/**************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2015 Dimok * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sigslot.h" #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif enum { EFFECT_NONE = 0x00, EFFECT_SLIDE_TOP = 0x01, EFFECT_SLIDE_BOTTOM = 0x02, EFFECT_SLIDE_RIGHT = 0x04, EFFECT_SLIDE_LEFT = 0x08, EFFECT_SLIDE_IN = 0x10, EFFECT_SLIDE_OUT = 0x20, EFFECT_SLIDE_FROM = 0x40, EFFECT_FADE = 0x80, EFFECT_SCALE = 0x100, EFFECT_COLOR_TRANSITION = 0x200 }; enum { ALIGN_LEFT = 0x01, ALIGN_CENTER = 0x02, ALIGN_RIGHT = 0x04, ALIGN_TOP = 0x10, ALIGN_MIDDLE = 0x20, ALIGN_BOTTOM = 0x40, ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_TOP_CENTER = ALIGN_CENTER | ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_CENTERED = ALIGN_CENTER | ALIGN_MIDDLE, }; //!Forward declaration class GuiController; class SDLSystem; //!Primary GUI class. Most other classes inherit from this class. class GuiElement { public: //!Constructor GuiElement(); //!Destructor virtual ~GuiElement() = default; //!Set the element's parent //!\param e Pointer to parent element virtual void setParent(GuiElement *e) { parentElement = e; } //!Gets the element's parent //!\return Pointer to parent element virtual GuiElement *getParent() { return parentElement; } //!Gets the current leftmost coordinate of the element //!Considers horizontal alignment, x offset, width, and parent element's GetLeft() / GetWidth() values //!\return left coordinate virtual float getLeft(); //!Gets the current topmost coordinate of the element //!Considers vertical alignment, y offset, height, and parent element's GetTop() / GetHeight() values //!\return top coordinate virtual float getTop(); //!Gets the current Z coordinate of the element //!\return Z coordinate virtual float getDepth() { float zParent = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { zParent = parentElement->getDepth(); } return zParent + zoffset; } virtual float getCenterX() { float pCenterX = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pCenterX = parentElement->getCenterX(); } pCenterX += xoffset + xoffsetDyn; if (alignment & ALIGN_LEFT) { float pWidth = 0.0f; float pScale = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pWidth = parentElement->getWidth(); pScale = parentElement->getScaleX(); } pCenterX -= pWidth * 0.5f * pScale - width * 0.5f * getScaleX(); } else if (alignment & ALIGN_RIGHT) { float pWidth = 0.0f; float pScale = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pWidth = parentElement->getWidth(); pScale = parentElement->getScaleX(); } pCenterX += pWidth * 0.5f * pScale - width * 0.5f * getScaleX(); } return pCenterX; } virtual float getCenterY() { float pCenterY = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pCenterY = parentElement->getCenterY(); } pCenterY += yoffset + yoffsetDyn; if (alignment & ALIGN_TOP) { float pHeight = 0.0f; float pScale = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pHeight = parentElement->getHeight(); pScale = parentElement->getScaleY(); } pCenterY -= pHeight * 0.5f * pScale - getHeight() * 0.5f * getScaleY(); } else if (alignment & ALIGN_BOTTOM) { float pHeight = 0.0f; float pScale = 0.0f; if (parentElement) { pHeight = parentElement->getHeight(); pScale = parentElement->getScaleY(); } pCenterY += pHeight * 0.5f * pScale - getHeight() * 0.5f * getScaleY(); } return pCenterY; } //!Gets elements xoffset virtual float getOffsetX() { return xoffset; } //!Gets elements yoffset virtual float getOffsetY() { return yoffset; } //!Gets the current width of the element. Does not currently consider the scale //!\return width virtual float getWidth() { return width; }; //!Gets the height of the element. Does not currently consider the scale //!\return height virtual float getHeight() { return height; } //!Sets the size (width/height) of the element //!\param w Width of element //!\param h Height of element virtual void setSize(float w, float h) { width = w; height = h; } //!Sets the element's visibility //!\param v Visibility (true = visible) virtual void setVisible(bool v) { visible = v; visibleChanged(this, v); } //!Checks whether or not the element is visible //!\return true if visible, false otherwise virtual bool isVisible() const { return !isStateSet(STATE_HIDDEN) && visible; }; //!Checks whether or not the element is selectable //!\return true if selectable, false otherwise virtual bool isSelectable() { return !isStateSet(STATE_DISABLED) && selectable; } virtual bool isDrawOverOnlyWhenSelected() { return drawOverOnlyWhenSelected; } virtual void setdrawOverOnlyWhenSelected(bool s) { drawOverOnlyWhenSelected = s; } //!Checks whether or not the element is clickable //!\return true if clickable, false otherwise virtual bool isClickable() { return !isStateSet(STATE_DISABLED) && clickable; } //!Checks whether or not the element is holdable //!\return true if holdable, false otherwise virtual bool isHoldable() { return !isStateSet(STATE_DISABLED) && holdable; } //!Sets whether or not the element is selectable //!