/* * C64_x.i - Put the pieces together, X specific stuff * * Frodo (C) 1994-1997,2002 Christian Bauer * Unix stuff by Bernd Schmidt/Lutz Vieweg */ #include "main.h" #include #include #if defined(GEKKO) #include #include #define FONT_PATH "/apps/frodo/FreeMono.ttf" #define SAVES_PATH "/apps/frodo/saves" #define IMAGE_PATH "/apps/frodo/images" #define TMP_PATH "/apps/frodo/tmp" #else #define FONT_PATH "FreeMono.ttf" #define SAVES_PATH "saves" #define IMAGE_PATH "images" #define TMP_PATH "tmp" #endif static struct timeval tv_start; static int MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y; static const char *main_menu_messages[] = { "Invoke key sequence", /* 0 */ "Insert disc or tape", /* 1 */ "Reset C64", /* 2 */ "Bind key to joystick",/* 3 */ "Other options", /* 4 */ "Controller 1 joystick port", /* 5 */ "^|1|2", "Save/Load state", /* 7 */ " ", "Quit", /* 9 */ NULL, }; static const char *other_options_messages[] = { "Display resolution", /* 0 */ "^|double-center|stretched", "Speed (approx)", /* 2 */ "^|95|100|110", "Emulate 1541", /* 4 */ "^|On|Off", NULL, }; static const char *save_load_state_messages[] = { "Load saved state", /* 0 */ "Save current state", /* 1 */ "Delete state", /* 2 */ NULL, }; /* * Constructor, system-dependent things */ void C64::c64_ctor1(void) { // Initialize joystick variables #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_JOYSTICK_H joyfd[0] = joyfd[1] = -1; joy_minx = joy_miny = 32767; joy_maxx = joy_maxy = -32768; #endif this->fake_key_sequence = false; this->fake_key_index = 0; this->fake_key_keytime = 5; this->fake_key_str = "\nLOAD \"*\",8,1\nRUN\n"; this->prefs_changed = false; memset(this->save_game_name, 0, sizeof(this->save_game_name)); strcpy(this->save_game_name, "unknown"); MENU_SIZE_X = FULL_DISPLAY_X - FULL_DISPLAY_X / 4; MENU_SIZE_Y = FULL_DISPLAY_Y - FULL_DISPLAY_Y / 4; SDL_RWops *rw; Uint8 *data = (Uint8*)malloc(1 * 1024*1024); FILE *fp = fopen(FONT_PATH, "r"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open font\n"); exit(1); } fread(data, 1, 1 * 1024 * 1024, fp); rw = SDL_RWFromMem(data, 1 * 1024 * 1024); if (!rw) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create RW: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } this->menu_font = TTF_OpenFontRW(rw, 1, 20); if (!this->menu_font) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open font\n" ); exit(1); } menu_init(&this->main_menu, this->menu_font, main_menu_messages, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); this->virtual_keyboard = new VirtualKeyboard(real_screen, this->menu_font); } void C64::c64_ctor2(void) { gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); } /* * Destructor, system-dependent things */ void C64::c64_dtor(void) { menu_fini(&this->main_menu); } static int cmpstringp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return strcmp(* (char * const *) p1, * (char * const *) p2); } /* Return true if name ends with ext (for filenames) */ static bool ext_matches(const char *name, const char *ext) { int len = strlen(name); int ext_len = strlen(ext); if (len <= ext_len) return false; return (strcmp(name + len - ext_len, ext) == 0); } static const char **get_file_list(const char *base_dir) { DIR *d = opendir(base_dir); const char **file_list; int cur = 0; struct dirent *de; int cnt = 16; if (!d) return