/* mini - a Free Software replacement for the Nintendo/BroadOn IOS. SD/MMC interface Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Sven Peter # This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2; # see file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ #include "bsdtypes.h" #include "sdhcreg.h" #include "sdhcvar.h" #include "sdmmcchip.h" #include "sdmmcreg.h" #include "sdmmcvar.h" #include "sdmmc.h" #include "gecko.h" #include "string.h" #include "utils.h" #include "memory.h" //#define SDMMC_DEBUG #ifdef SDMMC_DEBUG static int sdmmcdebug = 0; #define DPRINTF(n,s) do { if ((n) <= sdmmcdebug) gecko_printf s; } while (0) #else #define DPRINTF(n,s) do {} while(0) #endif struct sdmmc_card { struct sdmmc_chip_functions *functions; sdmmc_chipset_handle_t handle; char name[30]; int no; int inserted; int sdhc_blockmode; int selected; int new_card; // set to 1 everytime a new card is inserted u32 timeout; u32 num_sectors; u32 cid; u16 rca; }; #ifdef LOADER static struct sdmmc_card cards[SDHC_MAX_HOSTS]; #else static struct sdmmc_card cards[SDHC_MAX_HOSTS] MEM2_BSS; #endif static int n_cards = 0; static inline int sdmmc_host_reset(struct sdmmc_card *card) { return sdmmc_chip_host_reset(card->functions, card->handle); } static inline int sdmmc_host_card_detect(struct sdmmc_card *card) { return sdmmc_chip_card_detect(card->functions, card->handle); #if 0 #define sdmmc_chip_host_maxblklen(tag, handle) \ ((tag)->host_maxblklen((handle))) #endif } static inline int sdmmc_host_ocr(struct sdmmc_card *card) { return sdmmc_chip_host_ocr(card->functions, card->handle); } static inline int sdmmc_host_power(struct sdmmc_card *card, int ocr) { return sdmmc_chip_bus_power(card->functions, card->handle, ocr); } static inline int sdmmc_host_clock(struct sdmmc_card *card, int freq) { return sdmmc_chip_bus_clock(card->functions, card->handle, freq); } static inline void sdmmc_host_exec_command(struct sdmmc_card *card, struct sdmmc_command *cmd) { sdmmc_chip_exec_command(card->functions, card->handle, cmd); } static inline void sdmmc_host_set_bus_width(struct sdmmc_card *card, int enable) { sdmmc_chip_set_bus_width(card->functions, card->handle, enable); } struct device *sdmmc_attach(struct sdmmc_chip_functions *functions, sdmmc_chipset_handle_t handle, const char *name, int no) { struct sdmmc_card *c; if (n_cards >= SDHC_MAX_HOSTS) { gecko_printf("n_cards(%d) >= %d!\n", n_cards, SDHC_MAX_HOSTS); gecko_printf("starlet is soo going to crash very soon...\n"); // HACK return (struct device *)-1; } c = &cards[n_cards++]; memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c)); c->functions = functions; c->handle = handle; c->no = no; strlcpy(c->name, name, sizeof(c->name)); DPRINTF(0, ("sdmmc: attached new SD/MMC card %d for host [%s:%d]\n", n_cards-1, c->name, c->no)); sdmmc_host_reset(c); if (sdmmc_host_card_detect(c)) { DPRINTF(1, ("card is inserted. starting init sequence.\n")); sdmmc_needs_discover((struct device *)(n_cards-1)); } // HACK return (struct device *)(n_cards-1); } void sdmmc_abort(void) { struct sdmmc_command cmd; gecko_printf("abortion kthx\n"); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_STOP_TRANSMISSION; cmd.c_arg = 0; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1B; sdmmc_host_exec_command(&cards[0], &cmd); } void sdmmc_needs_discover(struct device *dev) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; struct sdmmc_command cmd; u32 ocr; DPRINTF(0, ("sdmmc: card %d needs discovery.\n", no)); sdmmc_host_reset(c); c->new_card = 1; if (!sdmmc_host_card_detect(c)) { DPRINTF(1, ("sdmmc: card %d (no longer?) inserted.