(uint32 A);
uint8 vtoggle = 0;
uint8 XOffset = 0;
uint8 SpriteDMA = 0; // $4014 / Writing $xx copies 256 bytes by reading from $xx00-$xxFF and writing to $2004 (OAM data)
uint32 TempAddr = 0, RefreshAddr = 0, DummyRead = 0, NTRefreshAddr = 0;
static int maxsprites = 8;
//scanline is equal to the current visible scanline we're on.
int scanline;
int g_rasterpos;
static uint32 scanlines_per_frame;
uint8 PPU[4];
uint8 PPUSPL;
uint8 NTARAM[0x800], PALRAM[0x20], SPRAM[0x100], SPRBUF[0x100];
uint8 UPALRAM[0x03];//for 0x4/0x8/0xC addresses in palette, the ones in
//0x20 are 0 to not break fceu rendering.
#define MMC5SPRVRAMADR(V) &MMC5SPRVPage[(V) >> 10][(V)]
#define VRAMADR(V) &VPage[(V) >> 10][(V)]
uint8* MMC5BGVRAMADR(uint32 A);
//this duplicates logic which is embedded in the ppu rendering code
//which figures out where to get CHR data from depending on various hack modes
//mostly involving mmc5.
//this might be incomplete.
uint8* FCEUPPU_GetCHR(uint32 vadr, uint32 refreshaddr) {
if (MMC5Hack) {
if (MMC5HackCHRMode == 1) {
uint8 *C = MMC5HackVROMPTR;
C += (((MMC5HackExNTARAMPtr[refreshaddr & 0x3ff]) & 0x3f & MMC5HackVROMMask) << 12) + (vadr & 0xfff);
C += (MMC50x5130 & 0x3) << 18; //11-jun-2009 for kuja_killer
return C;
} else {
return MMC5BGVRAMADR(vadr);
} else return VRAMADR(vadr);
//likewise for ATTR
int FCEUPPU_GetAttr(int ntnum, int xt, int yt) {
int attraddr = 0x3C0 + ((yt >> 2) << 3) + (xt >> 2);
int temp = (((yt & 2) << 1) + (xt & 2));
int refreshaddr = xt + yt * 32;
if (MMC5Hack && MMC5HackCHRMode == 1)
return (MMC5HackExNTARAMPtr[refreshaddr & 0x3ff] & 0xC0) >> 6;
return (vnapage[ntnum][attraddr] & (3 << temp)) >> temp;
//new ppu-----
inline void FFCEUX_PPUWrite_Default(uint32 A, uint8 V) {
uint32 tmp = A;
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(A);
if (tmp < 0x2000) {
if (PPUCHRRAM & (1 << (tmp >> 10)))
VPage[tmp >> 10][tmp] = V;
} else if (tmp < 0x3F00) {
if (PPUNTARAM & (1 << ((tmp & 0xF00) >> 10)))
vnapage[((tmp & 0xF00) >> 10)][tmp & 0x3FF] = V;
} else {
if (!(tmp & 3)) {
if (!(tmp & 0xC))
PALRAM[0x00] = PALRAM[0x04] = PALRAM[0x08] = PALRAM[0x0C] = V & 0x3F;
UPALRAM[((tmp & 0xC) >> 2) - 1] = V & 0x3F;
} else
PALRAM[tmp & 0x1F] = V & 0x3F;
volatile int rendercount, vromreadcount, undefinedvromcount, LogAddress = -1;
unsigned char *cdloggervdata = NULL;
unsigned int cdloggerVideoDataSize = 0;
int GetCHRAddress(int A) {
if (cdloggerVideoDataSize) {
int result = &VPage[A >> 10][A] - CHRptr[0];
if ((result >= 0) && (result < (int)cdloggerVideoDataSize))
return result;
} else
if(A < 0x2000) return A;
return -1;
int GetCHROffset(uint8 *ptr) {
int result = ptr - CHRptr[0];
if (cdloggerVideoDataSize) {
if ((result >= 0) && (result < (int)cdloggerVideoDataSize))
return result;
} else {
if ((result >= 0) && (result < 0x2000))
return result;
return -1;
#define RENDER_LOG(tmp) { \
if (debug_loggingCD) \
{ \
int addr = GetCHRAddress(tmp); \
if (addr != -1) \
{ \
if (!(cdloggervdata[addr] & 1)) \
{ \
cdloggervdata[addr] |= 1; \
if(cdloggerVideoDataSize) { \
if (!(cdloggervdata[addr] & 2)) undefinedvromcount--; \
rendercount++; \
} \
} \
} \
} \
#define RENDER_LOGP(tmp) { \
if (debug_loggingCD) \
{ \
int addr = GetCHROffset(tmp); \
if (addr != -1) \
{ \
if (!(cdloggervdata[addr] & 1)) \
{ \
cdloggervdata[addr] |= 1; \
if(cdloggerVideoDataSize) { \
if (!(cdloggervdata[addr] & 2)) undefinedvromcount--; \
rendercount++; \
} \
} \
} \
} \
uint8 FASTCALL FFCEUX_PPURead_Default(uint32 A) {
uint32 tmp = A;
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(A);
if (tmp < 0x2000) {
return VPage[tmp >> 10][tmp];
} else if (tmp < 0x3F00) {
return vnapage[(tmp >> 10) & 0x3][tmp & 0x3FF];
} else {
uint8 ret;
if (!(tmp & 3)) {
if (!(tmp & 0xC))
ret = READPAL(0x00);
ret = READUPAL(((tmp & 0xC) >> 2) - 1);
} else
ret = READPAL(tmp & 0x1F);
return ret;
uint8 (FASTCALL *FFCEUX_PPURead)(uint32 A) = 0;
void (*FFCEUX_PPUWrite)(uint32 A, uint8 V) = 0;
#define CALL_PPUWRITE(A, V) (FFCEUX_PPUWrite ? FFCEUX_PPUWrite(A, V) : FFCEUX_PPUWrite_Default(A, V))
//whether to use the new ppu
int newppu = 0;
void ppu_getScroll(int &xpos, int &ypos) {
if (newppu) {
ypos = ppur._vt * 8 + ppur._fv + ppur._v * 256;
xpos = ppur._ht * 8 + ppur.fh + ppur._h * 256;
} else {
xpos = ((RefreshAddr & 0x400) >> 2) | ((RefreshAddr & 0x1F) << 3) | XOffset;
ypos = ((RefreshAddr & 0x3E0) >> 2) | ((RefreshAddr & 0x7000) >> 12);
if (RefreshAddr & 0x800) ypos += 240;
static DECLFR(A2002) {
if (newppu) {
//once we thought we clear latches here, but that caused midframe glitches.
