/* LEDhead Copyright 2001, Peter Hirschberg Author: Peter Hirschberg The current version of this SOURCE CODE as well as the official versions of the LEDHEAD APPLICATION are available from my website at: http://www.peterhirschberg.com Based on the handheld electronic games by Mattel Electronics. All trademarks copyrighted by their respective owners. This program is not affiliated or endorsed by Mattel Electronics. License agreement: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (license.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Email : peter@peterhirschberg.com Website : http://www.peterhirschberg.com */ #include "Hockey.h" #include "Games.h" // constants #define NUM_DEFENSEPLAYERS 4 #define TIME_TICKTIMERPRO1 7 #define TIME_TICKTIMERPRO2 4 #define TIME_STATSDISPLAY 5 #define TIME_PUCKMOVE 3 #define TIME_PENALTY 20 // (2 simulated minutes) typedef int BLIP; static BLIP Blips[HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS][HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS]; // game variables static BOOL bGameOver; static BOOL bHomeTeam; static BOOL bInFrame = FALSE; static BOOL bPower; static BOOL bPro2 = FALSE; static int nHScore; static int nVScore; static float fGameTime; static int nPeriod; static int nTimerTickTimer; static BOOL bShoot; static int nPuckDirectionX; static int nPuckDirectionY; static int nTimerPuckMove; static BOOL bBumped; static int nPenalty; static int nPenaltyTimer; static BOOL bDeflect; static BOOL bSteal; static int nStatsIndex; static int nTimerStatsDisplay; static int nBehindGoalDirX = 0; static int nDeflectPointX = 0; static int nDeflectPointY = 0; typedef struct PLAYER { int nColumn; int nRow; int nBright; int nColumnOld; int nRowOld; }PLAYER; static PLAYER puck; static PLAYER player; static PLAYER defense[NUM_DEFENSEPLAYERS]; // macros for dealing with the players #define SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(p,b) { \ p.nBright = b; \ } #define NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p) { \ p.nColumnOld = p.nColumn; \ p.nRowOld = p.nRow; \ } #define SETPLAYER(p,x,y,b) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nColumn = x; \ p.nRow = y; \ p.nBright = b; \ } #define UNSETPLAYER(p) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nColumn = -1; \ p.nRow = -1; \ p.nBright = BLIP_OFF; \ } #define MOVEPLAYERUP(p) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nRow--; \ } #define MOVEPLAYERDOWN(p) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nRow++; \ } #define MOVEPLAYERLEFT(p) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nColumn--; \ } #define MOVEPLAYERRIGHT(p) { \ NOTECURRENTPLAYERPOSITION(p); \ p.nColumn++; \ } static BOOL ISPUCK(int x, int y); static BOOL ISPUCK(int x, int y) { if ((puck.nColumn == x) && (puck.nRow == y) && (puck.nBright)){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL ISPLAYER(int x, int y); static BOOL ISPLAYER(int x, int y) { if ((player.nColumn == x) && (player.nRow == y) && (player.nBright)){ return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL ISDEFENSE(int x, int y); static BOOL ISDEFENSE(int x, int y) { for (int i=0; i HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1) \ || (p.nColumn < 0) \ || (p.nRow > HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1) \ || (p.nRow < 0)) #define ISPLAYERENABLED(p) \ (p.nBright) // finite state machine stuff static void fsmPlayStartWait(); static void fsmShowStats(); static void fsmInPlay(); static void fsmGoal(); static void fsmGameOver(); static enum FSM { FSM_PLAYSTARTWAIT=0, FSM_SHOWSTATS, FSM_INPLAY, FSM_GOAL, FSM_GAMEOVER }fsm; typedef void (*FSMFCN)(); static FSMFCN fsmfcn[] = { fsmPlayStartWait, fsmShowStats, fsmInPlay, fsmGoal, fsmGameOver }; // proto's static void InitGame(); static void DrawBlips(); static void EraseBlips(); static BOOL PenaltyTest(int x, int y); BOOL Hockey_GetPower() { return (bPower ? TRUE : FALSE); } void Hockey_PowerOn() { InitGame(); bPower = TRUE; } void Hockey_PowerOff() { bPower = FALSE; Hockey_StopSound(); } void Hockey_SetSkill(int i){ if (i == 0){ bPro2 = FALSE; } else { bPro2 = TRUE; } } int Hockey_GetSkill(){ return bPro2 ? 