// ftpd is a server implementation based on the following: // - RFC 959 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc959) // - RFC 3659 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3659) // - suggested implementation details from https://cr.yp.to/ftp/filesystem.html // // Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Theall // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . #include "ftpServer.h" #include "fs.h" #include "log.h" #include "platform.h" #include "socket.h" #include "imgui.h" #ifdef NDS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std::chrono_literals; #ifdef NDS #define LOCKED(x) x #else #define LOCKED(x) \ do \ { \ auto const lock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); \ x; \ } while (0) #endif namespace { /// \brief Application start time auto const s_startTime = std::time (nullptr); #ifndef NDS /// \brief Mutex for s_freeSpace platform::Mutex s_lock; #endif /// \brief Free space string std::string s_freeSpace; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FtpServer::~FtpServer () { m_quit = true; #ifndef NDS m_thread.join (); #endif } FtpServer::FtpServer (UniqueFtpConfig config_) : m_config (std::move (config_)), m_quit (false) { #ifndef NDS m_thread = platform::Thread (std::bind (&FtpServer::threadFunc, this)); #endif } void FtpServer::draw () { #ifdef NDS loop (); #endif #ifdef CLASSIC { char port[7]; #ifndef NDS auto lock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); #endif if (m_socket) std::sprintf (port, ":%u", m_socket->sockName ().port ()); consoleSelect (&g_statusConsole); std::printf ("\x1b[0;0H\x1b[32;1m%s \x1b[36;1m%s%s", STATUS_STRING, m_socket ? m_socket->sockName ().name () : "Waiting on WiFi", m_socket ? port : ""); #ifndef NDS char timeBuffer[16]; auto const now = std::time (nullptr); std::strftime (timeBuffer, sizeof (timeBuffer), "%H:%M:%S", std::localtime (&now)); std::printf (" \x1b[37;1m%s", timeBuffer); #endif std::fputs ("\x1b[K", stdout); std::fflush (stdout); } { #ifndef NDS auto const lock = std::scoped_lock (s_lock); #endif if (!s_freeSpace.empty ()) { consoleSelect (&g_statusConsole); std::printf ("\x1b[0;%uH\x1b[32;1m%s", static_cast (g_statusConsole.windowWidth - s_freeSpace.size () + 1), s_freeSpace.c_str ()); std::fflush (stdout); } } { #ifndef NDS auto lock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); #endif consoleSelect (&g_sessionConsole); std::fputs ("\x1b[2J", stdout); for (auto &session : m_sessions) { session->draw (); if (&session != &m_sessions.back ()) std::fputc ('\n', stdout); } std::fflush (stdout); } drawLog (); #else auto const &io = ImGui::GetIO (); auto const width = io.DisplaySize.x; auto const height = io.DisplaySize.y; ImGui::SetNextWindowPos (ImVec2 (0, 0), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); #ifdef _3DS // top screen ImGui::SetNextWindowSize (ImVec2 (width, height * 0.5f)); #else ImGui::SetNextWindowSize (ImVec2 (width, height)); #endif { char title[64]; { auto const serverLock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); std::snprintf (title, sizeof (title), STATUS_STRING " %s###ftpd", m_socket ? m_name.c_str () : "Waiting for WiFi..."); } ImGui::Begin (title, nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize #ifndef _3DS | ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar #endif ); } #ifndef _3DS showMenu (); #endif #ifndef _3DS ImGui::BeginChild ( "Logs", ImVec2 (0, 0.5f * height), false, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar); #endif drawLog (); #ifndef _3DS ImGui::EndChild (); #endif #ifdef _3DS ImGui::End (); // bottom screen ImGui::SetNextWindowSize (ImVec2 (width * 0.8f, height * 0.5f)); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos (ImVec2 (width * 0.1f, height * 0.5f), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver); ImGui::Begin ("Sessions", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar); showMenu (); #else ImGui::Separator (); #endif { auto lock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); for (auto &session : m_sessions) session->draw (); } ImGui::End (); #endif } UniqueFtpServer FtpServer::create () { updateFreeSpace (); auto config = FtpConfig::load (FTPDCONFIG); return UniqueFtpServer (new FtpServer (std::move (config))); } std::string FtpServer::getFreeSpace () { #ifndef NDS auto const lock = std::scoped_lock (s_lock); #endif return s_freeSpace; } void FtpServer::updateFreeSpace () { struct statvfs st; #if defined(NDS) || defined(_3DS) || defined(__SWITCH__) if (::statvfs ("sdmc:/", &st) != 0) #else if (::statvfs ("/", &st) != 0) #endif return; auto freeSpace = fs::printSize (static_cast (st.f_bsize) * st.f_bfree); #ifndef NDS auto const lock = std::scoped_lock (s_lock); #endif if (freeSpace != s_freeSpace) s_freeSpace = std::move (freeSpace); } std::time_t FtpServer::startTime () { return s_startTime; } void