//i think we should only reset the state machine for 2005/2006
uint8 ret;
ret = PPU_status;
ret |= PPUGenLatch & 0x1F;
if (!fceuindbg)
vtoggle = 0;
PPU_status &= 0x7F;
PPUGenLatch = ret;
return ret;
static DECLFR(A2004) {
if (newppu) {
if ((ppur.status.sl < 241) && PPUON) {
// from cycles 0 to 63, the
// 32 byte OAM buffer gets init
// to 0xFF
if (ppur.status.cycle < 64)
return spr_read.ret = 0xFF;
else {
for (int i = spr_read.last;
i != ppur.status.cycle; ++i) {
if (i < 256) {
switch (spr_read.mode) {
case 0:
if (spr_read.count < 2)
spr_read.ret = (PPU[3] & 0xF8) + (spr_read.count << 2);
spr_read.ret = spr_read.count << 2;
spr_read.found_pos[spr_read.found] = spr_read.ret;
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.ret];
if (i & 1) {
//odd cycle
//see if in range
if (!((ppur.status.sl - 1 - spr_read.ret) & ~(Sprite16 ? 0xF : 0x7))) {
spr_read.fetch = 1;
spr_read.mode = 1;
} else {
if (++spr_read.count == 64) {
spr_read.mode = 4;
spr_read.count = 0;
} else if (spr_read.found == 8) {
spr_read.fetch = 0;
spr_read.mode = 2;
case 1: //sprite is in range fetch next 3 bytes
if (i & 1) {
if (spr_read.fetch == 4) {
spr_read.fetch = 1;
if (++spr_read.count == 64) {
spr_read.count = 0;
spr_read.mode = 4;
} else if (spr_read.found == 8) {
spr_read.fetch = 0;
spr_read.mode = 2;
} else
spr_read.mode = 0;
if (spr_read.count < 2)
spr_read.ret = (PPU[3] & 0xF8) + (spr_read.count << 2);
spr_read.ret = spr_read.count << 2;
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.ret | spr_read.fetch];
case 2: //8th sprite fetched
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[(spr_read.count << 2) | spr_read.fetch];
if (i & 1) {
if (!((ppur.status.sl - 1 - SPRAM[((spr_read.count << 2) | spr_read.fetch)]) & ~((Sprite16) ? 0xF : 0x7))) {
spr_read.fetch = 1;
spr_read.mode = 3;
} else {
if (++spr_read.count == 64) {
spr_read.count = 0;
spr_read.mode = 4;
spr_read.fetch =
(spr_read.fetch + 1) & 3;
spr_read.ret = spr_read.count;
case 3: //9th sprite overflow detected
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.count | spr_read.fetch];
if (i & 1) {
if (++spr_read.fetch == 4) {
spr_read.count = (spr_read.count + 1) & 63;
spr_read.mode = 4;
case 4: //read OAM[n][0] until hblank
if (i & 1)
spr_read.count = (spr_read.count + 1) & 63;
spr_read.fetch = 0;
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.count << 2];
} else if (i < 320) {
spr_read.ret = (i & 0x38) >> 3;
if (spr_read.found < (spr_read.ret + 1)) {
if (spr_read.num) {
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[252];
spr_read.num = 0;
} else
spr_read.ret = 0xFF;
} else if ((i & 7) < 4) {
spr_read.ret =
SPRAM[spr_read.found_pos[spr_read.ret] | spr_read.fetch++];
if (spr_read.fetch == 4)
spr_read.fetch = 0;
} else
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.found_pos [spr_read.ret | 3]];
} else {
if (!spr_read.found)
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[252];
spr_read.ret = SPRAM[spr_read.found_pos[0]];
spr_read.last = ppur.status.cycle;
return spr_read.ret;
} else
return SPRAM[PPU[3]];
} else {
return PPUGenLatch;
static DECLFR(A200x) { /* Not correct for $2004 reads. */
return PPUGenLatch;
static DECLFR(A2007) {
uint8 ret;
uint32 tmp = RefreshAddr & 0x3FFF;
if (debug_loggingCD) {
if (!DummyRead && (LogAddress != -1)) {
if (!(cdloggervdata[LogAddress] & 2)) {
cdloggervdata[LogAddress] |= 2;
if ((!(cdloggervdata[LogAddress] & 1)) && cdloggerVideoDataSize) undefinedvromcount--;
} else
DummyRead = 0;
if (newppu) {
ret = VRAMBuffer;
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_2007access() & 0x3FFF;
if ((RefreshAddr & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00) {
//if it is in the palette range bypass the
//delayed read, and what gets filled in the temp
//buffer is the address - 0x1000, also
//if grayscale is set then the return is AND with 0x30
//to get a gray color reading
if (!(tmp & 3)) {
if (!(tmp & 0xC))
ret = READPAL(0x00);
ret = READUPAL(((tmp & 0xC) >> 2) - 1);
} else
ret = READPAL(tmp & 0x1F);
VRAMBuffer = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr - 0x1000);
} else {
if (debug_loggingCD && (RefreshAddr < 0x2000))
LogAddress = GetCHRAddress(RefreshAddr);
VRAMBuffer = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
ppur.increment2007(ppur.status.sl >= 0 && ppur.status.sl < 241 && PPUON, INC32 != 0);
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_2007access();
return ret;
} else {
if (tmp >= 0x3F00) { // Palette RAM tied directly to the output data, without VRAM buffer
if (!(tmp & 3)) {
if (!(tmp & 0xC))
ret = READPAL(0x00);
ret = READUPAL(((tmp & 0xC) >> 2) - 1);
} else
ret = READPAL(tmp & 0x1F);
if (!fceuindbg)
if ((tmp - 0x1000) < 0x2000)
VRAMBuffer = VPage[(tmp - 0x1000) >> 10][tmp - 0x1000];
VRAMBuffer = vnapage[((tmp - 0x1000) >> 10) & 0x3][(tmp - 0x1000) & 0x3FF];
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(tmp);
} else {
ret = VRAMBuffer;
if (!fceuindbg)
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(tmp);
PPUGenLatch = VRAMBuffer;
if (tmp < 0x2000) {
if (debug_loggingCD)
LogAddress = GetCHRAddress(tmp);
if(MMC5Hack && newppu)
VRAMBuffer = VPage[tmp >> 10][tmp];
} else if (tmp < 0x3F00)
VRAMBuffer = vnapage[(tmp >> 10) & 0x3][tmp & 0x3FF];
if (!fceuindbg)
if ((ScreenON || SpriteON) && (scanline < 240)) {
uint32 rad = RefreshAddr;
if ((rad & 0x7000) == 0x7000) {
rad ^= 0x7000;
if ((rad & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
rad ^= 0xBA0;
else if ((rad & 0x3E0) == 0x3e0)
rad ^= 0x3e0;
rad += 0x20;
} else
rad += 0x1000;
RefreshAddr = rad;
} else {
if (INC32)
RefreshAddr += 32;
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr & 0x3fff);
return ret;
static DECLFW(B2000) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
if (!(PPU[0] & 0x80) && (V & 0x80) && (PPU_status & 0x80))
PPU[0] = V;
TempAddr &= 0xF3FF;
TempAddr |= (V & 3) << 10;
ppur._h = V & 1;
ppur._v = (V >> 1) & 1;
ppur.s = (V >> 4) & 1;
static DECLFW(B2001) {
if (paldeemphswap)
V = (V&0x9F)|((V&0x40)>>1)|((V&0x20)<<1);
PPUGenLatch = V;
PPU[1] = V;
if (V & 0xE0)
deemp = V >> 5;
static DECLFW(B2002) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
static DECLFW(B2003) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
PPU[3] = V;
PPUSPL = V & 0x7;
static DECLFW(B2004) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
if (newppu) {
//the attribute upper bits are not connected
//so AND them out on write, since reading them
//should return 0 in those bits.