1 : 0; } void InitGame() { bHomeTeam = FALSE; PlatformSetInput(bHomeTeam); nHScore = 0; nVScore = 0; fGameTime = (float)20.9; nPeriod = 0; bGameOver = FALSE; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; bBumped = FALSE; nPenalty = 0; nPenaltyTimer = 0; bDeflect = FALSE; bSteal = FALSE; // show stats when power is switched on nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; fsmShowStats(); } void Hockey_Run(int tu) { int x, y; // prevent reentrancy if (bInFrame){ return; } bInFrame = TRUE; // init the blips field for (y = 0; y < HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS; y++){ for (x = 0; x < HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS; x++){ Blips[x][y] = BLIP_OFF; } } if (!bPower){ Hockey_ClearScreen(); bInFrame = FALSE; return; } Platform_StartDraw(); (fsmfcn[fsm])(); DrawBlips(); Platform_EndDraw(); bInFrame = FALSE; } void DrawBlips() { int x, y, nBright; static BOOL bBlink = FALSE; if(fsm != FSM_GOAL) { for (int i=0; i 0) { // handle special behavior behind the goal if ((player.nRow == 1) && (player.nColumn == 1)) { if (PenaltyTest(0, 2)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(0, 2)) { SETPLAYER(player, 0, 2, player.nBright); } } else if ((player.nRow == 0) && (player.nColumn == 2)) { if (PenaltyTest(1, 1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(1, 1)) { SETPLAYER(player, 1, 1, player.nBright); } } else { if (PenaltyTest(player.nColumn-1, player.nRow)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(player.nColumn-1, player.nRow)) { MOVEPLAYERLEFT(player); } } } } } else if (Hockey_GetInputRIGHT(&bChange)) { if (bChange) { if (player.nColumn < (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) { // handle special behavior behind the goal if ((player.nRow == 1) && (player.nColumn == 3)) { if (PenaltyTest(4, 2)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(4, 2)) { SETPLAYER(player, 4, 2, player.nBright); } } else if ((player.nRow == 0) && (player.nColumn == 2)) { if (PenaltyTest(3, 1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(3, 1)) { SETPLAYER(player, 3, 1, player.nBright); } } else { if (PenaltyTest(player.nColumn+1, player.nRow)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(player.nColumn+1, player.nRow)) { MOVEPLAYERRIGHT(player); } } } } } else if (Hockey_GetInputUP(&bChange)) { if (bChange) { if (player.nRow > 2) { if (PenaltyTest(player.nColumn, player.nRow-1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(player.nColumn, player.nRow-1)) { MOVEPLAYERUP(player); } } // handle special behavior behind the goal else if (player.nRow == 1) { if ((player.nColumn == 3) || (player.nColumn == 1)) { if (PenaltyTest(2, 0)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(2, 0)) { SETPLAYER(player, 2, 0, player.nBright); } } } else if (player.nRow == 2) { switch(player.nColumn) { case 0: case 1: if (PenaltyTest(1, 1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(1, 1)) { SETPLAYER(player, 1, 1, player.nBright); } break; case 2: // the goal - can't go there break; case 3: case 4: if (PenaltyTest(3, 1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(3, 1)) { SETPLAYER(player, 3, 1, player.nBright); } break; } } } } else if (Hockey_GetInputDOWN(&bChange)) { if (bChange) { if (player.nRow < (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1)) { if (PenaltyTest(player.nColumn, player.nRow+1)) { return; } else if (!ISOCCUPIED(player.nColumn, player.nRow+1)) { MOVEPLAYERDOWN(player); } } } } if (Hockey_GetInputTHROW(&bChange)) { if (bChange) { if (!ISPLAYERENABLED(puck)) { // shoot! bShoot = TRUE; nTimerPuckMove = TIME_PUCKMOVE; SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(player, BLIP_DIMBLINK); SETPLAYER(puck, player.nColumn, player.nRow, BLIP_BRIGHT); if (player.nRow < 2) { nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 0; if (player.nColumn < 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = 1; } else if (player.nColumn > 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = -1; } else { nBehindGoalDirX = Platform_Random(2) ? 1 : -1; } } else { nPuckDirectionY = -1; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; if (player.nColumn < 2) { nPuckDirectionX = 1; } else if (player.nColumn > 2) { nPuckDirectionX = -1; } else { nPuckDirectionX = 0; } } } } } // let the defenders try to pokecheck // it's easier to check all 4 positions around the player than // to check each defender separately BOOL bPoked = FALSE; if (!ISPLAYERENABLED(puck)) { if (player.nRow < 2) { // handle behind the goal if ((((player.nColumn == 2) || (player.nRow == 0)) && ISDEFENSE(1, 1)) || (((player.nColumn == 2) || (player.nRow == 0)) && ISDEFENSE(3, 1)) || (((player.nColumn == 1) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(2, 0)) || (((player.nColumn == 3) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(2, 1)) || (((player.nColumn == 1) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(1, 2)) || (((player.nColumn == 3) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(3, 2)) || (((player.nColumn == 1) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(0, 2)) // not sure about this || (((player.nColumn == 3) || (player.nRow == 1)) && ISDEFENSE(4, 2))) // not sure about this { if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 40 : 50) == 0) { bPoked = TRUE; } } } else { if ((player.nColumn > 0) && ISDEFENSE(player.nColumn-1, player.nRow)) { // left if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 40 : 50) == 0) { bPoked = TRUE; } } if ((player.nColumn < (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) && ISDEFENSE(player.nColumn+1, player.nRow)) { // right if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 40 : 50) == 0) { bPoked = TRUE; } } if ((player.nRow > 0) && ISDEFENSE(player.nColumn, player.nRow+1)) { // above if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 40 : 50) == 0) { bPoked = TRUE; } } if ((player.nRow < (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1)) && ISDEFENSE(player.nColumn, player.nRow-1)) { // below if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 40 : 50) == 0) { bPoked = TRUE; } } } } if (bPoked) { Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_POKE, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); bShoot = TRUE; nTimerPuckMove = TIME_PUCKMOVE; SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(player, BLIP_DIMBLINK); SETPLAYER(puck, player.nColumn, player.nRow, BLIP_BRIGHT); if (player.nRow < 2) { nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 0; if (player.nColumn < 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = 1; } else if (player.nColumn > 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = -1; } else { nBehindGoalDirX = Platform_Random(2) ? 1 : -1; } } else { do { if (player.nColumn == 0) { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(2); } else if (player.nColumn == (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) { nPuckDirectionX = -(Platform_Random(2)); } else { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(3) - 1; } if (player.nRow == 0) { nPuckDirectionY = Platform_Random(2); } else if (player.nRow == (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1)) { nPuckDirectionY = -(Platform_Random(2)); } else { nPuckDirectionY = Platform_Random(3) - 1; } } while((nPuckDirectionX == 0) && (nPuckDirectionY == 0)); nBehindGoalDirX = 0; } } // establish a target for the defense PLAYER *targetP = ISPLAYERENABLED(puck) ? &puck : &player; // move the goalie { if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 3 : 6) == 0) { if ((targetP->nColumn < defense[0].nColumn) && (defense[0].nColumn > 1)) { if (!ISOCCUPIED(defense[0].nColumn-1, defense[0].nRow)) { defense[0].nColumn--; } } else if ((targetP->nColumn > defense[0].nColumn) && (defense[0].nColumn < 3)) { if (!ISOCCUPIED(defense[0].nColumn+1, defense[0].nRow)) { defense[0].nColumn++; } } } } // move the other defenders toward the target { if (Platform_Random(bPro2 ? 5 : 10) == 0) { // pick a random defender static int nDefenderLast = -1; int nDefender = nPenalty ? (Platform_Random(2) + 1) : (Platform_Random(3) + 1); if (nDefender != nDefenderLast) { nDefenderLast = nDefender; PLAYER *pDefender = &defense[nDefender]; int dx = pDefender->nColumn; int dy = pDefender->nRow; // randomly move the defender towards the target if (Platform_Random(2)) { if (dx < targetP->nColumn) { ++dx; } else if (dx > targetP->nColumn) { --dx; } } else { if (dy < targetP->nRow) { ++dy; } else if (dy > targetP->nRow) { --dy; } } // occasionally randomly offset the defender's position if (Platform_Random(5) == 0) { if (Platform_Random(2)) { dx += (Platform_Random(2)) ? 1 : -1; } else { dy += (Platform_Random(2)) ? 