#include "mocha/fsa.h" #include "logger.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include FSError FSAEx_RawOpen(FSClient *client, const char *device_path, int32_t *outHandle) { if (!client) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_CLIENTHANDLE; } return FSAEx_RawOpenEx(FSGetClientBody(client)->clientHandle, device_path, outHandle); } FSError FSAEx_RawOpenEx(int clientHandle, const char *device_path, int32_t *outHandle) { if (!outHandle) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } if (!device_path) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_PATH; } auto *shim = (FSAShimBuffer *) memalign(0x40, sizeof(FSAShimBuffer)); if (!shim) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } shim->clientHandle = clientHandle; shim->command = FSA_COMMAND_RAW_OPEN; shim->ipcReqType = FSA_IPC_REQUEST_IOCTL; shim->response.word0 = 0xFFFFFFFF; FSARequestRawOpen *requestBuffer = &shim->request.rawOpen; strncpy(requestBuffer->path, device_path, 0x27F); auto res = __FSAShimSend(shim, 0); if (res >= 0) { *outHandle = shim->response.rawOpen.handle; } free(shim); return res; } FSError FSAEx_RawClose(FSClient *client, int32_t device_handle) { if (!client) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_CLIENTHANDLE; } return FSAEx_RawCloseEx(FSGetClientBody(client)->clientHandle, device_handle); } FSError FSAEx_RawCloseEx(int clientHandle, int32_t device_handle) { auto *buffer = (FSAShimBuffer *) memalign(0x40, sizeof(FSAShimBuffer)); if (!buffer) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } buffer->clientHandle = clientHandle; buffer->command = FSA_COMMAND_RAW_CLOSE; buffer->ipcReqType = FSA_IPC_REQUEST_IOCTL; buffer->response.word0 = 0xFFFFFFFF; #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waddress-of-packed-member" auto *requestBuffer = &buffer->request.rawClose; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop requestBuffer->handle = device_handle; auto res = __FSAShimSend(buffer, 0); free(buffer); return res; } FSError FSAEx_RawRead(FSClient *client, void *data, uint32_t size_bytes, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t blocks_offset, int device_handle) { if (!client) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_CLIENTHANDLE; } return FSAEx_RawReadEx(FSGetClientBody(client)->clientHandle, data, size_bytes, cnt, blocks_offset, device_handle); } FSError FSAEx_RawReadEx(int clientHandle, void *data, uint32_t size_bytes, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t blocks_offset, int device_handle) { if (data == nullptr) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } auto *shim = (FSAShimBuffer *) memalign(0x40, sizeof(FSAShimBuffer)); if (!shim) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } shim->clientHandle = clientHandle; shim->ipcReqType = FSA_IPC_REQUEST_IOCTLV; shim->command = FSA_COMMAND_RAW_READ; shim->ioctlvVecIn = uint8_t{1}; shim->ioctlvVecOut = uint8_t{2}; shim->ioctlvVec[0].vaddr = &shim->request; shim->ioctlvVec[0].len = sizeof(FSARequest); auto *tmp = data; if ((uint32_t) data & 0x3F) { auto *alignedBuffer = memalign(0x40, ROUNDUP(size_bytes * cnt, 0x40)); if (!alignedBuffer) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_ERR("FSAEx_RawReadEx buffer not aligned (%08X).\n", data); return FS_ERROR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT; } DEBUG_FUNCTION_LINE_WARN("FSAEx_RawReadEx buffer not aligned (%08X). Align to 0x40 for best performance\n", data); tmp = alignedBuffer; } shim->ioctlvVec[1].vaddr = (void *) tmp; shim->ioctlvVec[1].len = size_bytes * cnt; shim->ioctlvVec[2].vaddr = &shim->response; shim->ioctlvVec[2].len = sizeof(FSAResponse); auto &request = shim->request.rawRead; request.blocks_offset = blocks_offset; request.count = cnt; request.size = size_bytes; request.device_handle = device_handle; auto res = __FSAShimSend(shim, 0); if (res >= 0 && tmp != data) { memcpy(data, tmp, size_bytes * cnt); } if (tmp != data) { free(tmp); } free(shim); return res; } FSError FSAEx_RawWrite(FSClient *client, const void *data, uint32_t size_bytes, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t blocks_offset, int device_handle) { if (!client) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_CLIENTHANDLE; } return FSAEx_RawWriteEx(FSGetClientBody(client)->clientHandle, data, size_bytes, cnt, blocks_offset, device_handle); } FSError FSAEx_RawWriteEx(int clientHandle, const void *data, uint32_t size_bytes, uint32_t cnt, uint64_t blocks_offset, int device_handle) { auto *shim = (FSAShimBuffer *) memalign(0x40, sizeof(FSAShimBuffer)); if (!shim) { return FS_ERROR_INVALID_BUFFER; } shim->clientHandle = clientHandle; shim->ipcReqType = FSA_IPC_REQUEST_IOCTLV; shim->command = FSA_COMMAND_RAW_WRITE; shim->ioctlvVecIn = uint8_t{2}; shim->ioctlvVecOut = uint8_t{1}; shim->ioctlvVec[0].vaddr = &shim->request; shim->ioctlvVec[0].len = sizeof(FSARequest); void *tmp = (void *) data; if ((uint32_t) data & 0x3F) { auto *alignedBuffer = memalign(0x40, ROUNDUP(size_bytes * cnt, 0x40)); if (!alignedBuffer) { OSReport("## ERROR: FSAEx_RawWriteEx buffer not aligned (%08X).\n", data); return FS_ERROR_INVALID_ALIGNMENT; } OSReport("## WARNING: FSAEx_RawWriteEx buffer not aligned (%08X). Align to 0x40 for best performance\n", data); tmp = alignedBuffer; memcpy(tmp, data, size_bytes * cnt); } shim->ioctlvVec[1].vaddr = tmp; shim->ioctlvVec[1].len = size_bytes * cnt; shim->ioctlvVec[2].vaddr = &shim->response; shim->ioctlvVec[2].len = sizeof(FSAResponse); auto &request = shim->request.rawRead; request.blocks_offset = blocks_offset; request.count = cnt; request.size = size_bytes; request.device_handle = device_handle; auto res = __FSAShimSend(shim, 0); if (tmp != data) { free(tmp); } free(shim); return res; }