#include #include #include #include "menu.hh" #include "gui.hh" #include "menu_messages.hh" #include "help_box.hh" #include "dialogue_box.hh" #include "sdl_ttf_font.hh" #include "utils.hh" #include "virtual_keyboard.hh" extern SDL_Surface *screen; #define THEME_ROOT_PATH "themes" #define METADATA_ROOT_PATH "metadata" #define GAME_ROOT_PATH "discs" static const char *get_theme_path(const char *dir, const char *what) { static char buf[255]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, 254, "%s/%s/%s", THEME_ROOT_PATH, dir, what); return buf; } /* These are a bit of special cases... */ #include "disc_menu.cpp" #include "bind_keys_menu.cpp" #include "theme_menu.cpp" #include "options_menu.cpp" #include "network_menu.cpp" #include "game_info_menu.cpp" #include "main_menu.cpp" GuiView::GuiView() { } void GuiView::updateTheme() { } void GuiView::viewPushCallback() { } void GuiView::viewPopCallback() { } Gui::Gui() { this->np = NULL; this->focus = NULL; this->bg_left = NULL; this->bg_middle = NULL; this->bg_right = NULL; this->bg_submenu_left = NULL; this->bg_submenu_middle = NULL; this->bg_submenu_right = NULL; this->background = NULL; this->main_menu_bg = NULL; this->infobox = NULL; this->textbox = NULL; this->status_bar_bg = NULL; this->default_font = NULL; this->dialogue_bg = NULL; this->small_font = NULL; this->n_views = 0; this->views = NULL; this->timerController = new TimerController(); VirtualKeyboard::kbd = new VirtualKeyboard(NULL); this->theme_base_path = THEME_ROOT_PATH; this->metadata_base_path = METADATA_ROOT_PATH; this->game_base_path = GAME_ROOT_PATH; this->cur_gameInfo = new GameInfo(); this->gameInfoChanged = false; this->dlg = NULL; this->kbd = NULL; this->mv = NULL; this->dv = NULL; this->ov = NULL; this->nv = NULL; this->tv = NULL; this->giv = NULL; this->bkv = NULL; } Gui::~Gui() { delete this->mv; delete this->dv; delete this->ov; delete this->nv; delete this->tv; delete this->giv; delete this->bkv; delete this->cur_gameInfo; delete this->timerController; if (this->dlg) delete this->dlg; if (VirtualKeyboard::kbd) delete VirtualKeyboard::kbd; SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->background); SDL_FreeSurface(this->main_menu_bg); SDL_FreeSurface(this->infobox); SDL_FreeSurface(this->dialogue_bg); SDL_FreeSurface(this->disc_info); SDL_FreeSurface(this->textbox); SDL_FreeSurface(this->selected_key); SDL_FreeSurface(this->highlighted_key); if (this->default_font) delete this->default_font; if (this->small_font) delete this->small_font; } bool Gui::setTheme(const char *path) { this->bg_left = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_left.png"); this->bg_middle = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_middle.png"); this->bg_right = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_right.png"); this->bg_submenu_left = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_left.png"); this->bg_submenu_middle = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_middle.png"); this->bg_submenu_right = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_right.png"); this->background = this->loadThemeImage(path, "background.png"); this->main_menu_bg = this->loadThemeImage(path, "main_menu_bg.png"); this->status_bar_bg = this->loadThemeImage(path, "status_bar.png"); this->infobox = this->loadThemeImage(path, "infobox.png"); this->textbox = this->loadThemeImage(path, "textbox.png"); this->dialogue_bg = this->loadThemeImage(path, "dialogue_box.png"); this->disc_info = this->loadThemeImage(path, "disc_info.png"); this->highlighted_key = this->loadThemeImage(path, "highlighted_key.png"); this->selected_key = this->loadThemeImage(path, "selected_key.png"); this->default_font = this->loadThemeFont(path, "font.ttf", 18); this->small_font = this->loadThemeFont(path, "font.ttf", 16); if (!this->bg_left || !this->bg_right || !this->bg_middle || !this->bg_submenu_left || !this->bg_submenu_right || !this->bg_submenu_middle || !this->dialogue_bg || !this->disc_info || !this->selected_key || !this->highlighted_key || !this->status_bar_bg || !this->default_font || !this->small_font) { SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->background); SDL_FreeSurface(this->main_menu_bg); SDL_FreeSurface(this->infobox); SDL_FreeSurface(this->dialogue_bg); SDL_FreeSurface(this->disc_info); SDL_FreeSurface(this->textbox); SDL_FreeSurface(this->selected_key); SDL_FreeSurface(this->highlighted_key); if (this->default_font) delete this->default_font; if (this->small_font) delete this->small_font; return false; } /* Create the views */ if (!this->mv) { this->status_bar = new StatusBar(); this->mv = new MainView(); this->dv = new DiscView(); this->ov = new OptionsView(); this->nv = new NetworkView(); this->tv = new ThemeView(); this->bkv = new BindKeysView(); this->giv = new GameInfoView(); this->pushView(mv); } VirtualKeyboard::kbd->updateTheme(); return true; } void Gui::runLogic(void) { GuiView *cur_view = this->peekView(); this->status_bar->runLogic(); this->timerController->tick(); if (!this->is_active || !cur_view) return; if (this->dlg) this->dlg->runLogic(); else if (this->kbd) this->kbd->runLogic(); else cur_view->runLogic(); } void Gui::pushView(GuiView *view) { int cur = this->n_views; this->n_views++; this->views = (GuiView**)xrealloc(this->views, sizeof(GuiView*) * this->n_views); this->views[cur] = view; view->viewPushCallback(); } void Gui::pushDialogueBox(DialogueBox *dlg) { this->dlg = dlg; } DialogueBox *Gui::popDialogueBox() { DialogueBox *out = this->dlg; this->dlg = NULL; return out; } GuiView *Gui::popView() { GuiView *cur = this->peekView(); if (!cur) return NULL; cur->viewPopCallback(); this->n_views--; if (this->n_views <= 0) { free(this->views); this->views = NULL; this->n_views = 0; /* Deactivate when no views are left */ this->is_active = false; return NULL; } this->views = (GuiView**)xrealloc(this->views, sizeof(GuiView*) * this->n_views); return cur; } void Gui::exitMenu() { printf("Exiting the menu system\n"); /* Pop all views */ while (this->popView()) ; } void Gui::pushEvent(SDL_Event *ev) { GuiView *cur_view = this->peekView(); if (!this->is_active || !cur_view) return; if (this->dlg) this->dlg->pushEvent(ev); else if (this->kbd) this->kbd->pushEvent(ev); else cur_view->pushEvent(ev); } void Gui::draw(SDL_Surface *where) { GuiView *cur_view = this->peekView(); if (!this->is_active || !cur_view) { this->status_bar->draw(where); return; } SDL_BlitSurface(this->background, NULL, screen, NULL); cur_view->draw(where); if (this->kbd) this->kbd->draw(where); if (this->dlg) this->dlg->draw(where); this->status_bar->draw(where); } void Gui::activate() { this->is_active = true; /* FIXME! TMP! TMP! */ this->np = new Prefs(); } void Gui::deActivate() { /* FIXME! TMP! TMP! */ delete this->np; this->is_active = false; } SDL_Surface *Gui::loadThemeImage(const char *dir, const char *what) { return IMG_Load(get_theme_path(dir, what)); } Font *Gui::loadThemeFont(const char *dir, const char *what, int size) { TTF_Font *fnt; fnt = read_and_alloc_font(get_theme_path(dir, what), size); if (!fnt) return NULL; return new Font_TTF(fnt, 255,255,255); } void Gui::updateGameInfo(GameInfo *gi) { panic_if(!gi, "gi must be set\n"); delete this->cur_gameInfo; this->cur_gameInfo = gi; this->gameInfoChanged = true; } void Gui::saveGameInfo() { struct game_info *p = this->cur_gameInfo->dump(); if (p) { char buf[255]; FILE *fp; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", METADATA_ROOT_PATH, this->cur_gameInfo->filename); fp = fopen(buf, "w"); if (!fp) { warning("Could not open %s for writing\n", buf); return; } int n = fwrite((const void*)p, 1, p->sz, fp); if (n != (int)p->sz) warning("Could only write %d bytes of %s\n", n, buf); fclose(fp); } this->gameInfoChanged = false; } /* The singleton/factory stuff */ Gui *Gui::gui; void Gui::init() { Gui::gui = new Gui(); /* Set the default theme */ panic_if(!Gui::gui->setTheme("default"), "Setting default theme failed\n"); }