if ((PPU[3] & 3) == 2)
V &= 0xE3;
SPRAM[PPU[3]] = V;
PPU[3] = (PPU[3] + 1) & 0xFF;
} else {
if (PPUSPL >= 8) {
if (PPU[3] >= 8)
SPRAM[PPU[3]] = V;
} else {
static DECLFW(B2005) {
uint32 tmp = TempAddr;
PPUGenLatch = V;
if (!vtoggle) {
tmp &= 0xFFE0;
tmp |= V >> 3;
XOffset = V & 7;
ppur._ht = V >> 3;
ppur.fh = V & 7;
} else {
tmp &= 0x8C1F;
tmp |= ((V & ~0x7) << 2);
tmp |= (V & 7) << 12;
ppur._vt = V >> 3;
ppur._fv = V & 7;
TempAddr = tmp;
vtoggle ^= 1;
static DECLFW(B2006) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
if (!vtoggle) {
TempAddr &= 0x00FF;
TempAddr |= (V & 0x3f) << 8;
ppur._vt &= 0x07;
ppur._vt |= (V & 0x3) << 3;
ppur._h = (V >> 2) & 1;
ppur._v = (V >> 3) & 1;
ppur._fv = (V >> 4) & 3;
} else {
TempAddr &= 0xFF00;
TempAddr |= V;
RefreshAddr = TempAddr;
DummyRead = 1;
if (PPU_hook)
ppur._vt &= 0x18;
ppur._vt |= (V >> 5);
ppur._ht = V & 31;
vtoggle ^= 1;
static DECLFW(B2007) {
uint32 tmp = RefreshAddr & 0x3FFF;
if (debug_loggingCD) {
if(!cdloggerVideoDataSize && (tmp < 0x2000))
cdloggervdata[tmp] = 0;
if (newppu) {
PPUGenLatch = V;
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_2007access() & 0x3FFF;
CALL_PPUWRITE(RefreshAddr, V);
ppur.increment2007(ppur.status.sl >= 0 && ppur.status.sl < 241 && PPUON, INC32 != 0);
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_2007access();
} else {
PPUGenLatch = V;
if (tmp < 0x2000) {
if (PPUCHRRAM & (1 << (tmp >> 10)))
VPage[tmp >> 10][tmp] = V;
} else if (tmp < 0x3F00) {
if (PPUNTARAM & (1 << ((tmp & 0xF00) >> 10)))
vnapage[((tmp & 0xF00) >> 10)][tmp & 0x3FF] = V;
} else {
if (!(tmp & 3)) {
if (!(tmp & 0xC))
PALRAM[0x00] = PALRAM[0x04] = PALRAM[0x08] = PALRAM[0x0C] = V & 0x3F;
UPALRAM[((tmp & 0xC) >> 2) - 1] = V & 0x3F;
} else
PALRAM[tmp & 0x1F] = V & 0x3F;
if (INC32)
RefreshAddr += 32;
if (PPU_hook)
PPU_hook(RefreshAddr & 0x3fff);
static DECLFW(B4014) {
uint32 t = V << 8;
int x;
for (x = 0; x < 256; x++)
X6502_DMW(0x2004, X6502_DMR(t + x));
SpriteDMA = V;
#define PAL(c) ((c) + cc)
#define GETLASTPIXEL (PAL ? ((timestamp * 48 - linestartts) / 15) : ((timestamp * 48 - linestartts) >> 4))
static uint8 *Pline, *Plinef;
static int firsttile;
int linestartts; //no longer static so the debugger can see it
static int tofix = 0;
static void ResetRL(uint8 *target) {
memset(target, 0xFF, 256);
InputScanlineHook(0, 0, 0, 0);
Plinef = target;
Pline = target;
firsttile = 0;
linestartts = timestamp * 48 + X.count;
tofix = 0;
tofix = 1;
static uint8 sprlinebuf[256 + 8];
void FCEUPPU_LineUpdate(void) {
if (newppu)
if (!fceuindbg)
if (Pline) {
static bool rendersprites = true, renderbg = true;
void FCEUI_SetRenderPlanes(bool sprites, bool bg) {
rendersprites = sprites;
renderbg = bg;
void FCEUI_GetRenderPlanes(bool& sprites, bool& bg) {
sprites = rendersprites;
bg = renderbg;
static void CheckSpriteHit(int p);
static void EndRL(void) {
if (tofix)
Pline = 0;
static int32 sphitx;
static uint8 sphitdata;
static void CheckSpriteHit(int p) {
int l = p - 16;
int x;
if (sphitx == 0x100) return;
for (x = sphitx; x < (sphitx + 8) && x < l; x++) {
if ((sphitdata & (0x80 >> (x - sphitx))) && !(Plinef[x] & 64) && x < 255) {
PPU_status |= 0x40;
sphitx = 0x100;
//spork the world. Any sprites on this line? Then this will be set to 1.
//Needed for zapper emulation and *gasp* sprite emulation.
static int spork = 0;
// lasttile is really "second to last tile."
static void RefreshLine(int lastpixel) {
static uint32 pshift[2];
static uint32 atlatch;
uint32 smorkus = RefreshAddr;
#define RefreshAddr smorkus
uint32 vofs;
int X1;
register uint8 *P = Pline;
int lasttile = lastpixel >> 3;
int numtiles;
static int norecurse = 0; // Yeah, recursion would be bad.
// PPU_hook() functions can call
// mirroring/chr bank switching functions,
// which call FCEUPPU_LineUpdate, which call this
// function.
if (norecurse) return;
if (sphitx != 0x100 && !(PPU_status & 0x40)) {
if ((sphitx < (lastpixel - 16)) && !(sphitx < ((lasttile - 2) * 8)))
if (lasttile > 34) lasttile = 34;
numtiles = lasttile - firsttile;
if (numtiles <= 0) return;
P = Pline;
vofs = 0;
vofs = ((RefreshAddr & 0x200) << 3) | ((RefreshAddr >> 12) & 7);
vofs = ((PPU[0] & 0x10) << 8) | ((RefreshAddr >> 12) & 7);
if (!ScreenON && !SpriteON) {
uint32 tem;
tem = READPAL(0) | (READPAL(0) << 8) | (READPAL(0) << 16) | (READPAL(0) << 24);
tem |= 0x40404040;
FCEU_dwmemset(Pline, tem, numtiles * 8);
P += numtiles * 8;
Pline = P;
firsttile = lasttile;
#define TOFIXNUM (272 - 0x4)
if (lastpixel >= TOFIXNUM && tofix) {
tofix = 0;
if ((lastpixel - 16) >= 0) {
InputScanlineHook(Plinef, spork ? sprlinebuf : 0, linestartts, lasttile * 8 - 16);
//Priority bits, needed for sprite emulation.
PALRAM[0] |= 64;
PALRAM[4] |= 64;
PALRAM[8] |= 64;
PALRAM[0xC] |= 64;
//This high-level graphics MMC5 emulation code was written for MMC5 carts in "CL" mode.
//It's probably not totally correct for carts in "SL" mode.
