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synced 2025-03-01 00:03:44 +01:00
此固件支持3DS2.0和DSi1.4.2. 请选择对应主机的文件升级。HWID44的AK2i这次也可以升级,但是暂时在使用主机的电源键软复位后无法识别AK2i,遇到此问题关闭主机重启即可。 升级方法: 请根据您的主机选择运行Acekard_2i_FWUpdate_DSi1.4.2_3DS2.0.0_DSi.nds或者Acekard_2i_FWUpdate_DSi1.4.2_3DS2.0.0_DSL.nds。DSXL请使用Acekard_2i_FWUpdate_DSi1.4.2_3DS2.0.0_DSi.nds。运行后按照提示操作即可。 This update support 3DS2.0 and DSi1.4.2. Please refer to readme file in the package. AK2i of HWID44 can be updated this time too. But AK2i of HWID44 can't be recognized after using power button to reset console. You need power off console and turn it on again. Please choose update file according to your console. If you're using DSi or DSXL please use Acekard_2i_FWUpdate_DSi1.4.2_3DS2.0.0_DSi.nds to update. I f you're using DSL or DSPhat please use Acekard_2i_FWUpdate_DSi1.4.2_3DS2.0.0_DSL.nds to update. Just follow the instructions after you run the update file.