
137 lines
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2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
#include "exception_handler.h"
#include <coreinit/exception.h>
#include <coreinit/debug.h>
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
#define __stringify(rn) #rn
#define mfspr(_rn) \
({ register uint32_t _rval = 0; \
asm volatile("mfspr %0," __stringify(_rn) \
: "=r" (_rval));\
_rval; \
typedef struct _framerec {
struct _framerec *up;
void *lr;
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
} frame_rec, *frame_rec_t;
static const char *exception_names[] = {
static const char exception_print_formats[18][45] = {
"Exception type %s occurred!\n", // 0
"GPR00 %08X GPR08 %08X GPR16 %08X GPR24 %08X\n", // 1
"GPR01 %08X GPR09 %08X GPR17 %08X GPR25 %08X\n", // 2
"GPR02 %08X GPR10 %08X GPR18 %08X GPR26 %08X\n", // 3
"GPR03 %08X GPR11 %08X GPR19 %08X GPR27 %08X\n", // 4
"GPR04 %08X GPR12 %08X GPR20 %08X GPR28 %08X\n", // 5
"GPR05 %08X GPR13 %08X GPR21 %08X GPR29 %08X\n", // 6
"GPR06 %08X GPR14 %08X GPR22 %08X GPR30 %08X\n", // 7
"GPR07 %08X GPR15 %08X GPR23 %08X GPR31 %08X\n", // 8
"LR %08X SRR0 %08x SRR1 %08x\n", // 9
"DAR %08X DSISR %08X\n", // 10
"\nSTACK DUMP:", // 11
" --> ", // 12
" -->\n", // 13
"\n", // 14
"%p", // 15
"\nCODE DUMP:\n", // 16
"%p: %08X %08X %08X %08X\n", // 17
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
static unsigned char exception_cb(OSContext * context, unsigned char exception_type) {
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
char buf[850];
int pos = 0;
* This part is mostly from libogc. Thanks to the devs over there.
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[0], exception_names[exception_type]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[1], context->gpr[0], context->gpr[8], context->gpr[16], context->gpr[24]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[2], context->gpr[1], context->gpr[9], context->gpr[17], context->gpr[25]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[3], context->gpr[2], context->gpr[10], context->gpr[18], context->gpr[26]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[4], context->gpr[3], context->gpr[11], context->gpr[19], context->gpr[27]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[5], context->gpr[4], context->gpr[12], context->gpr[20], context->gpr[28]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[6], context->gpr[5], context->gpr[13], context->gpr[21], context->gpr[29]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[7], context->gpr[6], context->gpr[14], context->gpr[22], context->gpr[30]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[8], context->gpr[7], context->gpr[15], context->gpr[23], context->gpr[31]);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[9], context->lr, context->srr0, context->srr1);
//if(exception_type == OS_EXCEPTION_DSI) {
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[10], context->dar, context->dsisr); // this freezes
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
void *pc = (void*)context->srr0;
void *lr = (void*)context->lr;
void *r1 = (void*)context->gpr[1];
register uint32_t i = 0;
register frame_rec_t l,p = (frame_rec_t)lr;
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
l = p;
p = r1;
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
asm volatile("mr %0,%%r1" : "=r"(p));
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[11]);
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
for(i = 0; i < CPU_STACK_TRACE_DEPTH-1 && p->up; p = p->up, i++) {
if(i % 4)
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[12]);
else {
if(i > 0)
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[13]);
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[14]);
switch(i) {
case 0:
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[15],pc);
case 1:
l = (frame_rec_t)mfspr(8);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[15],(void*)l);
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[15],(void*)(p->up->lr));
//if(exception_type == OS_EXCEPTION_DSI) {
uint32_t *pAdd = (uint32_t*)context->srr0;
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[16]);
// TODO by Dimok: this was actually be 3 instead of 2 lines in libogc .... but there is just no more space anymore on the screen
for (i = 0; i < 8; i += 4)
pos += sprintf(buf + pos, exception_print_formats[17], &(pAdd[i]),pAdd[i], pAdd[i+1], pAdd[i+2], pAdd[i+3]);
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00
return 1;
static unsigned char dsi_exception_cb(void * context) {
return exception_cb(context, 0);
static unsigned char isi_exception_cb(void * context) {
return exception_cb(context, 1);
static unsigned char program_exception_cb(void * context) {
return exception_cb(context, 2);
void setup_os_exceptions(void) {
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_DSI, (OSExceptionCallbackFn)dsi_exception_cb);
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ISI, (OSExceptionCallbackFn)isi_exception_cb);
OSSetExceptionCallback(OS_EXCEPTION_TYPE_PROGRAM, (OSExceptionCallbackFn)program_exception_cb);
2016-02-29 22:28:18 +01:00