/* * Prefs_Be.h - Global preferences, Be specific stuff * * Frodo (C) 1994-1997,2002-2005 Christian Bauer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include // Special colors const rgb_color light_color = {255, 255, 255, 0}; const rgb_color fill_color = {216, 216, 216, 0}; const rgb_color dark_color = {184, 184, 184, 0}; // Window thread messages const uint32 MSG_OK = 'okok'; const uint32 MSG_CANCEL = 'cncl'; const uint32 MSG_SPRITES_ON = 'spon'; const uint32 MSG_SPRITE_COLLISIONS = 'scol'; const uint32 MSG_JOYSTICK_1_PORT = 'joy1'; const uint32 MSG_JOYSTICK_2_PORT = 'joy2'; const uint32 MSG_JOYSTICK_SWAP = 'jswp'; const uint32 MSG_LIMIT_SPEED = 'lmit'; const uint32 MSG_FAST_RESET = 'frst'; const uint32 MSG_CIA_IRQ_HACK = 'cirq'; const uint32 MSG_SID_FILTERS = 'filt'; const uint32 MSG_DOUBLE_SCAN = 'dbls'; const uint32 MSG_MAP_SLASH = 'mpsl'; const uint32 MSG_EMUL_1541_PROC = '15pr'; const uint32 MSG_GETDRIVE_8 = 'gtd8'; const uint32 MSG_GETDRIVE_9 = 'gtd9'; const uint32 MSG_GETDRIVE_10 = 'gtd:'; const uint32 MSG_GETDRIVE_11 = 'gtd;'; const uint32 MSG_DRIVE_PANEL_RETURNED = 'gdr8'; const uint32 MSG_SID_TYPE = 'sidt'; const uint32 MSG_REU_SIZE = 'reus'; const uint32 MSG_DISPLAY_TYPE = 'dspt'; const uint32 MSG_OPEN = 'open'; const uint32 MSG_SAVE = 'save'; const uint32 MSG_SAVE_AS = 'svas'; const uint32 MSG_REVERT = 'rvrt'; const uint32 MSG_OPEN_PANEL_RETURNED = 'oprt'; const uint32 MSG_SAVE_PANEL_RETURNED = 'svrt'; /* * Preferences window class */ class NumberControl; class PathControl; class PrefsWindow : public BWindow { public: PrefsWindow(Prefs *p, bool start, char *path); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *msg); virtual bool QuitRequested(void); virtual bool FilterKeyDown(uint32 *aChar, BView **target); private: BCheckBox *make_checkbox(BRect frame, char *label, uint32 what, BView *parent); NumberControl *make_number_entry(BRect frame, char *label_text, BView *parent); PathControl *make_path_entry(BRect frame, char *label, BView *parent); BPopUpMenu *make_sidtype_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent); BPopUpMenu *make_reusize_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent); BPopUpMenu *make_disptype_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent); BPopUpMenu *make_joystick_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent); void set_values(void); void get_values(void); void ghost_controls(void); Prefs *prefs; BMessenger this_messenger; BFilePanel *open_panel; // For opening prefs BFilePanel *save_panel; // For saving prefs BFilePanel *file_panel; // For D64/T64 drives BFilePanel *dir_panel; // For directory drives int panel_drive_num; // Drive number (0..3) of the file panel BButton *g_ok; BButton *g_cancel; NumberControl *g_normal_cycles; NumberControl *g_bad_line_cycles; NumberControl *g_cia_cycles; NumberControl *g_floppy_cycles; NumberControl *g_skip_frames; PathControl *g_drive_path[4]; BPopUpMenu *g_sid_type; BPopUpMenu *g_reu_size; BPopUpMenu *g_display_type; BPopUpMenu *g_joystick_1_port; BPopUpMenu *g_joystick_2_port; BCheckBox *g_sprites_on; BCheckBox *g_sprite_collisions; BCheckBox *g_joystick_swap; BCheckBox *g_limit_speed; BCheckBox *g_fast_reset; BCheckBox *g_cia_irq_hack; BCheckBox *g_sid_filters; BCheckBox *g_double_scan; BCheckBox *g_map_slash; BCheckBox *g_emul_1541_proc; char *prefs_path; bool startup; }; /* * Start preferences editor (asynchronously) * startup = false: Send MSG_PREFS_DONE to application on close * startup = true : Send MSG_STARTUP to application on close if not canceled, * B_QUIT_REQUESTED otherwise * prefs_name points to the file name of the preferences (which may be changed) */ bool Prefs::ShowEditor(bool startup, char *prefs_name) { PrefsWindow *win = new PrefsWindow(this, startup, prefs_name); win->Show(); return true; } /* * Number-only BTextControl */ // Class definition class NumberControl : public BTextControl { public: NumberControl(BRect frame, float divider, const char *name, const char *label, const char *text, BMessage *message); void SetValue(long value); long Value(void); }; // Constructor: Allow only digits NumberControl::NumberControl(BRect frame, float divider, const char *name, const char *label, const char *text, BMessage *message) : BTextControl(frame, name, label, text, message, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE) { SetDivider(divider); for (int c=0; c<256; c++) if (!isdigit(c) && c != B_BACKSPACE && c != B_LEFT_ARROW && c != B_RIGHT_ARROW) ((BTextView *)ChildAt(0))->DisallowChar(c); } // Set integer value void NumberControl::SetValue(long value) { char str[32]; sprintf(str, "%ld", value); SetText(str); } // Get integer value long NumberControl::Value(void) { return atol(Text()); } /* * Path-entry BTextControl */ // Class definition class PathControl : public BTextControl { public: PathControl(BRect frame, float divider, const char *name, const char *label, const char *text, BMessage *message); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage *msg); }; // Constructor: Disable some keys PathControl::PathControl(BRect frame, float divider, const char *name, const char *label, const char *text, BMessage *message) : BTextControl(frame, name, label, text, message, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE) { SetDivider(divider); for (int c=0; c<' '; c++) if (c != B_BACKSPACE && c != B_LEFT_ARROW && c != B_RIGHT_ARROW) ((BTextView *)ChildAt(0))->DisallowChar(c); } // Message received: Look out for dropped refs void PathControl::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { if (msg->what == B_SIMPLE_DATA) { entry_ref the_ref; BEntry the_entry; // First look for refs if (msg->FindRef("refs", &the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { if (the_entry.SetTo(&the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BPath the_path; the_entry.GetPath(&the_path); SetText(the_path.Path()); } } else BTextControl::MessageReceived(msg); MakeFocus(); } else BTextControl::MessageReceived(msg); } /* * Open preferences window */ PrefsWindow::PrefsWindow(Prefs *p, bool start, char *path) : BWindow(BRect(0, 0, 400, 349), "Frodo Preferences", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NOT_CLOSABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE), this_messenger(this) { int i; prefs = p; startup = start; prefs_path = path; // Move window to right position Lock(); MoveTo(80, 80); // Set up menus BMenuBar *bar = new BMenuBar(Bounds(), ""); BMenu *menu = new BMenu("Preferences"); BMenuItem *item; menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("About Frodo" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(B_ABOUT_REQUESTED))); item->SetTarget(be_app); menu->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Open" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(MSG_OPEN), 'O')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Save", new BMessage(MSG_SAVE), 'S')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Save As" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS, new BMessage(MSG_SAVE_AS), 'A')); menu->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Revert", new BMessage(MSG_REVERT))); menu->AddItem(new BSeparatorItem); menu->AddItem(item = new BMenuItem("Quit Frodo", new BMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED), 'Q')); item->SetTarget(be_app); bar->AddItem(menu); AddChild(bar); SetKeyMenuBar(bar); int mbar_height = int(bar->Frame().bottom) + 1; // Resize window to fit menu bar ResizeBy(0, mbar_height); // Light gray background BRect b = Bounds(); BView *top = new BView(BRect(0, mbar_height, b.right, b.bottom), "top", B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW); AddChild(top); top->SetViewColor(fill_color); // Checkboxes g_sprites_on = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 10, 180, 21), "Sprite display", MSG_SPRITES_ON, top); g_sprite_collisions = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 25, 180, 36), "Sprite