FtpServer::handleNetworkFound () { struct sockaddr_in addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; #if defined(NDS) addr.sin_addr = Wifi_GetIPInfo (nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); #elif defined(_3DS) || defined(__SWITCH__) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = gethostid (); #else addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; #endif addr.sin_port = htons (m_config->port ()); auto socket = Socket::create (); if (!socket) return; if (m_config->port () != 0 && !socket->setReuseAddress (true)) return; if (!socket->bind (addr)) return; if (!socket->listen (10)) return; auto const &sockName = socket->sockName (); auto const name = sockName.name (); m_name.resize (std::strlen (name) + 3 + 5); m_name.resize (std::sprintf (&m_name[0], "[%s]:%u", name, sockName.port ())); info ("Started server at %s\n", m_name.c_str ()); LOCKED (m_socket = std::move (socket)); } void FtpServer::handleNetworkLost () { { // destroy sessions std::vector sessions; LOCKED (sessions = std::move (m_sessions)); } { // destroy command socket UniqueSocket sock; LOCKED (sock = std::move (m_socket)); } info ("Stopped server at %s\n", m_name.c_str ()); } void FtpServer::showMenu () { #ifndef CLASSIC auto const prevShowSettings = m_showSettings; if (ImGui::BeginMenuBar ()) { #if defined(_3DS) || defined(__SWITCH__) if (ImGui::BeginMenu (u8"Menu \xee\x80\x83")) // Y Button #else if (ImGui::BeginMenu ("Menu")) #endif { if (ImGui::MenuItem ("Settings")) m_showSettings = true; ImGui::EndMenu (); } ImGui::EndMenuBar (); } if (!prevShowSettings && m_showSettings) { m_userSetting = m_config->user (); m_userSetting.resize (32); m_passSetting = m_config->pass (); m_passSetting.resize (32); m_portSetting = m_config->port (); #ifdef _3DS m_getMTimeSetting = m_config->getMTime (); #endif ImGui::OpenPopup ("Settings"); } #ifdef _3DS auto const &io = ImGui::GetIO (); auto const width = io.DisplaySize.x; auto const height = io.DisplaySize.y; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize (ImVec2 (width * 0.8f, height * 0.5f)); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos (ImVec2 (width * 0.1f, height * 0.5f)); if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal ("Settings", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize)) #else if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal ("Settings", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) #endif { ImGui::InputText ( "User", &m_userSetting[0], m_userSetting.size (), ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll); ImGui::InputText ("Pass", &m_passSetting[0], m_passSetting.size (), ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll | ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password); ImGui::InputScalar ("Port", ImGuiDataType_U16, &m_portSetting, nullptr, nullptr, "%u", ImGuiInputTextFlags_AutoSelectAll); #ifdef _3DS ImGui::Checkbox ("Get mtime", &m_getMTimeSetting); #endif auto const apply = ImGui::Button ("Apply", ImVec2 (100, 0)); ImGui::SameLine (); auto const save = ImGui::Button ("Save", ImVec2 (100, 0)); ImGui::SameLine (); auto const cancel = ImGui::Button ("Cancel", ImVec2 (100, 0)); if (apply || save) { m_showSettings = false; ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup (); m_config->setUser (m_userSetting); m_config->setPass (m_passSetting); m_config->setPort (m_portSetting); #ifdef _3DS m_config->setGetMTime (m_getMTimeSetting); #endif UniqueSocket socket; LOCKED (socket = std::move (m_socket)); } if (save && !m_config->save (FTPDCONFIG)) error ("Failed to save config\n"); if (apply || save || cancel) { m_showSettings = false; ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup (); } ImGui::EndPopup (); } #endif } void FtpServer::loop () { if (!m_socket) { if (platform::networkVisible ()) handleNetworkFound (); } // poll listen socket if (m_socket) { Socket::PollInfo info{*m_socket, POLLIN, 0}; auto const rc = Socket::poll (&info, 1, 0ms); if (rc < 0) { handleNetworkLost (); return; } if (rc > 0 && (info.revents & POLLIN)) { auto socket = m_socket->accept (); if (socket) { auto session = FtpSession::create (*m_config, std::move (socket)); LOCKED (m_sessions.emplace_back (std::move (session))); } else { handleNetworkLost (); return; } } } { std::vector deadSessions; { // remove dead sessions #ifndef NDS auto lock = std::scoped_lock (m_lock); #endif auto it = std::begin (m_sessions); while (it != std::end (m_sessions)) { auto &session = *it; if (session->dead ()) { deadSessions.emplace_back (std::move (session)); it = m_sessions.erase (it); } else ++it; } } } // poll sessions if (!m_sessions.empty ()) { if (!FtpSession::poll (m_sessions)) handleNetworkLost (); } #ifndef NDS // avoid busy polling in background thread else platform::Thread::sleep (16ms); #endif } void FtpServer::threadFunc () { while (!m_quit) loop (); }