\n", no)); c->inserted = 0; return; } DPRINTF(1, ("sdmmc: enabling power for %d\n", no)); if (sdmmc_host_power(c, MMC_OCR_3_2V_3_3V|MMC_OCR_3_3V_3_4V) != 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: powerup failed for card %d\n", no); goto out; } DPRINTF(1, ("sdmmc: enabling clock for %d\n", no)); if (sdmmc_host_clock(c, SDMMC_DEFAULT_CLOCK) != 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: could not enable clock for card %d\n", no); goto out_power; } DPRINTF(1, ("sdmmc: sending GO_IDLE_STATE for %d\n", no)); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_GO_IDLE_STATE; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R0; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: GO_IDLE_STATE failed with %d for card %d\n", cmd.c_error, no); goto out_clock; } DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: GO_IDLE_STATE response for %d: %x\n", no, MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp))); DPRINTF(1, ("sdmmc: sending SEND_IF_COND for %d\n", no)); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = SD_SEND_IF_COND; cmd.c_arg = 0x1aa; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R7; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); ocr = sdmmc_host_ocr(c); if (cmd.c_error || (cmd.c_resp[0] & 0xff) != 0xaa) ocr &= ~SD_OCR_SDHC_CAP; else ocr |= SD_OCR_SDHC_CAP; DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: SEND_IF_COND ocr: %x\n", ocr)); int tries; for (tries = 100; tries > 0; tries--) { udelay(100000); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_APP_CMD; cmd.c_arg = 0; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) continue; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = SD_APP_OP_COND; cmd.c_arg = ocr; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R3; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) continue; DPRINTF(3, ("sdmmc: response for SEND_IF_COND: %08x\n", MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp))); if (ISSET(MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp), MMC_OCR_MEM_READY)) break; } if (!ISSET(cmd.c_resp[0], MMC_OCR_MEM_READY)) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: card %d failed to powerup.\n", no); goto out_power; } if (ISSET(MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp), SD_OCR_SDHC_CAP)) c->sdhc_blockmode = 1; else c->sdhc_blockmode = 0; DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: SDHC: %d\n", c->sdhc_blockmode)); u8 *resp; DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_ALL_SEND_CID\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_ALL_SEND_CID; cmd.c_arg = 0; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R2; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_ALL_SEND_CID failed with %d for card %d\n", cmd.c_error, no); goto out_clock; } c->cid = MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp); resp = (u8 *)cmd.c_resp; gecko_printf("CID: mid=%02x name='%c%c%c%c%c%c%c' prv=%d.%d psn=%02x%02x%02x%02x mdt=%d/%d\n", resp[14], resp[13],resp[12],resp[11],resp[10],resp[9],resp[8],resp[7], resp[6], resp[5] >> 4, resp[5] & 0xf, resp[4], resp[3], resp[2], resp[0] & 0xf, 2000 + (resp[0] >> 4)); DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: SD_SEND_RELATIVE_ADDRESS\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = SD_SEND_RELATIVE_ADDR; cmd.c_arg = 0; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R6; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: SD_SEND_RCA failed with %d for card %d\n", cmd.c_error, no); goto out_clock; } c->rca = MMC_R1(cmd.c_resp)>>16; DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: rca: %08x\n", c->rca)); c->selected = 0; c->inserted = 1; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_SEND_CSD; cmd.c_arg = ((u32)c->rca)<<16; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R2; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_SEND_CSD failed for " "card %d with %d\n", no, cmd.c_error); goto out_power; } resp = (u8 *)cmd.c_resp; int i; gecko_printf("csd: "); for(i=15; i>=0; i--) gecko_printf("%02x ", (u32) resp[i]); gecko_printf("\n"); if (resp[13] == 0xe) { // sdhc unsigned int c_size = resp[7] << 16 | resp[6] << 8 | resp[5]; gecko_printf("sdmmc: sdhc mode, c_size=%u, card size = %uk\n", c_size, (c_size + 1)* 512); c->timeout = 250 * 1000000; // spec says read timeout is 100ms and write/erase timeout is 250ms c->num_sectors = (c_size + 1) * 1024; // number of 512-byte sectors } else { unsigned int taac, nsac, read_bl_len, c_size, c_size_mult; taac = resp[13]; nsac = resp[12]; read_bl_len = resp[9] & 0xF; c_size = (resp[8] & 3) << 10; c_size |= (resp[7] << 2); c_size |= (resp[6] >> 6); c_size_mult = (resp[5] & 3) << 1; c_size_mult |= resp[4] >> 7; gecko_printf("taac=%u nsac=%u read_bl_len=%u c_size=%u c_size_mult=%u card size=%u bytes\n", taac, nsac, read_bl_len, c_size, c_size_mult, (c_size + 1) * (4 << c_size_mult) * (1 << read_bl_len)); static const unsigned int time_unit[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000}; static const unsigned int time_value[] = {1, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80}; // must div by 10 c->timeout = time_unit[taac & 7] * time_value[(taac >> 3) & 0xf] / 10; gecko_printf("calculated timeout = %uns\n", c->timeout); c->num_sectors = (c_size + 1) * (4 << c_size_mult) * (1 << read_bl_len) / 512; } sdmmc_select(dev); DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_arg = SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_SET_BLOCKLEN failed with %d for card %d\n", cmd.c_error, no); c->inserted = c->selected = 0; goto out_clock; } /* we can assume that every card supports a 4bit bus * (see Simplified Physical Layer Spec, 5.6 SCR register (page 90), * SD_BUS_WIDTHS) */ memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_APP_CMD; cmd.c_arg = ((u32)c->rca)<<16; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_APP_CMD failed for " "card %d with %d\n", no, cmd.c_error); goto out_power; } memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = SD_APP_SET_BUS_WIDTH; cmd.c_arg = SD_ARG_BUS_WIDTH_4; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: SD_APP_SET_BUS_WIDTH failed for " "card %d with %d\n", no, cmd.c_error); goto out_power; } sdmmc_host_set_bus_width(c, 1); return; out_clock: out_power: c->inserted = c->selected = 0; sdmmc_host_power(c, 0); sdmmc_host_reset(c); out: return; #if 0 // struct sdmmc_task c_task; /* task queue entry */ u_int16_t c_opcode; /* SD or MMC command index */ u_int32_t c_arg; /* SD/MMC command argument */ sdmmc_response c_resp; /* response buffer */ void *c_data; /* buffer to send or read into */ int c_datalen; /* length of data buffer */ int c_blklen; /* block length */ int c_flags; /* see below */ #define SCF_ITSDONE 0x0001 /* command is complete */ #define SCF_CMD(flags) ((flags) & 0x00f0) #define SCF_CMD_AC 0x0000 #define SCF_CMD_ADTC 0x0010 #define SCF_CMD_BC 0x0020 #define SCF_CMD_BCR 0x0030 #define SCF_CMD_READ 0x0040 /* read command (data expected) */ #define SCF_RSP_BSY 0x0100 #define SCF_RSP_136 0x0200 #define SCF_RSP_CRC 0x0400 #define SCF_RSP_IDX 0x0800 #define SCF_RSP_PRESENT 0x1000 /* response types */ #define SCF_RSP_R0 0 /* none */ #define SCF_RSP_R1 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX) #define SCF_RSP_R1B (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX|SCF_RSP_BSY) #define SCF_RSP_R2 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_136) #define SCF_RSP_R3 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT) #define SCF_RSP_R4 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT) #define SCF_RSP_R5 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX) #define SCF_RSP_R5B (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX|SCF_RSP_BSY) #define SCF_RSP_R6 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX) #define SCF_RSP_R7 (SCF_RSP_PRESENT|SCF_RSP_CRC|SCF_RSP_IDX) int c_error; /* errno value on completion */ /* Host controller owned fields for data xfer in progress */ int c_resid; /* remaining I/O */ u_char *c_buf; /* remaining data */ #endif } int sdmmc_select(struct device *dev) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; struct sdmmc_command cmd; DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_SELECT_CARD\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_SELECT_CARD; cmd.c_arg = ((u32)c->rca)<<16;; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_SELECT card failed with %d for %d.