2015-09-02 23:13:18 -04:00

264 lines
6.0 KiB

#include "loader.h"
#define MIN( x, y ) ( ( x ) < ( y ) ? ( x ) : ( y ) )
#define TV( x )\
printf( #x": %08x\n", (x) );
// this is to make all these function pointers point to the right spot
//! they are sort of statically-dynamically linked (tm) functions
//! we rely on the ld script and the code that loads this binary to take care of the linking
#define IMPORT( x ) __attribute__((section(".bss." #x )))
// which version of their filestruct is used
u32 IMPORT( a ) fileStructVersion;
// reboot the system menu
void __attribute__(( noreturn, section(".bss.b") ))(*OSReturnToMenu)();
// kill audio
void IMPORT( c ) (*__OSStopAudioSystem)();
// abort gx stuff
void IMPORT( d ) (*__GXAbort)();
// open a file from the currently mounted device
//! returns pointer to file object
u32* IMPORT( e ) (*VFSysOpenFile_current)( const char* path, const char* mode );
// read an open file
//! returns 0 on success?
int IMPORT( f ) (*VFSysReadFile)( u32 *outLength, void* buffer, u32 size, u32 *fp );
// release stm
void IMPORT( g ) (*__OSUnRegisterStateEvent)();
// blackout the screen
void IMPORT( h ) (*VISetBlack)( int one );
// flush video
void IMPORT( i ) (*VIFlush)();
// convert a letter to a mounted FAT device
//! returns a 'pointer' to the device mounted at that letter or 0 on error
u32 IMPORT( j ) (*VFiPFVOL_GetVolumeFromDrvChar)( int letter );
// set a FAT device as current
//! no clue what the return value is. it wasnt being checked in the code i looked at
u32 IMPORT( k ) (*VFiPFVOL_SetCurrentVolume)( u32 pointer );
void *sync_before_exec( void *p, u32 len )
u32 a, b;
a = (u32)p & ~0x1f;
b = ((u32)p + len + 0x1f) & ~0x1f;
for ( ; a < b; a += 32)
asm("dcbst 0,%0 ; sync ; icbi 0,%0 ; isync" : : "b"(a));// this is probably superfluous cache syncing, but it saves 4 bytes in the final binary
return p;
#ifdef DEBUG
char ascii( char s ) {
if ( s < 0x20 ) return '.';
if ( s > 0x7E ) return '.';
return s;
void hexdump( const void *d, int len ) {
unsigned char *data;
int i, off;
data = (unsigned char*)d;
printf( "\n");
for ( off = 0; off < len; off += 16 ) {
printf( "%08x ", off );
for ( i=0; i<16; i++ )
if( ( i + 1 ) % 4 )
if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) printf(" ");
else printf("%02x",data[ off + i ]);
if ( ( i + off ) >= len ) printf(" ");
else printf("%02x ",data[ off + i ]);
printf( " " );
for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
if ( ( i + off) >= len ) printf(" ");
else printf("%c", ascii( data[ off + i ]));
#define hexdump( x, y )
typedef struct _dolheader {
u32 data_pos[ 18 ];
u32 data_start[ 18 ];
u32 data_size[ 18 ];
u32 bss_start;
u32 bss_size;
void *entry_point;
} dolheader;
// this dol loader makes a lot of assumptions. like that the dol is valid
//! it will try to load any pointer passed to except NULL
static void LoadDol( const void *dolstart )
u32 i;
dolheader *dolfile;
dolfile = (dolheader *) dolstart;
if( !dolstart )
for( i = 0; i < 18; i++ )
sync_before_exec( memcpy( (void *)dolfile->data_start[ i ], dolstart+dolfile->data_pos[ i ], dolfile->data_size[ i ] ), dolfile->data_size[ i ] );
memset( (void *)dolfile->bss_start, 0, dolfile->bss_size );
void __attribute__(( noreturn )) (*Entry)() = dolfile->entry_point;
static inline int valid_elf_image(void *addr)
u32 *header = addr;
return addr && header[0] == 0x7f454c46 // ELF
&& header[1] == 0x01020100 // 32-bit, BE, ELF v1, SVR
&& header[4] == 0x00020014 // executable, PowerPC
&& header[5] == 1 // object file v1
&& (header[10] & 0xffff) == 32; // PHDR size
// either loads the elf and executes it, or returns the same pointer it was passed
static inline void *LoadElf( void *addr )
if( !valid_elf_image( addr ) )
return addr;
u32 *header = addr;
u32 *phdr = addr + header[7];
u32 n = header[11] >> 16;
u32 i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++, phdr += 8) {
if (phdr[0] != 1) // PT_LOAD
u32 off = phdr[1];
void *dest = (void *)phdr[3];
u32 filesz = phdr[4];
u32 memsz = phdr[5];
//memcpy(dest, addr + off, filesz);
//memset(dest + filesz, 0, memsz - filesz);
//sync_before_exec( dest, memsz );
// passing the return walue of memcpy to the sync_before_exec saves 4 bytes
sync_before_exec( memcpy( dest, addr + off, filesz ), memsz );
memset(dest + filesz, 0, memsz - filesz);
void __attribute__(( noreturn )) (*Entry)() = (void *)header[6];
// cleanup a little bit
void ShutDown()
// making this global shaves off 4 bytes
u32 justRead = 0;
u8* OpenAndReadFile()
u8 *buf = (u8*)0x92100000;
printf( "OpenAndReadFile(): " );
u32 size;
// open file
u32* fp = VFSysOpenFile_current( "/boot.elf", "r+" );
if( !fp )
fp = VFSysOpenFile_current( "/boot.dol", "r+" );
if( !fp )
printf( "no elf or dol found\n" );
return NULL;
//printf( "fd: %08x\n", fp );
// get size
size = *(u32*)( fp[ 2 ] + fileStructVersion );
// read
printf( "reading 0x%0x bytes...", size );
VFSysReadFile( &justRead, buf, size, fp );
//printf( "VFSysReadFile( %08x, %08x ): %d\n", justRead, (u32)buf, r );
if( justRead != size )
printf( "short read\n" );
printf( "ok\n" );
return buf;
u8 MountDrive( int drive )
printf( "MountDrive( \'%c\' ): ", drive );
u32 volume = VFiPFVOL_GetVolumeFromDrvChar( drive );
if( !volume )
printf( "error getting volume \'%c\'\n", drive );
return 0;
VFiPFVOL_SetCurrentVolume( volume );
printf( "ok\n" );
return 1;
void __attribute__(( noreturn )) main()
VISetBlack( 1 );
// check all mounted FAT devices and look for boot.elf and boot.dol
int ch;
for( ch = 0x41; ch < 0x5b; ch++ )
// try to set current device
if( MountDrive( ch ) )
// try to load file from whatever device is set as current
LoadDol( LoadElf( OpenAndReadFile() ) );
printf( "couldn\'t load file from any device. exiting...\n" );