lifehackerhansol 18e02684cc
Initial commit
2023-08-13 12:03:09 -07:00

489 lines
13 KiB

main = tahoma.pcf
[start menu]
Start = START
Copy = Copy
Cut = Cut
Paste = Paste
Delete = Delete
Save Type = Save Type
Patches = Patches
Setting = System Options
Info = Properties
Help = Help
More = More ->
3in1 = 3in1/FAS1
Cheats = Cheats
Back = <- Back
[message box]
yes = Yes
no = No
ok = OK
cancel = Cancel
title = Cheats: SELECT = Save Selection
error_title = Error
error_text = Cheat file was not found.
selectrom = Please select a .NDS file
noxml = Cheat DB file not found
ccexists = .CC exists, Generate new one?
nonefound = No Cheats found in DB
xmlselect = Select Cheat Database:
confirm = Confirm
confirm_rebuild = Rebuild .CC file?
invalid cheatdb = Invalid Cheat Database
Rebuild = Rebuild
Sel. DB = Sel. DB
[progress window]
processing save = Processing... Do not power off!
processing copy = Copying... Do not power off, %c=Cancel!
first use sd = Checking SD card for first time usage...
gba load = Loading GBA game...
gba save load = Loading GBA save...
gba save store = Processing GBA save... Do not power off!
erase nor = Erasing NOR flash... Do not power off!
rebuilding cheat data = Rebuilding cheat file.
[copy file error]
title = Error Copying File or Folder
text = The File or folder does not exist.
[copy file exists]
title = Confirm File Replace
text = This folder already contains a file with the same name. Would you like to replace the existing file with this one?
[copy dest is directory]
title = Error Copying File or Folder
text = This folder already contains a folder with the same name. It is not possible to copy file.
[move dest is directory]
title = Error Moving File or Folder
text = This folder already contains a folder with the same name. It is not possible to move file.
[no copy dir]
title = Error Folder Copy/Cut
text = Folder copying/moving is not supported for now!
[stop copying file]
title = Confirm File Copy Cancel
text = Are you sure you want to cancel file copy?
[confirm delete file]
title = Confirm File/Folder Delete
text = File/folder can not be undeleted, are you sure you want to delete '%s'?
text2 = If you wish to continue press no otherwise press yes.
[do not delete directory]
title = Error Folder Delete
text = This folder is not empty, delete folder contents first and retry.
[unknown save type]
title = Unknown Safe Type
text = The save type of this program is unknown, press "A" to manually set a type.
[no savelist]
title = Error Loading Save List
text = The save list could not be loaded, "savelist.bin" is missing.
[restore save fail]
title = Failed Save Data Restore
text = The save data could not be restored, ignore and continue anyway?
[backup save fail]
title = Failed Save Data Backup
text = Failed to backup save data, target disk may not have enough free space.
[language changed]
title = Confirm System Language Change
text = Are you sure you want to restart now to apply the system language change? Choose "No" to restart later.
[ui style changed]
title = Confirm Interface Theme Change
text = Are you sure you want to restart now to apply the interface theme change? Choose "No" to keep current theme.
[save type]
title = Set Save Type
text = Save type
Unknown = Unknown/Auto
No Save = No Save
4K = 4K
64K = 64K
512K = 64K/512K
2M = 2M
4M = 2M/4M
Fast = Fast
Medium = Medium
Slow = Slow
[system setting]
title = System Options
[disk info]
total = Disk Capacity: %s
used = Used Space: %s
free = Free Space: %s
[no free space]
title = Error not enough Space
text = There is not enough space on the target disk, can not copy file.
[sd speed]
text = Set MicroSD speed
item0 = Extreme
item1 = Fast
item2 = Medium
item3 = Slow
[unsupported sd]
title = Unsupported MicroSD Card
text = This MicroSD card(Model:%s) is not suitable for running offical DS programs, please copy program from SD card to Acekard Internal Flash Memory and try again.
[sd card error]
title = Error Accessing MicroSD Card
text = Unable to access MicroSD card, please verify that MicroSD card is formatted and inserted correctly.
[no sd for save]
title = No MicroSD for Safe Data
text = Unable to access MicroSD card, save data of previous launched program will be written to file '%s'.
[no gba card]
title = Error No GBA Card
text = There is no device in Slot-2.
