#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "romfs_dev.h" #include "filelist.h" WUPS_PLUGIN_NAME("Homebrew SysLauncher"); WUPS_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION("Allows the user to load homebrew from the System Menu"); WUPS_PLUGIN_VERSION("0.1"); WUPS_PLUGIN_AUTHOR("Maschell"); WUPS_PLUGIN_LICENSE("GPL"); typedef struct WUT_PACKED FileInfos_ { char path[256]; char name[256]; int32_t source; bool romfsMounted; } FileInfos; FileInfos gFileInfos[100] __attribute__((section(".data"))); ACPMetaXml gLaunchXML __attribute__((section(".data"))); MCPTitleListType template_title __attribute__((section(".data"))); BOOL gHomebrewLaunched __attribute__((section(".data"))); WUPS_USE_WUT_CRT() INITIALIZE_PLUGIN() { memset((void*) &template_title,0,sizeof(template_title)); memset((void*) &gLaunchXML,0,sizeof(gLaunchXML)); memset((void*) &gFileInfos,0,sizeof(gFileInfos)); gHomebrewLaunched = FALSE; } int EndsWith(const char *str, const char *suffix); void listdir(const char *name, int indent) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Reading %s\n",name); DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; if (!(dir = opendir(name))) return; while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (entry->d_type == DT_DIR) { char path[1024]; if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", name, entry->d_name); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%*s[%s]\n", indent, "", entry->d_name); listdir(path, indent + 2); } else { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%*s- %s\n", indent, "", entry->d_name); } } closedir(dir); } ON_APPLICATION_START(args) { socket_lib_init(); log_init(); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("IN PLUGIN\n"); if(_SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY) != OSGetTitleID()) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("gHomebrewLaunched to FALSE\n"); gHomebrewLaunched = FALSE; } } void unmountAllRomfs(); ON_APPLICATION_END() { unmountAllRomfs(); } void fillXmlForTitleID(uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower, ACPMetaXml* out_buf) { out_buf->title_id = ((uint64_t)titleid_upper * 0x100000000) + titleid_lower; strncpy(out_buf->longname_en,gFileInfos[titleid_lower].name,511); strncpy(out_buf->shortname_en,gFileInfos[titleid_lower].name,255); strncpy(out_buf->publisher_en,gFileInfos[titleid_lower].name,255); out_buf->e_manual = 1; out_buf->e_manual_version = 0; out_buf->title_version = 1; out_buf->network_use = 1; out_buf->launching_flag = 4; out_buf->online_account_use = 1; out_buf->os_version = 0x000500101000400A; out_buf->region = 0xFFFFFFFF; out_buf->common_save_size = 0x0000000001790000; out_buf->group_id = 0x400; out_buf->drc_use = 1; out_buf->version = 1; out_buf->reserved_flag0 = 0x00010001; out_buf->reserved_flag6 = 0x00000003; out_buf->pc_usk = 128; strncpy(out_buf->product_code,"WUP-P-HBLD",strlen("WUP-P-HBLD")); strncpy(out_buf->content_platform,"WUP",strlen("WUP")); strncpy(out_buf->company_code,"0001",strlen("0001")); } // You must free the result if result is non-NULL. char *str_replace(char *orig, char *rep, char *with) { char *result; // the return string char *ins; // the next insert point char *tmp; // varies int len_rep; // length of rep (the string to remove) int len_with; // length of with (the string to replace rep with) int len_front; // distance between rep and end of last rep int count; // number of replacements // sanity checks and initialization if (!orig || !rep) return NULL; len_rep = strlen(rep); if (len_rep == 0) return NULL; // empty rep causes infinite loop during count if (!with) with = ""; len_with = strlen(with); // count the number of replacements needed ins = orig; for (count = 0; tmp = strstr(ins, rep); ++count) { ins = tmp + len_rep; } tmp = result = (char*)malloc(strlen(orig) + (len_with - len_rep) * count + 1); if (!result) return NULL; // first time through the loop, all the variable are set correctly // from here on, // tmp points to the end of the result string // ins points to the next occurrence of rep in orig // orig points to the remainder of orig after "end of rep" while (count--) { ins = strstr(orig, rep); len_front = ins - orig; tmp = strncpy(tmp, orig, len_front) + len_front; tmp = strcpy(tmp, with) + len_with; orig += len_front + len_rep; // move to next "end of rep" } strcpy(tmp, orig); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, MCP_TitleList, uint32_t handle, uint32_t* outTitleCount, MCPTitleListType* titleList, uint32_t size) { int32_t result = real_MCP_TitleList(handle, outTitleCount, titleList, size); uint32_t titlecount = *outTitleCount; DirList dirList("fs:/vol/external01/wiiu/apps", ".rpx,.wbf", DirList::Files | DirList::CheckSubfolders, 1); dirList.SortList(); int j = 0; for(int i = 0; i < dirList.GetFilecount(); i++) { //! skip our own application in the listing if(strcasecmp(dirList.GetFilename(i), "homebrew_launcher.rpx") == 0) { continue; } //! skip our own application in the listing if(strcasecmp(dirList.GetFilename(i), "temp.rpx") == 0) { continue; } //! skip hidden linux and mac files if(dirList.GetFilename(i)[0] == '.' || dirList.GetFilename(i)[0] == '_') { continue; } char buffer [25]; snprintf(buffer,25,"/custom/%08X%08X", 0x0005000F, j); strcpy(template_title.path,buffer); char * repl = (char*)"fs:/vol/external01/"; char * with = (char*)""; char * input = (char*) dirList.GetFilepath(i); char * path = str_replace(input,repl, with); if(path != NULL) { strncpy(gFileInfos[j].path,path, 255); free(path); } strncpy(gFileInfos[j].name, dirList.GetFilename(i),255); gFileInfos[j].source = 0; //SD Card; //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%s\n",gFileInfos[j].path); const char * indexedDevice = "mlc"; strcpy(template_title.indexedDevice,indexedDevice); if(EndsWith(gFileInfos[j].name, ".wbf")) { template_title.appType = MCP_APP_TYPE_GAME; } else { // System apps don't have a splash screen. template_title.appType = MCP_APP_TYPE_SYSTEM_APPS; } template_title.titleId = 0x0005000F00000000 + j; template_title.titleVersion = 1; template_title.groupId = 0x400; template_title.osVersion = OSGetOSID(); template_title.sdkVersion = __OSGetProcessSDKVersion(); template_title.unk0x60 = 0; memcpy(&(titleList[titlecount]), &template_title,sizeof(template_title)); titlecount++; j++; } *outTitleCount = titlecount; return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, MCP_GetTitleInfoByTitleAndDevice, uint32_t mcp_handle, uint32_t titleid_lower_1, uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower_2, uint32_t unknown, MCPTitleListType* title) { if(gHomebrewLaunched) { memcpy(title, &(template_title), sizeof(MCPTitleListType)); } else if(titleid_upper == 0x0005000F) { char buffer [25]; snprintf(buffer,25,"/custom/%08X%08X", titleid_upper, titleid_lower_2); strcpy(template_title.path,buffer); template_title.titleId = 0x0005000F00000000 + titleid_lower_1; memcpy(title, &(template_title), sizeof(MCPTitleListType)); return 0; } int result = real_MCP_GetTitleInfoByTitleAndDevice(mcp_handle, titleid_lower_1, titleid_upper, titleid_lower_2, unknown, title); return result; } typedef struct __attribute((packed)) { uint32_t command; uint32_t target; uint32_t filesize; uint32_t fileoffset; char path[256]; } LOAD_REQUEST; int32_t getRPXInfoForID(uint32_t id, romfs_fileInfo * info); DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, ACPCheckTitleLaunchByTitleListTypeEx, MCPTitleListType* title, uint32_t u2) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Started homebrew??\n"); if((title->titleId & 0x0005000F00000000) == 0x0005000F00000000) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Started homebrew\n"); gHomebrewLaunched = TRUE; fillXmlForTitleID((title->titleId & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32,(title->titleId & 0xFFFFFFFF), &gLaunchXML); LOAD_REQUEST request; memset(&request, 0, sizeof(request)); request.command = 0xFC; // IPC_CUSTOM_LOAD_CUSTOM_RPX; request.target = 0; // LOAD_FILE_TARGET_SD_CARD request.filesize = 0; // unknown request.fileoffset = 0; // romfs_fileInfo info; int res = getRPXInfoForID((title->titleId & 0xFFFFFFFF),&info); if(res >= 0) { request.filesize = ((uint32_t*)&info.length)[1]; request.fileoffset = ((uint32_t*)&info.offset)[1]; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%d\n", res); strncpy(request.path, gFileInfos[(uint32_t)(title->titleId & 0xFFFFFFFF)].path, 255); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Loading file %s size: %08X offset: %08X\n", request.path, request.filesize, request.fileoffset); DCFlushRange(&request, sizeof(LOAD_REQUEST)); int mcpFd = IOS_Open("/dev/mcp", (IOSOpenMode)0); if(mcpFd >= 0) { int out = 0; IOS_Ioctl(mcpFd, 100, &request, sizeof(request), &out, sizeof(out)); IOS_Close(mcpFd); } return 0; } int result = real_ACPCheckTitleLaunchByTitleListTypeEx(title, u2); return result; } int EndsWith(const char *str, const char *suffix) { if (!str || !suffix) return 0; size_t lenstr = strlen(str); size_t lensuffix = strlen(suffix); if (lensuffix > lenstr) return 0; return strncmp(str + lenstr - lensuffix, suffix, lensuffix) == 0; } bool mountRomfs(uint32_t id) { if(!gFileInfos[id].romfsMounted) { char buffer [256]; snprintf(buffer,256,"fs:/vol/external01/%s", gFileInfos[id].path); char romName [10]; snprintf(romName,10,"%08X", id); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Mount %s