// ftpd is a server implementation based on the following: // - RFC 959 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959) // - RFC 3659 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3659) // - suggested implementation details from https://cr.yp.to/ftp/filesystem.html // // Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Theall // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "platform.h" #include "version.h" #include "IOAbstraction.h" #include "ftpServer.h" #include "log.h" #include "logger.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CLASSIC #error "Wii U must be built in classic mode" #endif #define VERSION "v0.4.0" #define VERSION_FULL VERSION VERSION_EXTRA WUPS_PLUGIN_NAME ("ftpiiu"); WUPS_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION ("FTP Server based on ftpd"); WUPS_PLUGIN_VERSION (VERSION_FULL); WUPS_PLUGIN_AUTHOR ("mtheall, Maschell"); WUPS_PLUGIN_LICENSE ("GPL3"); WUPS_USE_WUT_DEVOPTAB (); WUPS_USE_STORAGE ("ftpiiu"); // Unique id for the storage api #define DEFAULT_FTPIIU_ENABLED_VALUE true #define DEFAULT_SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_VALUE false #define FTPIIU_ENABLED_STRING "enabled" #define SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_STRING "systemFilesAllowed" bool platform::networkVisible () { return true; } bool platform::networkAddress (SockAddr &addr_) { struct sockaddr_in addr = {}; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; nn::ac::GetAssignedAddress (&addr.sin_addr.s_addr); addr_ = addr; return true; } MochaUtilsStatus MountWrapper (const char *mount, const char *dev, const char *mountTo) { auto res = Mocha_MountFS (mount, dev, mountTo); if (res == MOCHA_RESULT_ALREADY_EXISTS) { res = Mocha_MountFS (mount, nullptr, mountTo); } if (res == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { std::string mountPath = std::string (mount) + ":/"; debug ("Mounted %s", mountPath.c_str ()); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ( "Failed to mount %s: %s [%d]", mount, Mocha_GetStatusStr (res), res); } return res; } UniqueFtpServer server = nullptr; static bool sSystemFilesAllowed = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_VALUE; static bool sMochaPathsWereMounted = false; static bool sFTPServerEnabled = DEFAULT_FTPIIU_ENABLED_VALUE; void start_server () { if (server != nullptr) { return; } MochaUtilsStatus res; if ((res = Mocha_InitLibrary ()) == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { std::vector virtualDirsInRoot; if (sSystemFilesAllowed) { if (MountWrapper ("slccmpt01", "/dev/slccmpt01", "/vol/storage_slccmpt01") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("slccmpt01"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("slccmpt01:/", {}); } if (MountWrapper ("storage_odd_tickets", nullptr, "/vol/storage_odd01") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_odd_tickets"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_odd_tickets:/", {}); } if (MountWrapper ("storage_odd_updates", nullptr, "/vol/storage_odd02") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_odd_updates"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_odd_updates:/", {}); } if (MountWrapper ("storage_odd_content", nullptr, "/vol/storage_odd03") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_odd_content"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_odd_content:/", {}); } if (MountWrapper ("storage_odd_content2", nullptr, "/vol/storage_odd04") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_odd_content2"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_odd_content2:/", {}); } if (MountWrapper ("storage_slc", "/dev/slc01", "/vol/storage_slc01") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_slc"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_slc:/", {}); } if (Mocha_MountFS ("storage_mlc", nullptr, "/vol/storage_mlc01") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_mlc"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_mlc:/", {}); } if (Mocha_MountFS ("storage_usb", nullptr, "/vol/storage_usb01") == MOCHA_RESULT_SUCCESS) { virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("storage_usb"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("storage_usb:/", {}); } sMochaPathsWereMounted = true; } virtualDirsInRoot.emplace_back ("fs"); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath (":/", virtualDirsInRoot); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("fs:/", std::vector{"vol"}); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ( "fs:/vol", std::vector{"external01", "content", "save"}); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("fs:/vol/content", {}); std::vector virtualDirsInSave; virtualDirsInSave.emplace_back ("common"); nn::act::Initialize (); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 13; i++) { if (!nn::act::IsSlotOccupied (i)) { continue; } char buffer[9]; snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%08X", nn::act::GetPersistentIdEx (i)); virtualDirsInSave.emplace_back (buffer); } nn::act::Finalize (); IOAbstraction::addVirtualPath ("fs:/vol/save", virtualDirsInSave); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ( "Failed to init libmocha: %s [%d]\n", Mocha_GetStatusStr (res), res); } server = FtpServer::create (); } void stop_server () { server.reset (); if (sMochaPathsWereMounted) { Mocha_UnmountFS ("slccmpt01"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_odd_tickets"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_odd_updates"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_odd_content"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_odd_content2"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_slc"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_mlc"); Mocha_UnmountFS ("storage_usb"); sMochaPathsWereMounted = false; } IOAbstraction::clear (); } static void gFTPServerRunningChanged (ConfigItemBoolean *item, bool newValue) { sFTPServerEnabled = newValue; if (!sFTPServerEnabled) { stop_server (); } else { start_server (); } // If the value has changed, we store it in the storage. auto res = WUPSStorageAPI::Store (FTPIIU_ENABLED_STRING, sFTPServerEnabled); if (res != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ("Failed to store gFTPServerEnabled: %s (%d)\n", WUPSStorageAPI::GetStatusStr (res).data (), res); } } static void gSystemFilesAllowedChanged (ConfigItemBoolean *item, bool newValue) { // DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("New value in gFTPServerEnabled: %d", newValue); if (server != nullptr) { // If the server is already running we need to restart it. stop_server (); sSystemFilesAllowed = newValue; start_server (); } else { sSystemFilesAllowed = newValue; } // If the value has changed, we store it in the storage. auto res = WUPSStorageAPI::Store (SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_STRING, sSystemFilesAllowed); if (res != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ("Failed to store gSystemFilesAllowed: %s (%d)\n", WUPSStorageAPI::GetStatusStr (res).data (), res); } } WUPSConfigAPICallbackStatus ConfigMenuOpenedCallback (WUPSConfigCategoryHandle rootHandle) { uint32_t hostIpAddress = 0; nn::ac::GetAssignedAddress (&hostIpAddress); try { WUPSConfigCategory root = WUPSConfigCategory (rootHandle); root.add (WUPSConfigItemBoolean::Create (FTPIIU_ENABLED_STRING, "Enable ftpd", true, sFTPServerEnabled, &gFTPServerRunningChanged)); root.add (WUPSConfigItemBoolean::Create (SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_STRING, "Allow access to system files", false, sSystemFilesAllowed, &gSystemFilesAllowedChanged)); root.add (WUPSConfigItemStub::Create ("===")); char ipSettings[50]; if (hostIpAddress != 0) { snprintf (ipSettings, 50, "IP of your console is %u.%u.%u.