Frodo and Frodo SC

Frodo comes in two 'flavours' that allow you to decide between speed and accuracy of the emulation.

The line-based emulation 'Frodo'

Frodo is a line-based emulation, i.e. the activities that happen in parallel during one video line in the real C64 are emulated one after the other for the different chips. This offers a reasonable degree of precision of the emulation at a decent speed. There are some things that cannot be emulated with this technique, but it works fine with about 80% of all C64 programs and it is also the faster of the two Frodo versions.

The single-cycle emulation 'Frodo SC'

Frodo SC is a special version of Frodo that doesn't work with a line-based emulation but instead with a cycle-based one. That means that the emulator switches between 6510 and VIC in every emulated ø2 clock phase. By doing this, Frodo SC achieves an extreme precision (nearly all $d011 and $d016 effects can be emulated), but at the expense of speed. In the settings options, Frodo SC differs from Frodo in only a few points: Apart from that, Frodo SC is operated in the same way as Frodo and also uses the same settings. Frodo SC has only a few incompatibilities to a real C64: