package de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.utils; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.implementation.*; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.implementation.loader.WUDFSTDataProviderLoader; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.implementation.loader.WumadFSTDataProviderLoader; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.interfaces.FuseContainer; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.fuse_wiiu.interfaces.FuseDirectory; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.implementations.wud.reader.WUDDiscReaderSplitted; import de.mas.wiiu.jnus.utils.Utils; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; public class FuseContainerWrapper { private final static String prefix = "[EMULATED] "; public static Map createFuseContainer(Optional parent, File c) { System.out.println("Mounting " + c.getAbsolutePath()); Map result = new HashMap<>(); if (c.exists() && c.isDirectory()) { File[] tmd = c.listFiles(f -> f.isFile() && f.getName().startsWith("tmd")); File[] appFiles = c.listFiles(f -> f.isFile() && f.getName().startsWith("000") && f.getName().length() == 8); if (tmd != null && tmd.length > 0 && appFiles != null && appFiles.length > 0) { result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new RemoteLocalBackupNUSTitleContainer(parent, c)); return result; } } if (c.exists() && c.isDirectory()) { File[] tmd = c.listFiles(f -> f.isFile() && (f.getName().startsWith("tmd.") || f.getName().startsWith("title.tmd"))); if (tmd != null && tmd.length > 0) { // In case there is a tmd file // Checks if we have the local backup format File[] versions = c.listFiles(f -> f.getName().startsWith("tmd.")); if (versions != null && versions.length > 0 && c.getName().length() == 16 && Utils.StringToLong(c.getName()) > 0) { result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new LocalBackupNUSTitleContainer(parent, c)); return result; } // if not return normal title container. result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new LocalNUSTitleContainer(parent, c)); return result; } } if (c.exists() && c.getName().endsWith(".woomy")) { result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new WoomyNUSTitleContainer(parent, c)); return result; } if (c.exists() && c.getName().endsWith(".wumad")) { result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new MultipleFSTDataProviderFuseContainer<>(parent, c, WumadFSTDataProviderLoader.getInstance())); result.put(prefix + "[EXTRA] " + c.getName(), new MultipleFSTDataProviderRecursiveFuseContainer<>(parent, c, WumadFSTDataProviderLoader.getInstance())); return result; } if (checkWUD(result, parent, c)) { return result; } if (c.isDirectory()) { result.put(c.getName(), new FSFuseContainer(parent, c)); return result; } return result; } private static boolean checkWUD(Map result, Optional parent, File c) { if (c.exists() && c.isFile() && (c.getName().endsWith(".wux") || c.getName().endsWith(".wud") || c.getName().endsWith(".ddi") || c.getName().endsWith(".wumada"))) { if (c.length() == WUDDiscReaderSplitted.WUD_SPLITTED_FILE_SIZE && !c.getName().endsWith("part1.wud")) { return false; } result.put(prefix + c.getName(), new MultipleFSTDataProviderFuseContainer<>(parent, c, WUDFSTDataProviderLoader.getInstance())); result.put(prefix + "[EXTRA] " + c.getName(), new MultipleFSTDataProviderRecursiveFuseContainer<>(parent, c, WUDFSTDataProviderLoader.getInstance())); if (c.getName().endsWith("part1.wud") || c.getName().endsWith(".wux")) { result.put(prefix + "[WUD] " + c.getName(), new WUDToWUDContainer(parent, c)); } return true; } return false; } }