#define PPUT_MMC5
if (MMC5Hack && geniestage != 1) {
if (MMC5HackCHRMode == 0 && (MMC5HackSPMode & 0x80)) {
int tochange = MMC5HackSPMode & 0x1F;
tochange -= firsttile;
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
if ((tochange <= 0 && MMC5HackSPMode & 0x40) || (tochange > 0 && !(MMC5HackSPMode & 0x40))) {
#define PPUT_MMC5SP
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef PPUT_MMC5SP
} else {
#include "pputile.inc"
} else if (MMC5HackCHRMode == 1 && (MMC5HackSPMode & 0x80)) {
int tochange = MMC5HackSPMode & 0x1F;
tochange -= firsttile;
#define PPUT_MMC5SP
#define PPUT_MMC5CHR1
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef PPUT_MMC5CHR1
#undef PPUT_MMC5SP
} else if (MMC5HackCHRMode == 1) {
#define PPUT_MMC5CHR1
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef PPUT_MMC5CHR1
} else {
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef PPUT_MMC5
else if (PPU_hook) {
norecurse = 1;
#define PPUT_HOOK
if (PEC586Hack) {
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
} else {
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef PPUT_HOOK
norecurse = 0;
} else {
if (PEC586Hack) {
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
} else {
for (X1 = firsttile; X1 < lasttile; X1++) {
#include "pputile.inc"
#undef vofs
#undef RefreshAddr
//Reverse changes made before.
PALRAM[0] &= 63;
PALRAM[4] &= 63;
PALRAM[8] &= 63;
PALRAM[0xC] &= 63;
RefreshAddr = smorkus;
if (firsttile <= 2 && 2 < lasttile && !(PPU[1] & 2)) {
uint32 tem;
tem = READPAL(0) | (READPAL(0) << 8) | (READPAL(0) << 16) | (READPAL(0) << 24);
tem |= 0x40404040;
*(uint32*)Plinef = *(uint32*)(Plinef + 4) = tem;
if (!ScreenON) {
uint32 tem;
int tstart, tcount;
tem = READPAL(0) | (READPAL(0) << 8) | (READPAL(0) << 16) | (READPAL(0) << 24);
tem |= 0x40404040;
tcount = lasttile - firsttile;
tstart = firsttile - 2;
if (tstart < 0) {
tcount += tstart;
tstart = 0;
if (tcount > 0)
FCEU_dwmemset(Plinef + tstart * 8, tem, tcount * 8);
if (lastpixel >= TOFIXNUM && tofix) {
tofix = 0;
//This only works right because of a hack earlier in this function.
if ((lastpixel - 16) >= 0) {
InputScanlineHook(Plinef, spork ? sprlinebuf : 0, linestartts, lasttile * 8 - 16);
Pline = P;
firsttile = lasttile;
static INLINE void Fixit2(void) {
if (ScreenON || SpriteON) {
uint32 rad = RefreshAddr;
rad &= 0xFBE0;
rad |= TempAddr & 0x041f;
RefreshAddr = rad;
static void Fixit1(void) {
if (ScreenON || SpriteON) {
uint32 rad = RefreshAddr;
if ((rad & 0x7000) == 0x7000) {
rad ^= 0x7000;
if ((rad & 0x3E0) == 0x3A0)
rad ^= 0xBA0;
else if ((rad & 0x3E0) == 0x3e0)
rad ^= 0x3e0;
rad += 0x20;
} else
rad += 0x1000;
RefreshAddr = rad;
void MMC5_hb(int); //Ugh ugh ugh.
static void DoLine(void) {
if (scanline >= 240 && scanline != totalscanlines) {
X6502_Run(256 + 69);
int x;
uint8 *target = XBuf + ((scanline < 240 ? scanline : 240) << 8);
u8* dtarget = XDBuf + ((scanline < 240 ? scanline : 240) << 8);
if (MMC5Hack) MMC5_hb(scanline);
if (!renderbg) {// User asked to not display background data.
uint32 tem;
uint8 col;
if (gNoBGFillColor == 0xFF)
col = READPAL(0);
else col = gNoBGFillColor;
tem = col | (col << 8) | (col << 16) | (col << 24);
tem |= 0x40404040;
FCEU_dwmemset(target, tem, 256);
if (SpriteON)
//greyscale handling (mask some bits off the color) ? ? ?
if (ScreenON || SpriteON)
if (PPU[1] & 0x01) {
for (x = 63; x >= 0; x--)
*(uint32*)&target[x << 2] = (*(uint32*)&target[x << 2]) & 0x30303030;
//some pathetic attempts at deemph
if ((PPU[1] >> 5) == 0x7) {
for (x = 63; x >= 0; x--)
*(uint32*)&target[x << 2] = ((*(uint32*)&target[x << 2]) & 0x3f3f3f3f) | 0xc0c0c0c0;
} else if (PPU[1] & 0xE0)
for (x = 63; x >= 0; x--)
*(uint32*)&target[x << 2] = (*(uint32*)&target[x << 2]) | 0x40404040;
for (x = 63; x >= 0; x--)
*(uint32*)&target[x << 2] = ((*(uint32*)&target[x << 2]) & 0x3f3f3f3f) | 0x80808080;
//write the actual deemph
for (x = 63; x >= 0; x--)
*(uint32*)&dtarget[x << 2] = ((PPU[1]>>5)<<0)|((PPU[1]>>5)<<8)|((PPU[1]>>5)<<16)|((PPU[1]>>5)<<24);
sphitx = 0x100;
if (ScreenON || SpriteON)
if (GameHBIRQHook && (ScreenON || SpriteON) && ((PPU[0] & 0x38) != 0x18)) {
X6502_Run(85 - 16 - 10);
} else {
X6502_Run(6); // Tried 65, caused problems with Slalom(maybe others)
X6502_Run(85 - 6 - 16);
// A semi-hack for Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
if (GameHBIRQHook && (ScreenON || SpriteON) && ((PPU[0] & 0x38) != 0x18))
DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdateNTView(scanline, 0));
if (SpriteON)
if (GameHBIRQHook2 && (ScreenON || SpriteON))
if (scanline < 240) {
ResetRL(XBuf + (scanline << 8));
#define V_FLIP 0x80
#define H_FLIP 0x40
#define SP_BACK 0x20
typedef struct {
uint8 y, no, atr, x;
} SPR;
typedef struct {
uint8 ca[2], atr, x;
void FCEUI_DisableSpriteLimitation(int a) {
maxsprites = a ? 64 : 8;
static uint8 numsprites, SpriteBlurp;
static void FetchSpriteData(void) {
uint8 ns, sb;
SPR *spr;
uint8 H;
int n;
int vofs;
uint8 P0 = PPU[0];
spr = (SPR*)SPRAM;
H = 8;
ns = sb = 0;
vofs = (uint32)(P0 & 0x8 & (((P0 & 0x20) ^ 0x20) >> 2)) << 9;
H += (P0 & 0x20) >> 2;
if (!PPU_hook)
for (n = 63; n >= 0; n--, spr++) {
if ((uint32)(scanline - spr->y) >= H) continue;
if (ns < maxsprites) {
if (n == 63) sb = 1;
SPRB dst;
uint8 *C;
int t;
uint32 vadr;
t = (int)scanline - (spr->y);
if (Sprite16)
vadr = ((spr->no & 1) << 12) + ((spr->no & 0xFE) << 4);
vadr = (spr->no << 4) + vofs;
if (spr->atr & V_FLIP) {
vadr += 7;
vadr -= t;
vadr += (P0 & 0x20) >> 1;
vadr -= t & 8;
} else {
vadr += t;
vadr += t & 8;
/* Fix this geniestage hack */
if (MMC5Hack && geniestage != 1)
C = VRAMADR(vadr);
if (SpriteON)
dst.ca[0] = C[0];
if (SpriteON)
dst.ca[1] = C[8];
dst.x = spr->x;
dst.atr = spr->atr;
*(uint32*)&SPRBUF[ns << 2] = *(uint32*)&dst;
} else {
PPU_status |= 0x20;
for (n = 63; n >= 0; n--, spr++) {
if ((uint32)(scanline - spr->y) >= H) continue;
if (ns < maxsprites) {
if (n == 63) sb = 1;
SPRB dst;
uint8 *C;
int t;
uint32 vadr;
t = (int)scanline - (spr->y);
if (Sprite16)
vadr = ((spr->no & 1) << 12) + ((spr->no & 0xFE) << 4);
vadr = (spr->no << 4) + vofs;
if (spr->atr & V_FLIP) {
vadr += 7;
vadr -= t;
vadr += (P0 & 0x20) >> 1;
vadr -= t & 8;
} else {
vadr += t;
vadr += t & 8;
if (MMC5Hack)
C = VRAMADR(vadr);
if (SpriteON)
dst.ca[0] = C[0];
if (ns < 8) {
if (SpriteON)
dst.ca[1] = C[8];
dst.x = spr->x;
dst.atr = spr->atr;
*(uint32*)&SPRBUF[ns << 2] = *(uint32*)&dst;
} else {
PPU_status |= 0x20;
//Handle case when >8 sprites per scanline option is enabled.
