/* * Network.h - Network handling * * Frodo (C) 2009 Simon Kagstrom * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "sysdeps.h" #include "Network.h" #include "Display.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "main.h" #include "C64.h" #include "menu.h" #if defined(GEKKO) # include #endif #define N_SQUARES_W 16 #define N_SQUARES_H 8 #define SQUARE_W (DISPLAY_X / N_SQUARES_W) #define SQUARE_H (DISPLAY_Y / N_SQUARES_H) #define SQUARE_TO_X(square) ( ((square) % N_SQUARES_W) * SQUARE_W ) #define SQUARE_TO_Y(square) ( ((square) / N_SQUARES_W) * SQUARE_H ) /* Worst cases for RLE and DIFF */ #define RAW_SIZE ( (SQUARE_W * SQUARE_H) / 2 ) #define RLE_SIZE ( RAW_SIZE * 4 + 8) #define DIFF_SIZE ( RAW_SIZE * 4 + 8) Network::Network(const char *remote_host, int port) { const size_t size = NETWORK_UPDATE_SIZE; this->InitNetwork(); this->is_master = true; /* Assume true */ this->connected = false; /* "big enough" buffer */ this->ud = (NetworkUpdate*)malloc( size ); assert(this->ud); this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); this->traffic = 0; this->last_traffic = 0; this->target_kbps = 160000; /* kilobit per seconds */ this->kbps = 0; this->raw_buf = (Uint8*)malloc(RAW_SIZE); this->rle_buf = (Uint8*)malloc(RLE_SIZE); this->diff_buf = (Uint8*)malloc(DIFF_SIZE); assert(this->raw_buf && this->rle_buf && this->diff_buf); /* Go from lower right to upper left */ this->refresh_square = N_SQUARES_W * N_SQUARES_H - 1; this->square_updated = (Uint32*)malloc( N_SQUARES_W * N_SQUARES_H * sizeof(Uint32)); assert(this->square_updated); memset(this->square_updated, 0, N_SQUARES_W * N_SQUARES_H * sizeof(Uint32)); this->screen = (Uint8 *)malloc(DISPLAY_X * DISPLAY_Y); assert(this->screen); this->sound_head = this->sound_tail = 0; this->sound_last_cycles = SDL_GetTicks(); memset(this->sound_active, 0, sizeof(this->sound_active)); /* Assume black screen */ memset(this->screen, 0, DISPLAY_X * DISPLAY_Y); memset(this->screenshot, 0, sizeof(this->screenshot)); Network::networking_started = true; /* Peer addresses, if it fails we are out of luck */ if (this->InitSocket(remote_host, port) == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not init the socket\n"); exit(1); } this->network_connection_state = CONN_CONNECT_TO_BROKER; this->connection_error_message = "Connection OK"; } Network::~Network() { free(this->ud); free(this->square_updated); free(this->raw_buf); free(this->rle_buf); free(this->diff_buf); free(this->screen); this->CloseSocket(); this->ShutdownNetwork(); } void Network::Tick(int ms) { int last_kbps = ((this->traffic - this->last_traffic) * 8) * (1000 / ms); /* 1/3 of the new value, 2/3 of the old */ this->kbps = 2 * (this->kbps / 3) + (last_kbps / 3); this->last_traffic = this->traffic; } bool Network::DecodeDisplayDiff(struct NetworkUpdate *src, int x_start, int y_start) { struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *dp = (struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *)src->data; int p = 0; int x = x_start; int y = y_start; int sz = src->size - sizeof(NetworkUpdate) - sizeof(NetworkUpdateDisplay); /* Something is wrong if this is true... */ if (sz % 2 != 0) return false; while (p < sz) { Uint8 len = dp->data[p]; Uint8 color = dp->data[p+1]; int x_diff = (x - x_start + len) % SQUARE_W; int y_diff = (x - x_start + len) / SQUARE_W; x = x_start + x_diff; y = y + y_diff; this->screen[y * DISPLAY_X + x] = color; p += 2; } return true; } bool Network::DecodeDisplayRLE(struct NetworkUpdate *src, int x_start, int y_start) { struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *dp = (struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *)src->data; int p = 0; int x = x_start; int y = y_start; int sz = src->size - sizeof(NetworkUpdate) - sizeof(NetworkUpdateDisplay); /* Something is wrong if this is true... */ if (sz % 2 != 0) return false; while (p < sz) { Uint8 len = dp->data[p]; Uint8 color = dp->data[p+1]; while (len > 0) { this->screen[y * DISPLAY_X + x] = color; len--; x++; if ((x - x_start) % SQUARE_W == 0) { x = x_start; y++; } } p += 2; } return true; } bool Network::DecodeDisplayRaw(struct NetworkUpdate *src, int x_start, int y_start) { struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *dp = (struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *)src->data; const int raw_w = SQUARE_W / 2; for (int y = y_start; y < y_start + SQUARE_H; y++) { for (int x = x_start; x < x_start + SQUARE_W; x += 2) { Uint8 v = dp->data[(y - y_start) * raw_w + (x - x_start) / 2]; Uint8 a = v >> 4; Uint8 b = v & 0xf; this->screen[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ] = a; this->screen[ y * DISPLAY_X + x + 1 ] = b; } } return true; } bool Network::CompareSquare(Uint8 *a, Uint8 *b) { for (int y = 0; y < SQUARE_H; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < SQUARE_W; x += 4) { Uint32 va = *((Uint32*)&a[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ]); Uint32 vb = *((Uint32*)&b[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ]); if (va != vb) return false; } } return true; } void Network::EncodeScreenshot(Uint8 *dst, Uint8 *master) { int x, y; int cnt = 0; int p = 0; memset(dst, 0, (SCREENSHOT_X * SCREENSHOT_Y) / 2); for (y = 0; y < DISPLAY_Y; y += SCREENSHOT_FACTOR) { for (x = 0; x < DISPLAY_X; x += SCREENSHOT_FACTOR) { Uint8 col_s = master[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ]; bool is_odd = (cnt & 1) == 1; int raw_shift = (is_odd ? 0 : 4); /* Every second is shifted */ dst[ p ] |= (col_s << raw_shift); if (is_odd) p++; cnt++; } } } void Network::EncodeDisplay(Uint8 *master, Uint8 *remote) { if (!this->network_connection_state == MASTER) return; for ( int sq = 0; sq < N_SQUARES_H * N_SQUARES_W; sq++ ) { Uint8 *p_master = &master[ SQUARE_TO_Y(sq) * DISPLAY_X + SQUARE_TO_X(sq) ]; Uint8 *p_remote = &remote[ SQUARE_TO_Y(sq) * DISPLAY_X + SQUARE_TO_X(sq) ]; /* Refresh periodically or if the squares differ */ if ( (this->refresh_square == sq && this->kbps < this->target_kbps * 0.7) || this->CompareSquare(p_master, p_remote) == false) { NetworkUpdate *dst = (NetworkUpdate *)this->cur_ud; /* Updated, encode this */ this->EncodeDisplaySquare(dst, master, remote, sq, this->refresh_square != sq); this->AddNetworkUpdate(dst); /* This has been refreshed, move to the next one */ if (this->refresh_square == sq) { this->refresh_square--; if (this->refresh_square < 0) this->refresh_square = N_SQUARES_H * N_SQUARES_W - 1; } } else this->square_updated[sq] = 0; } memcpy(remote, master, DISPLAY_X * DISPLAY_Y); } size_t Network::EncodeDisplaySquare(struct NetworkUpdate *dst, Uint8 *screen, Uint8 *remote, int square, bool use_diff) { struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *dp = (struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *)dst->data; const int x_start = SQUARE_TO_X(square); const int y_start = SQUARE_TO_Y(square); Uint8 rle_color = screen[ y_start * DISPLAY_X + x_start ]; int rle_len = 0, diff_len = 0; size_t rle_sz = 0, diff_sz = 0; const int raw_w = SQUARE_W / 2; int type = DISPLAY_UPDATE_RAW; size_t out; for (int y = y_start; y < y_start + SQUARE_H; y++) { memset( &this->raw_buf[(y - y_start) * raw_w], 0, raw_w ); for (int x = x_start; x < x_start + SQUARE_W; x++) { Uint8 col_s = screen[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ]; Uint8 col_r = remote[ y * DISPLAY_X + x ]; bool is_odd = (x & 1) == 1; int raw_shift = (is_odd ? 