NULL; file_list = (const char**)malloc(cnt * sizeof(char*)); file_list[cur++] = strdup("None"); file_list[cur] = NULL; for (de = readdir(d); de; de = readdir(d)) { if (ext_matches(de->d_name, ".d64") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".D64") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".prg") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".PRG") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".p00") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".P00") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".s00") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".S00") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".t64") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".T64") || ext_matches(de->d_name, ".sav")) { char *p; p = strdup(de->d_name); file_list[cur++] = p; file_list[cur] = NULL; if (cur > cnt - 2) { cnt = cnt + 32; file_list = (const char**)realloc(file_list, cnt * sizeof(char*)); if (!file_list) return NULL; } } } closedir(d); qsort(&file_list[1], cur-1, sizeof(const char *), cmpstringp); return file_list; } void C64::select_disc(Prefs *np) { const char **file_list = get_file_list(IMAGE_PATH); menu_t select_disc_menu; if (file_list == NULL) return; menu_init(&select_disc_menu, this->menu_font, file_list, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); int opt = menu_select(real_screen, &select_disc_menu, NULL); if (opt >= 0) { const char *name = file_list[opt]; if (strcmp(file_list[opt], "None") == 0) { strcpy(np->DrivePath[0], "\0"); strcpy(this->save_game_name, "unknown"); } else { snprintf(np->DrivePath[0], 255, "%s/%s", IMAGE_PATH, name); strncpy(this->save_game_name, name, 255); if (strstr(name, ".prg") || strstr(name, ".PRG") || strstr(name, ".p00") || strstr(name, ".P00") || strstr(name, ".s00") || strstr(name, ".S00")) { FILE *src, *dst; /* Clean temp dir first (we only want one file) */ unlink(TMP_PATH"/a"); src = fopen(np->DrivePath[0], "r"); if (src != NULL) { snprintf(np->DrivePath[0], 255, "%s", TMP_PATH); /* Special handling of .prg: Copy to TMP_PATH and * load that as a dir */ dst = fopen(TMP_PATH"/a", "w"); if (dst) { Uint8 buf[1024]; size_t v; do { v = fread(buf, 1, 1024, src); fwrite(buf, 1, v, dst); } while (v > 0); fclose(dst); } fclose(src); } } NewPrefs(np); ThePrefs = *np; } this->prefs_changed = true; } menu_fini(&select_disc_menu); /* Cleanup everything */ for ( int i = 0; file_list[i]; i++ ) free((void*)file_list[i]); free(file_list); } /* C64 keyboard matrix: Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 CUD F5 F3 F1 F7 CLR RET DEL 1 SHL E S Z 4 A W 3 2 X T F C 6 D R 5 3 V U H B 8 G Y 7 4 N O K M 0 J I 9 5 , @ : . - L P + 6 / ^ = SHR HOM ; * � 7 R/S Q C= SPC 2 CTL <- 1 */ #define MATRIX(a,b) (((a) << 3) | (b)) static const char *key_names[] = { "None", "space", "Run/Stop", "return", "F1", "F3", "F5", "F7", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "ctrl", "del", "home", "shl", "shr", "clr", "C=", "left arrow", "arrow up", "key down", "key up", "key left", "key right", NULL }; static int key_keycodes[] = { 0, MATRIX(7, 4), MATRIX(7, 7), MATRIX(0, 1), /* space, R/S, return */ MATRIX(0, 4), MATRIX(0, 5), MATRIX(0, 6), MATRIX(0, 3), /* F1-F7 */ MATRIX(4, 3), MATRIX(7, 0), MATRIX(7, 3), MATRIX(1, 0), MATRIX(1, 3), /* 0.. */ MATRIX(2, 0), MATRIX(2, 