
328 lines
13 KiB

#include "GDB_IO.h"
#include "GDBUtils.h"
#include "imports.h"
#include <coreinit/core.h>
#include <coreinit/debug.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <wups/function_patching.h>
static const char *sHexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
static int32_t gIOOutputOffset = 0;
int32_t gGDBCharsInIOBuffer = 0;
int32_t gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed = 0;
char gIOBuffer[IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY] = {};
char gIOOutBuffer[IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY] = {};
static char sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer = '\0';
void ResetIOOffsets() {
gIOOutputOffset = 0;
gGDBCharsInIOBuffer = 0;
gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed = 0;
memset(gIOBuffer, 0, sizeof(gIOBuffer));
memset(gIOOutBuffer, 0, sizeof(gIOOutBuffer));
sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer = '\0';
// 0x02039158
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOInit) {
gIOOutputOffset = 0;
// 0x0203a76c
DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, MasterAgent_IOCurrentIndex) {
return gIOOutputOffset;
// 0x0203a778
DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, MasterAgent_IORemaining) {
return (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4) - gIOOutputOffset;
// 0x0203a788
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IORestoreIndex, int32_t index) {
gIOOutputOffset = index;
// 0x0203a758
DECL_FUNCTION(char *, MasterAgent_IOCurrentBufferPointer) {
return &gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset];
// 0x02039168
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutChar, char curChar) {
if ((IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 5) < gIOOutputOffset) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = curChar;
// 0x0203a7ec
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutHex4, uint8_t val) {
if ((IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 5) < gIOOutputOffset) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = sHexChars[val & 0xf];
// 0x0203a794
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutHex8, uint8_t val) {
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4 - 1)) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = sHexChars[(val >> 4) & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 1] = sHexChars[val & 0xf];
gIOOutputOffset += 2;
} else {
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4)) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = 'f';
// 0x0203a884
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutHex16, uint16_t value) {
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4 - 3)) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = sHexChars[(value >> 0xc) & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 1] = sHexChars[(value >> 0x8) & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 2] = sHexChars[(value >> 0x4) & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 3] = sHexChars[(value >> 0x0) & 0xf];
gIOOutputOffset += 4;
} else {
auto offsetCpy = gIOOutputOffset;
while (offsetCpy < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4)) {
gIOOutBuffer[offsetCpy] = 'f';
// 0x02039190
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutHex32, uint32_t value) {
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4 - 7)) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = sHexChars[value >> 0x1c & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 1] = sHexChars[value >> 0x18 & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 2] = sHexChars[value >> 0x14 & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 3] = sHexChars[value >> 0x10 & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 4] = sHexChars[value >> 0xc & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 5] = sHexChars[value >> 0x8 & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 6] = sHexChars[value >> 0x4 & 0xf];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 7] = sHexChars[value >> 0x0 & 0xf];
gIOOutputOffset += 8;
} else {
auto offsetCpy = gIOOutputOffset;
while (offsetCpy < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4)) {
gIOOutBuffer[offsetCpy] = 'f';
// 0x0203a81c
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutStringAsHex, const char *str) {
uint32_t offset = 0;
char curChar = *str;
while (curChar != 0) {
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4 - 1)) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = sHexChars[curChar >> 4];
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset + 1] = sHexChars[curChar & 0xf];
gIOOutputOffset += 2;
curChar = str[offset];
void my_MasterAgent_PutPacket(const char *packetStr, bool checkPendingInputFirst);
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOSendEx, bool unknwn1) {
if ((IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4) < gIOOutputOffset) {
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = '\0';
my_MasterAgent_PutPacket(gIOOutBuffer, unknwn1);
// Checked
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOPutString, const char *str) {
uint32_t offset = 0;
auto curChar = str[0];
while (curChar != '\0') {
auto uVar1 = gIOOutputOffset;
if (gIOOutputOffset < (IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY - 4)) {
uVar1 = gIOOutputOffset + 1;
gIOOutBuffer[gIOOutputOffset] = curChar;
offset = offset + 1;
gIOOutputOffset = uVar1;
curChar = str[offset];
extern "C" int32_t DK_PCharReadAsync(uint32_t channel_guess, uint32_t bufferSize, char *buffer);
// 0x02039250
DECL_FUNCTION(bool, MasterAgent_IOPendingInput) {
auto masterCore = GDBStub_MasterCore();
if (OSGetCoreId() == masterCore) {
if (gIsDebuggerInitializedOnCore[masterCore] != 0) {
if ((__OSGetAppFlags() & 0x80) == 0) {
gGDBCharsInIOBuffer = Waikiki_Read(gIOBuffer, IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
} else if (gGDBCharsInIOBuffer == gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed) {
gGDBCharsInIOBuffer = DK_PCharReadAsync(1, IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY, gIOBuffer);
gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed = 0;
if (gGDBCharsInIOBuffer < 1) {
gGDBCharsInIOBuffer = 0;
return false;
return true;
return false;
// Checked
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_IOUnGetChar, char charToUndo) {
sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer = charToUndo;
// 0x0203936c
DECL_FUNCTION(char, MasterAgent_IOGetChar) {
char result;
result = sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer;
if (sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer != '\0') {
sGDBCharUndoGetBuffer = '\0';
return result;
if (gGDBCharsInIOBuffer <= gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed) {
while (!my_MasterAgent_IOPendingInput()) {
// wait for input...