\param s Selectable virtual void setSelectable(bool s) { selectable = s; } //!Sets whether or not the element is clickable //!\param c Clickable virtual void setClickable(bool c) { clickable = c; } //!Sets whether or not the element is holdable //!\param c Holdable virtual void setHoldable(bool d) { holdable = d; } //!Sets the element's state //!\param s State (STATE_DEFAULT, STATE_SELECTED, STATE_CLICKED, STATE_DISABLED) //!\param c Controller channel (0-3, -1 = none) virtual void setState(uint32_t s, int32_t c) { if (c >= 0 && c < 5) { state[c] |= s; } else { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { state[i] |= s; } } stateChan = c; stateChanged(this, s, c); } virtual void clearState(uint32_t s, int32_t c) { if (c >= 0 && c < 5) { state[c] &= ~s; } else { for (unsigned int & i : state) { i &= ~s; } } stateChan = c; stateChanged(this, s, c); } virtual bool isStateSet(uint32_t s, int32_t c = -1) const { if (c >= 0 && c < 5) { return (state[c] & s) != 0; } else { for (unsigned int i : state) { if ((i & s) != 0) { return true; } } return false; } } //!Gets the element's current state //!\return state virtual int32_t getState(int32_t c) { return state[c]; }; //!Gets the controller channel that last changed the element's state //!\return Channel number (0-3, -1 = no channel) virtual int32_t getStateChan() { return stateChan; }; //!Resets the element's state to STATE_DEFAULT virtual void resetState() { for (unsigned int & i : state) { i = STATE_DEFAULT; } stateChan = -1; } //!Sets the element's alpha value //!\param a alpha value virtual void setAlpha(float a) { alpha = a; } //!Gets the element's alpha value //!Considers alpha, alphaDyn, and the parent element's getAlpha() value //!\return alpha virtual float getAlpha() { float a; if (alphaDyn >= 0) { a = alphaDyn; } else { a = alpha; } if (parentElement) { a = (a * parentElement->getAlpha()); } return a; } //!Sets the element's scale //!\param s scale (1 is 100%) virtual void setScale(float s) { scaleX = s; scaleY = s; scaleZ = s; } //!Sets the element's scale //!\param s scale (1 is 100%) virtual void setScaleX(float s) { scaleX = s; } //!Sets the element's scale //!\param s scale (1 is 100%) virtual void setScaleY(float s) { scaleY = s; } //!Sets the element's scale //!\param s scale (1 is 100%) virtual void setScaleZ(float s) { scaleZ = s; } //!Gets the element's current scale //!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's getScale() value virtual float getScale() { float s = 0.5f * (scaleX + scaleY) * scaleDyn; if (parentElement) { s *= parentElement->getScale(); } return s; } //!Gets the element's current scale //!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's getScale() value virtual float getScaleX() { float s = scaleX * scaleDyn; if (parentElement) { s *= parentElement->getScaleX(); } return s; } //!Gets the element's current scale //!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's getScale() value virtual float getScaleY() { float s = scaleY * scaleDyn; if (parentElement) { s *= parentElement->getScaleY(); } return s; } //!Gets the element's current scale //!Considers scale, scaleDyn, and the parent element's getScale() value virtual float getScaleZ() { float s = scaleZ; if (parentElement) { s *= parentElement->getScaleZ(); } return s; } //!Checks whether rumble was requested by the element //!\return true is rumble was requested, false otherwise virtual bool isRumbleActive() { return rumble; } //!Sets whether or not the element is requesting a rumble event //!\param r true if requesting rumble, false if not virtual void setRumble(bool r) { rumble = r; } //!Set an effect for the element //!\param e Effect to enable //!\param a Amount of the effect (usage varies on effect) //!\param t Target amount of the effect (usage varies on effect) virtual void setEffect(uint32_t e, int32_t a, int32_t t); //!Sets an effect to be enabled on wiimote cursor over //!\param e Effect to enable //!\param a Amount of the effect (usage varies on effect) //!\param t Target amount of the effect (usage varies on effect) virtual void setEffectOnOver(uint32_t e, int32_t a, int32_t t); //!Shortcut to SetEffectOnOver(EFFECT_SCALE, 4, 110) virtual void setEffectGrow() { setEffectOnOver(EFFECT_SCALE, 4, 110); } //!Reset all applied effects virtual void resetEffects(); //!Gets the current element effects //!\return element effects virtual int32_t getEffect() const { return effects; } //!\return true if element animation is on going virtual bool isAnimated() const { return (parentElement != 0) && (getEffect() > 0); } //!Checks whether the specified coordinates are within the element's boundaries //!\param x X coordinate //!\param y Y coordinate //!