3), MATRIX(3, 0), MATRIX(3, 3), MATRIX(4, 0), /* ..9 */ MATRIX(1, 2), MATRIX(3, 4), MATRIX(2, 4), MATRIX(2, 2), MATRIX(1, 6), MATRIX(2, 5), MATRIX(3, 2), MATRIX(3, 5), MATRIX(4, 1), MATRIX(4, 2), MATRIX(4, 5), MATRIX(5, 2), MATRIX(4, 4), MATRIX(4, 7), MATRIX(4, 6), MATRIX(5, 1), MATRIX(7, 6), MATRIX(2, 1), MATRIX(1, 5), MATRIX(2, 6), MATRIX(3, 6), MATRIX(3, 7), MATRIX(1, 1), MATRIX(2, 7), MATRIX(3, 1), MATRIX(1, 4), /* ... Z */ MATRIX(7, 3), MATRIX(0, 0), MATRIX(6, 4), MATRIX(1, 7), MATRIX(6, 4), MATRIX(0, 2), MATRIX(7, 5), MATRIX(7, 1), MATRIX(6, 6), MATRIX(0, 7), MATRIX(0, 7) | 0x80, MATRIX(0, 2) | 0x80, MATRIX(0, 2),/* Direction keys */ }; char *C64::bind_one_key(Prefs *np, int which) { static const char *which_to_button_name[] = { "A", "B", "+", "-", "1", "classic X", "classic Y", "classic B", "classic L", "classic R", "classic ZR", "classic ZL" }; static char strs[N_WIIMOTE_BINDINGS][255]; char *out = strs[which]; const char *cur_binding = "None"; int cur = np->JoystickKeyBinding[which]; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < sizeof(key_keycodes) / sizeof(key_keycodes[0]); i++ ) { if (key_keycodes[i] == cur) { cur_binding = key_names[i]; break; } } snprintf(out, 255, "Bind to %s (now %s)", which_to_button_name[which], cur_binding); return out; } void C64::bind_keys(Prefs *np) { const char *bind_key_messages[N_WIIMOTE_BINDINGS + 1]; bool has_classic_controller = false; menu_t bind_key_menu; menu_t key_menu; #if defined(GEKKO) WPADData *wpad, *wpad_other; wpad = WPAD_Data(0); wpad_other = WPAD_Data(1); if (wpad->exp.type == WPAD_EXP_CLASSIC || wpad_other->exp.type == WPAD_EXP_CLASSIC) has_classic_controller = true; #endif memset(bind_key_messages, 0, sizeof(const char*) * (N_WIIMOTE_BINDINGS + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < (has_classic_controller ? N_WIIMOTE_BINDINGS : 5); i++) bind_key_messages[i] = this->bind_one_key(np, i); menu_init(&bind_key_menu, this->menu_font, bind_key_messages, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); int opt = menu_select(real_screen, &bind_key_menu, NULL); if (opt >= 0) { int key; bool shifted; if (this->virtual_keyboard->get_key(&key, &shifted) != false) { this->prefs_changed = true; if (shifted) key |= 0x80; np->JoystickKeyBinding[opt] = key; } } menu_fini(&bind_key_menu); } void C64::other_options(Prefs *np) { menu_t display_menu; int submenus[3] = { np->DisplayOption, 0, !np->Emul1541Proc }; #define SPEED_95 33 #define SPEED_100 28 #define SPEED_110 25 switch (np->MsPerFrame) { case SPEED_95: submenus[1] = 0; break; case SPEED_110: submenus[1] = 2; break; default: /* If it has some other value... */ submenus[1] = 1; break; } menu_init(&display_menu, this->menu_font, other_options_messages, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); int opt = menu_select(real_screen, &display_menu, submenus); if (opt >= 0) { np->DisplayOption = submenus[0]; np->Emul1541Proc = submenus[2] == 0 ? true : false; switch(submenus[1]) { case 0: np->MsPerFrame = SPEED_95; break; case 1: np->MsPerFrame = SPEED_100; break; case 2: default: np->MsPerFrame = SPEED_110; break; } this->prefs_changed = true; } menu_fini(&display_menu); } void C64::run_fake_key_sequence(Prefs *np) { static const char *fake_key_sequences[] = { "\nLOAD \"*\",8,1\nRUN\n", "\nLOAD \"?