flashcard-archive/common-kernels/BL2CK/BL2CK_common/__rpg/language/繁體中文 (ZH)/language.txt

279 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Thanks to s223355 for the translation.
2023-08-13 17:34:21 +02:00
main = wenquanyi_9pt.pcf
language = 0
[start menu]
Copy = 複製
Cut = 剪下
Paste = 貼上
Delete = 刪除
Setting = 設定
Info = 檔案資訊
Help = 說明
Tools = 工具
[message box]
yes = 是
no = 否
ok = 確定
cancel = 取消
[progress window]
processing save = 正在處理存檔,請不要關機!
processing copy = 正在複製檔案,請不要關機,按 %c 取消!
first use sd = 正在為第一次使用 SD 卡做準備
gba load = 讀取GBA遊戲…
gba save load = 讀取GBA存檔…
gba save store = 正在處理GBA存檔請不要關機
erase nor = 消除NOR記憶體中請不要關機
[copy file error]
title = 錯誤
text = 檔案或資料夾不存在
[copy file exists]
title = 提示
text = 有相同檔名的檔案存在,要覆蓋嗎?
[copy dest is directory]
title = 錯誤
text = 有相同名字的目錄存在,不能將檔案複製到這裡
[move dest is directory]
title = 錯誤
text = 有相同名字的目錄存在,不能將檔案搬移到這裡
[no copy dir]
title = 錯誤
text = 不支援複製或剪下一個目錄
[stop copying file]
title = 確認
text = 要停止複製這個檔案嗎?
[confirm delete file]
title = 確認
text = 刪除檔案後不能恢復,確實要刪除 「%s」 嗎?
[do not delete directory]
title = 警告
text = 該目錄下還有檔案或者目錄,不能直接刪除
[restore save fail]
title = 錯誤
text = 恢復存檔錯誤
[language changed]
title = 問題
text = 改變了系統語言,要現在重啟更換新的語言嗎?選「否」稍後再重啟
[ui style changed]
title = 問題
text = 改變了使用者設定,必須重啟系統才能生效,要現在重啟更換新的設定嗎?選「否」保持當前的設定
[setting window]
ok = 確定
savetype = 存檔類型
cancel = 取消
confirm = 確認
confirm text = 要保存當前的設定嗎?
close = 關閉
system = 系統
interface = 介面
filesystem = 檔案系統
gba = GBA
patches = 特殊功能
[save type]
title = 設定
text = 選擇存檔類型
Unknown = 未知/自動
No Save = 沒有存檔
4K = 4K
64K = 64K
512K = 512K
1M = 1M
2M = 2M
4M = 4M
8M = 8M
16M = 16M
32M = 32M
64M = 64M
default = 預設
save slot = 選擇存檔Slot
tab1 = Compatibility
tab2 = Features
[system setting]
title = 系統設定
safe mode = Safe Mode
[rom info]
title = 檔案資訊
file date = 最後寫入:%d年%d月%d日 %02d:%02d:%02d(GMT)
file size = 檔案大小:%s
save type = 存檔類型:%s
game code = 遊戲代碼: %s
copy slot = 複製存檔
[disk info]
total = 磁碟容量:%s
used = 已用空間:%s
free = 剩餘空間:%s
[no free space]
title = 錯誤
text = 磁碟空間不足
[unsupported sd]
title = 不相容的SD卡
text = 您使用的SD卡(型號:%s) 不適合直接執行DS官方程式請複製到AK內建記憶體中再執行
[sd card error]
title = SD卡錯誤
text = 無法存取SD卡的內容SD卡可能沒有插好
[no sd for save]
title = SD卡錯誤
text = 無法存取SD卡之前的存檔將被備份到內建記憶體的%s 檔案中
[no gba card]
title = 提示
text = SLOT2 並沒有插入設備
[filelist type]
text = 設定檔案列表方式
item0 = NDS
item1 = NDS + SAV
item2 = ALL
[rom trim]
text = 複製時自動縮減ROM
item0 = 否
item1 = 是
text = 系統語言
ja = 日本語
en = english
fr = français
de = deutsch
it = italiano
es = español
[ui style]
text = 面版
[help window]
title = 說明主題
item0 = %c 選擇檔案
item1 = %c 是/開始/確定
item2 = %c 否/後退/取消
item3 = %c 查詢檔案資訊 / 選擇存檔類型
item4 = %c 切換 SD / NAND 記憶體
item5 = %c 上一頁
item6 = %c 調整亮度1/2/3/4
item7 = %s 開始選單
item8 = %s 切換 圖示/文字 模式
[exp window]
button = EZ3合1
title = 3合1擴充卡設定
ram = RAM
sram = sRAM
off =關閉
low = 弱
mid = 中
high = 強
strength = 震動等級
flash to nor = 到 NOR
copy to psram = 到 PSRAM
[abort save]
title = 取消存檔
text = 您確定要取消存檔?
[gba warn]
title = 警告GBA ROM 容量
text = 不支援大於32MB的GBA ROM !
download play = 提升單卡聯機相容性
cheating system = 金手指
reset in game = 暖開機 (L+R+A+B+↓)
dma = DMA模式
protection = 反制燒錄保護
linkage = Link with GBA
sd save = Save directly to SD
homebrew reset = Reset in Homebrew
Enable = 開啟
Disable = 關閉
Global = 全體(%s)
[ram allocation]
title = 錯誤
memory allocation error = 記憶體配置錯誤
fast = 快
medium = 中
slow = 慢
[file settings]
title = 檔案系統設定
show hidden files = 顯示隱藏檔案
Save Extension = 存檔副檔名
[interface settings]
title = 介面設定
scrolling speed = 捲動速度
filelist style = 列表格式
oldschool = 傳統
modern = 圖示
internal = 遊戲標題
animation = 動畫
12 hour = 12-hour clock
[gba settings]
title = GBA 設定
sleephack = 通用休眠
autosave = 啟動時備份存檔
mode = Slot-2 mode
modegba = gba
modends = nds
modeask = ask
modetext = Launch slot-2 in NDS mode?
[sd save]
title = 提示
text = This game cannot be launched from Acekard Internal Flash Memory, please copy game from Acekard Internal Flash Memory to SD card and try again.
icon = Show icon
transparent = transparent
as is = as is
firmware = firmware
title = Cheats
info = More…
deselect = Deselect all
title = Copy Save Slot
confirm = Are you sure you want to copy save slot?
target slot = Target Save Slot
flash memory = Flash Memory
microsd card = microSD Card
slot2 card = Slot2 Card
favorites = Favorites