if (ns > 8) PPU_status |= 0x20;
else if (PPU_hook) {
for (n = 0; n < (8 - ns); n++) {
numsprites = ns;
SpriteBlurp = sb;
static void RefreshSprites(void) {
int n;
SPRB *spr;
spork = 0;
if (!numsprites) return;
FCEU_dwmemset(sprlinebuf, 0x80808080, 256);
spr = (SPRB*)SPRBUF + numsprites;
for (n = numsprites; n >= 0; n--, spr--) {
uint32 pixdata;
uint8 J, atr;
int x = spr->x;
uint8 *C;
int VB;
pixdata = ppulut1[spr->ca[0]] | ppulut2[spr->ca[1]];
J = spr->ca[0] | spr->ca[1];
atr = spr->atr;
if (J) {
if (n == 0 && SpriteBlurp && !(PPU_status & 0x40)) {
sphitx = x;
sphitdata = J;
if (atr & H_FLIP)
sphitdata = ((J << 7) & 0x80) |
((J << 5) & 0x40) |
((J << 3) & 0x20) |
((J << 1) & 0x10) |
((J >> 1) & 0x08) |
((J >> 3) & 0x04) |
((J >> 5) & 0x02) |
((J >> 7) & 0x01);
C = sprlinebuf + x;
VB = (0x10) + ((atr & 3) << 2);
if (atr & SP_BACK) {
if (atr & H_FLIP) {
if (J & 0x80) C[7] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x40) C[6] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x20) C[5] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x10) C[4] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x08) C[3] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x04) C[2] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x02) C[1] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x01) C[0] = READPAL(VB | pixdata) | 0x40;
} else {
if (J & 0x80) C[0] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x40) C[1] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x20) C[2] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x10) C[3] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x08) C[4] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x04) C[5] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x02) C[6] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3)) | 0x40;
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x01) C[7] = READPAL(VB | pixdata) | 0x40;
} else {
if (atr & H_FLIP) {
if (J & 0x80) C[7] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x40) C[6] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x20) C[5] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x10) C[4] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x08) C[3] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x04) C[2] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x02) C[1] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x01) C[0] = READPAL(VB | pixdata);
} else {
if (J & 0x80) C[0] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x40) C[1] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x20) C[2] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x10) C[3] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x08) C[4] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x04) C[5] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x02) C[6] = READPAL(VB | (pixdata & 3));
pixdata >>= 4;
if (J & 0x01) C[7] = READPAL(VB | pixdata);
SpriteBlurp = 0;
spork = 1;
static void CopySprites(uint8 *target) {
uint8 n = ((PPU[1] & 4) ^ 4) << 1;
uint8 *P = target;
if (!spork) return;
spork = 0;
if (!rendersprites) return; //User asked to not display sprites.
uint32 t = *(uint32*)(sprlinebuf + n);
if (t != 0x80808080) {
#ifdef LSB_FIRST
if (!(t & 0x80)) {
if (!(t & 0x40) || (P[n] & 0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite
P[n] = sprlinebuf[n];
if (!(t & 0x8000)) {
if (!(t & 0x4000) || (P[n + 1] & 0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite
P[n + 1] = (sprlinebuf + 1)[n];
if (!(t & 0x800000)) {
if (!(t & 0x400000) || (P[n + 2] & 0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite
P[n + 2] = (sprlinebuf + 2)[n];
if (!(t & 0x80000000)) {
if (!(t & 0x40000000) || (P[n + 3] & 0x40)) // Normal sprite || behind bg sprite
P[n + 3] = (sprlinebuf + 3)[n];
/* TODO: Simplify */
if (!(t & 0x80000000)) {
if (!(t & 0x40000000)) // Normal sprite
P[n] = sprlinebuf[n];
else if (P[n] & 64) // behind bg sprite
P[n] = sprlinebuf[n];
if (!(t & 0x800000)) {
if (!(t & 0x400000)) // Normal sprite
P[n + 1] = (sprlinebuf + 1)[n];
else if (P[n + 1] & 64) // behind bg sprite
P[n + 1] = (sprlinebuf + 1)[n];
if (!(t & 0x8000)) {
if (!(t & 0x4000)) // Normal sprite
P[n + 2] = (sprlinebuf + 2)[n];
else if (P[n + 2] & 64) // behind bg sprite
P[n + 2] = (sprlinebuf + 2)[n];
if (!(t & 0x80)) {
if (!(t & 0x40)) // Normal sprite
P[n + 3] = (sprlinebuf + 3)[n];
else if (P[n + 3] & 64) // behind bg sprite
P[n + 3] = (sprlinebuf + 3)[n];
n += 4;
if (n) goto loopskie;
void FCEUPPU_SetVideoSystem(int w) {
if (w) {
scanlines_per_frame = dendy ? 262: 312;
FSettings.FirstSLine = FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[1];
FSettings.LastSLine = FSettings.UsrLastSLine[1];
//paldeemphswap = 1; // dendy has pal ppu, and pal ppu has these swapped
} else {
scanlines_per_frame = 262;
FSettings.FirstSLine = FSettings.UsrFirstSLine[0];
FSettings.LastSLine = FSettings.UsrLastSLine[0];
//paldeemphswap = 0;
//Initializes the PPU
void FCEUPPU_Init(void) {
void PPU_ResetHooks() {
void FCEUPPU_Reset(void) {
VRAMBuffer = PPU[0] = PPU[1] = PPU_status = PPU[3] = 0;
PPUGenLatch = 0;
RefreshAddr = TempAddr = 0;
vtoggle = 0;
ppudead = 2;
kook = 0;
idleSynch = 1;
new_ppu_reset = true; // delay reset of ppur/spr_read until it's ready to start a new frame
void FCEUPPU_Power(void) {
int x;
memset(NTARAM, 0x00, 0x800);
memset(PALRAM, 0x00, 0x20);
memset(UPALRAM, 0x00, 0x03);
memset(SPRAM, 0x00, 0x100);
for (x = 0x2000; x < 0x4000; x += 8) {
ARead[x] = A200x;
BWrite[x] = B2000;
ARead[x + 1] = A200x;
BWrite[x + 1] = B2001;
ARead[x + 2] = A2002;
BWrite[x + 2] = B2002;
ARead[x + 3] = A200x;
BWrite[x + 3] = B2003;
ARead[x + 4] = A2004;
BWrite[x + 4] = B2004;
ARead[x + 5] = A200x;
BWrite[x + 5] = B2005;
ARead[x + 6] = A200x;
BWrite[x + 6] = B2006;
ARead[x + 7] = A2007;
BWrite[x + 7] = B2007;
BWrite[0x4014] = B4014;
int FCEUPPU_Loop(int skip) {
if ((newppu) && (GameInfo->type != GIT_NSF)) {
int FCEUX_PPU_Loop(int skip);
return FCEUX_PPU_Loop(skip);
//Needed for Knight Rider, possibly others.
if (ppudead) {
memset(XBuf, 0x80, 256 * 240);
X6502_Run(scanlines_per_frame * (256 + 85));
} else {
X6502_Run(256 + 85);
PPU_status |= 0x80;
//Not sure if this is correct. According to Matt Conte and my own tests, it is.
//Timing is probably off, though.
//NOTE: Not having this here breaks a Super Donkey Kong game.
PPU[3] = PPUSPL = 0;
//I need to figure out the true nature and length of this delay.
if (GameInfo->type == GIT_NSF)
else {
if (VBlankON)
X6502_Run((scanlines_per_frame - 242) * (256 + 85) - 12);
if (overclock_enabled && vblankscanlines) {
if (!DMC_7bit || !skip_7bit_overclocking) {
overclocking = 1;
X6502_Run(vblankscanlines * (256 + 85) - 12);
overclocking = 0;
PPU_status &= 0x1f;
int x;
if (ScreenON || SpriteON) {
if (GameHBIRQHook && ((PPU[0] & 0x38) != 0x18))
if (PPU_hook)
for (x = 0; x < 42; x++) {
PPU_hook(0x2000); PPU_hook(0);
if (GameHBIRQHook2)
X6502_Run(85 - 16);
if (ScreenON || SpriteON) {
RefreshAddr = TempAddr;
if (PPU_hook) PPU_hook(RefreshAddr & 0x3fff);
//Clean this stuff up later.
spork = numsprites = 0;
X6502_Run(16 - kook);
kook ^= 1;
if (GameInfo->type == GIT_NSF)
X6502_Run((256 + 85) * normalscanlines);
else if (skip) {
int y;
y = SPRAM[0];
PPU_status |= 0x20; // Fixes "Bee 52". Does it break anything?
if (GameHBIRQHook) {
for (scanline = 0; scanline < 240; scanline++) {
if (ScreenON || SpriteON)
if (scanline == y && SpriteON) PPU_status |= 0x40;
X6502_Run((scanline == 239) ? 85 : (256 + 85));
} else if (y < 240) {
X6502_Run((256 + 85) * y);
if (SpriteON) PPU_status |= 0x40; // Quick and very dirty hack.
X6502_Run((256 + 85) * (240 - y));
} else
X6502_Run((256 + 85) * 240);
else {
deemp = PPU[1] >> 5;
// manual samples can't play correctly with overclocking
if (DMC_7bit && skip_7bit_overclocking) // 7bit sample started before 240th line
totalscanlines = normalscanlines;
totalscanlines = normalscanlines + (overclock_enabled ? postrenderscanlines : 0);
for (scanline = 0; scanline < totalscanlines; ) { //scanline is incremented in DoLine. Evil. :/
if (scanline < 240)
DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdatePPUView(scanline, 1));
if (scanline < normalscanlines || scanline == totalscanlines)
overclocking = 0;
else {
if (DMC_7bit && skip_7bit_overclocking) // 7bit sample started after 240th line
overclocking = 1;
DMC_7bit = 0;
if (MMC5Hack) MMC5_hb(scanline);
//deemph nonsense, kept for complicated reasons (see SetNESDeemph_OldHacky implementation)
int maxref = 0;
for (int x = 1, max = 0; x < 7; x++) {
if (deempcnt[x] > max) {
max = deempcnt[x];
maxref = x;
deempcnt[x] = 0;
SetNESDeemph_OldHacky(maxref, 0);
} //else... to if(ppudead)
if (skip) {
} else
int (*PPU_MASTER)(int skip) = FCEUPPU_Loop;
static uint16 TempAddrT, RefreshAddrT;
void FCEUPPU_LoadState(int version) {
TempAddr = TempAddrT;
RefreshAddr = RefreshAddrT;
{ NTARAM, 0x800, "NTAR" },
{ PALRAM, 0x20, "PRAM" },
{ SPRAM, 0x100, "SPRA" },
{ PPU, 0x4, "PPUR" },
{ &kook, 1, "KOOK" },
{ &ppudead, 1, "DEAD" },
{ &PPUSPL, 1, "PSPL" },
{ &XOffset, 1, "XOFF" },
{ &vtoggle, 1, "VTGL" },
{ &RefreshAddrT, 2 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "RADD" },
{ &TempAddrT, 2 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "TADD" },
{ &VRAMBuffer, 1, "VBUF" },
{ &PPUGenLatch, 1, "PGEN" },
{ 0 }
{ &idleSynch, 1, "IDLS" },
{ &spr_read.num, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_0" },
{ &spr_read.count, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_1" },
{ &spr_read.fetch, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_2" },
{ &spr_read.found, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_3" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx0" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx1" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx2" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx3" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx4" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx5" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx6" },
{ &spr_read.found_pos[0], 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SRx7" },
{ &spr_read.ret, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_4" },
{ &spr_read.last, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_5" },
{ &spr_read.mode, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "SR_6" },
{ &ppur.fv, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PFVx" },
{ &ppur.v, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PVxx" },
{ &ppur.h, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PHxx" },
{ &ppur.vt, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PVTx" },
{ &ppur.ht, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PHTx" },
{ &ppur._fv, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "P_FV" },
{ &ppur._v, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "P_Vx" },
{ &ppur._h, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "P_Hx" },
{ &ppur._vt, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "P_VT" },
{ &ppur._ht, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "P_HT" },
{ &ppur.fh, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PFHx" },
{ &ppur.s, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PSxx" },
{ &ppur.status.sl, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PST0" },
{ &ppur.status.cycle, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PST1" },
{ &ppur.status.end_cycle, 4 | FCEUSTATE_RLSB, "PST2" },
{ 0 }
void FCEUPPU_SaveState(void) {
TempAddrT = TempAddr;
RefreshAddrT = RefreshAddr;
uint32 FCEUPPU_PeekAddress()
if (newppu)
return ppur.get_2007access() & 0x3FFF;
return RefreshAddr & 0x3FFF;
int pputime = 0;
int totpputime = 0;
const int kLineTime = 341;
const int kFetchTime = 2;
void runppu(int x) {
ppur.status.cycle = (ppur.status.cycle + x) % ppur.status.end_cycle;
if (!new_ppu_reset) // if resetting, suspend CPU until the first frame
//todo - consider making this a 3 or 4 slot fifo to keep from touching so much memory
struct BGData {