1 : -1; } } // need to allow defenders to move around behind goal, etc if ((dx == 2) && (dy == 1)) { if ((pDefender->nColumn == 1) && (pDefender->nRow == 1)) { dx = 2; dy = 0; } else if ((pDefender->nColumn == 2) && (pDefender->nRow == 0)) { dx = 2; dy = 0; } else if ((pDefender->nColumn == 3) && (pDefender->nRow == 1)) { dx = 2; dy = 0; } } else if ((dx == 1) && (dy == 0)) { dx = 1; dy = 1; } else if ((dx == 3) && (dy == 0)) { dx = 3; dy = 1; } else if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 1)) { dx = 0; dy = 2; } else if ((dx == 4) && (dy == 1)) { dx = 4; dy = 2; } // make sure the defender does not step on anybody, // and keep him confined to the proper area if (!ISOCCUPIED(dx, dy) && (dx >= 0) && (dx <= (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS - 1)) && (dy >= 0) && (dy <= (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS - 1))) { SETPLAYER((*pDefender), dx, dy, BLIP_DIM); } } } } // move the puck if (ISPLAYERENABLED(puck)) { // the puck hit a defender last frame - do something if (ISDEFENSE(puck.nColumn, puck.nRow) && !bDeflect) { bDeflect = TRUE; nDeflectPointX = puck.nColumn; nDeflectPointY = puck.nRow; if (Platform_Random(10) == 0) { bSteal = TRUE; } else { Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_DEFLECT, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); Platform_Pause(120); } } if (--nTimerPuckMove <= 0) { nTimerPuckMove = TIME_PUCKMOVE; // handle the puck behind the goal if ((puck.nRow < 2) || ((puck.nRow == 2) && (puck.nColumn == 0)) || ((puck.nRow == 2) && (puck.nColumn == 4))) { if ((puck.nColumn == 2) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { // ** goal! ** nPenalty = 0; nPenaltyTimer = 0; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 0; Hockey_ClearScreen(); fsm = FSM_GOAL; return; } if ((nPuckDirectionY == -1) && !nBehindGoalDirX) { if (puck.nColumn < 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = 1; } else if (puck.nColumn > 2) { nBehindGoalDirX = -1; } } if (nBehindGoalDirX == 1) { if ((puck.nColumn == 0) && (puck.nRow == 2)) { puck.nColumn = 1; puck.nRow = 1; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 1) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 2; puck.nRow = 0; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 2) && (puck.nRow == 0)) { puck.nColumn = 3; puck.nRow = 1; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 3) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 4; puck.nRow = 1;// should be 2 but gets incremented below; nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 1; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; } } else if (nBehindGoalDirX == -1) { if ((puck.nColumn == 4) && (puck.nRow == 2)) { puck.nColumn = 3; puck.nRow = 1; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 3) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 2; puck.nRow = 0; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 2) && (puck.nRow == 0)) { puck.nColumn = 1; puck.nRow = 1; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 1) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 0; puck.nRow = 1;// should be 2 but gets incremented below nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 1; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; } } } // handle the puck hitting the walls if ((puck.nColumn <= 0) && (nPuckDirectionX == -1)) { // bounce off left wall puck.nColumn = 0; do { // pick a new direction nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(2); switch(Platform_Random(4)) { case 0: nPuckDirectionY = -1; break; case 1: nPuckDirectionY = 0; break; default: // puck is more likely to go up nPuckDirectionY = 1; } } while ((nPuckDirectionX==0) && (nPuckDirectionY==0)); } else if ((puck.nColumn >= (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) && (nPuckDirectionX == 1)) { // bounce off right wall puck.nColumn = (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1); do { // pick a new direction nPuckDirectionX = -(Platform_Random(2)); switch(Platform_Random(4)) { case 0: nPuckDirectionY = -1; break; case 1: nPuckDirectionY = 0; break; default: // puck is more likely to go up nPuckDirectionY = 1; } } while ((nPuckDirectionX==0) && (nPuckDirectionY==0)); } if ((puck.nRow >= (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1)) && (nPuckDirectionY == 1)) { // bounce off rear wall puck.nRow = (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1); if ((nPuckDirectionX == 0) && ((puck.nColumn == 0) || (puck.nColumn == (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)))) { // puck follows the sides nPuckDirectionY = - 1; } else { do { // pick a new direction if (puck.nColumn <= 0) { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(2); } else if (puck.nColumn >= (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) { nPuckDirectionX = -(Platform_Random(2)); } else { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(3) - 1; } nPuckDirectionY = -(Platform_Random(2)); } while ((nPuckDirectionX==0) && (nPuckDirectionY==0)); } } // the puck