#ifndef _GAME_INFO_BOX_H_ #define _GAME_INFO_BOX_H_ #include "menu.hh" #include "game_info.hh" class GameInfoBox : public Menu { public: GameInfoBox(Font *font) : Menu(font) { this->gi = NULL; memset(this->year, 0, sizeof(this->year)); memset(this->gi_messages, 0, sizeof(this->gi_messages)); this->setSelectedBackground(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void setGameInfo(GameInfo *gi) { /* Make a copy */ this->gi = gi; this->updateMessages(); } void loadGameInfo(const char *what, const char *base_path) { /* No need to do this for directories or the special "None" field */ if ( !(strcmp(what, "None") == 0 || what[0] == '[') ) { size_t len = strlen(base_path) + strlen(what) + 6; char *tmp = (char*)xmalloc(len); sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s.lra", base_path, what); /* Might return NULL, but that's OK */ this->gi = GameInfo::loadFromFile(tmp); free(tmp); } this->updateMessages(); } virtual void selectCallback(int which) { } virtual void hoverCallback(int which) { } virtual void escapeCallback(int which) { } void draw(SDL_Surface *where, int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (!this->gi) return; if (this->gi->screenshot) { SDL_Rect dst; /* Blit the screenshot */ dst = (SDL_Rect){x + w / 2 - this->gi->screenshot->w / 2, y, w, h}; SDL_BlitSurface(this->gi->screenshot, NULL, where, &dst); Menu::draw(where, x + 20, y + this->gi->screenshot->h + 10, w - 20, h - this->gi->screenshot->h - 10); } else Menu::draw(where, x + 20, y + 288 / 2 + 2, w - 20, h - 10); } void updateMessages() { this->setText(NULL); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(this->gi_messages) - 1; i++) this->gi_messages[i] = " "; this->gi_messages[ARRAY_SIZE(this->gi_messages) - 1] = NULL; if (this->gi) { snprintf(this->year, sizeof(this->year), "%d", this->gi->year); this->gi_messages[0] = this->gi->name ? this->gi->name : " "; this->gi_messages[3] = this->gi->author ? this->gi->author : " "; } this->gi_messages[6] = year; this->setText(this->gi_messages); } const char *gi_messages[8]; char year[8]; GameInfo *gi; }; #endif /* _GAME_INFO_BOX_H_ */