#include "types.h" #include "elf_abi.h" #include "kexploit.h" #include "structs.h" #include "sd_loader.h" #define MEM_BASE 0xC0800000 #include "../src/common/common.h" #include "../src/common/os_defs.h" #include "../../libwiiu/src/coreinit.h" //! this shouldnt depend on OS #define LIB_CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET 0xC1000000 #define CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET 0xC0000000 #define DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET 0xC0000000 #if ( (VER == 532) || (VER == 540) ) #define ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr 0x1005d180 #define ADDRESS_main_entry_hook 0x0101c55c #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 0xFFE84C70 // unknown #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 0xFFE85070 // works with games #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 0xFFE85470 // works with loader #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 0xFFEA9CE0 // works with home menu #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 0xFFEAA0E0 // works with browser (previously KERN_SYSCALL_TBL) #elif ( (VER == 500) || (VER == 510) ) #define ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr 0x1005CB00 #define ADDRESS_main_entry_hook 0x0101C15C #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 0xFFE84C70 // unknown #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 0xFFE85070 // works with games #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 0xFFE85470 // works with loader #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 0xFFEA9120 // works with home menu #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 0xFFEA9520 // works with browser (previously KERN_SYSCALL_TBL) #elif ( (VER == 400) || (VER == 410) ) #define ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr 0x1005A8C0 #define ADDRESS_main_entry_hook 0x0101BD4C #define KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 0xFFE85890 // works with browser #endif // VER /* Install functions */ static void InstallMain(private_data_t *private_data); static void InstallPatches(private_data_t *private_data); static void ExitFailure(private_data_t *private_data, const char *failure); static int show_install_menu(unsigned int coreinit_handle, unsigned int *ip_address); static void thread_callback(int argc, void *argv); static void SetupKernelSyscall(unsigned int addr); /* assembly functions */ extern void Syscall_0x36(void); extern void KernelPatches(void); /* ****************************************************************** */ /* ENTRY POINT */ /* ****************************************************************** */ void __main(void) { /* Get coreinit handle and keep it in memory */ unsigned int coreinit_handle; OSDynLoad_Acquire("coreinit.rpl", &coreinit_handle); /* Get our memory functions */ unsigned int* functionPointer; void* (*memset)(void * dest, unsigned int value, unsigned int bytes); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memset", &memset); private_data_t private_data; memset(&private_data, 0, sizeof(private_data_t)); private_data.coreinit_handle = coreinit_handle; private_data.memset = memset; private_data.data_elf = (unsigned char *) ___sd_loader_sd_loader_elf; // use this address as temporary to load the elf OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx", &functionPointer); private_data.MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx = (void*(*)(unsigned int, unsigned int))*functionPointer; OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 1, "MEMFreeToDefaultHeap", &functionPointer); private_data.MEMFreeToDefaultHeap = (void (*)(void *))*functionPointer; OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "memcpy", &private_data.memcpy); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSEffectiveToPhysical", &private_data.OSEffectiveToPhysical); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "DCFlushRange", &private_data.DCFlushRange); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "ICInvalidateRange", &private_data.ICInvalidateRange); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "_Exit", &private_data._Exit); if (private_data.OSEffectiveToPhysical((void *)0xa0000000) != (void *)0x10000000) { run_kexploit(&private_data); return; } /* Get functions to send restart signal */ int(*IM_Open)(); int(*IM_Close)(int fd); int(*IM_SetDeviceState)(int fd, void *mem, int state, int a, int b); void*(*OSAllocFromSystem)(unsigned int size, int align); void(*OSFreeToSystem)(void *ptr); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Open", &IM_Open); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_Close", &IM_Close); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "IM_SetDeviceState", &IM_SetDeviceState); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSAllocFromSystem", &OSAllocFromSystem); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSFreeToSystem", &OSFreeToSystem); /* Send restart signal to get rid of uneeded threads */ /* Cause the other browser threads to exit */ int fd = IM_Open(); void *mem = OSAllocFromSystem(0x100, 64); if(!mem) ExitFailure(&private_data, "Not enough memory. Exit and re-enter browser."); private_data.memset(mem, 0, 0x100); /* Sets wanted flag */ IM_SetDeviceState(fd, mem, 3, 0, 0); IM_Close(fd); OSFreeToSystem(mem); /* Waits for thread exits */ unsigned int t1 = 0x1FFFFFFF; while(t1--) ; /* Prepare for thread startups */ int (*OSCreateThread)(void *thread, void *entry, int argc, void *args, unsigned int stack, unsigned int stack_size, int priority, unsigned short attr); int (*OSResumeThread)(void *thread); int (*OSIsThreadTerminated)(void *thread); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSCreateThread", &OSCreateThread); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSResumeThread", &OSResumeThread); OSDynLoad_FindExport(coreinit_handle, 0, "OSIsThreadTerminated", &OSIsThreadTerminated); /* Allocate a stack for the thread */ /* IMPORTANT: libcurl uses around 0x1000 internally so make sure to allocate more for the stack to avoid crashes */ void *stack = private_data.MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx(0x4000, 0x20); /* Create the thread variable */ void *thread = private_data.MEMAllocFromDefaultHeapEx(0x1000, 8); if(!thread || !stack) ExitFailure(&private_data, "Thread memory allocation failed. Exit and re-enter browser."); // the thread stack is too small on current thread, switch to an own created thread // create a detached thread with priority 0 and use core 1 int ret = OSCreateThread(thread, thread_callback, 1, (void*)&private_data, (unsigned int)stack+0x4000, 0x4000, 0, 0x1A); if (ret == 0) ExitFailure(&private_data, "Failed to create thread. Exit and re-enter browser."); /* Schedule it for execution */ OSResumeThread(thread); // Keep this main thread around for ELF loading // Can not use OSJoinThread, which hangs for some reason, so we use a detached one and wait for it to terminate while(OSIsThreadTerminated(thread) == 0) { asm volatile ( " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" " nop\n" ); } /* Install our code now */ InstallMain(&private_data); /* setup our own syscall and call it */ SetupKernelSyscall((unsigned int)KernelPatches); Syscall_0x36(); /* Patch functions and our code for usage */ InstallPatches(&private_data); /* Free thread memory and stack */ private_data.MEMFreeToDefaultHeap(thread); private_data.MEMFreeToDefaultHeap(stack); /* restore kernel memory table to original state */ kern_write((void*)(KERN_ADDRESS_TBL + (0x12 * 4)), 0); kern_write((void*)(KERN_ADDRESS_TBL + (0x13 * 4)), 0x14000000); //! we are done -> exit browser now private_data._Exit(); } void ExitFailure(private_data_t *private_data, const char *failure) { /************************************************************************/ // Prepare screen void (*OSScreenInit)(); unsigned int (*OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); unsigned int (*OSScreenSetBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, void * addr); unsigned int (*OSScreenClearBufferEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int temp); unsigned int (*OSScreenFlipBuffersEx)(unsigned int bufferNum); unsigned int (*OSScreenPutFontEx)(unsigned int bufferNum, unsigned int posX, unsigned int posY, const char * buffer); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenInit", &OSScreenInit); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx", &OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenSetBufferEx", &OSScreenSetBufferEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenClearBufferEx", &OSScreenClearBufferEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenFlipBuffersEx", &OSScreenFlipBuffersEx); OSDynLoad_FindExport(private_data->coreinit_handle, 0, "OSScreenPutFontEx", &OSScreenPutFontEx); // Prepare screen int screen_buf0_size = 0; int screen_buf1_size = 0; unsigned int screen_color = 0; // (r << 24) | (g << 16) | (b << 8) | a; // Init screen and screen buffers OSScreenInit(); screen_buf0_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(0); screen_buf1_size = OSScreenGetBufferSizeEx(1); OSScreenSetBufferEx(0, (void *)0xF4000000); OSScreenSetBufferEx(1, (void *)0xF4000000 + screen_buf0_size); // Clear screens OSScreenClearBufferEx(0, screen_color); OSScreenClearBufferEx(1, screen_color); // Flush the cache private_data->DCFlushRange((void *)0xF4000000, screen_buf0_size); private_data->DCFlushRange((void *)0xF4000000 + screen_buf0_size, screen_buf1_size); // Flip buffers OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(0); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(1); OSScreenPutFontEx(1, 0, 0, failure); OSScreenFlipBuffersEx(1); OSScreenClearBufferEx(1, 0); unsigned int t1 = 0x3FFFFFFF; while(t1--) asm volatile("nop"); private_data->_Exit(); } /* ***************************************************************************** * Base functions * ****************************************************************************/ static void SetupKernelSyscall(unsigned int address) { // Add syscall #0x36 kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5 + (0x36 * 4)), address); // make kern_read/kern_write available in all places kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x34 * 4)), KERN_CODE_READ); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x34 * 4)), KERN_CODE_READ); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x34 * 4)), KERN_CODE_READ); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x34 * 4)), KERN_CODE_READ); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1 + (0x35 * 4)), KERN_CODE_WRITE); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2 + (0x35 * 4)), KERN_CODE_WRITE); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3 + (0x35 * 4)), KERN_CODE_WRITE); kern_write((void*)(KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4 + (0x35 * 4)), KERN_CODE_WRITE); } static void thread_callback(int argc, void *argv) { /* Pre-load the Mii Studio to be executed on _Exit - thanks to wj444 for sharing it */ unsigned int sysapp_handle; void (*_SYSLaunchMiiStudio)(void) = 0; OSDynLoad_Acquire("sysapp.rpl", &sysapp_handle); OSDynLoad_FindExport(sysapp_handle, 