#include /* unlink */ #include #include #include "menu.hh" #include "file_browser.hh" #include "game_info.hh" #include "game_info_box.hh" static const char *save_exts[] = {".sav", ".SAV", NULL}; class SaveGameMenu; class SaveGameView : public GuiView { public: SaveGameView(); ~SaveGameView(); void pushEvent(event_t ev); void loadGameInfo(const char *what); void setDirectory(const char *path); void setLoadSnapshot(bool which); void viewPushCallback(); void saveSnapshot(); /* Inherited */ void runLogic(); void draw(SDL_Surface *where); SaveGameMenu *menu; GameInfoBox *gameInfo; }; class SaveGameMenu : public FileBrowser, TimeoutHandler { friend class SaveGameView; public: SaveGameMenu(Font *font) : FileBrowser(save_exts, font) { this->loadSnapshot = true; } ~SaveGameMenu() { } virtual void selectCallback(int which) { const char *fileName = this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel]; char *new_path; char *prefs_path; /* If we selected a directory, just take the next one */ if (fileName[0] == '[') { this->pushDirectory(fileName); return; } new_path = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(this->cur_path_prefix) + 3 + strlen(fileName)); prefs_path = (char *)xmalloc(strlen(this->cur_path_prefix) + 8 + strlen(fileName)); sprintf(new_path, "%s/%s", this->cur_path_prefix, fileName); sprintf(prefs_path, "%s.prefs", new_path); if (this->loadSnapshot) { //int display_type = Gui::gui->np->DisplayType; TheC64->Reset(); TheC64->LoadSnapshot(new_path); this->updateGameInfo(fileName); Gui::gui->updateGameInfo(Gui::gui->sgv->gameInfo->gi); Gui::gui->np->Load(prefs_path); /* Don't change display type */ //Gui::gui->np->DisplayType = display_type; } else unlink(new_path); free(prefs_path); free(new_path); Gui::gui->popView(); } virtual void hoverCallback(int which) { TimerController::controller->arm(this, 350); } virtual void escapeCallback(int which) { Gui::gui->popView(); } void updateGameInfo(const char *fileName) { char *cpy = xstrdup(fileName); char *p = strstr(cpy, ".sav"); if (p) *p = '\0'; Gui::gui->sgv->loadGameInfo(cpy); free(cpy); } virtual void timeoutCallback() { this->updateGameInfo(this->pp_msgs[this->cur_sel]); } bool loadSnapshot; }; SaveGameView::SaveGameView() : GuiView() { this->menu = new SaveGameMenu(Gui::gui->default_font); this->gameInfo = new GameInfoBox(Gui::gui->default_font); } SaveGameView::~SaveGameView() { delete this->menu; delete this->gameInfo; } void SaveGameView::loadGameInfo(const char *what) { this->gameInfo->loadGameInfo(what, Gui::gui->save_game_path); } void SaveGameView::setDirectory(const char *path) { this->menu->setDirectory(path); } void SaveGameView::setLoadSnapshot(bool what) { this->menu->loadSnapshot = what; } void SaveGameView::viewPushCallback() { this->gameInfo->setGameInfo(NULL); } void SaveGameView::saveSnapshot() { const char *name = "unknown"; const char *out_name; char *prefs_name; char *save; /* if (strlen(Gui::gui->np->DrivePath[0]) != 0) name = Gui::gui->np->DrivePath[0]; out_name = strrchr(name, '/'); if (!out_name) out_name = name; else out_name++; */ //take the filename from gameinfo instead from drivepath out_name = Gui::gui->cur_gameInfo->filename; if (!out_name) out_name = name; save = (char*)xmalloc( strlen(Gui::gui->save_game_path) + strlen(out_name) + 6 ); prefs_name = (char*)xmalloc( strlen(Gui::gui->save_game_path) + strlen(out_name) + 12 ); sprintf(save, "%s/%s.sav", Gui::gui->save_game_path, out_name); sprintf(prefs_name, "%s.prefs", save); bool was_paused = TheC64->IsPaused(); if (!was_paused) TheC64->Pause(); TheC64->SaveSnapshot(save); if (!was_paused) TheC64->Resume(); //Take the screenshot from the one saved when the gui was activacted Gui::gui->cur_gameInfo->setScreenshot(sdl_surface_8bit_copy(Gui::gui->screenshot)); Gui::gui->saveGameInfo(Gui::gui->save_game_path, out_name); ThePrefs = *Gui::gui->np; ThePrefs.Save_game(prefs_name); Gui::gui->pushDialogueBox(new DialogueBox(save_state_done)); free(save); free(prefs_name); } void SaveGameView::runLogic() { this->menu->runLogic(); } void SaveGameView::pushEvent(event_t ev) { this->menu->pushEvent(ev); } void SaveGameView::draw(SDL_Surface *where) { SDL_Rect dst; /* Blit the backgrounds */ dst = (SDL_Rect){20,45,300,400}; SDL_BlitSurface(Gui::gui->main_menu_bg, NULL, where, &dst); dst = (SDL_Rect){350,13,0,0}; SDL_BlitSurface(Gui::gui->disc_info, NULL, where, &dst); this->menu->draw(where, 50, 70, 280, 375); this->gameInfo->draw(where, 390, 55, 242, 447); }