\",8\n", "\nLIST\n", "\n10 PRINT \"HELLO WORLD\"\n20 GOTO 10\nRUN\n", NULL}; const char *fake_key_messages[] = { "LOAD \"*\",8,1 and RUN", "LOAD \"?\",8", "LIST", "10 PRINT \"HELLO WORLD\" and 20 GOTO 10", NULL}; menu_t fake_key_menu; int opt; menu_init(&fake_key_menu, this->menu_font, fake_key_messages, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); opt = menu_select(real_screen, &fake_key_menu, NULL); menu_fini(&fake_key_menu); if (opt < 0) return; this->fake_key_str = fake_key_sequences[opt]; this->fake_key_sequence = true; } void C64::save_load_state(Prefs *np) { menu_t save_load_menu; menu_t select_saves_menu; menu_init(&save_load_menu, this->menu_font, save_load_state_messages, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); int opt = menu_select(real_screen, &save_load_menu, NULL); switch(opt) { case 1: /* save */ { char save_buf[255]; char prefs_buf[255]; snprintf(save_buf, 255, "%s/%s.sav", SAVES_PATH, this->save_game_name); snprintf(prefs_buf, 255, "%s.prefs", save_buf); this->SaveSnapshot(save_buf); np->Save(prefs_buf); } break; case 0: /* load/delete */ case 2: { const char **file_list = get_file_list(SAVES_PATH); if (file_list == NULL) break; menu_init(&select_saves_menu, this->menu_font, file_list, 32, 32, MENU_SIZE_X, MENU_SIZE_Y); int save = menu_select(real_screen, &select_saves_menu, NULL); if (save >= 0) { char save_buf[255]; char prefs_buf[255]; snprintf(save_buf, 255, "%s/%s", SAVES_PATH, file_list[save]); snprintf(prefs_buf, 255, "%s.prefs", save_buf); if (opt == 2) { unlink(save_buf); unlink(prefs_buf); } else /* Load the snapshot */ { this->LoadSnapshot(save_buf); np->Load(prefs_buf); this->prefs_changed = true; } } menu_fini(&select_saves_menu); /* Cleanup everything */ for ( int i = 0; file_list[i]; i++ ) free((void*)file_list[i]); free(file_list); } break; default: break; } menu_fini(&save_load_menu); } /* * Start main emulation thread */ void C64::Run(void) { // Reset chips TheCPU->Reset(); TheSID->Reset(); TheCIA1->Reset(); TheCIA2->Reset(); TheCPU1541->Reset(); // Patch kernal IEC routines orig_kernal_1d84 = Kernal[0x1d84]; orig_kernal_1d85 = Kernal[0x1d85]; PatchKernal(ThePrefs.FastReset, ThePrefs.Emul1541Proc); quit_thyself = false; thread_func(); } extern "C" int get_kc_from_char(char c_in, int *shifted); /* * Vertical blank: Poll keyboard and joysticks, update window */ void C64::VBlank(bool draw_frame) { #if defined(GEKKO) WPAD_ScanPads(); #endif // Poll joysticks TheCIA1->Joystick1 = poll_joystick(0); TheCIA1->Joystick2 = poll_joystick(1); // Poll keyboard TheDisplay->PollKeyboard(TheCIA1->KeyMatrix, TheCIA1->RevMatrix, &joykey); if (TheDisplay->quit_requested) quit_thyself = true; /* From dreamcast port */ if (this->fake_key_sequence) { int shifted; int kc = get_kc_from_char(this->fake_key_str[this->fake_key_index], &shifted); TheDisplay->FakeKeyPress(kc, shifted, TheCIA1->KeyMatrix, TheCIA1->RevMatrix); this->fake_key_keytime --; if (this->fake_key_keytime == 0) { this->fake_key_keytime = 1; this->fake_key_index ++; if (this->fake_key_str[this->fake_key_index] == '\0') { this->fake_key_sequence = false; this->fake_key_index = 0; this->fake_key_keytime = 5; } } } #ifndef GEKKO // Joystick keyboard emulation if (TheDisplay->NumLock()) TheCIA1->Joystick1 &= joykey; else TheCIA1->Joystick2 &= joykey; #endif // Count TOD clocks