#include #include #include #include "imports.h" u32* framebuffer_tv; u32* framebuffer_drc; u32 framebuffer_tv_size; u32 framebuffer_drc_size; void gfxInit() { OSScreenInit(); framebuffer_tv_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(0); framebuffer_drc_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(1); framebuffer_tv = (u32*)0xF4000000; framebuffer_drc = (u32*)((void*)framebuffer_tv + framebuffer_tv_size); OSScreenSetBufferEx(0, framebuffer_tv); OSScreenSetBufferEx(1, framebuffer_drc); } void gfxFlip() { OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(0); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(1); } void print(char* str, int x, int y) { OSScreenPutFontEx(0, x, y, str); OSScreenPutFontEx(1, x, y, str); } void _main() { // clear bss memset(&_bss_start, 0x00, &_bss_end - &_bss_start); // get all the functions init_imports(); // init framebuffers and stuff gfxInit(); while(1) { VPADData vpad_data; int vpad_error; VPADRead(0, &vpad_data, 1, &vpad_error); OSScreenClearBufferEx(0, 0x40404040); OSScreenClearBufferEx(1, 0x40404040); print("wii u got SPYND yo", 5, 5); int line = 7; if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_A) print("A is held", 7, line++); if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_B) print("B is held", 7, line++); if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_X) print("X is held", 7, line++); if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_Y) print("Y is held", 7, line++); if (vpad_data.btn_hold & BUTTON_HOME) print("HOME is held", 7, line++); gfxFlip(); } while(1); }