struct Record {
uint8 nt, pecnt, at, pt[2];
INLINE void Read() {
NTRefreshAddr = RefreshAddr = ppur.get_ntread();
if (PEC586Hack)
ppur.s = (RefreshAddr & 0x200) >> 9;
pecnt = (RefreshAddr & 1) << 3;
nt = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_atread();
at = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
//modify at to get appropriate palette shift
if (ppur.vt & 2) at >>= 4;
if (ppur.ht & 2) at >>= 2;
at &= 0x03;
at <<= 2;
//horizontal scroll clocked at cycle 3 and then
//vertical scroll at 251
if (PPUON) {
if (ppur.status.cycle == 251)
ppur.par = nt;
RefreshAddr = ppur.get_ptread();
if (PEC586Hack) {
if (ScreenON)
RENDER_LOG(RefreshAddr | pecnt);
pt[0] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr | pecnt);
pt[1] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr | pecnt);
} else {
if (ScreenON)
pt[0] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
RefreshAddr |= 8;
if (ScreenON)
pt[1] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
Record main[34]; //one at the end is junk, it can never be rendered
} bgdata;
static inline int PaletteAdjustPixel(int pixel) {
if ((PPU[1] >> 5) == 0x7)
return (pixel & 0x3f) | 0xc0;
else if (PPU[1] & 0xE0)
return pixel | 0x40;
return (pixel & 0x3F) | 0x80;
int framectr = 0;
int FCEUX_PPU_Loop(int skip) {
if (new_ppu_reset) // first frame since reset, time to initialize
new_ppu_reset = false;
//262 scanlines
if (ppudead) {
// not quite emulating all the NES power up behavior
// since it is known that the NES ignores writes to some
// register before around a full frame, but no games
// should write to those regs during that time, it needs
// to wait for vblank
ppur.status.sl = 241;
if (PAL)
runppu(70 * kLineTime);
runppu(20 * kLineTime);
ppur.status.sl = 0;
runppu(242 * kLineTime);
goto finish;
PPU_status |= 0x80;
ppuphase = PPUPHASE_VBL;
//Not sure if this is correct. According to Matt Conte and my own tests, it is.
//Timing is probably off, though.
//NOTE: Not having this here breaks a Super Donkey Kong game.
PPU[3] = PPUSPL = 0;
const int delay = 20; //fceu used 12 here but I couldnt get it to work in marble madness and pirates.
ppur.status.sl = 241; //for sprite reads
//formerly: runppu(delay);
for(int dot=0;dot<delay;dot++)
if (VBlankON) TriggerNMI();
int sltodo = PAL?70:20;
//formerly: runppu(20 * (kLineTime) - delay);
for(int S=0;S<sltodo;S++)
for(int dot=(S==0?delay:0);dot<kLineTime;dot++)
//this seems to run just before the dummy scanline begins
PPU_status = 0;
//this early out caused metroid to fail to boot. I am leaving it here as a reminder of what not to do
//if(!PPUON) { runppu(kLineTime*242); goto finish; }
//There are 2 conditions that update all 5 PPU scroll counters with the
//contents of the latches adjacent to them. The first is after a write to
//2006/2. The second, is at the beginning of scanline 20, when the PPU starts
//rendering data for the first time in a frame (this update won't happen if
//all rendering is disabled via 2001.3 and 2001.4).
// ppur.install_latches();
static uint8 oams[2][64][8];//[7] turned to [8] for faster indexing
static int oamcounts[2] = { 0, 0 };
static int oamslot = 0;
static int oamcount;
//capture the initial xscroll
//int xscroll = ppur.fh;
//render 241/291 scanlines (1 dummy at beginning, dendy's 50 at the end)
//ignore overclocking!
for (int sl = 0; sl < normalscanlines; sl++) {
g_rasterpos = 0;
ppur.status.sl = sl;
linestartts = timestamp * 48 + X.count; // pixel timestamp for debugger
const int yp = sl - 1;
ppuphase = PPUPHASE_BG;
if (sl != 0 && sl < 241) { // ignore the invisible
DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdatePPUView(scanline = yp, 1));
DEBUG(FCEUD_UpdateNTView(scanline = yp, 1));
//hack to fix SDF ship intro screen with split. is it right?
//well, if we didnt do this, we'd be passing in a negative scanline, so that's a sign something is fishy..
if(sl != 0)
if (MMC5Hack) MMC5_hb(yp);
//twiddle the oam buffers
const int scanslot = oamslot ^ 1;
const int renderslot = oamslot;
oamslot ^= 1;
oamcount = oamcounts[renderslot];
//the main scanline rendering loop:
//32 times, we will fetch a tile and then render 8 pixels.
//two of those tiles were read in the last scanline.
for (int xt = 0; xt < 32; xt++) {
bgdata.main[xt + 2].Read();
const uint8 blank = (gNoBGFillColor == 0xFF) ? READPAL(0) : gNoBGFillColor;
//ok, we're also going to draw here.
//unless we're on the first dummy scanline
if (sl != 0 && sl < 241) { // cape at 240 for dendy, its PPU does nothing afterwards
int xstart = xt << 3;
oamcount = oamcounts[renderslot];
uint8 * const target = XBuf + (yp << 8) + xstart;
uint8 * const dtarget = XDBuf + (yp << 8) + xstart;
uint8 *ptr = target;
uint8 *dptr = dtarget;
int rasterpos = xstart;
//check all the conditions that can cause things to render in these 8px
const bool renderspritenow = SpriteON && (xt > 0 || SpriteLeft8);
const bool renderbgnow = ScreenON && (xt > 0 || BGLeft8);
for (int xp = 0; xp < 8; xp++, rasterpos++, g_rasterpos++) {
//bg pos is different from raster pos due to its offsetability.
//so adjust for that here
const int bgpos = rasterpos + ppur.fh;
const int bgpx = bgpos & 7;
const int bgtile = bgpos >> 3;
uint8 pixel = 0;
uint8 pixelcolor = blank;
//according to qeed's doc, use palette 0 or $2006's value if it is & 0x3Fxx
if (!ScreenON && !SpriteON)
// if there's anything wrong with how we're doing this, someone please chime in
int addr = ppur.get_2007access();
if ((addr & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00)
pixel = addr & 0x1F;
pixelcolor = PALRAM[pixel];
//generate the BG data
if (renderbgnow) {
uint8* pt = bgdata.main[bgtile].pt;
pixel = ((pt[0] >> (7 - bgpx)) & 1) | (((pt[1] >> (7 - bgpx)) & 1) << 1) | bgdata.main[bgtile].at;
if (renderbg)
pixelcolor = READPAL(pixel);
//look for a sprite to be drawn
bool havepixel = false;
for (int s = 0; s < oamcount; s++) {
uint8* oam = oams[renderslot][s];
int x = oam[3];
if (rasterpos >= x && rasterpos < x + 8) {
//build the pixel.
