// ftpd is a server implementation based on the following: // - RFC 959 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959) // - RFC 3659 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3659) // - suggested implementation details from https://cr.yp.to/ftp/filesystem.html // // Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Theall // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #ifndef CLASSIC #include "imgui_citro3d.h" #include #include "vshader_shbin.h" #include "imgui.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { /// \brief 3DS font glyph ranges std::vector s_fontRanges; /// \brief Vertex shader DVLB_s *s_vsh = nullptr; /// \brief Vertex shader program shaderProgram_s s_program; /// \brief Projection matrix uniform location int s_projLocation; /// \brief Top screen projection matrix C3D_Mtx s_projTop; /// \brief Bottom screen projection matrix C3D_Mtx s_projBottom; /// \brief System font textures std::vector s_fontTextures; /// \brief Text scale float s_textScale; /// \brief Scissor test bounds std::uint32_t s_boundScissor[4]; /// \brief Currently bound vertex data ImDrawVert *s_boundVtxData; /// \brief Currently bound texture C3D_Tex *s_boundTexture; /// \brief Vertex data buffer ImDrawVert *s_vtxData = nullptr; /// \brief Size of vertex data buffer std::size_t s_vtxSize = 0; /// \brief Index data buffer ImDrawIdx *s_idxData = nullptr; /// \brief Size of index data buffer std::size_t s_idxSize = 0; /// \brief Get code point from glyph index /// \param font_ Font to search /// \param glyphIndex_ Glyph index std::uint32_t fontCodePointFromGlyphIndex (CFNT_s *const font_, int const glyphIndex_) { for (auto cmap = fontGetInfo (font_)->cmap; cmap; cmap = cmap->next) { switch (cmap->mappingMethod) { case CMAP_TYPE_DIRECT: assert (cmap->codeEnd >= cmap->codeBegin); if (glyphIndex_ >= cmap->indexOffset && glyphIndex_ <= cmap->codeEnd - cmap->codeBegin + cmap->indexOffset) return glyphIndex_ - cmap->indexOffset + cmap->codeBegin; break; case CMAP_TYPE_TABLE: for (int i = 0; i <= cmap->codeEnd - cmap->codeBegin; ++i) { if (cmap->indexTable[i] == glyphIndex_) return cmap->codeBegin + i; } break; case CMAP_TYPE_SCAN: for (unsigned i = 0; i < cmap->nScanEntries; ++i) { assert (cmap->scanEntries[i].code >= cmap->codeBegin); assert (cmap->scanEntries[i].code <= cmap->codeEnd); if (glyphIndex_ == cmap->scanEntries[i].glyphIndex) return cmap->scanEntries[i].code; } break; } } return 0; } /// \brief Setup render state /// \param screen_ Whether top or bottom screen void setupRenderState (gfxScreen_t const screen_) { // disable face culling C3D_CullFace (GPU_CULL_NONE); // configure attributes for user with vertex shader auto const attrInfo = C3D_GetAttrInfo (); AttrInfo_Init (attrInfo); AttrInfo_AddLoader (attrInfo, 0, GPU_FLOAT, 2); // v0 = inPos AttrInfo_AddLoader (attrInfo, 1, GPU_FLOAT, 2); // v1 = inUv AttrInfo_AddLoader (attrInfo, 2, GPU_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 4); // v2 = inColor // clear bindings std::memset (s_boundScissor, 0xFF, sizeof (s_boundScissor)); s_boundVtxData = nullptr; s_boundTexture = nullptr; // bind program C3D_BindProgram (&s_program); // enable depth test C3D_DepthTest (true, GPU_GREATER, GPU_WRITE_COLOR); // enable alpha blending