#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../config.h" #ifdef ENABLE_UPDATES #include "tcp.h" #include "panic.h" #include "http.h" extern u32 ms_id; extern u32 ng_id; typedef enum { HTTPCMD_IDLE = 0, HTTPCMD_EXIT, HTTPCMD_FETCH } http_cmd; typedef struct { bool running; bool done; http_cmd cmd; char *host; u16 port; char *path; u32 max_size; u16 sysmenu_version; char *region; char *area; mutex_t mutex; mutex_t cmutex; cond_t cond; http_state state; http_res res; u32 http_status; u32 content_length; u32 progress; u8 *data; } http_arg; static lwp_t http_thread; static u8 http_stack[HTTP_THREAD_STACKSIZE] ATTRIBUTE_ALIGN (32); static http_arg ta_http; static u16 get_tmd_version(u64 title) { STACK_ALIGN(u8, tmdbuf, 1024, 32); u32 tmd_view_size = 0; s32 res; res = ES_GetTMDViewSize(title, &tmd_view_size); if (res < 0) return 0; if (tmd_view_size > 1024) return 0; res = ES_GetTMDView(title, tmdbuf, tmd_view_size); if (res < 0) return 0; return (tmdbuf[88] << 8) | tmdbuf[89]; } static bool http_split_url (char **host, char **path, const char *url) { const char *p; char *c; if (strncasecmp (url, "http://", 7)) return false; p = url + 7; c = strchr (p, '/'); if (c[0] == 0) return false; *host = strndup (p, c - p); *path = pstrdup (c); return true; } static void * http_func (void *arg) { http_arg *ta = (http_arg *) arg; int s; char *request, *r; int linecount; char *line; bool b; s64 t; ta->running = true; LWP_MutexLock (ta->cmutex); LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); while (true) { while (ta->cmd == HTTPCMD_IDLE) LWP_CondWait(ta->cond, ta->cmutex); if (ta->cmd == HTTPCMD_EXIT) break; ta->cmd = HTTPCMD_IDLE; s = tcp_connect (ta->host, ta->port); LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); if (s < 0) { ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_CONNECT; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); continue; } ta->state = HTTPS_REQUESTING; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); request = (char *) pmalloc (2048); r = request; r += sprintf (r, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", ta->path); r += sprintf (r, "Host: %s\r\n", ta->host); r += sprintf (r, "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"); r += sprintf (r, "User-Agent: TheHomebrewChannel/%s Wii/%08lx" " (%lu; %u; %s-%s)\r\n", CHANNEL_VERSION_STR, ng_id, ms_id, ta->sysmenu_version, ta->region, ta->area); strcat (r, "\r\n"); b = tcp_write (s, (u8 *) request, strlen (request), NULL, NULL); free (request); if (!b) { LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_REQUEST; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); net_close (s); continue; } linecount = 0; t = gettime (); while (true) { line = tcp_readln (s, 0xff, t, HTTP_TIMEOUT); if (!line) { LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); ta->http_status = 404; ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_REQUEST; break; } if (strlen (line) < 1) { free (line); LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); break; } sscanf (line, "HTTP/1.%*u %lu", &ta->http_status); sscanf (line, "Content-Length: %lu", &ta->content_length); free (line); linecount++; if (linecount == 32) { LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); ta->http_status = 404; ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_REQUEST; break; } } if (ta->content_length < 1) ta->http_status = 404; if (ta->http_status != 200) { ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_STATUS; ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); net_close (s); continue; } if (ta->content_length > ta->max_size) { ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_TOOBIG; ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); net_close (s); continue; } ta->state = HTTPS_RECEIVING; // safety, for char[] parsing ta->data = (u8 *) pmalloc (ta->content_length + 1); LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); b = tcp_read (s, ta->data, ta->content_length, &ta->mutex, &ta->progress); if (!b) { LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); free (ta->data); ta->data = NULL; ta->res = HTTPR_ERR_RECEIVE; ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); net_close (s); continue; } gprintf("done with