#include "types.h" #include "lcd.h" #include "start.h" #include "vsprintf.h" #include "string.h" #include "utils.h" #include "hollywood.h" void lcdinit(void); char ddram[0x80]; u8 ddaddr = 0; u32 chardelay = 0; #define WIDTH 16 #define HEIGHT 2 u8 linestarts[HEIGHT] = { 0x00, 0x40 }; u8 cx, cy; // for 4x20 //u8 linestarts[HEIGHT] = { 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54 }; #define LCD_HOME_CLEAR 0x01 #define LCD_HOME 0x02 #define LCD_ENTRY_MODE 0x04 # define EM_INC 0x02 # define EM_DEC 0x00 # define EM_SHIFT 0x01 #define LCD_DISPLAY_ONOFF 0x08 # define D_DISPLAY 0x04 # define D_CURSOR 0x02 # define D_BLINK 0x01 #define LCD_SHIFT 0x10 # define SH_SHIFT 0x08 # define SH_CURSOR 0x00 # define SH_RIGHT 0x04 # define SH_LEFT 0x00 #define LCD_FUNCTION_SET 0x20 # define FS_8BIT 0x10 # define FS_4BIT 0x00 # define FS_2LINE 0x08 # define FS_1LINE 0x00 # define FS_5X10 0x04 # define FS_5X8 0x00 #define LCD_CGRAM 0x40 #define LCD_DDRAM 0x80 #define LCD_PORT HW_GPIO1OUT #define LCD_MASK 0x00FC0000 #define LCD_E 0x00040000 #define LCD_RS 0x00080000 #define LCD_DSHIFT 20 static void _lcdnybble(char rs, char n) { if(rs) mask32(LCD_PORT, LCD_MASK, ((n&0xF) << LCD_DSHIFT) | LCD_RS); else mask32(LCD_PORT, LCD_MASK, ((n&0xF) << LCD_DSHIFT)); udelay(4); set32(LCD_PORT, LCD_E); udelay(4); clear32(LCD_PORT, LCD_E); udelay(4); } static void _lcdcmd(char c) { _lcdnybble(0, c>>4); _lcdnybble(0, c&0x0F); udelay(50); } static void _lcdwrite(char c) { _lcdnybble(1, c>>4); _lcdnybble(1, c&0x0F); ddram[ddaddr] = c; ddaddr = (ddaddr+1)&0x7F; udelay(50); } static void _lcdgoto(u8 addr) { _lcdcmd(LCD_DDRAM | addr); ddaddr = addr; } static void _lcdgotoxy(u8 x, u8 y) { u8 addr = (x + linestarts[y]); _lcdcmd(LCD_DDRAM | addr); ddaddr = addr; } static void _lcdclear(void) { int i; _lcdcmd(LCD_HOME_CLEAR); udelay(2000); for(i=0;i<0x80;i++) { ddram[i] = ' '; } } static void _lcdscroll(u8 count) { int x,y; _lcdcmd(LCD_HOME_CLEAR); udelay(2000); for(y=0;y<(HEIGHT-count);y++) { _lcdgotoxy(0,y); for(x=0;x>4); udelay(10000); _lcdnybble(0, (LCD_FUNCTION_SET | FS_8BIT)>>4); udelay(1000); _lcdnybble(0, (LCD_FUNCTION_SET | FS_8BIT)>>4); udelay(1000); _lcdnybble(0, (LCD_FUNCTION_SET | FS_4BIT)>>4); udelay(1000); _lcdcmd(LCD_FUNCTION_SET | FS_4BIT | FS_2LINE | FS_5X8); _lcdcmd(LCD_DISPLAY_ONOFF); _lcdcmd(LCD_HOME_CLEAR); udelay(2000); _lcdcmd(LCD_ENTRY_MODE | EM_INC); _lcdcmd(LCD_DISPLAY_ONOFF | D_DISPLAY | D_CURSOR); } int lcd_putchar(int ic) { char c = ic; // defer newlines to keep last line of LCD full if(c == '\n') { cx = 0; cy++; if(cy < HEIGHT) _lcdgotoxy(cx,cy); } else { if(cx >= 16) { cx = 0; cy++; if(cy < HEIGHT) _lcdgotoxy(cx,cy); } if(cy >= (2*HEIGHT-1)) { _lcdclear(); _lcdgoto(linestarts[HEIGHT-1]); cy = HEIGHT - 1; cx = 0; } else if(cy >= HEIGHT) { _lcdscroll(cy - HEIGHT + 1); cy = HEIGHT - 1; cx = 0; } _lcdwrite(c); cx++; } return (u8)c; } void lcd_setdelay(u32 delay) { chardelay = delay; } int lcd_puts(const char *s) { while(*s) { lcd_putchar(*s++); udelay(chardelay); } return 0; } int lcd_printf( const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buffer[1024]; int i; va_start(args, fmt); i = vsprintf(buffer, fmt, args); va_end(args); lcd_puts(buffer); return i; }