as %s\n", buffer, romName); if(romfsMount(romName,buffer) == 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Mounted successfully \n"); gFileInfos[id].romfsMounted = true; return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } void unmountRomfs(uint32_t id) { if(gFileInfos[id].romfsMounted) { char romName [10]; snprintf(romName,10,"%08X", id); //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Unmounting %s\n", romName); int res = romfsUnmount(romName); //DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("res: %d\n",res); gFileInfos[id].romfsMounted = false; } } void unmountAllRomfs() { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { unmountRomfs(i); } } int32_t FSOpenFile_for_ID(uint32_t id, const char * filepath, int * handle) { if(!mountRomfs(id)) { return -1; } char romName [10]; snprintf(romName,10,"%08X", id); char * test = (char *) malloc(strlen(filepath)+1); char last = 0; int j = 0; for(int i = 0; filepath[i] != 0; i++) { if(filepath[i] == '/' ) { if(filepath[i] != last) { test[j++] = filepath[i]; } } else { test[j++] = filepath[i]; } last = filepath[i]; } test[j++] = 0; char buffer [256]; snprintf(buffer,256,"%s:/%s",romName, test); int fd = open(buffer,0); if(fd >= 0) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("Opened %s from %s \n",buffer, romName ); *handle = 0xFF000000 + fd; return 0; } return -2; } int32_t getRPXInfoForID(uint32_t id, romfs_fileInfo * info) { if(!mountRomfs(id)) { return -1; } DIR *dir; struct dirent *entry; char romName [10]; snprintf(romName,10,"%08X", id); char root[12]; snprintf(root,12,"%08X:/", id); if (!(dir = opendir(root))) { return -2; } bool found = false; int res = -3; while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if(EndsWith(entry->d_name, ".rpx")) { if(romfs_GetFileInfoPerPath(romName, entry->d_name, info) >= 0) { found = true; res = 0; } break; } } closedir(dir); if(!found) { return -4; } return res; } DECL_FUNCTION(int, FSOpenFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, char *path, const char *mode, int *handle, int error) { char * start = "/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/0005000F"; char * icon = ".tga"; char * iconTex = "iconTex.tga"; char * sound = ".btsnd"; if(EndsWith(path,icon) || EndsWith(path,sound)) { if(strncmp(path,start,strlen(start)) == 0/* || (gHomebrewLaunched && EndsWith(path,iconTex))*/) { int res = FS_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; if(EndsWith(path,iconTex)) { // fallback to dummy icon if loaded homebrew is no .wbf *handle = 0x1337; res = FS_STATUS_OK; } uint32_t val; char * id = path+1+strlen(start); id[8] = 0; char * ending = id+9; sscanf(id,"%08X", &val); if(FSOpenFile_for_ID(val, ending, handle) < 0) { return res; } return FS_STATUS_OK; } } int result = real_FSOpenFile(client, block, path, mode, handle, error); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSCloseFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, FSFileHandle handle, uint32_t flags) { if(handle == 0x1337) { return FS_STATUS_OK; } if((handle & 0xFF000000) == 0xFF000000) { int32_t fd = (handle & 0x00FFFFFF); close(fd); return FS_STATUS_OK; } return real_FSCloseFile(client,block,handle,flags); } DECL_FUNCTION(FSStatus, FSReadFile, FSClient *client, FSCmdBlock *block, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, FSFileHandle handle,uint32_t unk1, uint32_t flags) { if(handle == 0x1337) { int cpySize = size*count; if(iconTex_tga_size < cpySize) { cpySize = iconTex_tga_size; } memcpy(buffer, iconTex_tga, cpySize); return (FSStatus)(cpySize/size); } if((handle & 0xFF000000) == 0xFF000000) { int32_t fd = (handle & 0x00FFFFFF); return (FSStatus)(read(fd, buffer, size*count) /size); } FSStatus result = real_FSReadFile(client, block, buffer, size, count, handle, unk1, flags); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower, ACPMetaXml* out_buf, uint32_t device, uint32_t u1) { int result = real_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice(titleid_upper, titleid_lower, out_buf, device,u1); if(titleid_upper == 0x0005000F) { fillXmlForTitleID(titleid_upper,titleid_lower, out_buf); result = 0; } return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, ACPGetTitleMetaDirByDevice, uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower, char* out_buf, uint32_t size, int device) { if(titleid_upper == 0x0005000F) { snprintf(out_buf,53,"/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/%08X/%08X/meta", titleid_upper, titleid_lower); return 0; } int result = real_ACPGetTitleMetaDirByDevice(titleid_upper, titleid_lower, out_buf, size, device); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, _SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher, char* pathToLoad, uint32_t