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* ROlib.h - Defines Classes, variables and OS interface calls for Acorn
* RISC OS computers
* (C) 1997 Andreas Dehmel
* Frodo (C) 1994-1997,2002-2005 Christian Bauer
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <kernel.h>
#define TASKNAME "Frodo"
#define TASK_WORD 0x4b534154
/* Scrap-file for 1541fs directory function */
#define RO_TEMPFILE "<Wimp$ScrapDir>.FrodoDIR"
/* Icon Flags */
#define IFlg_Text 1
#define IFlg_Sprite 2
#define IFlg_Border 4
#define IFlg_HCenter 8
#define IFlg_VCenter 16
#define IFlg_Filled 32
#define IFlg_AntiA 64
#define IFlg_AutoRdrw 128
#define IFlg_Indir 256
#define IFlg_RAdjust 512
#define IFlg_Slct (1<<21)
#define IFlg_Grey (1<<22)
/* Menu Flags */
#define MFlg_Tick 1
#define MFlg_Dotted 2
#define MFlg_Writable 4
#define MFlg_Warning 8
#define MFlg_LastItem 128
/* Joystick stuff */
#define JoyDir_Thresh 32
#define JoyButton1 (1<<16)
#define JoyButton2 (1<<17)
/* Size of WIMP data types */
#define RO_WINDOW_WORDS 23
#define RO_WINDOW_BYTES 92
#define RO_ICON_WORDS 8
#define RO_ICON_BYTES 32
#define RO_MHEAD_WORDS 7
#define RO_MHEAD_BYTES 28
#define RO_MITEM_WORDS 6
#define RO_MITEM_BYTES 24
/* Structures for directory scanning (mainly 1541fs) */
/* May hold entire pathname, so DON'T REDUCE!!! */
#define FILENAME_MAX_CHARS 256 /* must be >= NAMEBUF_LENGTH (256) */
typedef struct {
unsigned int load, exec, length, attrib, otype;
} dir_full_info;
typedef struct {
int readno, offset, buffsize;
char *match;
} dir_env;
/* WIMP structures: */
typedef struct {
int *tit, *val;
int len;
} WIdatI;
/* data type for window / icon data */
typedef union {
char strg[12];
WIdatI ind;
} WIdata;
/* Window descriptor - 23 words = 92 bytes */
typedef struct {
int Handle;
int vminx,vminy,vmaxx,vmaxy;
int scrollx,scrolly;
int stackpos;
unsigned int wflags;
char col_tfg, col_tbg, col_wfg, col_wbg; /* title/work_area fore/background colour */
char col_sbo, col_sbi, col_tsl, reserved;/* scroll bar inner/outer, title if input focus */
int wminx, wminy, wmaxx, wmaxy;
unsigned int tflags, waflags;
int SpriteAreaPtr;
short min_width, min_height;
WIdata dat;
int icon_no;
} RO_Window;
/* Icon descriptor */
typedef struct {
int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
int iflags;
WIdata dat;
} RO_Icon;
typedef struct {
int WindowHandle;
int minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
int iflags;
WIdata dat;
} RO_IconDesc;
typedef struct {
char title[12];
char col_tfg, col_tbg, col_wfg, col_wbg;
int width, height, vgap;
} RO_MenuHead;
typedef struct {
unsigned int mflags;
RO_MenuHead *submenu;
unsigned int iflags;
WIdata dat;
} RO_MenuItem;
/* Caret descriptor */
typedef struct {
int WHandle;
int IHandle;
int offx, offy;
int height, index;
} RO_Caret;
/* Joystick key descriptor */
typedef struct {
unsigned char up, down, left, right, fire;
} Joy_Keys;
/* Declare classes that are needed in the following new classes */
class C64Display;
class C64;
/* Very simple class to read the resolution and eigen values */
class RORes
int resx,resy,eigx,eigy;
/* Handle current screenmode */
class ROScreen
_kernel_oserror ModeError;
int ReadMode(void);
int resx, resy, ldbpp, eigx, eigy, ladd;
char *scrbase;
class Icon
RO_IconDesc icon;
Icon(int IconHandle, const RO_IconDesc *IDesc);
void setstate(unsigned int eor, unsigned int clear);
void getstate(void);
int IHandle;
class Window
RO_Window *wind;
bool isopen;
Window(const int *WDesc, const char *Title);
int MyHandle(void);
void GetWorkArea(int *Dest);
void RedrawAWindow(int *Block, uint8 *Bitmap, C64Display *Disp);
RO_Window *Descriptor(void);
RO_Icon *GetIcon(unsigned int number);
void SetIconState(unsigned int number, unsigned int eor, unsigned int clear);
void GetIconState(unsigned int number, int *Block);
void WriteIconText(unsigned int number, const char *text);
void WriteIconTextU(unsigned int number, const char *text); // update instead of force redrw
void WriteIconNumber(unsigned int number, int value);
void WriteIconNumberU(unsigned int number, int value);
char *ReadIconText(unsigned int number);
int ReadIconNumber(unsigned int number);
void ForceIconRedraw(unsigned int number);
void UpdateIcon(unsigned int number);
void WriteTitle(const char *title);
char *ReadTitle(void);
void UpdateTitle(void);
bool HaveInput(void);
bool OpenStatus(void);
bool OpenStatus(int *Block);
void open(void);
void open(int *Block);
void close(void);
