dimok789 a63171682d - added support to load and launch RPX files directly through SD or wiiload/sendelf
- added error prints in progress window on failures

For this to work you will need to update the code550.bin (or the mp4 file). The old mp4 will still work but not be able to load RPX files, only ELFs.
2016-11-12 14:04:23 +01:00

70 lines
1.8 KiB

# This stuff may need a change in different kernel versions
# This is only needed when launched directly through browser and not SD card.
.section ".kernel_code"
.globl SaveAndResetDataBATs_And_SRs_hook
# setup CTR to the position we need to return to
mflr r5
mtctr r5
# set link register to its original value
mtlr r7
# setup us a nice DBAT for our code data with same region as our code
mfspr r5, 560
mtspr 570, r5
mfspr r5, 561
mtspr 571, r5
# restore the original kernel instructions that we replaced
lwz r5, 0x34(r3)
lwz r6, 0x38(r3)
lwz r7, 0x3C(r3)
lwz r8, 0x40(r3)
lwz r9, 0x44(r3)
lwz r10, 0x48(r3)
lwz r11, 0x4C(r3)
lwz r3, 0x50(r3)
mtsr 7, r5
# jump back to the position in kernel after our patch (from LR)
.extern my_PrepareTitle
.globl my_PrepareTitle_hook
# store all registers on stack to avoid issues with the call to C functions
stwu r1, -0x90(r1)
# registers for our own usage
# just store everything
stmw r3, 0x10(r1)
# save the LR from where we came
mflr r31
# the cos.xml/app.xml structure is at the location 0x68 of r11
# there are actually many places that can be hooked for it
# e.g. 0xFFF16130 and r27 points to this structure
addi r3, r11, 0x68
bl my_PrepareTitle
# setup LR to jump back to kernel code
mtlr r31
# restore all original values of registers from stack
lmw r3, 0x10(r1)
# restore the stack
addi r1, r1, 0x90
# restore original instruction that we replaced in the kernel
clrlwi r7, r12, 0
# jump back
.globl SC0x25_KernelCopyData
li r0, 0x2500