collisions", MSG_SPRITE_COLLISIONS, top); g_limit_speed = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 40, 180, 51), "Limit speed", MSG_LIMIT_SPEED, top); g_fast_reset = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 55, 180, 66), "Fast reset", MSG_FAST_RESET, top); g_cia_irq_hack = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 70, 180, 81), "Clear CIA ICR on write", MSG_CIA_IRQ_HACK, top); g_sid_filters = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 85, 180, 96), "SID filters", MSG_SID_FILTERS, top); g_double_scan = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 100, 180, 111), "Doublescan lines", MSG_DOUBLE_SCAN, top); g_joystick_swap = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 115, 180, 126), "Swap joysticks", MSG_JOYSTICK_SWAP, top); g_joystick_1_port = make_joystick_popup(BRect(10, 130, 180, 145), "Joystick 1", MSG_JOYSTICK_1_PORT, top); g_joystick_2_port = make_joystick_popup(BRect(10, 150, 180, 165), "Joystick 2", MSG_JOYSTICK_2_PORT, top); // Number entry fields g_normal_cycles = make_number_entry(BRect(180, 10, 390, 26), "Cycles per line (CPU)", top); g_bad_line_cycles = make_number_entry(BRect(180, 30, 390, 46), "Cycles per Bad Line (CPU)", top); g_cia_cycles = make_number_entry(BRect(180, 50, 390, 66), "Cycles per line (CIA)", top); g_floppy_cycles = make_number_entry(BRect(180, 70, 390, 86), "Cycles per line (1541)", top); g_skip_frames = make_number_entry(BRect(180, 90, 390, 106), "Draw every n-th frame", top); // Popup fields g_display_type = make_disptype_popup(BRect(180, 110, 390, 126), "Display type", MSG_DISPLAY_TYPE, top); g_sid_type = make_sidtype_popup(BRect(180, 130, 390, 146), "SID emulation type", MSG_SID_TYPE, top); g_reu_size = make_reusize_popup(BRect(180, 150, 390, 166), "REU size", MSG_REU_SIZE, top); // Prepare on/off pictures for file panel buttons BView *view = new BView(BRect(0, 0, 19, 15), "", B_FOLLOW_NONE, 0); AddChild(view); view->SetViewColor(fill_color); view->BeginPicture(new BPicture); view->SetHighColor(fill_color); view->FillRect(BRect(0, 0, 19, 15)); view->SetHighColor(light_color); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 0, 18, 0)); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 0, 0, 14)); view->SetHighColor(dark_color); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 15, 19, 15)); view->StrokeRect(BRect(19, 0, 19, 15)); view->SetFont(be_plain_font); view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0); view->SetLowColor(fill_color); view->MovePenTo(7, 11); view->DrawString("B"); BPicture *on = view->EndPicture(); view->BeginPicture(new BPicture); view->SetHighColor(dark_color); view->FillRect(BRect(0, 0, 19, 15)); view->SetHighColor(128, 128, 128); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 0, 18, 0)); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 0, 0, 14)); view->SetHighColor(light_color); view->StrokeRect(BRect(0, 15, 19, 15)); view->StrokeRect(BRect(19, 0, 19, 15)); view->SetFont(be_plain_font); view->SetHighColor(0, 0, 0); view->SetLowColor(dark_color); view->MovePenTo(7, 11); view->DrawString("B"); BPicture *off = view->EndPicture(); RemoveChild(view); delete view; // Drive settings BBox *drvbox = new BBox(BRect(10, 173, 390, 304)); top->AddChild(drvbox); drvbox->SetViewColor(fill_color); drvbox->SetLowColor(fill_color); drvbox->SetLabel("Drives"); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { char str[4]; sprintf(str, "%d", i+8); g_drive_path[i] = make_path_entry(BRect(10, 14+i*20, 299, 30+i*20), str, drvbox); drvbox->AddChild(new BPictureButton(BRect(304, 16+i*20, 323, 31+i*20), "", new BPicture(*on), new BPicture(*off), new BMessage(MSG_GETDRIVE_8 + i))); } g_map_slash = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 94, 300, 110), "Map '/'<->'\\' in filenames", MSG_MAP_SLASH, drvbox); g_emul_1541_proc = make_checkbox(BRect(10, 109, 300, 125), "Enable 1541 processor emulation", MSG_EMUL_1541_PROC, drvbox); // "OK" button top->AddChild(g_ok = new