void forceredraw(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
void update(uint8 *Bitmap, C64Display *Disp);
void update(int *Block, uint8 *Bitmap, C64Display *Disp);
void redraw(int *Block, uint8 *Bitmap, C64Display *Disp);
void extent(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
void getstate(void);
void getstate(int *dest); // read window definition to external block
class WIMP
_kernel_oserror WimpError;
int Block[64], AuxBlock[64]; // two WIMP blocks for convenience
int Mask;
int DragType, CMOS_DragType;
bool UseScrap; // Scrap file used (data transfer protocol!)
bool EmuPaused;
int UseNULL; // Number of clients that need NULL events
int RAMsize, RAMtransfered, RAMpartner; // for RAM transfer
int LastMenu, LastClick, LastDrag, MenuType, LastIcon, SaveType;
int *SpriteArea;
RO_Caret LastCaret;
int EmuZoom;
Joy_Keys NewJoyKeys[2];
C64 *the_c64;
WIMP(C64 *my_c64);
// On startup
bool LoadATemplate(char *Name, Window **Which);
// To make window and pane work as a team
void OpenEmuWindow(void);
void OpenEmuWindow(int *Block); // open at pos
void CloseEmuWindow(void);
void UpdateEmuWindow(void); // update window and pane
void ThePrefsToWindow(void); // write ThePrefs into the window
void WindowToThePrefs(void); // update ThePrefs from window
void SysConfToWindow(void);
void WindowToSysConf(void);
void PollSysConfWindow(void); // low-level koyboard scan
void DragIconSprite(Window *host, unsigned int number);
int CalculateVolume(int *Block);
int CheckFilename(char *name);
void SnapshotSaved(bool OK);
void IssueSnapshotRequest(void);
void SetLEDIcons(bool FloppyEmulation);
void SetEmuWindowSize(void);
void ToggleEmuWindowSize(void);
int ReadEmuWindowSize(void);
void NewDriveImage(int DrNum, int *MsgBlock, bool SetNow);
void SetSpeedLimiter(bool LimitSpeed);
// Standard WIMP functions
void Poll(bool Paused);
void Redraw(void);
void OpenWindow(void);
void CloseWindow(void);
void MouseClick(void);
void UserDrag(void);
void KeyPressed(void);
void MenuSelection(void);
void UserMessage(void);
void UserMessageAck(void);
// WIMP's Windows and Icons
Icon *IBicon;
Window *EmuWindow, *EmuPane, *PrefsWindow, *ConfigWindow, *InfoWindow, *SoundWindow, *SaveBox;
char SnapFile[256], RAMFile[256];
/* system-specific Variables */
extern RO_IconDesc IBarIcon;
extern unsigned int TaskHandle;
extern int WimpMessages[];
/* Functions available via ROlib (not RISC OS Lib, mind you)
All SWIs are called in the X-Form! */
extern "C"
/* returns handle or 0 if error */
extern int Wimp_Initialise(int Version, int tw, const char *TaskName, const int *Messages);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CloseDown(int Handle, int tw);
/* returns handle or 0 if error */
extern int Wimp_CreateWindow(const int *Window);
extern int Wimp_CreateIcon(int Priority, const RO_IconDesc *Icon);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_DeleteWindow(const int *Window);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_DeleteIcon(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_OpenWindow(const int *Window);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CloseWindow(const int *Window);
extern int Wimp_Poll(unsigned int Mask, int *Block, int *PollWord);
/* returns 0 if no more to do or error */
extern int Wimp_RedrawWindow(int *Block);
extern int Wimp_UpdateWindow(int *Block);
extern int Wimp_GetRectangle(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetWindowState(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetWindowInfo(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SetIconState(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetIconState(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetPointerInfo(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_DragBox(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_ForceRedraw(int Handle, int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SetCaretPosition(int WHandle, int IHandle, int xoff, int yoff, int height, int index);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetCaretPosition(RO_Caret *Caret);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CreateMenu(const int *Menu, int cx, int cy);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SetExtent(int Handle, int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_OpenTemplate(char *Name);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CloseTemplate(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_LoadTemplate(char **Template, char **Indirect, char *IndirLimit, char *Fonts, char *Name, int *Position);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_ProcessKey(int Key);
