/********************************************************************* * * Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Simon Kagstrom * * Filename: menu.c * Author: Simon Kagstrom * Description: Code for menus (originally for Mophun) * * $Id$ * ********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "menu.hh" #include "font.hh" #include "gui.hh" #define IS_SUBMENU(p_msg) ( (p_msg)[0] == '^' ) #define IS_EMPTY(p_msg) ( (p_msg)[0] == '#' ) void Menu::printText(SDL_Surface *where, const char *msg, SDL_Color clr, int x, int y, int w, int h) { char *buf; unsigned int i; int tw; buf = xstrdup(msg); tw = this->font->getWidth(buf); /* Crop text */ if (tw > w) { int pixels_per_char = tw / strlen(buf); int last_char = (w / pixels_per_char) - 1; if ((unsigned)last_char > strlen(buf)) last_char = strlen(buf) - 3; /* FIXME! Handle some corner cases here (short strings etc) */ if (last_char > 3) { buf[last_char - 2] = '.'; buf[last_char - 1] = '.'; buf[last_char] = '\0'; } } /* Fixup multi-menu option look */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(buf) ; i++) { if (buf[i] == '^' || buf[i] == '|') buf[i] = ' '; } if (IS_EMPTY(buf)) buf[0] = ' '; this->font->draw(where, buf, x, y, w, h); free(buf); } void Menu::draw(SDL_Surface *where, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int font_height = this->font->getHeight("X"); int line_height = (font_height + font_height / 4); int x_start = x; int entries_visible = h / line_height - 1; int start_entry_visible = 0; /* No messages - nothing to draw */ if (!this->pp_msgs) return; if (this->cur_sel - start_entry_visible > entries_visible) { while (this->cur_sel - start_entry_visible > entries_visible) { start_entry_visible++; if (start_entry_visible > this->n_entries) { start_entry_visible = 0; break; } } } else if ( this->cur_sel < start_entry_visible ) start_entry_visible = this->cur_sel; if (start_entry_visible + entries_visible > this->n_entries) entries_visible = this->n_entries - start_entry_visible; for (int i = start_entry_visible; i <= start_entry_visible + entries_visible; i++) { const char *msg = this->pp_msgs[i]; int cur_y; if (i >= this->n_entries) break; cur_y = y + (i - start_entry_visible) * line_height; /* Draw the background for the selected entry */ if (this->cur_sel == i) { int tw, th; tw = this->font->getWidth(msg); th = this->font->getHeight(msg); highlight_background(where, this->font, this->text_bg_left, this->text_bg_middle, this->text_bg_right, x_start, cur_y, tw, th); } if (IS_SUBMENU(msg)) { submenu_t *p_submenu = this->findSubmenu(i); int n_pipe = 0; int total_chars = 0; int tw, th, tw_first; int n_chars; char *p; int n; for (n = 0; msg[n] != '\0'; n++) { if (msg[n] != '|') continue; /* msg[n] == '|' */ /* Count the number of chars until next pipe */ for (n_chars = 1; msg[n+n_chars] && msg[n+n_chars] != '|'; n_chars++); total_chars += n_chars; n_pipe++; /* Found the selection yet? */ if (p_submenu->sel == n_pipe-1) break; } p = (char*)xmalloc(total_chars + 1); strncpy(p, msg, n + 1); tw_first = this->font->getWidth(p); memset(p, 0, total_chars + 1); strncpy(p, msg + n, n_chars - 1); tw = this->font->getWidth(p); th = this->font->getHeight(p); highlight_background(where, this->font, this->submenu_bg_left, this->submenu_bg_middle, this->submenu_bg_right, x_start + tw_first, cur_y, tw, th); free(p); } /* And print the text on top */ this->printText(where, msg, this->text_color, x_start, cur_y, w, h); } } int Menu::getNextEntry(int dy) { if (this->cur_sel + dy < 0) return this->n_entries - 1; if (this->cur_sel + dy > this->n_entries - 1) return 0; return this->cur_sel + dy; } submenu_t *Menu::findSubmenu(int index) { int i; for (i = 0; i < this->n_submenus; i++) { if (this->p_submenus[i].index == index) return &this->p_submenus[i]; } return NULL; } int Menu::selectOne(int