[filelist type]
text = Set file list type
item0 = NDS
item1 = NDS + SAV
item2 = NDS/SAV/BAK
item3 = ALL
[rom trim]
text = Trim ROM when copying
item0 = Disabled
item1 = Enabled
text = Cheat code usage
item0 = Disabled
Item1 = Enabled
text = Autorun
item0 = Disabled
item1 = Enabled
text = Interface language
item0 = English
item1 = S.Chinese
item2 = T.Chinese
item3 = Japanese
item4 = Francais
item5 = Italiano
item6 = Deutsch
item7 = Español
item8 = Nederlands
text = Brightness
[ui style]
text = Interface Theme
[help window]
title = Help
item0 = %c Up/Down/PgUp/PgDown
item1 = %c Yes/Start/OK
item2 = %c No/Back/Cancel
item3 = %c View file info/Select save type
item4 = %c Memory Selection: MicroSD/Flash
item5 = %c Back to parent directory
item6 = %c Set Brightness: 1/2/3/4
item7 = %s Open "START" Menu
item8 = %s List style: Animate/Number
versions = HW: %02x NDD: %02x
[abort save]
title = Cancel Save Processing
text = Are you sure you want to cancel save processing?
[gba warn]
title = Warning GBA ROM size
text = GBA ROM's bigger than 32M are currently not supported!
[shortcut overwrite]
title = Confirm Shortcut
text = Are you sure you want to create/overwrite shortcut?
[shortcut delete]
title = Confirm Shortcut Delete
text = Are you sure you want to delete shortcut?
gbamode = Boot in GBA mode
passme = Boot in NDS mode (PassMe)
backupsramq = Backup SRAM Bank %d (FAS1)
question = Question
title = FAS1 Options
useFAS1 = Use FlashAdvance Features
listgba = List GBA/BIN files
verifyFAS1 = Verify written blocks
item0 = No
item1 = Yes
StartMenuDescription = FAS1
prompt = Write ROM
flashquestion = Flash ROM to Flash Advance Cart? (%.2fMB / about %.1f min.)
writeprompt = Write Save to Bank %d?
backupsramq = Backup Bank %d of FlashAdvance Cartridge?
backupsram = Backing up Bank %d [%iKB] (%c for cancel)
saveerror = Not a 64KB SAV file, continue?
unsupported = FAS1: Unsupported Cartridge
writingpercent = Written %iKB of %iKB, (%c for cancel)
savebytes = Written %i bytes (%c for cancel)
dumpallsram = Backup SRAM Banks (FAS1)?
[save backup]
question = Back up save?
backing up = Backing up .SAV with extension .BAK
overwrite = Backup already exists, overwrite?
[save restore]
question = Restore save from backup?
restoring save = Restoring .SAV from extension .BAK
overwrite = Save file already exists, overwrite?
confirm = Confirm
exit = Do you really want to exit?
error = Error Opening File
file open error = Can not open this text file. Return to OS menu.
screen angle = Screen Orientation
normal = Normal
rotate 90 = Rotate 90
rotate 270 = Rotate 270
screen mode = Screen Mode
dual = Dual Screen
dual copy = Clone Screen
lower = Lower Only
upper = Upper Only
add bookmark = Are you sure you want to add a new bookmark at this position?
remove bookmark = Are you sure you want to remove this bookmark?
goto toppage? = Are you sure you want to jump to top of page?
[save slot]
title = Choose Save Slot
default = Default
text = Select Save Slot to use
Normal = Normal
HideExtName = Hide ROM Ext.
BannerTitle = Internal Name
text = Cheat code usage
item0 = Disabled
Item1 = Enabled
[setting window]
ok = OK
savetype = Save Type
cancel = Cancel
confirm = Confirm Options Save
confirm text = Are you sure you want to save current settings?
shortcut = Shortcut
delete shortcut = Delete
rominfo = Rom Settings
Default = Default
Enable = Enabled
Disable = Disabled
auto menu = Auto Menu
[rom info]
title = Properties
title_copywnd = Copy Save Slot
file date = Last Change: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d(GMT)
file size = File Size: %s
save type = Save Type: %s
game code = Game Code: %s
save slot = Select Save Slot
save slot copy = From %s to:
Slot = Slot
cheat menu = Cheat Menu
copy menu = Slot Copy
save extension = Save Ext.
convert text = Convert saves
convert text = Convert saves from %s to %s ?
title = Default Patch Options
download play = DS Download Play
cheating system = Cheat/Action Replay
slow motion = In-Game Slow Motion
reset in game = Soft-Reset
3in1 = 3in1
ak2 loader = AK2 Loader
altloadernotfound = Alt. Loader Not Found, boot ROM directly?
patching loader = Patching Alternate Loader for use with AKAIO
IRQ Hook = IRQ Hook
SWI Hook = SWI Hook
bypass antipiracy = Bypass AntiPiracy
[advanced setting]
title = File System Settings
Advanced = Advanced
Show Hidden Files = Show Hidden files
Hide Extension Name = Hide ROM extension
Scrolling Speed = Scroll Speed
Inverted Touch Scrolling = Inverted Touch Scrolling
CopyCut Saves Too = Copy/Cut SAV with ROM
Delete Saves Too = Delete SAV with ROM
Cheat Scrolling = Cheat Scrolling
Cheat Scrolling Speed = Cheat Scrolling Speed
Homebrew Reset Type = Homebrew Reset Type
DATorXML = File to Download
updateDB = Wifi Update
cheatDBbutton = Update DB
SaveList = savelist.bin
startupdatetitle = AKAIO Updater
get whatsnew = Get WhatsNew.txt
startupdatequestion = Do you wish to start the update procedure?