C3D_AlphaBlend (GPU_BLEND_ADD, GPU_BLEND_ADD, GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_SRC_ALPHA, GPU_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // apply projection matrix if (screen_ == GFX_TOP) C3D_FVUnifMtx4x4 (GPU_VERTEX_SHADER, s_projLocation, &s_projTop); else C3D_FVUnifMtx4x4 (GPU_VERTEX_SHADER, s_projLocation, &s_projBottom); } } void imgui::citro3d::init () { // setup back-end capabilities flags auto &io = ImGui::GetIO (); io.BackendRendererName = "citro3d"; io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset; // load vertex shader s_vsh = DVLB_ParseFile ( const_cast (reinterpret_cast (vshader_shbin)), vshader_shbin_size); // initialize vertex shader program shaderProgramInit (&s_program); shaderProgramSetVsh (&s_program, &s_vsh->DVLE[0]); // get projection matrix uniform location s_projLocation = shaderInstanceGetUniformLocation (s_program.vertexShader, "proj"); // allocate vertex data buffer s_vtxSize = 65536; s_vtxData = reinterpret_cast (linearAlloc (sizeof (ImDrawVert) * s_vtxSize)); assert (s_vtxData); // allocate index data buffer s_idxSize = 65536; s_idxData = reinterpret_cast (linearAlloc (sizeof (ImDrawIdx) * s_idxSize)); assert (s_idxData); // ensure the shared system font is mapped if (R_FAILED (fontEnsureMapped ())) assert (false); // load the glyph texture sheets auto const font = fontGetSystemFont (); auto const fontInfo = fontGetInfo (font); auto const glyphInfo = fontGetGlyphInfo (font); assert (s_fontTextures.empty ()); s_fontTextures.resize (glyphInfo->nSheets + 1); std::memset (s_fontTextures.data (), 0x00, s_fontTextures.size () * sizeof (s_fontTextures[0])); s_textScale = 30.0f / glyphInfo->cellHeight; // use system font sheets as citro3d textures for (unsigned i = 0; i < glyphInfo->nSheets; ++i) { auto &tex = s_fontTextures[i]; tex.data = fontGetGlyphSheetTex (font, i); assert (tex.data); tex.fmt = static_cast (glyphInfo->sheetFmt); tex.size = glyphInfo->sheetSize; tex.width = glyphInfo->sheetWidth; tex.height = glyphInfo->sheetHeight; tex.param = GPU_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER (GPU_LINEAR) | GPU_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER (GPU_LINEAR) | GPU_TEXTURE_WRAP_S (GPU_REPEAT) | GPU_TEXTURE_WRAP_T (GPU_REPEAT); tex.border = 0xFFFFFFFF; tex.lodParam = 0; } { // create texture for ImGui's white pixel auto &tex = s_fontTextures[glyphInfo->nSheets]; C3D_TexInit (&tex, 8, 8, GPU_A4); // fill texture with full alpha std::uint32_t size; auto data = C3D_Tex2DGetImagePtr (&tex, 0, &size); assert (data); assert (size); std::memset (data, 0xFF, size); } // get alternate character glyph ImWchar alterChar = fontCodePointFromGlyphIndex (font, fontInfo->alterCharIndex); if (!alterChar) alterChar = '?'; // collect character map std::vector charSet; for (auto cmap = fontInfo->cmap; cmap; cmap = cmap->next) { switch (cmap->mappingMethod) { case CMAP_TYPE_DIRECT: assert (cmap->codeEnd >= cmap->codeBegin); charSet.reserve (charSet.size () + cmap->codeEnd - cmap->codeBegin + 1); for (auto i = cmap->codeBegin; i <= cmap->codeEnd; ++i) { if (cmap->indexOffset + (i - cmap->codeBegin) == 0xFFFF) break; charSet.emplace_back (i); } break; case CMAP_TYPE_TABLE: assert (cmap->codeEnd >= cmap->codeBegin); charSet.reserve (charSet.size () + cmap->codeEnd - cmap->codeBegin + 1); for (auto i = cmap->codeBegin; i <= cmap->codeEnd; ++i) { if (cmap->indexTable[i - cmap->codeBegin] == 0xFFFF) continue; charSet.emplace_back (i); } break; case CMAP_TYPE_SCAN: charSet.reserve (charSet.size () + cmap->nScanEntries); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cmap->nScanEntries; ++i) { assert (cmap->scanEntries[i].code >= cmap->codeBegin); assert (cmap->scanEntries[i].code <= cmap->codeEnd); if (cmap->scanEntries[i].glyphIndex == 0xFFFF) continue; charSet.emplace_back (cmap->scanEntries[i].code); } break; } } assert (!charSet.empty ()); // deduplicate character map std::sort (std::begin (charSet), std::end (charSet)); charSet.erase (std::unique (std::begin (charSet), std::end (charSet)), std::end (charSet)); // fill in font glyph ranges auto it = std::begin (charSet); ImWchar start = *it++; ImWchar prev = start; while (it != std::end (charSet)) { if (*it != prev + 1) { s_fontRanges.emplace_back (start); s_fontRanges.emplace_back (prev); start = *it; } prev = *it++; } s_fontRanges.emplace_back (start); s_fontRanges.emplace_back (prev); // terminate glyph ranges s_fontRanges.emplace_back (0); // initialize font atlas auto const atlas = ImGui::GetIO ().Fonts; atlas->Clear (); atlas->TexWidth = glyphInfo->sheetWidth; atlas->TexHeight = glyphInfo->sheetHeight * glyphInfo->nSheets; atlas->TexUvScale = ImVec2 (1.0f / atlas->TexWidth, 1.0f / atlas->TexHeight); atlas->TexUvWhitePixel = ImVec2 (0.5f * 0.125f, glyphInfo->nSheets + 0.5f * 0.125f); atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8 = static_cast (IM_ALLOC (1)); // dummy allocation // initialize font config ImFontConfig config; config.FontData = nullptr; config.FontDataSize = 0; config.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = true; config.FontNo = 0; config.SizePixels = 14.0f; config.OversampleH = 3; config.OversampleV = 1; config.PixelSnapH = false; config.GlyphExtraSpacing = ImVec2 (0.0f, 0.0f); config.GlyphOffset = ImVec2 (0.0f, 0.0f); config.GlyphRanges = s_fontRanges.data (); config.GlyphMinAdvanceX = 0.0f; config.GlyphMaxAdvanceX = std::numeric_limits::max (); config.MergeMode = false; config.RasterizerFlags = 0; config.RasterizerMultiply = 1.0f; config.EllipsisChar = 0x2026; std::memset (config.Name, 0, sizeof (config.Name)); // create font auto const imFont = IM_NEW (ImFont); config.DstFont = imFont; // add config and font to atlas atlas->ConfigData.push_back (config); atlas->Fonts.push_back (imFont); atlas->SetTexID (s_fontTextures.data ()); // initialize font imFont->FallbackAdvanceX = fontInfo->defaultWidth.charWidth; imFont->FontSize = fontInfo->lineFeed; imFont->DisplayOffset.x = 0.0f; imFont->DisplayOffset.y = fontInfo->ascent * 0.5f; imFont->ContainerAtlas = atlas; imFont->ConfigData = &atlas->ConfigData[0]; imFont->ConfigDataCount = 1; imFont->FallbackChar = alterChar; imFont->EllipsisChar = config.EllipsisChar; imFont->Scale = s_textScale * 0.5f; imFont->Ascent = fontInfo->ascent; imFont->Descent = 0.0f; // add glyphs to font fontGlyphPos_s glyphPos; for (auto const &code : charSet) { auto const glyphIndex = fontGlyphIndexFromCodePoint (font, code); assert (glyphIndex >= 0); assert (glyphIndex < 0xFFFF); // calculate glyph metrics fontCalcGlyphPos (&glyphPos, font, glyphIndex, GLYPH_POS_CALC_VTXCOORD | GLYPH_POS_AT_BASELINE, 1.0f, 1.0f); assert (glyphPos.sheetIndex >= 0); assert (static_cast (glyphPos.sheetIndex) < s_fontTextures.size ()); // add glyph to font imFont->AddGlyph (code, glyphPos.vtxcoord.left, glyphPos.vtxcoord.top, glyphPos.vtxcoord.right, glyphPos.vtxcoord.bottom, glyphPos.texcoord.left, glyphPos.sheetIndex + glyphPos.texcoord.top, glyphPos.texcoord.right, glyphPos.sheetIndex + glyphPos.texcoord.bottom, glyphPos.xAdvance); } // build lookup table imFont->BuildLookupTable (); } void imgui::citro3d::exit () { // free vertex/index data buffers linearFree (s_idxData); linearFree (s_vtxData); // delete ImGui white pixel texture assert (!s_fontTextures.empty ()); C3D_TexDelete (&s_fontTextures.back ()); // free shader program shaderProgramFree (&s_program); DVLB_Free (s_vsh); } void imgui::citro3d::render (C3D_RenderTarget *const top_, C3D_RenderTarget *const bottom_) { // get draw data auto const drawData = ImGui::GetDrawData (); if (drawData->CmdListsCount <= 0) return; // get framebuffer dimensions unsigned width = drawData->DisplaySize.x * drawData->FramebufferScale.x; unsigned height = drawData->DisplaySize.y * drawData->FramebufferScale.y; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) return; // initialize projection matrices Mtx_OrthoTilt (&s_projTop, 0.0f, drawData->DisplaySize.x, drawData->DisplaySize.y * 0.5f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, false); Mtx_OrthoTilt (&s_projBottom, drawData->DisplaySize.x * 0.1f, drawData->DisplaySize.x * 0.9f, drawData->DisplaySize.y, drawData->DisplaySize.y * 0.5f, -1.0f, 1.0f, false); // check if we need to grow vertex data buffer if (s_vtxSize < static_cast (drawData->TotalVtxCount)) { linearFree (s_vtxData); // add 10% to avoid growing many frames in a row s_vtxSize = drawData->TotalVtxCount * 1.1f; s_vtxData = reinterpret_cast (linearAlloc (sizeof (ImDrawVert) * s_vtxSize)); assert (s_vtxData); } // check if we need to grow index data buffer if (s_idxSize < static_cast (drawData->TotalIdxCount)) { // add 10% to avoid growing many frames in a row s_idxSize = drawData->TotalIdxCount * 1.1f; s_idxData = reinterpret_cast (linearAlloc (sizeof (ImDrawIdx) * s_idxSize)); assert (s_idxData); } // will project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space // (0,0) unless using multi-viewports auto const clipOff = drawData->DisplayPos; // (1,1) unless using retina display which are often (2,2) auto const clipScale = drawData->FramebufferScale; // copy data into vertex/index buffers std::size_t offsetVtx = 0; std::size_t offsetIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < drawData->CmdListsCount; ++i) { auto const &cmdList = *drawData->CmdLists[i]; // double check that we don't overrun vertex/index data buffers assert (s_vtxSize - offsetVtx >= static_cast (cmdList.VtxBuffer.Size)); assert (s_idxSize - offsetIdx >= static_cast (cmdList.IdxBuffer.Size)); // copy vertex/index data into buffers std::memcpy (&s_vtxData[offsetVtx], cmdList.VtxBuffer.Data, sizeof (ImDrawVert) * cmdList.VtxBuffer.Size); std::memcpy (&s_idxData[offsetIdx], cmdList.IdxBuffer.Data, sizeof (ImDrawIdx) * cmdList.IdxBuffer.Size); offsetVtx += cmdList.VtxBuffer.Size; offsetIdx += cmdList.IdxBuffer.Size; } for (auto const &screen : {GFX_TOP, GFX_BOTTOM}) { if (screen == GFX_TOP) C3D_FrameDrawOn (top_); else C3D_FrameDrawOn (bottom_); setupRenderState (screen); offsetVtx = 0; offsetIdx = 0; // render command lists for (int i = 0; i < drawData->CmdListsCount; ++i) { auto const &cmdList = *drawData->CmdLists[i]; for (auto const &cmd : cmdList.CmdBuffer) { if (cmd.UserCallback) { // user callback, registered via ImDrawList::AddCallback() // (ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState is a special callback value used by the user // to request the renderer to reset render state.) if (cmd.UserCallback == ImDrawCallback_ResetRenderState) setupRenderState (screen); else cmd.UserCallback (&cmdList, &cmd); } else { // project scissor/clipping rectangles into framebuffer space ImVec4 clip; clip.x = (cmd.ClipRect.x - clipOff.x) * clipScale.x; clip.y = (cmd.ClipRect.y - clipOff.y) * clipScale.y; clip.z = (cmd.ClipRect.z - clipOff.x) * clipScale.x; clip.w = (cmd.ClipRect.w - clipOff.y) * clipScale.y; if (clip.x >= width || clip.y >= height || clip.z < 0.0f || clip.w < 0.0f) continue; if (clip.x < 0.0f) clip.x = 0.0f; if (clip.y < 0.0f) clip.y = 0.0f; if (clip.z > width) clip.z = width; if (clip.w > height) clip.z = height; if (screen == GFX_TOP) { // check if clip starts on bottom screen if (clip.y > height * 0.5f) continue; // convert from framebuffer space to screen space (3DS screen rotation) auto const x1 = std::clamp (height * 0.5f - clip.w, 0, height * 0.5f); auto const y1 = std::clamp (width - clip.z, 0, width); auto const x2 = std::clamp (height * 0.5f - clip.y, 0, height * 0.5f); auto const y2 = std::clamp (width - clip.x, 0, width); // check if scissor needs to be updated if (s_boundScissor[0] != x1 || s_boundScissor[1] != y1 || s_boundScissor[2] != x2 || s_boundScissor[3] != y2) { s_boundScissor[0] = x1; s_boundScissor[1] = y1; s_boundScissor[2] = x2; s_boundScissor[3] = y2; C3D_SetScissor (GPU_SCISSOR_NORMAL, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } else { // check if clip ends on top screen if (clip.w < height * 0.5f) continue; // check if clip ends before left edge of bottom screen if (clip.z < width * 0.1f) continue; // check if clip starts after right edge of bottom screen if (clip.x > width * 0.9f) continue; // convert from framebuffer space to screen space // (3DS screen rotation + bottom screen offset) auto const x1 = std::clamp (height - clip.w, 0, height * 0.5f); auto const y1 = std::clamp (width * 0.9f - clip.z, 0, width * 0.8f); auto const x2 = std::clamp (height - clip.y, 0, height * 0.5f); auto const y2 = std::clamp (width * 0.9f - clip.x, 0, width * 0.8f); // check if scissor needs to be updated if (s_boundScissor[0] != x1 || s_boundScissor[1] != y1 || s_boundScissor[2] != x2 || s_boundScissor[3] != y2) { s_boundScissor[0] = x1; s_boundScissor[1] = y1; s_boundScissor[2] = x2; s_boundScissor[3] = y2; C3D_SetScissor (GPU_SCISSOR_NORMAL, x1, y1, x2, y2); } } // check if we need to update vertex data binding auto const vtxData = &s_vtxData[cmd.VtxOffset + offsetVtx]; if (vtxData != s_boundVtxData) { s_boundVtxData = vtxData; auto const bufInfo = C3D_GetBufInfo (); BufInfo_Init (bufInfo); BufInfo_Add (bufInfo, vtxData, sizeof (ImDrawVert), 3, 0x210); } // check