download\n"); LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); ta->data[ta->content_length] = 0; ta->res = HTTPR_OK; ta->state = HTTPS_IDLE; ta->done = true; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); net_close (s); } LWP_MutexUnlock (ta->cmutex); gprintf("http thread done\n"); ta->running = false; return NULL; } void http_init (void) { s32 res; gprintf ("starting http thread\n"); memset (&ta_http, 0, sizeof (http_arg)); ta_http.sysmenu_version = get_tmd_version(0x0000000100000002ll); switch (CONF_GetRegion()) { case CONF_REGION_JP: ta_http.region = pstrdup("JP"); break; case CONF_REGION_US: ta_http.region = pstrdup("US"); break; case CONF_REGION_EU: ta_http.region = pstrdup("EU"); break; case CONF_REGION_KR: ta_http.region = pstrdup("KR"); break; case CONF_REGION_CN: ta_http.region = pstrdup("CN"); break; default: ta_http.region = pstrdup("UNK"); break; } switch (CONF_GetArea()) { case CONF_AREA_JPN: ta_http.area = pstrdup("JPN"); break; case CONF_AREA_USA: ta_http.area = pstrdup("USA"); break; case CONF_AREA_EUR: ta_http.area = pstrdup("EUR"); break; case CONF_AREA_AUS: ta_http.area = pstrdup("AUS"); break; case CONF_AREA_BRA: ta_http.area = pstrdup("BRA"); break; case CONF_AREA_TWN: ta_http.area = pstrdup("TWN"); break; case CONF_AREA_ROC: ta_http.area = pstrdup("ROC"); break; case CONF_AREA_KOR: ta_http.area = pstrdup("KOR"); break; case CONF_AREA_HKG: ta_http.area = pstrdup("HKG"); break; case CONF_AREA_ASI: ta_http.area = pstrdup("ASI"); break; case CONF_AREA_LTN: ta_http.area = pstrdup("LTN"); break; case CONF_AREA_SAF: ta_http.area = pstrdup("SAF"); break; case CONF_AREA_CHN: ta_http.area = pstrdup("CHN"); break; default: ta_http.area = pstrdup("UNK"); break; } res = LWP_MutexInit (&ta_http.mutex, false); if (res) { gprintf ("error creating mutex: %ld\n", res); return; } res = LWP_MutexInit (&ta_http.cmutex, false); if (res) { gprintf ("error creating cmutex: %ld\n", res); return; } res = LWP_CondInit (&ta_http.cond); if (res) { gprintf ("error creating cond: %ld\n", res); return; } memset (&http_stack, 0, HTTP_THREAD_STACKSIZE); res = LWP_CreateThread (&http_thread, http_func, &ta_http, http_stack, HTTP_THREAD_STACKSIZE, HTTP_THREAD_PRIO); gprintf("created http thread\n"); if (res) { gprintf ("error creating thread: %ld\n", res); } } void http_deinit (void) { int i; if (ta_http.running) { gprintf ("stopping http thread\n"); for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i) { if (LWP_MutexTryLock (ta_http.cmutex) == 0) { break; } usleep (20 * 1000); } if (i < 25) { gprintf ("sending http entry thread the exit cmd\n"); ta_http.cmd = HTTPCMD_EXIT; LWP_SetThreadPriority (http_thread, LWP_PRIO_HIGHEST); LWP_CondBroadcast (ta_http.cond); LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.cmutex); LWP_JoinThread(http_thread, NULL); LWP_CondDestroy (ta_http.cond); LWP_MutexDestroy (ta_http.cmutex); LWP_MutexDestroy (ta_http.mutex); free(ta_http.region); free(ta_http.area); return; } gprintf("http thread didn't shutdown gracefully!\n"); } return; } bool http_ready (void) { return ta_http.running && ta_http.done; } bool http_request (const char *url, u32 max_size) { if (!http_ready () || !http_split_url (&ta_http.host, &ta_http.path, url)) return false; LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.cmutex); ta_http.done = false; ta_http.cmd = HTTPCMD_FETCH; ta_http.port = 80; ta_http.max_size = max_size; LWP_CondBroadcast (ta_http.cond); LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.cmutex); return true; } bool http_get_state (http_state *state, u32 *content_length, u32 *progress) { if (!ta_http.running) return false; LWP_MutexLock (ta_http.mutex); *state = ta_http.state; *content_length = ta_http.content_length; *progress = ta_http.progress; LWP_MutexUnlock (ta_http.mutex); return true; } bool http_get_result (http_res *res, u32 *http_status, u8 **content, u32 *length) { if (!http_ready()) return false; *res = ta_http.res; *http_status = ta_http.http_status; if (ta_http.res == HTTPR_OK) { *content = ta_http.data; *length = ta_http.content_length; } else { *content = NULL; *length = 0; } free (ta_http.host); ta_http.host = NULL; free (ta_http.path); ta_http.path = NULL; return true; } #endif