/* * Prefs.h - Global preferences * * Frodo (C) 1994-1997,2002-2005 Christian Bauer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef _PREFS_H #define _PREFS_H #define SPEED_95 30 #define SPEED_100 25 #define SPEED_110 18 #define MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES 16 #define MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS 32 #define MAX_JOYSTICK_HATS 8 // SID types enum { SIDTYPE_NONE, // SID emulation off SIDTYPE_DIGITAL, // Digital SID emulation SIDTYPE_SIDCARD // SID card }; // REU sizes enum { REU_NONE, // No REU REU_128K, // 128K REU_256K, // 256K REU_512K // 512K }; // Display types enum { DISPTYPE_WINDOW, // Window DISPTYPE_SCREEN // Fullscreen }; enum { /* ASCII values before these */ JOY_NONE = 0, JOY_HORIZ = 256, JOY_VERT = 258, JOY_FIRE = 259, }; enum { HAT_PLAIN = 0, HAT_ROTATED_90 = 1, HAT_ROTATED_180 = 2, HAT_ROTATED_270 = 2, }; // Key bindings (WII) enum { WIIMOTE_UP, WIIMOTE_DOWN, WIIMOTE_LEFT, WIIMOTE_RIGHT, WIIMOTE_2, WIIMOTE_1, WIIMOTE_A, WIIMOTE_B, WIIMOTE_PLUS, WIIMOTE_MINUS, CLASSIC_UP, CLASSIC_DOWN, CLASSIC_LEFT, CLASSIC_RIGHT, CLASSIC_A, CLASSIC_B, CLASSIC_X, CLASSIC_Y, CLASSIC_L, CLASSIC_R, CLASSIC_ZR, CLASSIC_ZL, N_WIIMOTE_BINDINGS }; // Device Port enum { PORT_SD, // Load from SD card PORT_USB, // Load from USB port PORT_SMB //Load from network }; // Preferences data class Prefs { public: Prefs(); bool ShowEditor(bool startup, char *prefs_name); void Check(void); void Load(const char *filename); bool Save(const char *filename); bool Save_game(const char *filename); bool operator==(const Prefs &rhs) const; bool operator!=(const Prefs &rhs) const; void SetupJoystickDefaults(); char BasePath[256]; // Where theme data etc are found char PrefsPath[256]; // Where the prefs will be stored int NormalCycles; // Available CPU cycles in normal raster lines int BadLineCycles; // Available CPU cycles in Bad Lines int CIACycles; // CIA timer ticks per raster line int FloppyCycles; // Available 1541 CPU cycles per line int SkipFrames; // Draw every n-th frame char DrivePath[4][256]; // Path for drive 8..11 char ViewPort[256]; // Size of the C64 screen to display (Win32) char DisplayMode[256]; // Video mode to use for full screen (Win32) int SIDType; // SID emulation type int REUSize; // Size of REU int DisplayType; // Display type (BeOS) int Joystick1Port; // Port that joystick 1 is connected to (0 = no joystick, all other values are system dependant) int Joystick2Port; // Port that joystick 2 is connected to int LatencyMin; // Min msecs ahead of sound buffer (Win32) int LatencyMax; // Max msecs ahead of sound buffer (Win32) int LatencyAvg; // Averaging interval in msecs (Win32) int ScalingNumerator; // Window scaling numerator (Win32) int ScalingDenominator; // Window scaling denominator (Win32) bool SpritesOn; // Sprite display is on bool SpriteCollisions; // Sprite collision detection is on bool JoystickSwap; // Swap joysticks 1<->2 bool LimitSpeed; // Limit speed to 100% bool FastReset; // Skip RAM test on reset bool CIAIRQHack; // Write to CIA ICR clears IRQ bool MapSlash; // Map '/' in C64 filenames bool Emul1541Proc; // Enable processor-level 1541 emulation bool SIDFilters; // Emulate SID filters bool DoubleScan; // Double scan lines (BeOS, if DisplayType == DISPTYPE_SCREEN) bool JoystickGeekPort; // Enable GeekPort joystick adapter bool HideCursor; // Hide mouse cursor when visible (Win32) bool DirectSound; // Use direct sound (instead of wav) (Win32) bool ExclusiveSound; // Use exclusive mode with direct sound (Win32) bool AutoPause; // Auto pause when not foreground app (Win32) bool PrefsAtStartup; // Show prefs dialog at startup (Win32) bool SystemMemory; // Put view work surface in system mem (Win32) bool AlwaysCopy; // Always use a work surface (Win32) bool SystemKeys; // Enable system keys and menu keys (Win32) bool ShowLEDs; // Show LEDs (Win32) bool Rumble; // Enable Rumble for WII uint32 MsPerFrame; int JoystickAxes[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES]; int JoystickHats[MAX_JOYSTICK_HATS]; int JoystickButtons[MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS]; int MenuJoystickHats[MAX_JOYSTICK_HATS]; int MenuJoystickButtons[MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS]; char NetworkName[32]; char NetworkServer[64]; int NetworkRegion; int NetworkPort; int NetworkKey; uint16 NetworkAvatar; char Theme[128]; bool CursorKeysForJoystick; int Port; //SD, USB or SMB char SmbUser[32]; char SmbPwd[32]; char SmbShare[32]; char SmbIp[32]; }; // These are the active preferences extern Prefs ThePrefs; // Theses are the preferences on disk extern Prefs ThePrefsOnDisk; // Theses are the default preferences extern Prefs TheDefaultPrefs; #endif