/* LEDhead Copyright 2001, Peter Hirschberg Author: Peter Hirschberg The current version of this SOURCE CODE as well as the official versions of the LEDHEAD APPLICATION are available from my website at: http://www.peterhirschberg.com Based on the handheld electronic games by Mattel Electronics. All trademarks copyrighted by their respective owners. This program is not affiliated or endorsed by Mattel Electronics. License agreement: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (license.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Email : peter@peterhirschberg.com Website : http://www.peterhirschberg.com */ #ifndef __PLATFORM_BASEBALL_H__ #define __PLATFORM_BASEBALL_H__ // [general] #define baseball_power_off_x 91 #define baseball_power_off_y 300 #define baseball_pro_1_x 91 #define baseball_pro_1_y 300 #define baseball_pro_2_x 91 #define baseball_pro_2_y 300 #define baseball_digit1_x 73 #define baseball_digit2_x 102 #define baseball_digit3_x 131 #define baseball_digit4_x 160 #define baseball_digit_y 34 #define baseball_digit_w 8 #define baseball_digit_h 9 // blips for normal pitches #define baseball_blip_pitch_1_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_1_y 151 #define baseball_blip_pitch_2_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_2_y 167 #define baseball_blip_pitch_3_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_3_y 182 #define baseball_blip_pitch_4_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_4_y 197 #define baseball_blip_pitch_5_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_5_y 211 #define baseball_blip_pitch_6_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_6_y 225 #define baseball_blip_pitch_7_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_7_y 236 #define baseball_blip_pitch_8_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_8_y 248 #define baseball_blip_pitch_9_x 118 #define baseball_blip_pitch_9_y 256 // blips for curve balls #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_2_x 123 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_2_y 166 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_3_x 125 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_3_y 181 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_4_x 125 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_4_y 196 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_5_x 123 #define baseball_blip_pitchcurve_5_y 210 // home plate -> 1st base #define baseball_blip_base_0_x 118 #define baseball_blip_base_0_y 236 #define baseball_blip_base_0A_x 138 #define baseball_blip_base_0A_y 215 #define baseball_blip_base_0B_x 160 #define baseball_blip_base_0B_y 192 // 1st base -> 2nd base #define baseball_blip_base_1_x 184 #define baseball_blip_base_1_y 168 #define baseball_blip_base_1A_x 165 #define baseball_blip_base_1A_y 145 #define baseball_blip_base_1B_x 142 #define baseball_blip_base_1B_y 121 // 2nd base -> 3rd base #define baseball_blip_base_2_x 118 #define baseball_blip_base_2_y 99 #define baseball_blip_base_2A_x 93 #define baseball_blip_base_2A_y 121 #define baseball_blip_base_2B_x 72 #define baseball_blip_base_2B_y 144 // 3rd base -> home plate #define baseball_blip_base_3_x 52 #define baseball_blip_base_3_y 167 #define baseball_blip_base_3A_x 76 #define baseball_blip_base_3A_y 192 #define baseball_blip_base_3B_x 98 #define baseball_blip_base_3B_y 215 // deep 1st #define baseball_blip_deep1st_x 191 #define baseball_blip_deep1st_y 148 // deep 3rd #define baseball_blip_deep3rd_x 45 #define baseball_blip_deep3rd_y 148 // outfield #define baseball_blip_outfield_left_x 53 #define baseball_blip_outfield_left_y 85 #define baseball_blip_outfield_center_x 119 #define baseball_blip_outfield_center_y 65 #define baseball_blip_outfield_right_x 184 #define baseball_blip_outfield_right_y 85 // interface that the platform must provide for this game // functions exported to the game context void Baseball_Init(); void Baseball_Help(); void Baseball_DeInit(); void Baseball_Paint(); void Baseball_PlaySound(int nSound, unsigned int nFlags); void Baseball_StopSound(); void Baseball_GetSize(int *w, int *h); // "private" functions not exported to game context void Baseball_DrawPitchBlip(BOOL state, int index, BOOL curve); void Baseball_DrawBaseBlip(BOOL state, int index); void Baseball_DrawOutfieldBlip(BOOL state, int index); void Baseball_DrawDeepBlip(BOOL state, int index); void Baseball_DrawStats(int innings, int outs, int balls, int strikes, BOOL bHomeTeam); void Baseball_DrawScore(int vruns, int hruns); void Baseball_DrawFireWorks(void); BOOL Baseball_GetInputSCORE(BOOL *pChange); BOOL Baseball_GetInputPITCH(BOOL *pChange); BOOL Baseball_GetInputHIT(BOOL *pChange); BOOL Baseball_GetInputRUN(BOOL *pChange); #endif