0 : 4); /* Every second is shifted */ this->raw_buf[ (y - y_start) * raw_w + (x - x_start) / 2 ] |= (col_s << raw_shift); if (rle_color != col_s || rle_len >= 255) { this->rle_buf[rle_sz] = rle_len; this->rle_buf[rle_sz + 1] = rle_color; rle_sz += 2; rle_len = 0; rle_color = col_s; } if (col_r != col_s || diff_len >= 255) { this->diff_buf[diff_sz] = diff_len; this->diff_buf[diff_sz + 1] = col_s; diff_sz += 2; diff_len = 0; } diff_len++; rle_len++; } } /* The last section for RLE */ if (rle_len != 0) { this->rle_buf[rle_sz] = rle_len; this->rle_buf[rle_sz + 1] = rle_color; rle_sz += 2; } out = RAW_SIZE; if (use_diff && (diff_sz < rle_sz && diff_sz < RAW_SIZE)) { memcpy(dp->data, this->diff_buf, diff_sz); type = DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF; out = diff_sz; } else if (rle_sz < RAW_SIZE) { memcpy(dp->data, this->rle_buf, rle_sz); type = DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE; out = rle_sz; } else memcpy(dp->data, this->raw_buf, RAW_SIZE); /* Setup the structure */ dp->square = square; dst = InitNetworkUpdate(dst, type, sizeof(struct NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(struct NetworkUpdateDisplay) + out); this->square_updated[square] = out | (type << 16); return dst->size; } bool Network::DecodeDisplayUpdate(struct NetworkUpdate *src) { struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *dp = (struct NetworkUpdateDisplay *)src->data; int square = dp->square; const int square_x = SQUARE_TO_X(square); const int square_y = SQUARE_TO_Y(square); if (src->type == DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF) return this->DecodeDisplayDiff(src, square_x, square_y); else if (src->type == DISPLAY_UPDATE_RAW) return this->DecodeDisplayRaw(src, square_x, square_y); else if (src->type == DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE) return this->DecodeDisplayRLE(src, square_x, square_y); /* Error */ return false; } void Network::EncodeTextMessage(char *str) { NetworkUpdate *dst = (NetworkUpdate *)this->cur_ud; char *p = (char*)dst->data; size_t len = strlen(str) + 1; len += (len & 3); dst = InitNetworkUpdate(dst, TEXT_MESSAGE, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + len); memset(p, 0, len); strncpy(p, str, len - 1); this->AddNetworkUpdate(dst); } void Network::EnqueueSound(uint32 linecnt_diff, uint8 adr, uint8 val) { NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *cur = &this->sound_active[this->sound_head]; cur->adr = adr; cur->val = val; cur->delay_cycles = linecnt_diff; this->sound_head++; if (this->sound_head >= NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE) this->sound_head = 0; /* Head has reached tail */ if (this->sound_head == this->sound_tail) this->sound_tail = (this->sound_head + 1) % NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE; } static int bytes = 0; void Network::RegisterSidWrite(uint32 linecnt, uint8 adr, uint8 val) { this->EnqueueSound(linecnt - this->sound_last_cycles, adr, val); /* Update the cycle counter */ sound_last_cycles = linecnt; bytes += sizeof(NetworkUpdateSound); } void Network::FlushSound(void) { NetworkUpdate *dst = this->cur_ud; NetworkUpdateSound *snd = (NetworkUpdateSound *)dst->data; NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *snd_info = snd->info; snd->flags = 0; snd->n_items = this->sound_head - this->sound_tail; if (this->sound_head < this->sound_tail) { snd->n_items = NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE; memcpy(snd_info, &this->sound_active[this->sound_tail], (NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE - this->sound_tail) * sizeof(struct NetworkUpdateSoundInfo)); memcpy(snd_info + NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE - this->sound_tail, &this->sound_active[this->sound_head], this->sound_head * sizeof(struct NetworkUpdateSoundInfo)); } else { memcpy(snd_info, &this->sound_active[this->sound_head], (this->sound_head - this->sound_tail) * sizeof(struct NetworkUpdateSoundInfo)); } this->sound_tail = this->sound_head; this->sound_last_send = SDL_GetTicks(); InitNetworkUpdate(dst, SOUND_UPDATE, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(NetworkUpdateSound) + sizeof(NetworkUpdateSoundInfo) * snd->n_items); this->AddNetworkUpdate(dst); bytes = 0; } struct NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *Network::DequeueSound() { struct NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *out; if (this->sound_tail == this->sound_head) return NULL; out = &this->sound_active[this->sound_tail]; this->sound_tail = (this->sound_tail + 1) % NETWORK_SOUND_BUF_SIZE; return out; } void Network::EncodeJoystickUpdate(Uint8 v) { struct NetworkUpdate *dst = this->cur_ud; struct NetworkUpdateJoystick *j = (NetworkUpdateJoystick *)dst->data; if (TheC64->network_connection_type == MASTER || this->cur_joystick_data == v) return; dst = InitNetworkUpdate(dst, JOYSTICK_UPDATE, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(NetworkUpdateJoystick)); j->val = v; this->AddNetworkUpdate(dst); this->cur_joystick_data = v; } void Network::ResetNetworkUpdate(void) { memset(this->ud, 0, NETWORK_UPDATE_SIZE); this->cur_ud = InitNetworkUpdate(this->ud, STOP, sizeof(NetworkUpdate)); } void Network::DrawTransferredBlocks(SDL_Surface *screen) { const int x_border = (DISPLAY_X - FULL_DISPLAY_X / 2); const int y_border = (DISPLAY_Y - FULL_DISPLAY_Y / 2); for (int sq = 0; sq < N_SQUARES_W * N_SQUARES_H; sq++) { int x = SQUARE_TO_X(sq) * 2 - x_border; int y = SQUARE_TO_Y(sq) * 2 - y_border; int w = SQUARE_W * 2; int h = SQUARE_H * 2; if (this->square_updated[sq]) { SDL_Rect l = {x, y, 1, h}; SDL_Rect r = {x + w, y, 1, h}; SDL_Rect u = {x, y, w, 1}; SDL_Rect d = {x, y + h, w, 1}; Uint32 raw = this->square_updated[sq]; SDL_Rect size = {x, y, 2 * ((raw & 0xffff) / 17), 4}; Uint32 color = 4; if ((raw >> 16) == DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE) color = 5; else if ((raw >> 16) == DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF) color = 6; SDL_FillRect(screen, &l, 19); SDL_FillRect(screen, &r, 19); SDL_FillRect(screen, &u, 19); SDL_FillRect(screen, &d, 19); SDL_FillRect(screen, &size, color); } } } bool Network::ReceiveUpdate() { struct timeval tv; memset(&tv, 0, sizeof(tv)); return this->ReceiveUpdate(this->ud, NETWORK_UPDATE_SIZE, &tv); } bool Network::ReceiveUpdate(struct timeval *tv) { return this->ReceiveUpdate(this->ud, NETWORK_UPDATE_SIZE, tv); } bool Network::ReceiveUpdate(NetworkUpdate *dst, size_t total_sz, struct timeval *tv) { Uint8 *p = (Uint8*)dst; size_t sz_left = total_sz; bool has_stop = false; if (this->Select(this->sock, tv) == false) return false; if (sz_left <= 0) return false; /* Receive the header */ do { size_t actual_sz = this->ReceiveFrom(p, this->sock, 4096, NULL); if (actual_sz <= 0) return false; if (this->DeMarshalAllData((NetworkUpdate*)p, actual_sz, &has_stop) == false) { printf("Demarshal error\n"); return false; } sz_left -= actual_sz; p = p + actual_sz; } while (!has_stop); return true; } bool Network::SendUpdate() { NetworkUpdate *src = this->ud; NetworkUpdate *stop = InitNetworkUpdate(this->cur_ud, STOP, sizeof(NetworkUpdate)); size_t sz; /* Nothing to send, that's OK */ if ( src == stop ) return true; /* Add a stop at the end of the update */ this->AddNetworkUpdate(stop); if (this->MarshalAllData(src) == false) return false; sz = this->GetNetworkUpdateSize(); if (sz <= 0) return false; size_t cur_sz = 0; Uint8 *p = (Uint8*)src; do { size_t size_to_send = this->FillNetworkBuffer((NetworkUpdate*)p); ssize_t v; v = this->SendTo((void*)p, this->sock, size_to_send, &this->connection_addr); if (v < 0 || v != size_to_send) return false; cur_sz += size_to_send; p += size_to_send; } while (cur_sz < sz); this->traffic += cur_sz; return true; } size_t Network::FillNetworkBuffer(NetworkUpdate *cur) { size_t sz = 0; size_t cur_sz; int cnt = 0; while(1) { cur_sz = ntohl(cur->size); if (sz + cur_sz >= 4096) break; cnt++; sz += cur_sz; if (ntohs(cur->type) == STOP) break; cur = (NetworkUpdate*)((Uint8*)cur + cur_sz); } assert(sz <= 4096); return sz; } void Network::AddNetworkUpdate(NetworkUpdate *update) { Uint8 *next = (Uint8*)this->cur_ud + update->size; this->cur_ud = (NetworkUpdate*)next; } bool Network::MarshalData(NetworkUpdate *p) { switch (p->type) { case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RAW: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF: case JOYSTICK_UPDATE: case DISCONNECT: case CONNECT_TO_PEER: case TEXT_MESSAGE: case STOP: break; case PING: case ACK: { NetworkUpdatePingAck *pa = (NetworkUpdatePingAck *)p->data; pa->seq = htonl(pa->seq); } break; case SELECT_PEER: { NetworkUpdateSelectPeer *sp = (NetworkUpdateSelectPeer *)p->data; sp->server_id = htonl(sp->server_id); } break; case LIST_PEERS: { NetworkUpdateListPeers *lp = (NetworkUpdateListPeers *)p->data; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lp->n_peers; i++) { NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *peer = &lp->peers[i]; peer->key = htons(peer->key); peer->private_port = htons(peer->private_port); peer->public_port = htons(peer->public_port); peer->is_master = htons(peer->is_master); peer->server_id = htonl(peer->server_id); peer->version = htonl(peer->version); peer->avatar = htonl(peer->avatar); } lp->n_peers = htonl(lp->n_peers); lp->your_port = htons(lp->your_port); } break; case CONNECT_TO_BROKER: { NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *pi = (NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *)p->data; /* The rest is simply ignored */ pi->is_master = htons(pi->is_master); pi->key = htons(pi->key); pi->version = htonl(pi->version); } break; case SOUND_UPDATE: { NetworkUpdateSound *snd = (NetworkUpdateSound *)p->data; NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *info = (NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *)snd->info; snd->flags = htons(snd->flags); snd->n_items = htons(snd->flags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < snd->n_items; i++) { NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *cur = &info[i]; cur->delay_cycles = htons(cur->delay_cycles); } } break; default: /* Unknown data... */ fprintf(stderr, "Got unknown data %d while marshalling. Something is wrong\n", p->type); exit(0); // FIXME! TMP!! return false; } p->size = htonl(p->size); p->magic = htons(p->magic); p->type = htons(p->type); return true; } bool Network::MarshalAllData(NetworkUpdate *ud) { NetworkUpdate *p = ud; while (p->type != STOP) { NetworkUpdate *nxt = this->GetNext(p); if (this->MarshalData(p) == false) return false; p = nxt; } /* The stop tag */ return this->MarshalData(p); } bool Network::DeMarshalData(NetworkUpdate *p) { p->size = ntohl(p->size); p->magic = ntohs(p->magic); p->type = ntohs(p->type); if (p->magic != FRODO_NETWORK_MAGIC) return false; switch (p->type) { case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RAW: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF: case JOYSTICK_UPDATE: case DISCONNECT: case CONNECT_TO_PEER: case TEXT_MESSAGE: case STOP: /* Nothing to do, just bytes */ break; case PING: case ACK: { NetworkUpdatePingAck *pa = (NetworkUpdatePingAck *)p->data; pa->seq = ntohl(pa->seq); } break; case SELECT_PEER: { NetworkUpdateSelectPeer *sp = (NetworkUpdateSelectPeer *)p->data; sp->server_id = ntohl(sp->server_id); } break; case LIST_PEERS: { NetworkUpdateListPeers *lp = (NetworkUpdateListPeers *)p->data; lp->n_peers = ntohl(lp->n_peers); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lp->n_peers; i++) { NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *peer = &lp->peers[i]; peer->key = ntohs(peer->key); peer->private_port = ntohs(peer->private_port); peer->public_port = ntohs(peer->public_port); peer->is_master = ntohs(peer->is_master); peer->server_id = ntohl(peer->server_id); peer->version = ntohl(peer->version); peer->avatar = ntohl(peer->avatar); } lp->your_port = ntohs(lp->your_port); } break; case SOUND_UPDATE: { NetworkUpdateSound *snd = (NetworkUpdateSound *)p->data; NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *info = (NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *)snd->info; snd->flags = ntohs(snd->flags); snd->n_items = ntohs(snd->flags); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < snd->n_items; i++) { NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *cur = &info[i]; cur->delay_cycles = ntohs(cur->delay_cycles); } } break; default: /* Unknown data... */ printf("Got unknown data: %d\n", p->type); return false; } return true; } bool Network::DeMarshalAllData(NetworkUpdate *ud, size_t max_size, bool *has_stop) { NetworkUpdate *p = ud; int cnt = 0; size_t sz = 0; while (ntohs(p->type) != STOP && sz + ntohl(p->size) < max_size) { if (this->DeMarshalData(p) == false) return false; sz += p->size; cnt++; p = this->GetNext(p); } /* The stop tag (maybe) */ *has_stop = (ntohs(p->type) == STOP); return this->DeMarshalData(p); } bool Network::DecodeUpdate(C64Display *display, uint8 *js, MOS6581 *dst) { NetworkUpdate *p = this->ud; bool out = true; while (p->type != STOP) { switch(p->type) { case SOUND_UPDATE: { /* No sound updates _to_ the master */ if (TheC64->network_connection_type == MASTER) break; NetworkUpdateSound *snd = (NetworkUpdateSound *)p->data; NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *info = (NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *)snd->info; printf("Enqueue sounds: %d\n", snd->n_items); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < snd->n_items; i++) { NetworkUpdateSoundInfo *cur = &info[i]; this->EnqueueSound(cur->delay_cycles, cur->adr, cur->val); } } break; case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RAW: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_RLE: case DISPLAY_UPDATE_DIFF: /* No screen updates _to_ the master */ if (TheC64->network_connection_type == MASTER) break; if (this->DecodeDisplayUpdate(p) == false) out = false; break; case JOYSTICK_UPDATE: /* No joystick updates _from_ the master */ if (js && TheC64->network_connection_type == MASTER) { NetworkUpdateJoystick *j = (NetworkUpdateJoystick *)p->data; *js = j->val; } break; case TEXT_MESSAGE: { static char display_buf[80]; strncpy(display_buf, (char*)p->data, 80); display->display_status_string(display_buf, 4); } break; case LIST_PEERS: { } break; case PING: /* FIXME! Send an ack */ break; case ACK: /* Should never receive this */ case DISCONNECT: out = false; break; default: break; } p = this->GetNext(p); } return out; } bool Network::ConnectToBroker() { NetworkUpdate *ud = InitNetworkUpdate(this->ud, CONNECT_TO_BROKER, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(NetworkUpdatePeerInfo)); NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *pi = (NetworkUpdatePeerInfo *)ud->data; bool out; pi->is_master = 0; /* Will be set later */ pi->key = ThePrefs.NetworkKey; pi->version = FRODO_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_VERSION; pi->avatar = ThePrefs.NetworkAvatar; this->EncodeScreenshot(pi->screenshot, TheC64->TheDisplay->BitmapBase()); strcpy((char*)pi->name, ThePrefs.NetworkName); this->AddNetworkUpdate(ud); out = this->SendUpdate(); this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); return out; } bool Network::IpToStr(char *dst, uint8 *ip_in) { int ip[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { char tmp[3]; char *endp; tmp[0] = ip_in[i * 2]; tmp[1] = ip_in[i * 2 + 1]; tmp[2] = '\0'; ip[i] = strtoul(tmp, &endp, 16); if (endp == (const char*)tmp) return false; } sprintf(dst, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ip[3], ip[2], ip[1], ip[0]); return true; } /* OK, this is a pretty ugly special case, but it's only used when * communicating with the broker before a peer connection. */ void Network::SendPingAck(int seq) { this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); NetworkUpdate *ud = InitNetworkUpdate(this->ud, ACK, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(NetworkUpdatePingAck)); NetworkUpdatePingAck *p = (NetworkUpdatePingAck*)ud->data; p->seq = seq; this->AddNetworkUpdate(ud); this->SendUpdate(); this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); } network_connection_error_t Network::WaitForPeerAddress() { NetworkUpdateListPeers *pi; this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); if (this->ReceiveUpdate() == false) return AGAIN_ERROR; if (this->ud->type == PING) { NetworkUpdatePingAck *p = (NetworkUpdatePingAck*)ud->data; /* Send ack and go back to this state again */ this->SendPingAck(p->seq); return AGAIN_ERROR; } if (this->ud->type != LIST_PEERS) return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; pi = (NetworkUpdateListPeers *)this->ud->data; if (pi->n_peers != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "There is something wrong with the server: Got %d peers on master connect\n" "Contact Simon Kagstrom and ask him to correct it\n", pi->n_peers); return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; } if (pi->peers[0].version != FRODO_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_VERSION) return VERSION_ERROR; /* Setup the peer info */ char buf[128]; /* Not sure what to do if this fails */ this->IpToStr(buf, pi->peers[0].public_ip); printf("Converted ip to %s:%d\n", buf, pi->peers[0].public_port); if (this->InitSockaddr(&this->connection_addr, buf, pi->peers[0].public_port) == false) { printf("Init sockaddr error\n"); return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; } return OK; } bool Network::SelectPeer(uint32 id) { NetworkUpdate *ud = InitNetworkUpdate(this->ud, SELECT_PEER, sizeof(NetworkUpdate) + sizeof(NetworkUpdateSelectPeer)); NetworkUpdateSelectPeer *p = (NetworkUpdateSelectPeer*)ud->data; bool out; p->server_id = id; this->AddNetworkUpdate(ud); out = this->SendUpdate(); this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); return out; } network_connection_error_t Network::WaitForPeerList() { NetworkUpdateListPeers *pi; struct timeval tv; const char **msgs; tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); if (this->ReceiveUpdate(&tv) == false) return AGAIN_ERROR; if (this->ud->type == PING) { NetworkUpdatePingAck *p = (NetworkUpdatePingAck*)ud->data; /* Send ack and go back to this state again */ this->SendPingAck(p->seq); return AGAIN_ERROR; } if (ud->type != LIST_PEERS) return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; pi = (NetworkUpdateListPeers *)this->ud->data; #if 0 if (pi->peers[i].version != FRODO_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_VERSION) { free(msgs); return VERSION_ERROR; } #endif int sel = menu_select_peer(pi->peers, pi->n_peers); /* FIXME! What to do here??? */ if (sel < 0) return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; if (sel == 0) { /* We want to wait for a connection, and are therefore * implicitly a master */ return NO_PEERS_ERROR; } /* Correct the index */ sel--; /* Setup the peer info */ char buf[128]; uint16 port = pi->peers[sel].public_port; /* Not sure what to do if this fails */ this->IpToStr(buf, pi->peers[sel].public_ip); /* Finally tell the broker who we selected */ this->SelectPeer(pi->peers[sel].server_id); if (this->InitSockaddr(&this->connection_addr, buf, port) == false) return SERVER_GARBAGE_ERROR; return OK; } bool Network::WaitForPeerReply() { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 3; tv.tv_usec = 0; this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); if (this->ReceiveUpdate(&tv) == false) return false; if (this->ud->type != CONNECT_TO_PEER) return false; return true; } bool Network::ConnectToPeer() { NetworkUpdate *ud = InitNetworkUpdate(this->ud, CONNECT_TO_PEER, sizeof(NetworkUpdate)); bool out; this->AddNetworkUpdate(ud); out = this->SendUpdate(); this->ResetNetworkUpdate(); return out; } network_connection_error_t Network::ConnectFSM() { network_connection_error_t err; /* See http://www.brynosaurus.com/pub/net/p2pnat/ for how this works. * * For the server ("master"): * 1. Send connect to the broker * 2. Wait for broker to return the peer connection info (private * and public address) * 3. Until connected: * 3.1 Send connection message to peer * 3.2 Wait for reply from peer * * For the client: * 1. Send connect to the broker * 2. Wait for the broker to return list of peers * 3. Tell the broker who to connect to * 4. Wait for broker to return the peer connection info (private * and public address) * 5. Until connected: * 5.1 Send connection message to peer * 5.2 Wait for reply from peer */ switch(this->network_connection_state) { case CONN_CONNECT_TO_BROKER: { if (this->ConnectToBroker()) this->network_connection_state = CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_LIST; } break; case CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_ADDRESS: err = this->WaitForPeerAddress(); if (err == OK) this->network_connection_state = CONN_CONNECT_TO_PEER; else return err; break; case CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_LIST: /* Also tells the broker that we want to connect */ err = this->WaitForPeerList(); if (err == OK) { this->network_connection_state = CONN_CONNECT_TO_PEER; this->is_master = false; } else if (err == NO_PEERS_ERROR) { this->network_connection_state = CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_ADDRESS; this->is_master = true; } else return err; break; case CONN_CONNECT_TO_PEER: if (this->ConnectToPeer() == false) return AGAIN_ERROR; /* Allow some transit time */ sleep(1); this->network_connection_state = CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_REPLY; break; case CONN_WAIT_FOR_PEER_REPLY: /* Connect again in case the first sent was dropped on * its way to the peer */ if (this->ConnectToPeer() == false) return AGAIN_ERROR; if (this->WaitForPeerReply() == true) this->network_connection_state = CONN_CONNECTED; else return AGAIN_ERROR; break; case CONN_CONNECTED: /* The lowest number is the default master */ default: return OK; } return AGAIN_ERROR; } void Network::Disconnect() { NetworkUpdate *disconnect = InitNetworkUpdate(this->cur_ud, DISCONNECT, sizeof(NetworkUpdate)); /* Add a stop at the end of the update */ this->AddNetworkUpdate(disconnect); this->SendUpdate(); } bool Network::networking_started = false; #if defined(GEKKO) #include "NetworkWii.h" #else #include "NetworkUnix.h" #endif