\return true if contained within, false otherwise virtual bool isInside(float x, float y) { float rotatedX = x; float rotatedY = y; if (getAngle() != 0.f) { // translate input point float tempX = x - getCenterX(); float tempY = y - getCenterY(); // Conver to Rad auto angleInRad = (float) ((getAngle() * -1.0f) * M_PI / 180.0f); // now apply rotation rotatedX = tempX * cos((angleInRad)) - tempY * sin(angleInRad); rotatedY = tempX * sin(angleInRad) + tempY * cos(angleInRad); // translate back rotatedX = rotatedX + getCenterX(); rotatedY = rotatedY + getCenterY(); } return (rotatedX > (this->getCenterX() - getScaleX() * getWidth() * 0.5f) && rotatedX < (this->getCenterX() + getScaleX() * getWidth() * 0.5f) && rotatedY > (this->getCenterY() - getScaleY() * getHeight() * 0.5f) && rotatedY < (this->getCenterY() + getScaleY() * getHeight() * 0.5f)); } //!Sets the element's position //!\param x X coordinate //!\param y Y coordinate virtual void setPosition(float x, float y) { xoffset = x; yoffset = y; } //!Sets the element's position //!\param x X coordinate //!\param y Y coordinate //!\param z Z coordinate virtual void setPosition(float x, float y, float z) { xoffset = x; yoffset = y; zoffset = z; } //!Gets whether or not the element is in STATE_SELECTED //!\return true if selected, false otherwise virtual int32_t getSelected() { return -1; } //!Sets the element's alignment respective to its parent element //!Bitwise ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM, ALIGN_MIDDLE) //!\param align Alignment virtual void setAlignment(int32_t a) { alignment = a; } //!Gets the element's alignment virtual int32_t getAlignment() const { return alignment; } //!Angle of the object virtual void setAngle(float a) { angle = a; } //!Angle of the object virtual float getAngle() const { float r_angle = angle; if (parentElement) { r_angle += parentElement->getAngle(); } return r_angle; } //!Called constantly to allow the element to respond to the current input data //!\param t Pointer to a GuiController, containing the current input data from PAD/WPAD/VPAD virtual void update(GuiController *t) {} //!Called constantly to redraw the element virtual void draw(Renderer * v) {} //!Called constantly to process stuff in the element virtual void process() {} //!Updates the element's effects (dynamic values) //!Called by Draw(), used for animation purposes virtual void updateEffects(); typedef struct _POINT { int32_t x; int32_t y; } POINT; enum { STATE_DEFAULT = 0, STATE_SELECTED = 0x01, STATE_CLICKED = 0x02, STATE_HELD = 0x04, STATE_OVER = 0x08, STATE_HIDDEN = 0x10, STATE_DISABLE_INPUT = 0x20, STATE_CLICKED_TOUCH = 0x40, STATE_DISABLED = 0x80 }; //! Switch pointer from control to screen position POINT PtrToScreen(POINT p) { //! TODO for 3D //POINT r = { p.x + getLeft(), p.y + getTop() }; return p; } //! Switch pointer screen to control position POINT PtrToControl(POINT p) { //! TODO for 3D //POINT r = { p.x - getLeft(), p.y - getTop() }; return p; } //! Signals sigslot::signal2 visibleChanged; sigslot::signal3 stateChanged; sigslot::signal1 effectFinished; protected: bool rumble; //!< Wiimote rumble (on/off) - set to on when this element requests a rumble event bool visible; //!< Visibility of the element. If false, Draw() is skipped bool selectable; //!< Whether or not this element selectable (can change to SELECTED state) bool clickable; //!< Whether or not this element is clickable (can change to CLICKED state) bool holdable; //!< Whether or not this element is holdable (can change to HELD state) bool drawOverOnlyWhenSelected; //!< Whether or not this element is holdable (can change to HELD state) float width; //!< Element width float height; //!< Element height float xoffset; //!< Element X offset float yoffset; //!< Element Y offset float zoffset; //!< Element Z offset float alpha; //!< Element alpha value (0-255) float angle; //!< Angle of the object (0-360) float scaleX; //!< Element scale (1 = 100%) float scaleY; //!< Element scale (1 = 100%) float scaleZ; //!< Element scale (1 = 100%) uint32_t alignment; //!< Horizontal element alignment, respective to parent element uint32_t state[5]{}; //!< Element state (DEFAULT, SELECTED, CLICKED, DISABLED) int32_t stateChan; //!< Which controller channel is responsible for the last change in state GuiElement *parentElement; //!< Parent element //! TODO: Move me to some Animator class int32_t xoffsetDyn; //!< Element X offset, dynamic (added to xoffset value for animation effects) int32_t yoffsetDyn; //!< Element Y offset, dynamic (added to yoffset value for animation effects) float alphaDyn; //!< Element alpha, dynamic (multiplied by alpha value for blending/fading effects) float scaleDyn; //!< Element scale, dynamic (multiplied by alpha value for blending/fading effects) uint32_t effects; //!< Currently enabled effect(s). 0 when no effects are enabled int32_t effectAmount; //!< Effect amount. Used by different effects for different purposes int32_t effectTarget; //!< Effect target amount. Used by different effects for different purposes uint32_t effectsOver; //!< Effects to enable when wiimote cursor is over this element. Copied to effects variable on over event int32_t effectAmountOver; //!< EffectAmount to set when wiimote cursor is over this element int32_t effectTargetOver; //!< EffectTarget to set when wiimote cursor is over this element };