TheCIA1->CountTOD(); TheCIA2->CountTOD(); // Update window if needed if (draw_frame) { TheDisplay->Update(); #if 0 // Calculate time between VBlanks, display speedometer struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if ((tv.tv_usec -= tv_start.tv_usec) < 0) { tv.tv_usec += 1000000; tv.tv_sec -= 1; } tv.tv_sec -= tv_start.tv_sec; double elapsed_time = (double)tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; speed_index = 20000 / (elapsed_time + 1) * 100; // Limit speed to 100% if desired if ((speed_index > 100)) { usleep((unsigned long)(20000 - elapsed_time)); speed_index = 100; } gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); TheDisplay->Speedometer((int)speed_index); #endif } if (this->have_a_break) { int submenus[1]; int opt; int old_swap = ThePrefs.JoystickSwap == true ? 1 : 0; Prefs np = ThePrefs; this->prefs_changed = false; TheSID->PauseSound(); submenus[0] = old_swap; opt = menu_select(real_screen, &this->main_menu, submenus); switch(opt) { case 0: /* Load disc/tape */ this->run_fake_key_sequence(&np); break; case 1: /* Insert disc/tape */ this->select_disc(&np); break; case 2: /* Reset */ Reset(); break; case 3: /* Bind keys to joystick */ this->bind_keys(&np); break; case 4: /* Other options */ this->other_options(&np); break; case 5: /* Swap joysticks */ break; case 7: /* Save / load game */ this->save_load_state(&np); break; case 9: /* Quit */ quit_thyself = true; break; case -1: default: break; } if (submenus[0] == 0) np.JoystickSwap = false; else np.JoystickSwap = true; if (submenus[0] != old_swap) this->prefs_changed = true; if (this->prefs_changed) { this->NewPrefs(&np); ThePrefs = np; } TheDisplay->FakeKeyPress(-1, false, TheCIA1->KeyMatrix, TheCIA1->RevMatrix); this->have_a_break = false; if (this->quit_thyself) ThePrefs.Save(PREFS_PATH); } /* From Acorn port */ static uint64_t lastFrame; #if defined(GEKKO) uint32_t now = ticks_to_millisecs(gettime()); #else uint32_t now = SDL_GetTicks(); #endif if ( (now - lastFrame) < ThePrefs.MsPerFrame) { usleep( (ThePrefs.MsPerFrame - (now - lastFrame)) * 1000); } lastFrame = now; } /* * The emulation's main loop */ void C64::thread_func(void) { int linecnt = 0; #ifdef FRODO_SC while (!quit_thyself) { // The order of calls is important here if (TheVIC->EmulateCycle()) TheSID->EmulateLine(); TheCIA1->CheckIRQs(); TheCIA2->CheckIRQs(); TheCIA1->EmulateCycle(); TheCIA2->EmulateCycle(); TheCPU->EmulateCycle(); if (ThePrefs.Emul1541Proc) { TheCPU1541->CountVIATimers(1); if (!TheCPU1541->Idle) TheCPU1541->EmulateCycle(); } CycleCounter++; #else while (!quit_thyself) { // The order of calls is important here int cycles = TheVIC->EmulateLine(); TheSID->EmulateLine(); #if !PRECISE_CIA_CYCLES TheCIA1->EmulateLine(ThePrefs.CIACycles); TheCIA2->EmulateLine(ThePrefs.CIACycles); #endif if (ThePrefs.Emul1541Proc) { int cycles_1541 = ThePrefs.FloppyCycles; TheCPU1541->CountVIATimers(cycles_1541); if (!TheCPU1541->Idle) { // 1541 processor active, alternately execute // 6502 and 6510 instructions until both have // used up their cycles while (cycles >= 0 || cycles_1541 >= 0) if (cycles > cycles_1541) cycles -= TheCPU->EmulateLine(1); else cycles_1541 -= TheCPU1541->EmulateLine(1); } else TheCPU->EmulateLine(cycles); } else // 1541 processor disabled, only emulate 6510 TheCPU->EmulateLine(cycles); #endif linecnt++; } }