# French translations for HID to VPAD. # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: 0.9j\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-08 17:13+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-05-09 19:59+0200\n" "Last-Translator: jlozes\n" "Language-Team: French\n" "Language: fr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: src/menu/InputGetterMenu.cpp:34 msgid "Press any button on the USB-Controller you want to use." msgstr "Pressez un bouton de la manette USB à utiliser." #: src/menu/InputGetterMenu.cpp:35 msgid "Press B to disable the mapping" msgstr "Pressez B pour désactiver le mappage" #: src/menu/drc/MainWindowContent.cpp:28 msgid "Exit to HBL " msgstr "Retour au HBL " #: src/menu/drc/MainWindowContent.cpp:31 msgid "Apply Patches" msgstr "Appliquer patches" #: src/menu/drc/MainWindowDRC.cpp:48 msgid "TCP Server running on: " msgstr "Serveur TCP actif sur: " #: src/menu/drc/MenuElementController.cpp:43 msgid "Nothing attached" msgstr "Rien de connecté" #: src/menu/drc/MenuElementController.cpp:160 #: src/menu/tv/TVButtonController.cpp:38 #: src/menu/tv/TVButtonController.cpp:172 msgid "No device" msgstr "Aucun périphérique" #: src/menu/drc/MenuElementController.cpp:169 #: src/menu/tv/TVButtonController.cpp:181 msgid "Real Pro Controller" msgstr "Pro Controller réel" #: src/menu/drc/MenuElementController.cpp:171 #: src/menu/tv/TVButtonController.cpp:183 msgid "Mouse / Keyboard" msgstr "Souris / Clavier" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:31 src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:32 msgid "Home" msgstr "Accueil" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:39 msgid "Other" msgstr "Autre" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:40 src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:20 msgid "Help" msgstr "Aide" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:41 #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:20 msgid "Network Client" msgstr "Client réseau" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:42 src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:33 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Paramètres" #: src/menu/drc/MenuListDRC.cpp:43 msgid "About" msgstr "À propos" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:29 msgid "Currently no device is connected." msgstr "Aucun périphérique connecté actuellement." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:33 msgid "Device connected. You can test it by pressing buttons." msgstr "Périphérique connecté. Testez-le en pressant ses boutons." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:34 msgid "Press A to remap to a new controller." msgstr "Pressez A pour remapper à une nouvelle manette." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:35 msgid "Mouse connected. You can test it by pressing buttons." msgstr "Souris connectée. Testez-la en pressant ses boutons." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:36 msgid "Keyboard connected. You can test it by pressing buttons." msgstr "Clavier connecté. Testez-le en pressant ses boutons." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:37 msgid "Press X to add a Keyboard." msgstr "Pressez X pour ajouter un clavier." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:38 msgid "Press X to add a Mouse." msgstr "Pressez X pour ajouter une souris." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:39 msgid "Keyboard connected." msgstr "Clavier connecté." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:40 msgid "Mouse connected." msgstr "Souris connectée." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentController.cpp:51 msgid "Press A to map a controller to " msgstr "Pressez A pour mapper une manette pour " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:39 msgid "My controller is not working!" msgstr "Ma manette ne fonctionne pas!" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:46 msgid "Make sure you have a valid config in the folder \"sd:/wiiu/controller\"" msgstr "Vérifiez si vous avez un fichier de config valide dans le dossier \"sd:/wiiu/controller\"" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:54 msgid "Where do I get the config files from?" msgstr "Où trouver des fichiers de config?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:61 msgid "You can create them by yourself or download them from " msgstr "Vous pouvez les créer vous-même ou les récupérer ici: " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:69 msgid "https://github.com/Maschell/controller_patcher_configs" msgstr "https://github.com/Maschell/controller_patcher_configs" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:76 msgid "I have no idea how create a own config!" msgstr "Comment créer ma propre config?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:83 msgid "You're lucky! There a whole wiki about creating them:" msgstr "Pas d'inquiétude! Il y a un wiki sur comment le créer: " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:97 msgid "XYZ is not working!" msgstr "XYZ ne fonctionne pas!" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:104 msgid "If you find a bug, please open an issue on github" msgstr "Si vous avez un bug, ouvrez un problème sur github" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:111 msgid "Could you add feature XYZ? Please!" msgstr "Pouvez-vous ajouter la fonction XYZ?