BButton(BRect(20, 315, 90, 340), "", startup ? "Start" : "OK", new BMessage(MSG_OK))); SetDefaultButton(g_ok); // "Cancel" button top->AddChild(g_cancel = new BButton(BRect(b.right-90, 315, b.right-20, 340), "", startup ? "Quit" : "Cancel", new BMessage(MSG_CANCEL))); // Set the values of all controls to reflect the preferences set_values(); g_normal_cycles->MakeFocus(); // Create file panels open_panel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &this_messenger, NULL, 0, false, new BMessage(MSG_OPEN_PANEL_RETURNED)); open_panel->Window()->SetTitle("Frodo: Open preferences"); save_panel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL, &this_messenger, NULL, 0, false, new BMessage(MSG_SAVE_PANEL_RETURNED)); save_panel->Window()->SetTitle("Frodo: Save preferences"); file_panel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &this_messenger, NULL, 0, false, new BMessage(MSG_DRIVE_PANEL_RETURNED)); file_panel->SetPanelDirectory(&AppDirectory); file_panel->Window()->SetTitle("Frodo: Select disk image or archive file"); dir_panel = new BFilePanel(B_OPEN_PANEL, &this_messenger, NULL, B_DIRECTORY_NODE, false, new BMessage(MSG_DRIVE_PANEL_RETURNED)); dir_panel->SetPanelDirectory(&AppDirectory); dir_panel->Window()->SetTitle("Frodo: Select directory"); dir_panel->SetButtonLabel(B_DEFAULT_BUTTON, "Select"); Unlock(); } /* * Create checkbox */ BCheckBox *PrefsWindow::make_checkbox(BRect frame, char *label, uint32 what, BView *parent) { BCheckBox *checkbox = new BCheckBox(frame, "", label, new BMessage(what)); parent->AddChild(checkbox); return checkbox; } /* * Create number entry field */ NumberControl *PrefsWindow::make_number_entry(BRect frame, char *label_text, BView *parent) { NumberControl *num = new NumberControl(frame, frame.right-frame.left-55, "", label_text, NULL, NULL); parent->AddChild(num); num->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_RIGHT); num->SetFont(be_plain_font); num->ChildAt(0)->SetFont(be_plain_font); return num; } /* * Create path entry field */ PathControl *PrefsWindow::make_path_entry(BRect frame, char *label, BView *parent) { PathControl *path = new PathControl(frame, 16, "", label, NULL, NULL); parent->AddChild(path); path->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_LEFT); path->SetFont(be_plain_font); path->ChildAt(0)->SetFont(be_plain_font); ((BTextView *)(path->ChildAt(0)))->SetMaxBytes(255); return path; } /* * Create display type popup */ BPopUpMenu *PrefsWindow::make_disptype_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent) { BPopUpMenu *popup = new BPopUpMenu("display_type popup", true, true); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Window", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Screen", new BMessage(what))); popup->SetTargetForItems(this); BMenuField *menu_field = new BMenuField(frame, "display_type", label_text, popup); menu_field->SetDivider(frame.Width()-75); menu_field->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); parent->AddChild(menu_field); return popup; } /* * Create SID type popup */ BPopUpMenu *PrefsWindow::make_sidtype_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent) { BPopUpMenu *popup = new BPopUpMenu("sid_type popup", true, true); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("None", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Digital", new BMessage(what))); popup->SetTargetForItems(this); BMenuField *menu_field = new BMenuField(frame, "sid_type", label_text, popup); menu_field->SetDivider(frame.Width()-75); menu_field->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); parent->AddChild(menu_field); return popup; } /* * Create REU size popup */ BPopUpMenu *PrefsWindow::make_reusize_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent) { BPopUpMenu *popup = new BPopUpMenu("reu_size popup", true, true); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("None", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("128K", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("256K", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("512K", new