extern int Wimp_StartTask(char *command);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_ReportError(const _kernel_oserror *Error, unsigned int Flags, const char *AppName);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_GetWindowOutline(int *Block);
extern int Wimp_PollIdle(unsigned int Mask, int *Block, int MinTime, int *PollWord);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_PlotIcon(int *Block);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SendMessage(int Event, int *Block, int THandle, int IHandle);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CreateSubMenu(int *MenuBlock, int cx, int xy);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SpriteOp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_BaseOfSprites(int *ROM, int *RAM);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_CommandWindow(int Action);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_TransferBlock(int SHandle, char *SBuff, int DHandle, char *DBuff, int BuffSize);
extern _kernel_oserror *Wimp_SpriteInfo(char *name, int *width, int *height, int *mode);
extern _kernel_oserror *DragASprite_Start(unsigned int Flags, int SpriteArea, char *SpriteName, int *Box, int *BBox);
extern _kernel_oserror *DragASprite_Stop(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *ColourTrans_SelectTable(int SMode, int SPal, int DMode, int DPal, char **Buffer, unsigned int Flags, int *TransWork, int *TransFunc);
extern _kernel_oserror *ColourTrans_SetFontColours(int Handle, int BPal, int FPal, int Offset);
extern _kernel_oserror *ColourTrans_SetColour(int GCOL, unsigned int Flags, int Action);
extern _kernel_oserror *ColourTrans_SetGCOL(int Palette, unsigned int Flags, int Action);
extern int OS_ReadModeVariable(int mode, int var);
extern int OS_ReadDynamicArea(int area);
extern int ScanKeys(int keys);
extern int ReadKeyboardStatus(void);
extern int ReadDragType(void);
extern int SetMousePointer(int NewShape);
/* Generic sprite op call */
extern _kernel_oserror *OS_SpriteOp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
extern _kernel_oserror *OS_Plot(int Command, int x, int y);
extern _kernel_oserror *MouseBoundingBox(char Box[8]);
extern int OS_ReadMonotonicTime(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *OS_ReadC(char *Code);
/* returns length of characters read; if length negative ==> terminated by escape */
extern int OS_ReadLine(char *Buffer, int BuffSize, int minasc, int maxasc, int Echo);
/* true ==> escape */
extern bool OS_ReadEscapeState(void);
/* File related calls */
/* Returns object type */
extern int ReadCatalogueInfo(char *Name, int Result[4]);
/* Read the next name in the directory */
extern _kernel_oserror *ReadDirName(const char *dirname, char *buffer, dir_env *env);
/* Read the next entry (name, length, type,...) in the directory */
extern _kernel_oserror *ReadDirNameInfo(const char *dirname,dir_full_info *buffer,dir_env *env);
extern _kernel_oserror *DeleteFile(char *name);
extern _kernel_oserror *OS_FlushBuffer(int BuffNum);
/* These functions are more secure than using sprintf because they allow buffersize */
/* Return value is a pointer to the terminating null */
extern char *ConvertInteger1(int value, char *buffer, int buffsize);
extern char *ConvertInteger2(int value, char *buffer, int buffsize);
extern char *ConvertInteger3(int value, char *buffer, int buffsize);
extern char *ConvertInteger4(int value, char *buffer, int buffsize);
/* Misc */
extern unsigned int ModeColourNumber(unsigned int pal_entry);
/* Returns -1 if error in joystick module, -2 if SWI unknown, joystate otherwise */
extern int Joystick_Read(int joyno);
/* Sound stuff */
#define DRState_Active 1
#define DRState_NeedData 2
#define DRState_Overflow 4
/* Sound calls */
extern int Sound_Volume(int volume);
/* Digital Renderer SWI calls */
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_Activate(int Channels, int Length, int SamPeriod);
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_Deactivate(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_Pause(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_Resume(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_GetTables(uint8 **LinToLog, uint8 **LogScale);
extern int DigitalRenderer_ReadState(void);
extern _kernel_oserror *DigitalRenderer_NewSample(uint8 *Sample);