lifehackerhansol 18e02684cc
Initial commit
2023-08-13 12:03:09 -07:00

83 lines
1.5 KiB

game = Game
media = Media
slot2 = Slot-2
version = ENG
firmware = English Version
main = tahoma.pcf
language = 1
[message box]
yes = Yes
no = No
ok = OK
cancel = Cancel
[progress window]
processing save = Processing, dont power off
first use sd = Checking SD card for the first time using
gba load = Loading gba game
gba save load = Loading gba save
gba save store = Processing gba save, dont power off
[setting window]
title = Settings
ok = OK
cancel = Cancel
confirm = Confirm
confirm text = Save current settings?
close = Close
system = System
[system setting]
title = System settings
[rom info]
title = File Information
file date = Last change: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d
file size = File Size: %s
save type = Save Type: %s
game code = Code: %s
[disk info]
total = Disk Capacity: %s
used = Used Space: %s
free = Free Space: %s
[no free space]
title = Error
text = There is not enough space on the disk.
[sd card error]
title = SD card error
text = Can not access sd card, it may not be inserted correctly.
[no gba card]
title = Notify
text = There is no device in SLOT-2
[gba warn]
title = Warning
text = Gba roms with size more then 32M don't support!
download play = Single Card Play
cheating system = Cheat In Game(AR)
reset in game = Reset In Game
Enable = Enable
Disable = Disable
title = Cheats
generate = Generate
cctitle = Warning
cctext = .CC exists, Generate new one?
dirtitle = Error
dirtext = A directory with the same name already exists.