which) { panic_if(!this->pp_msgs, "Can't select a message without any messages!"); if (which >= this->n_entries) which = 0; this->cur_sel = which; if (this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel][0] == ' ' || IS_SUBMENU(this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel])) this->selectNext(0, 1); this->hoverCallback(this->cur_sel); return this->cur_sel; } int Menu::selectNext(int dx, int dy) { int next; panic_if(!this->pp_msgs, "Can't select the next message without any messages!"); this->cur_sel = this->getNextEntry(dy); next = this->getNextEntry(dy + 1); /* We want to skip this for some reason */ if (this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel][0] == ' ' || IS_SUBMENU(this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel]) ) { return this->selectNext(dx, dy); } /* If the next is a submenu */ if (dx != 0 && IS_SUBMENU(this->pp_msgs[next])) { submenu_t *p_submenu = findSubmenu(next); panic_if(!p_submenu, "submenu in the menu text but no actual submenu\n"); p_submenu->sel = (p_submenu->sel + dx) < 0 ? p_submenu->n_entries - 1 : (p_submenu->sel + dx) % p_submenu->n_entries; } return this->cur_sel; } int Menu::selectNext(event_t ev) { int now = this->cur_sel; int next; switch (ev) { case KEY_UP: next = this->selectNext(0, -1); break; case KEY_DOWN: next = this->selectNext(0, 1); break; case KEY_LEFT: next = this->selectNext(-1, 0); break; case KEY_RIGHT: next = this->selectNext(1, 0); break; default: panic("selectNext(ev) called with event %d\n", ev); } if (now != next) this->hoverCallback(this->cur_sel); return this->cur_sel; } void Menu::runLogic() { event_t ev; while ( (ev = this->popEvent()) != EVENT_NONE ) { switch (ev) { case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_RIGHT: this->selectNext(ev); break; case KEY_SELECT: this->selectCallback(this->cur_sel); /* Might be deleted */ return; case KEY_ESCAPE: this->escapeCallback(this->cur_sel); /* Might be deleted */ return; default: break; } } } void Menu::setText(const char **messages, int *submenu_defaults) { int submenu; /* Free the old stuff */ this->n_submenus = 0; free(this->p_submenus); free(this->pp_msgs); /* Empty messages are allowed */ this->p_submenus = NULL; this->pp_msgs = NULL; if (!messages) return; for (this->n_entries = 0; messages[this->n_entries]; this->n_entries++) { /* Is this a submenu? */ if (IS_SUBMENU(messages[this->n_entries])) { this->n_submenus++; continue; /* Length of submenus is unimportant */ } } this->pp_msgs = (const char **)xmalloc(this->n_entries * sizeof(const char *)); if (this->n_submenus) this->p_submenus = (submenu_t *)xmalloc(this->n_submenus * sizeof(submenu_t)); for (int i = 0; i < this->n_entries; i++) this->pp_msgs[i] = xstrdup(messages[i]); submenu = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this->n_entries; i++) { if (IS_SUBMENU(this->pp_msgs[i])) { int n; this->p_submenus[submenu].index = i; this->p_submenus[submenu].sel = submenu_defaults ? submenu_defaults[submenu] : 0; this->p_submenus[submenu].n_entries = 0; for (n = 0; this->pp_msgs[i][n] != '\0'; n++) { if (this->pp_msgs[i][n] == '|') this->p_submenus[submenu].n_entries++; } submenu++; } } /* Move selection to the first entry */ this->selectOne(0); } Menu::Menu(Font *font) : Widget() { this->setTextColor((SDL_Color){0xff,0xff,0xff,0}); this->font = font; this->pp_msgs = NULL; this->n_entries = 0; this->p_submenus = NULL; this->n_submenus = 0; this->cur_sel = 0; this->mouse_x = -1; this->mouse_y = -1; this->setSelectedBackground(Gui::gui->bg_left, Gui::gui->bg_middle, Gui::gui->bg_right, Gui::gui->bg_submenu_left, Gui::gui->bg_submenu_middle, Gui::gui->bg_submenu_right); } void Menu::setTextColor(SDL_Color clr) { this->text_color = clr; } Menu::~Menu() { for (int i = 0; i < this->n_entries; i++) free((void*)this->pp_msgs[i]); free(this->pp_msgs); free(this->p_submenus); }