if we need to update texture binding auto tex = static_cast (cmd.TextureId); if (tex == s_fontTextures.data ()) { assert (cmd.ElemCount % 3 == 0); // get sheet number from uv coords auto const getSheet = [] (auto const vtx_, auto const idx_) { unsigned const sheet = std::min ( {vtx_[idx_[0]].uv.y, vtx_[idx_[1]].uv.y, vtx_[idx_[2]].uv.y}); // assert that these three vertices use the same sheet for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) assert (vtx_[idx_[i]].uv.y - sheet <= 1.0f); assert (sheet < s_fontTextures.size ()); return sheet; }; /// \todo avoid repeating this work? for (unsigned i = 0; i < cmd.ElemCount; i += 3) { auto const idx = &cmdList.IdxBuffer.Data[cmd.IdxOffset + i]; auto const vtx = &cmdList.VtxBuffer.Data[cmd.VtxOffset]; auto drawVtx = &s_vtxData[cmd.VtxOffset + offsetVtx]; auto const sheet = getSheet (vtx, idx); if (sheet != 0) { float dummy; drawVtx[idx[0]].uv.y = std::modf (drawVtx[idx[0]].uv.y, &dummy); drawVtx[idx[1]].uv.y = std::modf (drawVtx[idx[1]].uv.y, &dummy); drawVtx[idx[2]].uv.y = std::modf (drawVtx[idx[2]].uv.y, &dummy); } } // initialize texture binding unsigned boundSheet = getSheet (&cmdList.VtxBuffer.Data[cmd.VtxOffset], &cmdList.IdxBuffer.Data[cmd.IdxOffset]); assert (boundSheet < s_fontTextures.size ()); C3D_TexBind (0, &s_fontTextures[boundSheet]); unsigned offset = 0; // update texture environment for non-image drawing auto const env = C3D_GetTexEnv (0); C3D_TexEnvInit (env); C3D_TexEnvSrc ( env, C3D_RGB, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR); C3D_TexEnvFunc (env, C3D_RGB, GPU_REPLACE); C3D_TexEnvSrc ( env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_TEXTURE0, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR); C3D_TexEnvFunc (env, C3D_Alpha, GPU_MODULATE); // process one triangle at a time for (unsigned i = 3; i < cmd.ElemCount; i += 3) { // get sheet for this triangle unsigned const sheet = getSheet (&cmdList.VtxBuffer.Data[cmd.VtxOffset], &cmdList.IdxBuffer.Data[cmd.IdxOffset + i]); // check if we're changing textures if (boundSheet != sheet) { // draw everything up until now C3D_DrawElements (GPU_TRIANGLES, i - offset, C3D_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &s_idxData[cmd.IdxOffset + offsetIdx + offset]); // bind texture for next draw call boundSheet = sheet; offset = i; C3D_TexBind (0, &s_fontTextures[boundSheet]); } } // draw the final set of triangles assert ((cmd.ElemCount - offset) % 3 == 0); C3D_DrawElements (GPU_TRIANGLES, cmd.ElemCount - offset, C3D_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &s_idxData[cmd.IdxOffset + offsetIdx + offset]); } else { // drawing an image; check if we need to change texture binding if (tex != s_boundTexture) { // bind new texture C3D_TexBind (0, tex); // update texture environment for drawing images auto const env = C3D_GetTexEnv (0); C3D_TexEnvInit (env); C3D_TexEnvSrc ( env, C3D_Both, GPU_TEXTURE0, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR, GPU_PRIMARY_COLOR); C3D_TexEnvFunc (env, C3D_Both, GPU_MODULATE); } // draw triangles C3D_DrawElements (GPU_TRIANGLES, cmd.ElemCount, C3D_UNSIGNED_SHORT, &s_idxData[cmd.IdxOffset + offsetIdx]); } s_boundTexture = tex; } } offsetVtx += cmdList.VtxBuffer.Size; offsetIdx += cmdList.IdxBuffer.Size; } } } #endif