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:118 msgid "Maybe.It depends on the request, I can't promise anything." msgstr "Cela dépend de la demande, je ne promet rien." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHelp.cpp:124 msgid "Just open an issue and I'll try to do my best." msgstr "Ouvrez un problème et je ferai de mon mieux." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHome.cpp:22 msgid "Welcome to HID to VPAD!" msgstr "Bienvenue dans HID to VPAD" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHome.cpp:23 msgid "HID to VPAD allows you to use your USB controller on your WiiU. Currently you can emulate the Gamepad or a Pro Controller." msgstr "HID to VPAD permet d'utiliser une manette USB sur une WiiU. Vous pouvez actuellement émuler le Gamepad ou un Pro Controller." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHome.cpp:24 msgid "Before you use your controller, you may need to provide a valid config. More information and config files can be found in the help section or on gbatemp.net (gbatemp.net/threads/424127/)." msgstr "Avant d'utiliser votre manette, vous pourriez avoir à fournir un fichier de config valide. Pour plus d'informations et de fichiers de config, ouvrez l'aide ou allez sur gbatemp.net (gbatemp.net/threads/424127/)." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentHome.cpp:25 msgid "To map a device, select a controller from the list on the left hand side." msgstr "Pour mapper un périphérique, sélectionner une manette dans la liste de gauche." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:39 msgid "What is the Network Client?" msgstr "Qu'est-ce que le client réseau?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:46 msgid "It allows you to use your controller connected to your Computer with" msgstr "Cela vous permet d'utiliser votre manette connectée à vôtre ordinateur " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:54 msgid "HID to VPAD. This way for example XInput- and HID-Bluetooth-Devices" msgstr "avec HID to VPAD. Des manettes utilisant XInput et HID Bluetooth " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:61 msgid "can be used. It connects to your console over your local network." msgstr "peuvent être utilisées. Elles se connectent à la console via le réseau local." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:68 msgid "How do I use it?" msgstr "Comment l'utiliser?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:75 msgid "Enter the IP (upper right corner!) of your console and press connect." msgstr "Entrez l'IP, (dans le coin haut-droit) de la console et cliquez sur se" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:82 msgid "If everything worked correctly, use the controller just like one" msgstr "connecter. Si tout fonctionne bien, utilisez votre manette comme " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:89 msgid "connected via USB. You can find a detailed guide here:" msgstr "celle qui se connecte en USB. Le guide détaillé est ici: " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:96 msgid "http://gbatemp.net/threads/hid-to-vpad.424127/" msgstr "http://gbatemp.net/threads/hid-to-vpad.424127/" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:105 msgid "Is there any input lag?" msgstr "Y-a-t-il des lags?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:112 msgid "With a connection via Ethernet, you shouldn't notice any lag." msgstr "Avec une connection Ethernet, vous ne devriez noter aucun lag." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:119 msgid "Wi-Fi may lead to some issues or lag, but it heavily depends on the" msgstr "Le Wifi peut créer des problèmes mais cela dépend beaucoup de la" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:126 msgid "quality of your signal. If it's possible, connect everything via Ethernet." msgstr "qualité du signal. Si possible, connecter le tout via Ethernet." #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:133 msgid "Where can I get it?" msgstr "Où puis-je le trouvez?" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:140 msgid "It's open source and you can find it here: " msgstr "Il est Open source et peut être trouvé ici: " #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentNetworkHelp.cpp:147 msgid "https://github.com/QuarkTheAwesome/HIDtoVPADNetworkClient" msgstr "https://github.com/QuarkTheAwesome/HIDtoVPADNetworkClient" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:45 #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:50 msgid "Language" msgstr "Langue" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:46 #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:51 msgid "Rumble" msgstr "Vibration" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:47 #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:52 msgid "Music" msgstr "Musique" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:48 #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Network Controller" msgstr "" #: src/menu/drc/content/ContentSettings.cpp:74 msgid "" msgstr "" #: src/menu/tv/TVControllerBanner.cpp:41 msgid "Press to return to HBL" msgstr "Appuyez sur pour revenir au HBL" #: src/menu/tv/TVControllerBanner.cpp:44 msgid "Press to apply patches" msgstr "Appuyez sur pour appliquer les patches"