if (gGDBCharsInIOBuffer <= gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed) {
return -1;
auto offsetCpy = gGDBCharsOfIOBufferConsumed;
return gIOBuffer[offsetCpy];
// Doubled capacity to be able to escape every single char, add 4 for the '$' prefix and '#00' checksum suffix
static char sWritePacketBuffer[(IO_BUFFER_CAPACITY * 2) + 4];
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_PutPacket, const char *packetStr, bool checkPendingInputFirst) {
OSReport("Send packet \"%s\"\n", packetStr);
uint32_t tryCount = 0;
bool ctrl_c_seen = false;
bool checkPendingInput = checkPendingInputFirst;
while (true) {
if (checkPendingInput) {
while (my_MasterAgent_IOPendingInput()) {
auto curChar = my_MasterAgent_IOGetChar();
if (curChar == '$') {
my_MasterAgent_IOUnGetChar((char) curChar);
if (curChar == '\x03') {
ctrl_c_seen = true;
if (packetStr == nullptr) {
} else {
memset(sWritePacketBuffer, 0, sizeof(sWritePacketBuffer));
auto *outBufferPtr = sWritePacketBuffer;
sWritePacketBuffer[0] = '$';
uint32_t checksum = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
auto curChar = packetStr[offset];
while (curChar != '\0') {
if ((curChar == '#' || curChar == '$' || curChar == '}' || curChar == '*')) {
outBufferPtr[0] = '}';
checksum += '}';
outBufferPtr[1] = (char) (curChar ^ 0x20);
checksum += (char) (curChar ^ 0x20);
} else {
outBufferPtr[0] = curChar;
checksum += curChar;
curChar = packetStr[offset];
outBufferPtr[0] = '#';
outBufferPtr[1] = sHexChars[(checksum & 0xff) >> 4];
outBufferPtr[2] = sHexChars[checksum & 0xf];
do {
auto curChar = my_MasterAgent_IOGetChar();
if (((curChar == '+') || (curChar == '-')) || (curChar == '$')) {
if (ctrl_c_seen) {
gCoreData[GDBStub_MasterCore()].signal = GDBSIGNAL_SIGINT;
if (curChar == '+') {
if (curChar == '-') {
if (tryCount > 9) {
OSReport("MasterAgent_PutPacket: NACK received 10 times in a row\n");
checkPendingInput = true;
} else {
my_MasterAgent_IOUnGetChar((char) curChar);
if (curChar == '\x03') {
ctrl_c_seen = true;
} while (!my_MasterAgent_IOPendingInput());
DECL_FUNCTION(void, MasterAgent_SendResult, uint32_t result) {
if (result == 0) {
MasterAgent_PutPacket("OK", false);
my_MasterAgent_IOPutHex8((uint8_t) (result & 0xFF));
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOInit, (0x3201C400 + (0x02039158 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x02039158 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOCurrentIndex, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a76c - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a76c - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IORemaining, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a778 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a778 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IORestoreIndex, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a788 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a788 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOCurrentBufferPointer, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a758 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a758 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutChar, (0x3201C400 + (0x02039168 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x02039168 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutHex4, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a7ec - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a7ec - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutHex8, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a794 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a794 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutHex16, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a884 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a884 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutHex32, (0x3201C400 + (0x02039190 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x02039190 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutStringAsHex, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203a81c - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203a81c - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOSendEx, (0x3201C400 + (0x02039a28 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x02039a28 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPutString, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203b6b4 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203b6b4 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOPendingInput, (0x3201C400 + (0x02039250 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x02039250 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOUnGetChar, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203942c - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203942c - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_IOGetChar, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203936c - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203936c - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_PutPacket, (0x3201C400 + (0x020394d8 - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x020394d8 - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);
WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL_FOR_PROCESS(MasterAgent_SendResult, (0x3201C400 + (0x0203bafc - 0x02000000)), (0x101C400 + (0x0203bafc - 0x02000000)), WUPS_FP_TARGET_PROCESS_GAME_AND_MENU);