BMessage(what))); popup->SetTargetForItems(this); BMenuField *menu_field = new BMenuField(frame, "reu_size", label_text, popup); menu_field->SetDivider(frame.Width()-75); menu_field->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); parent->AddChild(menu_field); return popup; } /* * Create joystick port popup */ BPopUpMenu *PrefsWindow::make_joystick_popup(BRect frame, char *label_text, uint32 what, BView *parent) { BPopUpMenu *popup = new BPopUpMenu("joystick popup", true, true); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("None", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Joystick Port 1", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("Joystick Port 2", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("GeekPort A", new BMessage(what))); popup->AddItem(new BMenuItem("GeekPort B", new BMessage(what))); popup->SetTargetForItems(this); BMenuField *menu_field = new BMenuField(frame, "joystick", label_text, popup); menu_field->SetDivider(60); menu_field->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_RIGHT); parent->AddChild(menu_field); return popup; } /* * Set the values of the controls */ void PrefsWindow::set_values(void) { prefs->Check(); g_normal_cycles->SetValue(prefs->NormalCycles); g_bad_line_cycles->SetValue(prefs->BadLineCycles); g_cia_cycles->SetValue(prefs->CIACycles); g_floppy_cycles->SetValue(prefs->FloppyCycles); g_skip_frames->SetValue(prefs->SkipFrames); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) g_drive_path[i]->SetText(prefs->DrivePath[i]); g_sid_type->ItemAt(prefs->SIDType)->SetMarked(true); g_reu_size->ItemAt(prefs->REUSize)->SetMarked(true); g_display_type->ItemAt(prefs->DisplayType)->SetMarked(true); g_sprites_on->SetValue(prefs->SpritesOn ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_sprite_collisions->SetValue(prefs->SpriteCollisions ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_joystick_1_port->ItemAt(prefs->Joystick1Port)->SetMarked(true); g_joystick_2_port->ItemAt(prefs->Joystick2Port)->SetMarked(true); g_joystick_swap->SetValue(prefs->JoystickSwap ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_limit_speed->SetValue(prefs->LimitSpeed ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_fast_reset->SetValue(prefs->FastReset ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_cia_irq_hack->SetValue(prefs->CIAIRQHack ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_sid_filters->SetValue(prefs->SIDFilters ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_double_scan->SetValue(prefs->DoubleScan ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_map_slash->SetValue(prefs->MapSlash ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); g_emul_1541_proc->SetValue(prefs->Emul1541Proc ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF); ghost_controls(); } /* * Get the values of the controls */ void PrefsWindow::get_values(void) { prefs->NormalCycles = g_normal_cycles->Value(); prefs->BadLineCycles = g_bad_line_cycles->Value(); prefs->CIACycles = g_cia_cycles->Value(); prefs->FloppyCycles = g_floppy_cycles->Value(); prefs->SkipFrames = g_skip_frames->Value(); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) strcpy(prefs->DrivePath[i], g_drive_path[i]->Text()); prefs->Check(); } /* * Enable/disable certain controls */ void PrefsWindow::ghost_controls(void) { g_normal_cycles->SetEnabled(!IsFrodoSC); g_bad_line_cycles->SetEnabled(!IsFrodoSC); g_cia_cycles->SetEnabled(!IsFrodoSC); g_floppy_cycles->SetEnabled(!IsFrodoSC); g_cia_irq_hack->SetEnabled(!IsFrodoSC); g_double_scan->SetEnabled(prefs->DisplayType == DISPTYPE_SCREEN); } /* * Message from controls/menus received */ void PrefsWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage *msg) { switch (msg->what) { case MSG_OK: get_values(); if (startup) be_app->PostMessage(MSG_STARTUP); else { BMessage