0, "_SYSLaunchMiiStudio", &_SYSLaunchMiiStudio); _SYSLaunchMiiStudio(); } static int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while(*s1 && *s2) { if(*s1 != *s2) { return -1; } s1++; s2++; } if(*s1 != *s2) { return -1; } return 0; } static unsigned int get_section(private_data_t *private_data, unsigned char *data, const char *name, unsigned int * size, unsigned int * addr, int fail_on_not_found) { Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) data; if ( !data || !IS_ELF (*ehdr) || (ehdr->e_type != ET_EXEC) || (ehdr->e_machine != EM_PPC)) { ExitFailure(private_data, "Invalid elf file"); } Elf32_Shdr *shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *) (data + ehdr->e_shoff); int i; for(i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) { const char *section_name = ((const char*)data) + shdr[ehdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset + shdr[i].sh_name; if(strcmp(section_name, name) == 0) { if(addr) *addr = shdr[i].sh_addr; if(size) *size = shdr[i].sh_size; return shdr[i].sh_offset; } } if(fail_on_not_found) ExitFailure(private_data, (char*)name); return 0; } /* ****************************************************************** */ /* INSTALL MAIN CODE */ /* ****************************************************************** */ static void InstallMain(private_data_t *private_data) { // get .text section unsigned int main_text_addr = 0; unsigned int main_text_len = 0; unsigned int section_offset = get_section(private_data, private_data->data_elf, ".text", &main_text_len, &main_text_addr, 1); unsigned char *main_text = private_data->data_elf + section_offset; /* Copy main .text to memory */ if(section_offset > 0) { private_data->memcpy((void*)(CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_text_addr), main_text, main_text_len); private_data->DCFlushRange((void*)(CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_text_addr), main_text_len); private_data->ICInvalidateRange((void*)(main_text_addr), main_text_len); } // get the .rodata section unsigned int main_rodata_addr = 0; unsigned int main_rodata_len = 0; section_offset = get_section(private_data, private_data->data_elf, ".rodata", &main_rodata_len, &main_rodata_addr, 0); if(section_offset > 0) { unsigned char *main_rodata = private_data->data_elf + section_offset; /* Copy main rodata to memory */ private_data->memcpy((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_rodata_addr), main_rodata, main_rodata_len); private_data->DCFlushRange((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_rodata_addr), main_rodata_len); } // get the .data section unsigned int main_data_addr = 0; unsigned int main_data_len = 0; section_offset = get_section(private_data, private_data->data_elf, ".data", &main_data_len, &main_data_addr, 0); if(section_offset > 0) { unsigned char *main_data = private_data->data_elf + section_offset; /* Copy main data to memory */ private_data->memcpy((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_data_addr), main_data, main_data_len); private_data->DCFlushRange((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_data_addr), main_data_len); } // get the .bss section unsigned int main_bss_addr = 0; unsigned int main_bss_len = 0; section_offset = get_section(private_data, private_data->data_elf, ".bss", &main_bss_len, &main_bss_addr, 0); if(section_offset > 0) { /* Copy main data to memory */ private_data->memset((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_bss_addr), 0, main_bss_len); private_data->DCFlushRange((void*)(DATA_RW_BASE_OFFSET + main_bss_addr), main_bss_len); } } /* ****************************************************************** */ /* INSTALL PATCHES */ /* All OS specific stuff is done here */ /* ****************************************************************** */ static void InstallPatches(private_data_t *private_data) { OsSpecifics * osSpecificFunctions = OS_SPECIFICS; private_data->memset(osSpecificFunctions, 0, sizeof(OsSpecifics)); /* Pre-setup a few options to defined values */ OS_FIRMWARE = VER; MAIN_ENTRY_ADDR = 0xDEADC0DE; ELF_DATA_ADDR = 0xDEADC0DE; ELF_DATA_SIZE = 0; unsigned int jump_main_hook = 0; osSpecificFunctions->addr_OSDynLoad_Acquire = (unsigned int)OSDynLoad_Acquire; osSpecificFunctions->addr_OSDynLoad_FindExport = (unsigned int)OSDynLoad_FindExport; osSpecificFunctions->addr_KernSyscallTbl1 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_1; osSpecificFunctions->addr_KernSyscallTbl2 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_2; osSpecificFunctions->addr_KernSyscallTbl3 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_3; osSpecificFunctions->addr_KernSyscallTbl4 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_4; osSpecificFunctions->addr_KernSyscallTbl5 = KERN_SYSCALL_TBL_5; //! pointer to main entry point of a title osSpecificFunctions->addr_OSTitle_main_entry = ADDRESS_OSTitle_main_entry_ptr; //! at this point we dont need to check header and stuff as it is sure to be OK Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *) private_data->data_elf; unsigned int mainEntryPoint = ehdr->e_entry; //! Install our entry point hook unsigned int repl_addr = ADDRESS_main_entry_hook; unsigned int jump_addr = mainEntryPoint & 0x03fffffc; *((volatile unsigned int *)(LIB_CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET + repl_addr)) = 0x48000003 | jump_addr; // flush caches and invalidate instruction cache private_data->DCFlushRange((void*)(LIB_CODE_RW_BASE_OFFSET + repl_addr), 4); private_data->ICInvalidateRange((void*)(repl_addr), 4); }