WFCConnection = Connecting using WFC, %c to Cancel
cantconnect = Could not connect, check WFC settings
stopconnectquestion = Do you want to stop Wifi Connecting?
stopconnecttitle = Stop Connecting
getwhatsnew = Getting What's New
downloadthisfile = Download cheat file dated %s?
downloaderror = Error Downloading File
downloadstart = Downloading file, %c to Cancel
stopdownloadquestion = Do you want to stop Downloading?
stopdownloadtitle = Stop Downloading
downloading = Downloading %.0fKb/%.0fKb, %c to Cancel
unzipstop = Do you want to stop unzipping?
unzipstoptitle = Unzip Paused
unzipping = Unzipping file, %c to Cancel
unziperror = Error in extracting file
success = Enjoy the latest %s
error = Error updating, try again?
resumeupdatetitle = Resume Interrupted Download
resumethisfile = Resume download of %s at %.0fKb?
deletepartial = Delete Partially Downloaded File?
previousdates = Previous Dates
previousfiles = Previous Files
previous date notice = Wifi and Loader Updates ONLY
cheats = Cheats
loader = Update Loader
wifi = Wifi Plugin
3version = 3 versions
5version = 5 versions
Checking Site = Checking AKAIO Site
whatsnew notice = Official Site ONLY
site = Which Cheat DB?
site1 = Official Site
site2 = AKAIO (yusuo)
zipstart = Compressing file, %c to Cancel
zipping = Compressing %.0fKb/%.0fKb, %c to Cancel
zipstop = Do you want to stop compressing?
zipstoptitle = Compression Paused
ziperror = Error in compressing file
uploaderror = Error Uploading File
uploadprepare = Preparing upload, %c to Cancel
uploading = Uploading %.0fKb/%.0fKb, %c to Cancel
uploaddone = Closing connection
uploadreturn = File name:<br>%s<br>Size: %s<br>Used: %s<br>
stopuploadquestion = Do you want to stop uploading?
stopuploadtitle = Stop Uploading
dnuztitle = Start Download and Unzip?
dnuzprompt = Download and Unzip "%s?"
znutitle = Start Zip and Upload?
znuprompt = Zip and Upload "%s?"
savetitle = Save List
saveuploadtitle = Choose Save to Upload
savedownloadtitle = Choose Save to Download or Delete
extracttitle = Extract to...
uploadtoobig = Upload will breach quota, sorry
overquota = Quota reached, delete some files and try again
checking = Checking Remote Site
switch = Ch. Mode
success = %s downloaded
deleted = %s deleted
deletestart = Deleting file
dodeletetitle = Delete This File?
dodeleteprompt = Delete "%s?"
[text viewer]
text = TXT Viewer
item0 = Plugin
item1 = Internal
title = Plugin Settings
[interface settings]
title = Interface Settings
oldschool = Text List
modern = File Name
internal = Internal Name
smallicon = Sm. Icon
smalliconinternal = Sm. Icon Internal
filelist style = File List Style
Hide File Extensions = Hide File Extensions
Icon Animation = Icon Animation
[exp window]
title = Slot 2 Cartridge Settings
ram = RAM
sram = Dump SRAM
off = Off
low = Low
mid = Medium
high = High
strength = Rumble level
NOR Mode = NOR Mode
auto = Auto
always = Always
notdetected = 3in1/EWin/FlashAdvance not found!
NOR Flash = Flash to NOR
norquestion = Flash to NOR?
norblank = Blank NOR
erasenor = Do you want to erase the NOR?
[gba settings]
gbabutton = GBA Settings
gbasleepdescription = (L+R+Start: sleep/ Select+Start: wake up)
title = GBA settings
sleephack = GBA Universal sleep
autosave = Backup GBA save at startup
gbaSavePrompt = Prompt before Save/Load
Load Save = Load Save
Load File = Load %s?
Backup Save = Backup Save
Backup File = Backup %s?
[ram allocation]
title = Error
memory allocation error = Memory allocation error
CheatOn = Cheats has been enabled for this game.
CheatOff = Cheats has been disabled for this game.
SoftresetOn = Soft-Reset has been enabled for this game.
SoftresetOff = Soft-Reset has been disabled for this game.
[clone card error]
title = Clone
text = It may not be a genuine Acekard.\n Please contact your vender or\n access our website:\n\n www.acekard.com\n