has hit a defender // if (ISDEFENSE(puck.nColumn, puck.nRow)) if (bDeflect) { // let the defenders try to steal the puck //if (Platform_Random(10) == 0) if (bSteal) { nPenalty = 0; nPenaltyTimer = 0; nBehindGoalDirX = 0; nPuckDirectionX = 0; nPuckDirectionY = 0; Hockey_ClearScreen(); Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_STEAL, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); UNSETPLAYER(puck); SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(player, BLIP_BRIGHT); bHomeTeam = !bHomeTeam; PlatformSetInput(bHomeTeam); nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; Platform_IsNewSecond(); bShoot = FALSE; bDeflect = FALSE; bSteal = FALSE; return; } else { // bounce the puck off the defender if (GETPLAYERAT(puck.nColumn, puck.nRow) == 0) { // goalie always hits the puck down (i think) nPuckDirectionY = 1; nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(3)-1; } else { if (nDeflectPointY >= 2) { do { // pick a new direction if (puck.nColumn <= 0) { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(2); } else if (puck.nColumn >= (HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS-1)) { nPuckDirectionX = -(Platform_Random(2)); } else { nPuckDirectionX = Platform_Random(3) - 1; } if (puck.nRow <= 0) { nPuckDirectionY = Platform_Random(2); } else if (puck.nRow >= (HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS-1)) { nPuckDirectionY = -(Platform_Random(2)); } else { nPuckDirectionY = Platform_Random(3) - 1; } } while ((nPuckDirectionX==0) && (nPuckDirectionY==0)); } } } } // see if player has regained possession else if (ISPLAYER(puck.nColumn, puck.nRow) && !bShoot) { UNSETPLAYER(puck); SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(player, BLIP_BRIGHT); } // move the puck if (!nBehindGoalDirX) { puck.nColumn += nPuckDirectionX; puck.nRow += nPuckDirectionY; // special check for hitting the corners on the curve if ((puck.nColumn == 0) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 1; puck.nRow = 1; nBehindGoalDirX = 1; } else if ((puck.nColumn == 4) && (puck.nRow == 1)) { puck.nColumn = 3; puck.nRow = 1; nBehindGoalDirX = -1; } } bDeflect = FALSE; bSteal = FALSE; bShoot = FALSE; } } // count down the clock if (Platform_IsNewSecond()){ // check for end of quarter if (fGameTime > 0.0){ fGameTime -= (float).1; if (fGameTime < 0.1) { // end of period nPenalty = 0; nPenaltyTimer = 0; fGameTime = 0.0; ++nPeriod; if (nPeriod == 3) { // game over bGameOver = TRUE; // show formation { SETPLAYER(player, 4, 4, BLIP_BRIGHT); UNSETPLAYER(puck); SETPLAYER(defense[0], 2, 2, BLIP_DIM); SETPLAYER(defense[1], 1, 2, BLIP_DIM); SETPLAYER(defense[2], 3, 2, BLIP_DIM); SETPLAYER(defense[3], 2, 3, BLIP_DIM); } Hockey_ClearScreen(); Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_ENDGAME, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; return; } else { // random possession bHomeTeam = Platform_Random(2) == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; PlatformSetInput(bHomeTeam); } fGameTime = 20.0; Hockey_ClearScreen(); Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_ENDPERIOD, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; return; } else { // see if its time for the penalty to be over if (nPenalty && (nPenaltyTimer > 0)) { --nPenaltyTimer; if (nPenaltyTimer <= 0) { // take the player out of penalty int x, y; do { x = Platform_Random(HOCKEY_BLIP_COLUMNS); y = Platform_Random(HOCKEY_BLIP_ROWS); } while (ISOCCUPIED(x, y)); SETPLAYER(defense[3], x, y, BLIP_DIM); nPenalty = 0; nPenaltyTimer = 0; } } } } } Hockey_DrawStat((int)fGameTime); // make tick sounds if (fGameTime >= .1){ if (--nTimerTickTimer <= 0){ Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_TICK, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_ASYNC); nTimerTickTimer = bPro2 ? TIME_TICKTIMERPRO2 : TIME_TICKTIMERPRO1; } } } void fsmGoal() { Hockey_PlaySound(HOCKEY_SOUND_SCORE, PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY); UNSETPLAYER(puck); SETPLAYERBRIGHTNESS(player, BLIP_BRIGHT); if (bHomeTeam) { nHScore += 1; } else { nVScore += 1; } bHomeTeam = !bHomeTeam; PlatformSetInput(bHomeTeam); nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; Platform_IsNewSecond(); bShoot = FALSE; } void fsmGameOver() { // show stats if pressed 'down' BOOL bChange; if (Hockey_GetInputDOWN(&bChange)) { if (bChange) { nStatsIndex = 0; nTimerStatsDisplay = TIME_STATSDISPLAY; fsm = FSM_SHOWSTATS; fsmShowStats(); return; } } Hockey_DrawStat(0); }