//fetch the LSB of the patterns
uint8 spixel = oam[4] & 1;
spixel |= (oam[5] & 1) << 1;
//shift down the patterns so the next pixel is in the LSB
oam[4] >>= 1;
oam[5] >>= 1;
if (!renderspritenow) continue;
//bail out if we already have a pixel from a higher priority sprite
if (havepixel) continue;
//transparent pixel bailout
if (spixel == 0) continue;
//1. is it sprite#0?
//2. is the bg pixel nonzero?
//then, it is spritehit.
if (oam[6] == 0 && (pixel & 3) != 0 &&
rasterpos < 255) {
PPU_status |= 0x40;
havepixel = true;
//priority handling
if (oam[2] & 0x20) {
//behind background:
if ((pixel & 3) != 0) continue;
//bring in the palette bits and palettize
spixel |= (oam[2] & 3) << 2;
if (rendersprites)
pixelcolor = READPAL(0x10 + spixel);
*ptr++ = PaletteAdjustPixel(pixelcolor);
*dptr++= PPU[1]>>5; //grab deemph
//look for sprites (was supposed to run concurrent with bg rendering)
oamcounts[scanslot] = 0;
oamcount = 0;
const int spriteHeight = Sprite16 ? 16 : 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
oams[scanslot][oamcount][7] = 0;
uint8* spr = SPRAM + i * 4;
if (yp >= spr[0] && yp < spr[0] + spriteHeight) {
//if we already have maxsprites, then this new one causes an overflow,
//set the flag and bail out.
if (oamcount >= 8 && PPUON) {
PPU_status |= 0x20;
if (maxsprites == 8)
//just copy some bytes into the internal sprite buffer
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
oams[scanslot][oamcount][j] = spr[j];
oams[scanslot][oamcount][7] = 1;
//note that we stuff the oam index into [6].
//i need to turn this into a struct so we can have fewer magic numbers
oams[scanslot][oamcount][6] = (uint8)i;
oamcounts[scanslot] = oamcount;
//FV is clocked by the PPU's horizontal blanking impulse, and therefore will increment every scanline.
//well, according to (which?) tests, maybe at the end of hblank.
//but, according to what it took to get crystalis working, it is at the beginning of hblank.
//this is done at cycle 251
//rendering scanline, it doesn't need to be scanline 0,
//because on the first scanline when the increment is 0, the vs_scroll is reloaded.
//if(PPUON && sl != 0)
// ppur.increment_vs();
//todo - think about clearing oams to a predefined value to force deterministic behavior
ppuphase = PPUPHASE_OBJ;
//fetch sprite patterns
for (int s = 0; s < maxsprites; s++) {
//if we have hit our eight sprite pattern and we dont have any more sprites, then bail
if (s == oamcount && s >= 8)
//if this is a real sprite sprite, then it is not above the 8 sprite limit.
//this is how we support the no 8 sprite limit feature.
//not that at some point we may need a virtual CALL_PPUREAD which just peeks and doesnt increment any counters
//this could be handy for the debugging tools also
const bool realSprite = (s < 8);
uint8* const oam = oams[scanslot][s];
uint32 line = yp - oam[0];
if (oam[2] & 0x80) //vflip
line = spriteHeight - line - 1;
uint32 patternNumber = oam[1];
uint32 patternAddress;
//create deterministic dummy fetch pattern
if (!oam[7]) {
patternNumber = 0;
line = 0;
//8x16 sprite handling:
if (Sprite16) {
uint32 bank = (patternNumber & 1) << 12;
patternNumber = patternNumber & ~1;
patternNumber |= (line >> 3);
patternAddress = (patternNumber << 4) | bank;
} else {
patternAddress = (patternNumber << 4) | (SpAdrHI << 9);
//offset into the pattern for the current line.
//tricky: tall sprites have already had lines>8 taken care of by getting a new pattern number above.
//so we just need the line offset for the second pattern
patternAddress += line & 7;
//garbage nametable fetches
int garbage_todo = 2;
if (PPUON)
if (sl == 0 && ppur.status.cycle == 304)
if (PPUON) ppur.install_latches();
garbage_todo = 0;
if ((sl != 0 && sl < 241) && ppur.status.cycle == 256)
//at 257: 3d world runner is ugly if we do this at 256
if (PPUON) ppur.install_h_latches();
garbage_todo = 0;
if (realSprite) runppu(garbage_todo);
//Dragon's Lair (Europe version mapper 4)
//does not set SpriteON in the beginning but it does
//set the bg on so if using the conditional SpriteON the MMC3 counter
//the counter will never count and no IRQs will be fired so use PPUON
if (((PPU[0] & 0x38) != 0x18) && s == 2 && PPUON) {
//(The MMC3 scanline counter is based entirely on PPU A12, triggered on rising edges (after the line remains low for a sufficiently long period of time))
//test cases for timing: SMB3, Crystalis
//crystalis requires deferring this til somewhere in sprite [1,3]
//kirby requires deferring this til somewhere in sprite [2,5..
//if (PPUON && GameHBIRQHook) {
if (GameHBIRQHook) {
//blind attempt to replicate old ppu functionality
if(s == 2 && PPUON)
if (GameHBIRQHook2) {
if (realSprite) runppu(kFetchTime);
//pattern table fetches
RefreshAddr = patternAddress;
if (SpriteON)
oam[4] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
if (realSprite) runppu(kFetchTime);
RefreshAddr += 8;
if (SpriteON)
oam[5] = CALL_PPUREAD(RefreshAddr);
if (realSprite) runppu(kFetchTime);
if (!(oam[2] & 0x40)) {
oam[4] = bitrevlut[oam[4]];
oam[5] = bitrevlut[oam[5]];
ppuphase = PPUPHASE_BG;
//fetch BG: two tiles for next line
for (int xt = 0; xt < 2; xt++)
//I'm unclear of the reason why this particular access to memory is made.
//The nametable address that is accessed 2 times in a row here, is also the
//same nametable address that points to the 3rd tile to be rendered on the
//screen (or basically, the first nametable address that will be accessed when
//the PPU is fetching background data on the next scanline).
//(not implemented yet)
if (sl == 0) {
if (idleSynch && PPUON && !PAL)
ppur.status.end_cycle = 340;
ppur.status.end_cycle = 341;
idleSynch ^= 1;
} else
ppur.status.end_cycle = 341;
//After memory access 170, the PPU simply rests for 4 cycles (or the
//equivelant of half a memory access cycle) before repeating the whole
//pixel/scanline rendering process. If the scanline being rendered is the very
//first one on every second frame, then this delay simply doesn't exist.
if (ppur.status.end_cycle == 341)
} //scanline loop
DMC_7bit = 0;
if (MMC5Hack) MMC5_hb(240);
//idle for one line
return 0;