#include #include #include "menu.hh" #include "frodo_menu.hh" #include "sdl_ttf_font.hh" #include "utils.hh" extern SDL_Surface *screen; class Gui; const char *get_theme_path(const char *dir, const char *what) { static char buf[255]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, 254, "%s/%s", dir, what); return buf; } class MainMenu : public Menu { public: MainMenu(Font *font, GuiView *parent) : Menu(font) { static const char *messages[] = { /*00*/ "File", /*01*/ "^|Insert|Start", /*02*/ "States", /*03*/ "^|Load|Save|Delete", /*04*/ "Keyboard", /*05*/ "^|Type|Macro|Bind", /*06*/ " ", /*07*/ "Reset the C=64", /*08*/ "Networking", /*09*/ "Options", /*10*/ "Advanced Options", /*11*/ "Help", /*12*/ "Quit", NULL }; this->setText(messages); this->parent = parent; } virtual void selectCallback(int which) { printf("entry %d selected: %s\n", which, this->pp_msgs[which]); if (which == 12) exit(0); } virtual void escapeCallback(int which) { printf("entry %d escaped: %s\n", which, this->pp_msgs[which]); } private: GuiView *parent; }; class MainView : public GuiView { public: MainView(Gui *parent) : GuiView(parent) { this->menu = new MainMenu(NULL, this); } void updateTheme() { this->bg = parent->main_menu_bg; this->menu->setFont(this->parent->default_font); this->menu->setSelectedBackground(this->parent->bg_left, this->parent->bg_middle, this->parent->bg_right, this->parent->bg_submenu_left, this->parent->bg_submenu_middle, this->parent->bg_submenu_right); } void runLogic() { this->menu->runLogic(); } void pushEvent(SDL_Event *ev) { this->menu->pushEvent(ev); } void draw(SDL_Surface *where) { SDL_Rect dst; dst = (SDL_Rect){20,45,300,400}; SDL_BlitSurface(this->bg, NULL, where, &dst); this->menu->draw(where, 50, 70, 300, 400); } protected: MainMenu *menu; SDL_Surface *bg; }; Gui::Gui() { this->focus = NULL; this->bg_left = NULL; this->bg_middle = NULL; this->bg_right = NULL; this->bg_submenu_left = NULL; this->bg_submenu_middle = NULL; this->bg_submenu_right = NULL; this->background = NULL; this->main_menu_bg = NULL; this->default_font = NULL; this->n_views = 0; this->views = NULL; /* Create the views */ MainView *mv = new MainView(this); this->registerView(mv); this->cur_view = mv; } bool Gui::setTheme(const char *path) { this->bg_left = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_left.png"); this->bg_middle = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_middle.png"); this->bg_right = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_right.png"); this->bg_submenu_left = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_left.png"); this->bg_submenu_middle = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_middle.png"); this->bg_submenu_right = this->loadThemeImage(path, "bg_submenu_right.png"); this->background = this->loadThemeImage(path, "background.png"); this->main_menu_bg = this->loadThemeImage(path, "main_menu_bg.png"); this->default_font = this->loadThemeFont(path, "font.ttf"); if (!this->bg_left || !this->bg_right || !this->bg_middle || !this->bg_submenu_left || !this->bg_submenu_right || !this->bg_submenu_middle || !this->default_font) { SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_left); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_middle); SDL_FreeSurface(this->bg_submenu_right); SDL_FreeSurface(this->background); SDL_FreeSurface(this->main_menu_bg); if (this->default_font) delete this->default_font; return false; } for (int i = 0; i < this->n_views; i++) this->views[i]->updateTheme(); return true; } void Gui::runLogic(void) { if (!this->is_active) return; this->cur_view->runLogic(); } void Gui::registerView(GuiView *view) { int cur = this->n_views; this->n_views++; this->views = (GuiView**)xrealloc(this->views, sizeof(GuiView*) * this->n_views); this->views[cur] = view; } void Gui::pushEvent(SDL_Event *ev) { if (this->is_active) this->cur_view->pushEvent(ev); } void Gui::draw(SDL_Surface *where) { if (!this->is_active) return; SDL_BlitSurface(this->background, NULL, screen, NULL); this->cur_view->draw(where); } void Gui::activate() { this->is_active = true; } void Gui::deActivate() { this->is_active = false; } SDL_Surface *Gui::loadThemeImage(const char *dir, const char *what) { return IMG_Load(get_theme_path(dir, what)); } Font *Gui::loadThemeFont(const char *dir, const char *what) { TTF_Font *fnt; fnt = read_and_alloc_font(get_theme_path(dir, what), 18); if (!fnt) return NULL; return new Font_TTF(fnt, 255,255,255); }