u2) { const char * start = "/custom/"; if(strncmp(pathToLoad,start,strlen(start)) == 0) { strcpy(template_title.path,pathToLoad); uint64_t titleID = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY); snprintf(pathToLoad,47,"/vol/storage_mlc01/sys/title/%08x/%08x", (uint32_t) (titleID >> 32), (uint32_t) (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & titleID)); } int32_t result = real__SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher(pathToLoad, strlen(pathToLoad)); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, ACPGetLaunchMetaXml, ACPMetaXml * metaxml) { int result = real_ACPGetLaunchMetaXml(metaxml); if(gHomebrewLaunched) { memcpy(metaxml, &gLaunchXML, sizeof(gLaunchXML)); } return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(uint32_t, ACPGetApplicationBox,uint32_t * u1, uint32_t * u2, uint32_t u3, uint32_t u4) { if(u3 == 0x0005000F) { uint64_t titleID = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY); u3 = (uint32_t) (titleID >> 32); u4 = (uint32_t) (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & titleID); } uint32_t result = real_ACPGetApplicationBox(u1,u2,u3,u4); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(uint32_t, PatchChkStart__3RplFRCQ3_2nn6drmapp8StartArg, uint32_t * param ) { if(param[2] == 0x0005000F) { uint64_t titleID = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY); param[2] = (uint32_t) (titleID >> 32); param[3] = (uint32_t) (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & titleID); } uint32_t result = real_PatchChkStart__3RplFRCQ3_2nn6drmapp8StartArg(param); DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE("%08X\n", result); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(uint32_t, MCP_RightCheckLaunchable, uint32_t * u1, uint32_t * u2, uint32_t u3, uint32_t u4, uint32_t u5) { if(u3 == 0x0005000F) { uint64_t titleID = _SYSGetSystemApplicationTitleId(SYSTEM_APP_ID_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY); u3 = (uint32_t) (titleID >> 32); u4 = (uint32_t) (0x00000000FFFFFFFF & titleID); } uint32_t result = real_MCP_RightCheckLaunchable(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5); return result; } DECL_FUNCTION(int32_t, HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, uint32_t titleid_upper, uint32_t titleid_lower, ACPMetaXml* metaxml, uint32_t device) { if(gHomebrewLaunched) { memcpy(metaxml, &gLaunchXML, sizeof(gLaunchXML)); return 0; } int result = real_HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice(titleid_upper, titleid_lower, metaxml, device); return result; } WUPS_MUST_REPLACE_PHYSICAL(HBM_NN_ACP_ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, 0x2E36CE44, 0x0E36CE44); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(ACPGetApplicationBox, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_NN_ACP, ACPGetApplicationBox ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(PatchChkStart__3RplFRCQ3_2nn6drmapp8StartArg, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_DRMAPP, PatchChkStart__3RplFRCQ3_2nn6drmapp8StartArg ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(MCP_RightCheckLaunchable, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, MCP_RightCheckLaunchable ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(FSReadFile, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSReadFile); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(FSOpenFile, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSOpenFile); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(FSCloseFile, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, FSCloseFile); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(MCP_TitleList, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, MCP_TitleList); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(MCP_GetTitleInfoByTitleAndDevice, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_COREINIT, MCP_GetTitleInfoByTitleAndDevice ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(ACPCheckTitleLaunchByTitleListTypeEx, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_NN_ACP, ACPCheckTitleLaunchByTitleListTypeEx ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_NN_ACP, ACPGetTitleMetaXmlByDevice ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(ACPGetLaunchMetaXml, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_NN_ACP, ACPGetLaunchMetaXml ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(ACPGetTitleMetaDirByDevice, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_NN_ACP, ACPGetTitleMetaDirByDevice ); WUPS_MUST_REPLACE(_SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher, WUPS_LOADER_LIBRARY_SYSAPP, _SYSLaunchTitleByPathFromLauncher);