%u. Port %i", (hostIpAddress >> 24) & 0xFF, (hostIpAddress >> 16) & 0xFF, (hostIpAddress >> 8) & 0xFF, (hostIpAddress >> 0) & 0xFF, 21); } else { snprintf ( ipSettings, sizeof (ipSettings), "The console is not connected to a network."); } root.add (WUPSConfigItemStub::Create (ipSettings)); root.add (WUPSConfigItemStub::Create ("You can connect with empty credentials")); } catch (std::exception &e) { OSReport ("fptiiu plugin: Exception: %s\n", e.what ()); return WUPSCONFIG_API_CALLBACK_RESULT_ERROR; } return WUPSCONFIG_API_CALLBACK_RESULT_SUCCESS; } void ConfigMenuClosedCallback () { WUPSStorageAPI::SaveStorage (); } INITIALIZE_PLUGIN () { WUPSConfigAPIOptionsV1 configOptions = {.name = "ftpiiu"}; if (WUPSConfigAPI_Init (configOptions, ConfigMenuOpenedCallback, ConfigMenuClosedCallback) != WUPSCONFIG_API_RESULT_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ("Failed to init config api"); OSFatal ("ftpiiu plugin: Failed to init config api"); } WUPSStorageError err; if ((err = WUPSStorageAPI::GetOrStoreDefault ( FTPIIU_ENABLED_STRING, sFTPServerEnabled, DEFAULT_FTPIIU_ENABLED_VALUE)) != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ("Failed to get or create item \"%s\": %s (%d)\n", FTPIIU_ENABLED_STRING, WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr (err), err); } if ((err = WUPSStorageAPI::GetOrStoreDefault (SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_STRING, sSystemFilesAllowed, DEFAULT_SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_VALUE)) != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ("Failed to get or create item \"%s\": %s (%d)\n", SYSTEM_FILES_ALLOWED_STRING, WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr (err), err); } if ((err = WUPSStorageAPI::SaveStorage ()) != WUPS_STORAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR ( "Failed to save storage: %s (%d)\n", WUPSStorageAPI_GetStatusStr (err), err); } } void wiiu_init () { nn::ac::Initialize (); nn::ac::ConnectAsync (); if (sFTPServerEnabled) { start_server (); } } ON_APPLICATION_START () { initLogging (); nn::ac::Initialize (); nn::ac::ConnectAsync (); wiiu_init (); } ON_APPLICATION_ENDS () { stop_server (); deinitLogging (); } bool platform::init () { WHBProcInit (); wiiu_init (); return true; } bool platform::loop () { return WHBProcIsRunning (); } void platform::render () { } void platform::exit () { IOAbstraction::clear (); WHBProcShutdown (); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \brief Platform thread pimpl class platform::Thread::privateData_t { public: privateData_t () = default; /// \brief Parameterized constructor /// \param func_ Thread entry point explicit privateData_t (std::function &&func_) : thread (std::move (func_)) { auto nativeHandle = (OSThread *)thread.native_handle (); OSSetThreadName (nativeHandle, "ftpiiu"); while (!OSSetThreadAffinity (nativeHandle, OS_THREAD_ATTRIB_AFFINITY_CPU2)) { OSSleepTicks (OSMillisecondsToTicks (16)); } while (!OSSetThreadPriority (nativeHandle, 16)) { OSSleepTicks (OSMillisecondsToTicks (16)); } } /// \brief Underlying thread std::thread thread; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// platform::Thread::~Thread () = default; platform::Thread::Thread () : m_d (new privateData_t ()) { } platform::Thread::Thread (std::function &&func_) : m_d (new privateData_t (std::move (func_))) { } platform::Thread::Thread (Thread &&that_) : m_d (new privateData_t ()) { std::swap (m_d, that_.m_d); } platform::Thread &platform::Thread::operator= (Thread &&that_) { std::swap (m_d, that_.m_d); return *this; } void platform::Thread::join () { m_d->thread.join (); } void platform::Thread::sleep (std::chrono::milliseconds const timeout_) { std::this_thread::sleep_for (timeout_); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define USE_STD_MUTEX 1 /// \brief Platform mutex pimpl class platform::Mutex::privateData_t { public: #if USE_STD_MUTEX /// \brief Underlying mutex std::mutex mutex; #else /// \brief Underlying mutex ::Mutex mutex; #endif }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// platform::Mutex::~Mutex () = default; platform::Mutex::Mutex () : m_d (new privateData_t ()) { #if !USE_STD_MUTEX mutexInit (&m_d->mutex); #endif } void platform::Mutex::lock () { #if USE_STD_MUTEX m_d->mutex.lock (); #else mutexLock (&m_d->mutex); #endif } void platform::Mutex::unlock () { #if USE_STD_MUTEX m_d->mutex.unlock (); #else mutexUnlock (&m_d->mutex); #endif }