/* LEDhead Copyright 2001, Peter Hirschberg Author: Peter Hirschberg The current version of this SOURCE CODE as well as the official versions of the LEDHEAD APPLICATION are available from my website at: http://www.peterhirschberg.com Based on the handheld electronic games by Mattel Electronics. All trademarks copyrighted by their respective owners. This program is not affiliated or endorsed by Mattel Electronics. License agreement: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (license.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Email : peter@peterhirschberg.com Website : http://www.peterhirschberg.com */ #include "armorbattle.h" #include "armorbattle_screen_png.h" #include "armorbattle_blipdim_png.h" #include "armorbattle_blipbright_png.h" #include "armorbattle_digits_png.h" #include "armorbattle_poweroff_png.h" #include "armorbattle_poweron_png.h" #include "armorbattle_tick_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_near_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_enemy_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_fire_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_hit_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_score_raw.h" #include "armorbattle_endgame_raw.h" #define DIGIT_W 24 #define DIGIT_H 32 // images static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpScreen; static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpBlipDim; static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpBlipBright; static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpDigits; static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpPowerOff; static GRRLIB_texImg *bmpPowerOn; static BOOL bMineSound = FALSE; static BOOL bMineSoundPlaying = FALSE; static Sound_t tcWaveRes[7]; static Blip_t blip[ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_COLUMNS][ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_ROWS]; static Stat_t digit[2]; static Help_t help[] = { { WK_2, {1, 131} }, { WK_BUD, {74, 232} }, { WK_DPAD, { 147, 247} } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // void ArmorBattle_Help() { Platform_Help(help, sizeof(help)/sizeof(*help)); } static BOOL bInited = FALSE; void ArmorBattle_Init() { int x, y; // Init sounds Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[0], armorbattle_tick_raw, armorbattle_tick_raw_size, 17 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[1], armorbattle_near_raw, armorbattle_near_raw_size, 165 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[2], armorbattle_enemy_raw, armorbattle_enemy_raw_size, 124 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[3], armorbattle_fire_raw, armorbattle_fire_raw_size, 660 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[4], armorbattle_hit_raw, armorbattle_hit_raw_size, 524 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[5], armorbattle_score_raw, armorbattle_score_raw_size, 1542 ); Sound_set(&tcWaveRes[6], armorbattle_endgame_raw, armorbattle_endgame_raw_size, 5244 ); // load images bmpScreen = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_screen_png); bmpDigits = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_digits_png); GRRLIB_InitTileSet(bmpDigits, DIGIT_W, DIGIT_H, 0); bmpPowerOff = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_poweroff_png); bmpPowerOn = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_poweron_png); bmpBlipDim = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_blipdim_png); bmpBlipBright = GRRLIB_LoadTexture(armorbattle_blipbright_png); // grab some other values from the skin file for (y = 0; y < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_ROWS; y++){ for (x = 0; x < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_COLUMNS; x++){ Blip_t *pblip = &blip[x][y]; pblip->x = (int)((x * ((float)armorbattle_blip_xspacing/100)) + armorbattle_blip_x); pblip->y = (int)((y * ((float)armorbattle_blip_yspacing/100)) + armorbattle_blip_y); pblip->status = -1; } } // set digits for(x = 0; x < 2; x++) { digit[x].x = armorbattle_digit_x + x * armorbattle_digit_spacing; digit[x].y = armorbattle_digit_y; } if (!bInited) { PlatformSetInput(0); // turn game on ArmorBattle_PowerOn(); bInited = TRUE; } } void ArmorBattle_DeInit() { // stop all sounds... Platform_StopSound(); bMineSoundPlaying = FALSE; GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpScreen); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpBlipDim); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpBlipBright); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpDigits); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpPowerOff); GRRLIB_FreeTexture(bmpPowerOn); bInited = FALSE; } void ArmorBattle_Paint() { int x, y; BOOL power = ArmorBattle_GetPower(); int p_switch; p_switch = Platform_GetPowerSwitch(ONOFF_SWITCH); if(p_switch == -1 && power == TRUE) { ArmorBattle_PowerOff(); } if(p_switch == 1 && power == FALSE) { ArmorBattle_PowerOn(); } GRRLIB_DrawImg (realx(0), realy(0), bmpScreen, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); // visualize the control states if (power) { GRRLIB_DrawImg(realx(armorbattle_power_x), realy(armorbattle_power_y), bmpPowerOn, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); // show blips for (y = 0; y < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_ROWS; y++){ for (x = 0; x < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_COLUMNS; x++){ Blip_t *pblip = &blip[x][y]; switch(pblip->status) { case BLIP_OFF: break; case BLIP_DIM: GRRLIB_DrawImg (realx(pblip->x), realy(pblip->y), bmpBlipDim, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); break; case BLIP_BRIGHT: GRRLIB_DrawImg (realx(pblip->x), realy(pblip->y), bmpBlipBright, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); break; } } } // Show time for(x = 0; x < sizeof(digit)/sizeof(*digit); x++) { if(digit[x].val == -1) GRRLIB_DrawTile(realx(digit[x].x), realy(digit[x].y), bmpDigits, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0); else GRRLIB_DrawTile(realx(digit[x].x), realy(digit[x].y), bmpDigits, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF, digit[x].val); } } else { GRRLIB_DrawImg(realx(armorbattle_power_x), realy(armorbattle_power_y), bmpPowerOff, 0, 1, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF); } } void ArmorBattle_ClearScreen() { Platform_StartDraw(); // erase the blips for (int y = 0; y < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_ROWS; y++){ for (int x = 0; x < ARMORBATTLE_BLIP_COLUMNS; x++){ ArmorBattle_DrawBlip(BLIP_OFF, x, y); } } // erase the score display ArmorBattle_DrawTime(-1); Platform_EndDraw(); } void ArmorBattle_PlaySound(int nSound, unsigned int nFlags) { if (bMineSoundPlaying && !(nFlags & PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY)) { // go away return; } if ((nFlags & PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_PRIORITY) || bMineSoundPlaying) { // stop any playing sounds first Platform_StopSound(); } // this sound will cut off any looping sounds // note this so we can restart them later bMineSoundPlaying = FALSE; Platform_PlaySound(&tcWaveRes[nSound], nFlags); } void ArmorBattle_StopSound() { bMineSoundPlaying = FALSE; bMineSound = FALSE; // stop all sounds... Platform_StopSound(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // local fcn's // static void StartMineSound() { if (!bMineSoundPlaying) { Platform_PlaySound(&tcWaveRes[ARMORBATTLE_SOUND_NEAR ], PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_LOOP | PLAYSOUNDFLAGS_ASYNC); // mark the sound as playing bMineSoundPlaying = TRUE; } } static void StopMineSound() { if (bMineSoundPlaying) { Platform_StopSound(); bMineSoundPlaying = FALSE; } } void ArmorBattle_PlayMineSound() { if (!bMineSound) { bMineSound = TRUE; StartMineSound(); } } void ArmorBattle_StopMineSound() { if (bMineSound) { bMineSound = FALSE; StopMineSound(); } } void ArmorBattle_DrawBlip(int nBright, int x, int y) { blip[x][y].status = nBright; // update the looped mine sound // this is not a good place for this // should be in some sort of draw frame function // maybe need to add that to the game structure if (bMineSound){ StartMineSound(); } else { StopMineSound(); } } void ArmorBattle_DrawTime(int nTime) { if (nTime == -1){ // erase the display digit[0].val = -1; digit[1].val = -1; } else { // draw 10s place if (nTime >= 10) digit[0].val = nTime/10 + 1; else digit[0].val = -1; // draw 1s place digit[1].val = nTime%10 + 1; } } BOOL ArmorBattle_GetInputFIRE(BOOL *pChange) { static BOOL bLast = FALSE; if (pChange){ *pChange = FALSE; } // check the keys if (Platform_GetInput2()) { if (!bLast && pChange) { *pChange = TRUE; } bLast = TRUE; return TRUE; } bLast = FALSE; return FALSE; } BOOL ArmorBattle_GetInputLEFT(BOOL *pChange) { static BOOL bLast = FALSE; if (pChange){ *pChange = FALSE; } // check the keys if (Platform_GetInputLEFT()) { if (!bLast && pChange) { *pChange = TRUE; } bLast = TRUE; return TRUE; } bLast = FALSE; return FALSE; } BOOL ArmorBattle_GetInputUP(BOOL *pChange) { static BOOL bLast = FALSE; if (pChange){ *pChange = FALSE; } // check the keys if (Platform_GetInputUP()) { if (!bLast && pChange) { *pChange = TRUE; } bLast = TRUE; return TRUE; } bLast = FALSE; return FALSE; } BOOL ArmorBattle_GetInputRIGHT(BOOL *pChange) { static BOOL bLast = FALSE; if (pChange){ *pChange = FALSE; } // check the keys if (Platform_GetInputRIGHT()) { if (!bLast && pChange) { *pChange = TRUE; } bLast = TRUE; return TRUE; } bLast = FALSE; return FALSE; } BOOL ArmorBattle_GetInputDOWN(BOOL *pChange) { static BOOL bLast = FALSE; if (pChange){ *pChange = FALSE; } // check the keys if (Platform_GetInputDOWN()) { if (!bLast && pChange) { *pChange = TRUE; } bLast = TRUE; return TRUE; } bLast = FALSE; return FALSE; } void ArmorBattle_GetSize(int *w, int *h) { *w = bmpScreen->w; *h = bmpScreen->h; }