msg(MSG_PREFS_DONE); msg.AddBool("canceled", false); msg.AddPointer("prefs", prefs); be_app->PostMessage(&msg); } PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case MSG_CANCEL: if (startup) be_app->PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); else { BMessage msg(MSG_PREFS_DONE); msg.AddBool("canceled", true); msg.AddPointer("prefs", prefs); be_app->PostMessage(&msg); } PostMessage(B_QUIT_REQUESTED); break; case MSG_SPRITES_ON: prefs->SpritesOn = !prefs->SpritesOn; break; case MSG_SPRITE_COLLISIONS: prefs->SpriteCollisions = !prefs->SpriteCollisions; break; case MSG_JOYSTICK_1_PORT: prefs->Joystick1Port = msg->FindInt32("index"); break; case MSG_JOYSTICK_2_PORT: prefs->Joystick2Port = msg->FindInt32("index"); break; case MSG_JOYSTICK_SWAP: prefs->JoystickSwap = !prefs->JoystickSwap; break; case MSG_LIMIT_SPEED: prefs->LimitSpeed = !prefs->LimitSpeed; break; case MSG_FAST_RESET: prefs->FastReset = !prefs->FastReset; break; case MSG_CIA_IRQ_HACK: prefs->CIAIRQHack = !prefs->CIAIRQHack; break; case MSG_SID_FILTERS: prefs->SIDFilters = !prefs->SIDFilters; break; case MSG_DOUBLE_SCAN: prefs->DoubleScan = !prefs->DoubleScan; break; case MSG_SID_TYPE: prefs->SIDType = msg->FindInt32("index"); break; case MSG_REU_SIZE: prefs->REUSize = msg->FindInt32("index"); break; case MSG_DISPLAY_TYPE: prefs->DisplayType = msg->FindInt32("index"); g_double_scan->SetEnabled(prefs->DisplayType == DISPTYPE_SCREEN); break; case MSG_MAP_SLASH: prefs->MapSlash = !prefs->MapSlash; break; case MSG_EMUL_1541_PROC: prefs->Emul1541Proc = !prefs->Emul1541Proc; break; case MSG_GETDRIVE_8: case MSG_GETDRIVE_9: case MSG_GETDRIVE_10: case MSG_GETDRIVE_11: panel_drive_num = msg->what & 3; // file_panel->Hide(); // dir_panel->Hide(); file_panel->Show(); // dir_panel->Show(); break; case MSG_DRIVE_PANEL_RETURNED: { // Drive path file panel returned entry_ref the_ref; BEntry the_entry; if (msg->FindRef("refs", &the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) if (the_entry.SetTo(&the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BPath the_path; the_entry.GetPath(&the_path); strncpy(prefs->DrivePath[panel_drive_num], the_path.Path(), 255); prefs->DrivePath[panel_drive_num][255] = 0; set_values(); } break; } case MSG_OPEN: open_panel->Show(); break; case MSG_OPEN_PANEL_RETURNED: { // Open file panel returned get_values(); // Useful if Load() is unsuccessful entry_ref the_ref; BEntry the_entry; if (msg->FindRef("refs", &the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) if (the_entry.SetTo(&the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) if (the_entry.IsFile()) { BPath the_path; the_entry.GetPath(&the_path); strncpy(prefs_path, the_path.Path(), 1023); prefs_path[1023] = 0; prefs->Load(prefs_path); set_values(); } } case MSG_SAVE: get_values(); prefs->Save(prefs_path); break; case MSG_SAVE_AS: save_panel->Show(); break; case MSG_SAVE_PANEL_RETURNED: { // Save file panel returned entry_ref the_ref; BEntry the_entry; if (msg->FindRef("directory", &the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) if (the_entry.SetTo(&the_ref) == B_NO_ERROR) { BPath the_path; the_entry.GetPath(&the_path); strncpy(prefs_path, the_path.Path(), 1023); strncat(prefs_path, "/", 1023); strncat(prefs_path, msg->FindString("name"), 1023); prefs_path[1023] = 0; get_values(); if (!prefs->Save(prefs_path)) ShowRequester("Couldn't save preferences.", "Too bad"); } break; } case MSG_REVERT: get_values(); // Useful if Load() is unsuccessful prefs->Load(prefs_path); set_values(); break; default: BWindow::MessageReceived(msg); } } /* * Intercept ESC key (works as clicking the Cancel button) */ bool PrefsWindow::FilterKeyDown(uint32 *aChar, BView **target) { if (*aChar == B_ESCAPE) { // Flash Cancel button g_cancel->SetValue(B_CONTROL_ON); snooze(100000); PostMessage(MSG_CANCEL); } return true; } /* * Quit requested */ bool PrefsWindow::QuitRequested(void) { delete open_panel; delete save_panel; delete file_panel; delete dir_panel; return true; }