/* * main_Amiga.h - Main program, AmigaOS specific stuff * * Frodo (C) 1994-1997,2002-2005 Christian Bauer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include // Global variables Frodo *be_app; // Pointer to Frodo object // Library bases extern ExecBase *SysBase; struct GfxBase *GfxBase = NULL; struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = NULL; struct Library *GadToolsBase = NULL; struct Library *DiskfontBase = NULL; struct Library *AslBase = NULL; // Prototypes void error_exit(char *str); void open_libs(void); void close_libs(void); /* * Create application object and start it */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { if ((SysBase->AttnFlags & (AFF_68040 | AFF_68881)) != (AFF_68040 | AFF_68881)) error_exit("68040/68881 or higher required.\n"); open_libs(); ULONG secs, micros; CurrentTime(&secs, µs); srand(micros); be_app = new Frodo(); be_app->ArgvReceived(argc, argv); be_app->ReadyToRun(); delete be_app; close_libs(); return 0; } /* * Low-level failure */ void error_exit(char *str) { printf(str); close_libs(); exit(20); } /* * Open libraries */ void open_libs(void) { if (!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 39))) error_exit("Couldn't open Gfx V39.\n"); if (!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 39))) error_exit("Couldn't open Intuition V39.\n"); if (!(GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 39))) error_exit("Couldn't open GadTools V39.\n"); if (!(DiskfontBase = OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 39))) error_exit("Couldn't open Diskfont V39.\n"); if (!(AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 39))) error_exit("Couldn't open ASL V39.\n"); } /* * Close libraries */ void close_libs(void) { if (AslBase) CloseLibrary(AslBase); if (DiskfontBase) CloseLibrary(DiskfontBase); if (GadToolsBase) CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase); if (IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)IntuitionBase); if (GfxBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)GfxBase); } /* * Constructor: Initialize member variables */ Frodo::Frodo() { TheC64 = NULL; prefs_path[0] = 0; } /* * Process command line arguments */ void Frodo::ArgvReceived(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 2) strncpy(prefs_path, argv[1], 255); } /* * Arguments processed, run emulation */ void Frodo::ReadyToRun(void) { getcwd(AppDirPath, 256); // Load preferences if (!prefs_path[0]) strcpy(prefs_path, "Frodo Prefs"); ThePrefs.Load(prefs_path); // Show preferences editor if (ThePrefs.ShowEditor(TRUE, prefs_path)) { // Create and start C64 TheC64 = new C64; load_rom_files(); TheC64->Run(); delete TheC64; } } /* * Run preferences editor */ void Frodo::RunPrefsEditor(void) { Prefs *prefs = new Prefs(ThePrefs); if (prefs->ShowEditor(FALSE, prefs_path)) { TheC64->NewPrefs(prefs); ThePrefs = *prefs; } delete prefs; }