[font] main = liberation.pcf language = 1 [start menu] Copy = Copy Cut = Cut Paste = Paste Delete = Delete Setting = Settings Info = File Info Help = Help Tools = Tools START = START [message box] yes = Yes no = No ok = OK cancel = Cancel [progress window] processing save = Processing, dont power off processing copy = Copying file, dont power off, %c for cancel first use sd = Checking SD card for the first time using gba load = Loading gba game gba save load = Loading gba save gba save store = Processing gba save, dont power off erase nor = Erase NOR flash [copy file error] title = Error text = File does not exist [copy file exists] title = Warning text = A file with the same name already exists, replace it? [copy dest is directory] title = Error text = A directory with the same name already exists, can not copy source file. [move dest is directory] title = Error text = A directory with the same name already exists, can not move source file. [no copy dir] title = Error text = Directory copying/moving is not supported for now. [stop copying file] title = Stop copying file text = Do you want to stop copying? [confirm delete file] title = Confirm text = File can not be recovered after delete, continue delete "%s"? [do not delete directory] title = Warning text = The directory is not empty, can not delete it. [restore save fail] title = Error text = Failed to restore save data. [language changed] title = Question text = System language setting changed, restart now to apply new lanaguage setting? Choose "No" to restart later. [ui style changed] title = Question text = User interface style changed, restart now to apply new style? Choose "No" will keep current style. [setting window] ok = OK savetype = Settings cancel = Cancel confirm = Confirm confirm text = Save current settings? close = Close system = System interface = Interface filesystem = File system gba = GBA patches = Patches [save type] title = Settings text = Select a save type Unknown = unknown/auto No Save = no save 4K = 4K 64K = 64K 512K = 512K 1M = 1M 2M = 2M 4M = 4M 8M = 8M 16M = 16M 32M = 32M 64M = 64M default = default save slot = Choose Save Slot tab1 = Compatibility tab2 = Features [system setting] title = System settings safe mode = Safe Mode [rom info] title = File Information file date = Last change: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d(GMT) file size = File Size: %s save type = Save Type: %s game code = Code: %s copy slot = Copy Slot [disk info] total = Disk Capacity: %s used = Used Space: %s free = Free Space: %s [no free space] title = Error text = There is not enough space on the disk. [unsupported sd] title = Unsupported SD card text = This SD card(Model:%s) is not suitable for running offical DS programs, please copy program from SD card to Acekard Internal Flash Memory and try again. [sd card error] title = SD card error text = Can not access sd card, it may not be inserted correctly. [no sd for save] title = SD card error text = Can not access sd card, save data of previous launched program will be written to file: "%s". [no gba card] title = Notify text = There is no device in SLOT-2 [filelist type] text = Set file list type item0 = NDS item1 = NDS + SAV item2 = ALL [rom trim] text = Trim rom when copy item0 = No item1 = Yes [language] text = Language ja = 日本語 en = english fr = français de = deutsch it = italiano es = español [ui style] text = User Interface style [help window] title = Help information item0 = %c Select Programs item1 = %c Start/OK/YES item2 = %c Back/Cancel/NO item3 = %c View file info/Select Save Type item4 = %c Switch SD/FLASH item5 = %c Back to parent directory item6 = %c Adjust Brightness item7 = %s Start Menu item8 = %s Menu style new/classical [exp window] button = 3in1 title = 3in1 expansion pack settings ram = RAM sram = sRAM off = off low = low mid = middle high = high strength = Rumble strength flash to nor = to NOR copy to psram = to RAM [abort save] title = Abort save processing text = Do you want abort save processing? [gba warn] title = Warning text = Gba roms with size more then 32M don't support! [patches] download play = Single Card Play cheating system = Cheat in Game(AR) reset in game = Reset in Game dma = DMA mode protection = Bypass Protection linkage = Link with GBA sd save = Save directly to SD homebrew reset = Reset in Homebrew [switches] Enable = on Disable = off Global = global(%s) [ram allocation] title = Error memory allocation error = Memory allocation error [scrolling] fast = Fast medium = Medium slow = Slow [file settings] title = File system settings show hidden files = Show hidden files save extension = Save extension [interface settings] title = Interface settings scrolling speed = Scrolling speed filelist style = Filelist style oldschool = Old school modern = Modern internal = Internal animation = Animation 12 hour = 12-hour clock [gba settings] title = GBA settings sleephack = Universal sleep autosave = Backup save at startup mode = Slot-2 mode modegba = gba modends = nds modeask = ask modetext = Launch slot-2 in NDS mode? [sd save] title = Warning text = This game cannot be launched from Acekard Internal Flash Memory, please copy game from Acekard Internal Flash Memory to SD card and try again. [icon] icon = Show icon transparent = transparent as is = as is firmware = firmware [cheats] title = Cheats info = More… deselect = Deselect all [saveslot] title = Copy Save Slot confirm = Are you sure you want to copy save slot? target slot = Target Save Slot [mainlist] flash memory = Flash Memory microsd card = microSD Card slot2 card = Slot2 Card favorites = Favorites [end]