\n", cmd.c_error, no); return -1; } c->selected = 1; return 0; } int sdmmc_check_card(struct device *dev) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; if (c->inserted == 0) return SDMMC_NO_CARD; if (c->new_card == 1) return SDMMC_NEW_CARD; return SDMMC_INSERTED; } int sdmmc_ack_card(struct device *dev) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; if (c->new_card == 1) { c->new_card = 0; return 0; } return -1; } int sdmmc_read(struct device *dev, u32 blk_start, u32 blk_count, void *data) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; struct sdmmc_command cmd; if (c->inserted == 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: READ: no card inserted.\n"); return -1; } if (c->selected == 0) { if (sdmmc_select(dev) < 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: READ: cannot select card.\n"); return -1; } } if (c->new_card == 1) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: new card inserted but not acknowledged yet.\n"); return -1; } DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_READ_BLOCK_MULTIPLE\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_READ_BLOCK_MULTIPLE; if (c->sdhc_blockmode) cmd.c_arg = blk_start; else cmd.c_arg = blk_start * SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_data = data; cmd.c_datalen = blk_count * SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_blklen = SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1 | SCF_CMD_READ; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_READ_BLOCK_MULTIPLE failed for " "card %d with %d\n", no, cmd.c_error); return -1; } DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_READ_BLOCK_MULTIPLE done\n")); return 0; } #ifndef LOADER int sdmmc_write(struct device *dev, u32 blk_start, u32 blk_count, void *data) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; struct sdmmc_command cmd; if (c->inserted == 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: READ: no card inserted.\n"); return -1; } if (c->selected == 0) { if (sdmmc_select(dev) < 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: READ: cannot select card.\n"); return -1; } } if (c->new_card == 1) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: new card inserted but not acknowledged yet.\n"); return -1; } DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_WRITE_BLOCK_MULTIPLE\n")); memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); cmd.c_opcode = MMC_WRITE_BLOCK_MULTIPLE; if (c->sdhc_blockmode) cmd.c_arg = blk_start; else cmd.c_arg = blk_start * SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_data = data; cmd.c_datalen = blk_count * SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_blklen = SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN; cmd.c_flags = SCF_RSP_R1; sdmmc_host_exec_command(c, &cmd); if (cmd.c_error) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: MMC_READ_BLOCK_MULTIPLE failed for " "card %d with %d\n", no, cmd.c_error); return -1; } DPRINTF(2, ("sdmmc: MMC_WRITE_BLOCK_MULTIPLE done\n")); return 0; } int sdmmc_get_sectors(struct device *dev) { int no = (int)dev; struct sdmmc_card *c = &cards[no]; if (c->inserted == 0) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: READ: no card inserted.\n"); return -1; } if (c->new_card == 1) { gecko_printf("sdmmc: new card inserted but not acknowledged yet.\n"); return -1; } // sdhc_error(sdhci->reg_base, "num sectors = %u", sdhci->num_sectors); return c->num_sectors; } #endif #ifdef CAN_HAZ_IPC void sdmmc_ipc(volatile ipc_request *req) { int ret; switch (req->req) { case IPC_SDMMC_ACK: ret = sdmmc_ack_card(SDMMC_DEFAULT_DEVICE); ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, ret); break; case IPC_SDMMC_READ: ret = sdmmc_read(SDMMC_DEFAULT_DEVICE, req->args[0], req->args[1], (void *)req->args[2]); dc_flushrange((void *)req->args[2], req->args[1]*SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN); ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, ret); break; case IPC_SDMMC_WRITE: dc_invalidaterange((void *)req->args[2], req->args[1]*SDMMC_DEFAULT_BLOCKLEN); ret = sdmmc_write(SDMMC_DEFAULT_DEVICE, req->args[0], req->args[1], (void *)req->args[2]); ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, ret); break; case IPC_SDMMC_STATE: ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, sdmmc_check_card(SDMMC_DEFAULT_DEVICE)); break; case IPC_SDMMC_SIZE: ipc_post(req->code, req->tag, 1, sdmmc_get_sectors(SDMMC_DEFAULT_DEVICE)); break; } } #endif